My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3187: general mobilization, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Inside the Boat of One Yuan, the heroes gather, and the scene is grand and spectacular.

Tianzhou has become an extremely important defensive world among the three thousand worlds.

This is also because the Great Thousand World cannot be the main battlefield. Tianzhou is the place where Xuan Zhenghao operated early.

Looking now, when Xuan Zhenghao chose Tianzhou, he had already felt it.

In this autumn of survival and peril, Tianzhou's internal Yuhuamen, Yuntianzong, and the Protoss all dispatched masters.

In fact, they can't do it if they don't want to.

Because now, they can't compete with Xuan Zhenghao at all.

If you don't know and know your interest, you will be disgraced.

The supreme Supremes of the three major sects are all inside the One Yuan Zhou.

Yun Tianzong taught Yun Huaying, Yuhua Clan taught Xiao Yi, and the Protoss boss Jiuyou Tiandi also arrived.

It is worth mentioning that the current Jiuyou Tiandi is not actually the one who is as famous as the real good fortune and Xiao Ling. The real Jiuyou Tiandi had already been killed, and the current Jiuyou Tiandi was only launched by the gods to stabilize the situation.

Yun Huaying's cultivation reached the second level of creation!

Xiao Yi, Jiuyou Tiandi, are both the second level of creation!

There is no shortage of masters among the three great sects.

Among them, there are many masters of creation, most of them are single and double.

Among the Yuhuamen, the highest cultivation level is Xiao Ling's apprentice, Xiao Fan, with the sixth level of creation.

In the Yuntian Sect, there is a Supreme Supreme, who is called True Person Qingfeng.

Build the Seventh Layer of Creation Realm!

In the Protoss, there is a Supreme Headmaster, called the Old Sorcerer, with Seven Levels of Creation!

Today, Qin Lin's cultivation is fivefold in the creation realm!

Fu Qingzhu, five layers of creation!

Tang Ling, Sixth Layer of Creation Realm!

Luo Feng, Seventh Creation Realm!

Wu Fei, six layers of creation!

In addition, Zhang Daoling, Tianfei, and Chen Ling are all nine layers of Creation Realm, and they are the first unit.

There are many hidden masters in Xuan Zhenghao, and they have also appeared one by one today.

Among them is the Xuanhuang three elders, all of which have reached the fifth level of creation.

There is also the Wisdom Venerable, who is cultivated to the eightfold level of creation.

The more hidden Heavenly Dragon King has now reached the seventh level of the creation realm.

In addition, there is also the King of Fragrant Fox, and King of Peacocks are all taken by Xuan Zhenghao. However, both the Xianghu King and the Peacock King's cultivation are only in the heavenly realm, which is not worth mentioning.

Xuan Zhenghao also cultivated eighteen deity puppets, and the power of cultivation was integrated into the world, all of which could hunt down masters below the fourth level of the creation realm.

He also has combat troops, extremely fierce!

When Xuan Zhenghao's strength was revealed, the audience was shocked.

Inside that boat of one yuan, the heroes gathered.

Many masters occupy their respective positions, as if it was a gathering of gods.

Chen Yang, Qin Lin, Fu Qingzhu, Luo Feng, and Tang Ling gathered together with more than 80 other destined ones who survived.

Among these destined ones, Chen Yang and Luo Feng are still the best.

The rest, some are just heavenly realms, the highest one is Fa Xuan, the five-layer creation realm.

The destiny headed by Chen Yang is the destiny force.

At the same time, there were some sacred beasts, monsters, and some overseas masters.

Regrettably, the masters of the Ninth Layer of Creation Realm are always only Chen Ling, Tianfei, and Zhang Daoling.

Among the juniors, Xuan Zhiyu, Chen Nianci, Mo Yu and Qin Baoer, Xiao Ai are all here.

This is what Xuan Zhenghao meant, no matter if they can make a difference.

But at such a historic moment, they also need to participate.

Xuan Zhenghao stood on the bridge of one yuan.

Zhang Daoling, Heavenly Concubine, and Chen Ling stood behind him, this is for him to gain momentum.

Xuan Zhenghao wears a purple and gold crown and a bright yellow dragon robe.

"Shen Nong Realm, the Lady of Jialan Temple, Bai Suzhen, led her troops to come and wait for Xuanhuang's dispatch!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came and spread quickly in all directions.

Then, the door of the void opened, and Suzhen in black, wearing a black long skirt, drifted over.

Behind her, Hong Langjun, Huo Hongjin, Xiao Fan, the elders, and the masters all came over.

There was a whisper in the field.

"It turns out that she is Bai Suzhen? I heard that in the early Yuqing battle, she could hunt down masters of creation."

"It is said that she is the only person who has survived nine thunder tribulations today."

"In the battle of returning to the ruins, Bai Suzhen alone made several masters of the nine-fold spirit masters helpless."

"Mrs. Garan, this style is truly invincible!"

"It is said that Yuanjue Fashen fought against Zulong and invited her."

The arrival of Suzhen in black caused quite a stir.

After that, Suzhen in black and everyone in the Jialan Temple stood for a prescription.

Xuan Zhenghao cleared his throat, and his voice could clearly spread in all directions.

