My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3200: Moment of despair, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The war continues!

The spirits are attacking tirelessly, and the holy sword is bombarding fiercely round by round!

On the human side, in the boat of one yuan, the pressure is getting more and more serious.

As the monks continued to die, on Chen Yang's side, Nalan Yunxue was also seriously injured and arranged to retreat.

Chen Yang and the others were under increasing pressure, and Chen Yang felt that the mana in his body was hot and violent.

As for the others, it is not very comfortable.

Zhang Daoling and the others suffered the first attack, and their mixed holes were shattered and gathered countless times.

Another day passed.

The masters of Yun Huaying and the others also began to feel sorry for the disciples. Xiang Xuan Zhenghao said, "It's no way to go down like this!"

Xuan Zhenghao remained silent.

Tianfei said: "Can we arrange for someone to sneak attack?"

Xuan Zhenghao immediately said: "Absolutely not, you will die if you go. They only need to turn the gun head a little bit, and they can kill directly. They have more masters than us."

"Can we just sit and wait for death?" Chen Ling said.

In the endless formation, those monks could no longer stand it.

They think this is suicide.

Xuan Zhenghao sent a message to the monks below in the Yiyuan Wangsheng Great Formation. He said: "I know what everyone is thinking, everyone thinks this is sending death. But other than that, we have no other way. The other party launched such an attack, they The casualties will not be few. But right now, once we vent our breath, the Earth’s line of defense will be over."

"But this is not the answer, Xuanhuang?" In the endless formation, a master passed over.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I know, I already have a plan, everyone stick to it, don't let down."

A master couldn’t help but smile, and said: “I knew it, I should have avoided far away. Now in those three thousand worlds, aren’t so many **** hiding far away? Let’s give up life here, they I'm afraid you still laugh at us secretly!"

"If those **** came to help, how would we be like this!"

When Xuan Zhenghao, Chen Yang and others heard the voices below, they knew why this battle was so difficult to fight.

Because all these monks are not ordinary people.

Ordinary people are brainwashed, but the monks are all smart people.

Smart people rarely sacrifice for others.


Among the spirits, there are 20 million spiritual people with one heart.

This is the huge gap.

"Hold on for another day, we will show a huge gap here."

Xuan Zhenghao's expression was solemn in that one-yuan rebirth formation.

"One day later, we will definitely lose!"

Everyone was shocked, everyone was silent.

Is the earth about to lose without any suspense?

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice, "If, at this time, all the cultivators would come to help desperately, regardless of the cost of casualties. We might survive them, but this is impossible."

Chen Yang and other masters are speechless.

Some things are things they can do no matter how great they have supernatural powers.

Xuan Zhenghao continued: "I had anticipated today's result, but I still had a fluke. It seems that my estimate of the other party is still missing on business. They actually have two saints! If there weren't these. The saints, with our strength, should be able to survive. Having survived their first wave of attacks, and continue to survive later, our odds of winning will become bigger and bigger. Our odds of winning have become bigger and we are willing to help. The more monks there will be."

"But, the sky doesn't meet people's wishes!" Xuan Zhenghao sighed!

Dead silence.

After that, the Jiuyou Tiandi roared, "Where is the **** emperor? He is the successor and guardian of Yuanjue Fashen, what is he doing at this moment?"

"Yes, where is the **** emperor?"

Various voices one after another!

Xuan Zhenghao immediately said: "You don't need to be impatient, let alone angry. The **** emperor must be planning at this moment. If I guess right, he should be condensing the spirit of the ancestor dragon."

"Condense the ancestral spirit?" Xiao Yi wondered.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The Great Thousand World is an extremely important protection. Once broken, other worlds are at stake. What he has to do is to defend the Great Thousand World. I guess he is forming a channel so that even if those people come in, they will not be there. The world stays."

Later, Xuan Zhenghao said: "I don't want to move my second plan, but now it seems that it won't work."

"What is the second plan?" Immediately, a master asked.

Xuan Zhenghao’s voice at this time did not reach the endless array. He scanned everyone and said: "The second plan is to uproot the world power of the One Yuan Boat, and use the power of all of us to condense it into A pill. Then, shoot the pill towards the Wanli Qiankun pot. In this way, the Wanli Qiankun pot will be broken, and their people will definitely suffer heavy casualties. Their masters will also have a lot of damage! But In this way, we will lose the power of the world. Without the protection of the power of the world, the consequences will be very serious. At least, we will no longer be able to stop them. At that time, we will have to take back the Tiankun net, So they shrouded the Dakang Imperial City. This is the only way to keep our base area. In this way, after the spirits come in, they may first go to deal with other worlds and conquer more power. After their power is conquered enough, We are still a dead end."

"The second set of plans is a plan to continue life, but it will still fail in the end! If nothing happens, it will still fail!" Xuan Zhenghao said.

"I think it's pretty good!" Yun Huaying said suddenly: "Fuck, don't those **** like to be alone? Now let the spirits find their troubles and let them have a taste!"

Immediately, someone agreed!

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice, "At this time, this matter is all about the life and death of the earth, so we don't want to talk about it if we are angry. If I do this, there is still a risk. If the **** emperor's expectations are wrong with me, they will directly Entering the Great Thousand World and disrupting the rules of the Great Thousand World, all the three thousand worlds will eventually collapse. The Great Thousand World is the foundation, and the foundation is broken. Everyone should be able to imagine what the world will be like in the various spaces surrounding the Great Thousand World. "

"We have no other way to go." Xuan Zhenghao said finally.

"Then, do it!" Chen Ling said in a deep voice. After he finished speaking, he said: "No matter what the consequences are, we will support you!"

"Yes, Emperor Xuan, we support you!" The others also said together.

Xuan Zhenghao's personality charm and ability completely conquered everyone here.

Xuan Zhenghao glanced at everyone again, he smiled slightly and said, "No matter what, I am very grateful to everyone for coming to help me this time."

"Emperor Xuan said that, the earth is not yours alone. Therefore, the responsibility is not yours alone." Yun Huaying said.

Everyone's prejudices have long since disappeared in the fight side by side.

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