"Today, all of you heroes are here to go to the national disaster. I am very touched and thank you very much," Xuan Zhenghao said. He paused and said, "The earth is our common home. Today, foreign people invade, and we are all supernatural beings. So at this time, we also need to stand up. As the saying goes, the sky is falling, there is a Hold high, and we are the tall ones."

The audience was silent.

"Heroes, the spirits are about to arrive. I know that even at this moment, many friends among the heroes still feel that the spirits are not enough to be afraid. But this idea is absolutely wrong. The earth is experiencing something. The biggest crisis since our generation of mankind. If we fail, the earth will cease to exist. Every era, every civilization has an end. Sixty million years ago, the spirits controlled the earth. But in the end, their civilization And the era is over. Now, they are making a comeback. If we accidentally deal with it, we may have entered the cycle of 60 million years. Maybe some heroes will feel that they can live without the earth. But, it really is. Do you live? Will there really be a retreat? If there is a retreat, why should the spirits return to earth at all costs? They still have the Empire Heavenly Ark, do we have it?"

"Xuanhuang, I'm not a three-year-old child, nor a human soldier. You don't need to say anything about your encouragement before the war. Since I'm here, I'm determined to live and die with the earth. What should I do next? Do it, just tell it.” Someone shouted in the crowd.

Immediately, others echoed.

Xuan Zhenghao pressed his hand down, motioning everyone to calm down.

The field quickly became quiet.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "You are right. All of you present are heroes, all have magical powers, and you can wave your hands and shatter the stars. Of course you are not ordinary soldiers of human beings, but this is what I worry about the most. .Because I know that many of your friends have not realized the horror and seriousness of the matter. Although human soldiers are weak, they are brave. I am worried that if you are frustrated, you may escape. This is what I said. In the previous shame, all of us are afraid of death, so we don’t have to deny it. Therefore, today, I am holding the oath of swearing ceremony, and at the same time, I must make some necessary arrangements.

"Whoever runs away at the time will not die, he is the grandson!" someone in the crowd shouted.

Immediately, everyone agreed and said: "Yes, it's the grandson!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Okay, everyone, please be quiet."

Everyone was quiet again.

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice, "Since everyone has said so, I will have to make the next deployment. As the saying goes, snakes without a head are no good, and dragons without a head are no good. I, Xuan Zhenghao, thanks to the heroes, I did this. The leader. Then I will be responsible to everyone. In the next deployment, I will not care about the identity of anyone. We must have a high degree of obedience to be able to win this war."

"We have all appointed Xuanhuang you as the head, so we will all listen to Xuanhuang's arrangements!" everyone said in unison.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Well, first of all, I want to appoint a great emperor next to me, the great Chinese emperor, Chen Ling. He is the marshal, he has the right to control and command everyone present. If there is a violation, no matter who it is, Kill it! Is there anyone against it?"

Chen Ling had already known about Xuan Zhenghao's arrangements, so he was not surprised at the moment.

He stood two steps forward and came to Xuan Zhenghao's side. He also faced the heroes, clasped his fists and said, "Under Chen Ling, standing in this position today, to be this marshal is not for fame or profit, just to defend the earth. When the war is over, all heroes can be free, and when they are down, they should be disarmed and returned to the field. Of course, if there are friends who feel that they are not in the field, they can also stand up. If they have the ability, they can be superior to those who are below. I am also very willing to abdicate to the virtuous!"

No one objected, and soon everyone shouted together: "Marshal, Marshal!"

Chen Ling's cultivation base is here, and only Zhang Daoling and Tianfei have the ability to break off their wrists, so no one refuses.

"Chen Yang, the captain of the Mandate Force, is directly controlled by Marshal Chen Ling and me."

Chen Yang also came to the bridge of one yuan at the moment, he saluted Xuan Zhenghao and Chen Ling, and then stood aside.

Chen Yang is the King of Destiny in the Great Thousand World. He has done so many things in these years, which has spread all over the country. So he came to be the captain, and no one opposed it.

What's more terrifying is that his brothers and gangs are all tiger wolves. The rest of the Destiny, where are there to dare to resist.

"The Heavenly Dragon King, as the leader of the supervision team, leads me to the eighteen **** puppets. In combat, if there are those who do not obey the orders, those who retreat, and those who escape the battle, all will be killed without mercy!"

"Luo Channel Captain, I appoint you as the captain of the transportation team, lead the young generals, Xuan Zhiyu, Mo Yu, Chen Nianci, Qin Baoer to do the logistics work. Delivery of pills, healing, etc., be sure!"

"Yes!" Luo Tongbian also came to the One Yuan Bridge.

Xuan Zhenghao was appointed one by one, and finally all the appointments were completed.

After that, he ordered Zhang Daoling and Tianfei again.

"Zhang Daochang, Senior Concubine Tian, ​​I will make you two go outside of the earth at this moment and set up a net of heaven and earth!"

"Yes!" Zhang Daoling and Heavenly Concubine didn't show up and took their orders immediately.

The two of them took the Tongtian Qiankun Net, and quickly out of the boat of one yuan, arrived in the great world, and then left the great world.

The two of them were in the air, looking at the earth. Afterwards, their mana urged them to divide the two ends, and began to lay the net of heaven and earth.

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