My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3181: Return to earth, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang saw the emotion of Suzhen in black, she still minded her unhappiness in her heart.

At the moment, he gently hugged her and said: "Don't be angry with me, okay? You know my mind. If I want to replace her with my life, I won't hesitate."

Black Suzhen knew that Chen Yang was talking from her heart, and she was a little angry just now. Hearing what Chen Yang said at this moment, his heart suddenly softened. She nestled in his arms and said softly: "I don't want you to have an accident. If you are gone, I will also try to find a way to make you alive. Both of you are equally important to me. So, don’t tell me anything like changing your life for her."

Chen Yang couldn't hide his joy, it was hard for him to hear Suzhen in black so revealing her heart.

"Susu, let's check more at the time, okay? If it really caused the five decays of heaven and man, I think that is not what you want, let alone what she wants, right?" Chen Yang said.

"Good!" Suzhen in black responded to Chen Yang.

The slight unhappiness between the two of them disappeared at this moment.

After that, the two combined for spiritual practice.

Chen Yang began to absorb Ziyun.

He stored ten million golden fruits in Jiesumili, and after that, he officially left the gate of eternal life.

This fruit was named Changshengguo by Chen Yang.

Although it is called longevity fruit, after eating it, it will definitely not reach longevity.

Chen Yang has eaten this longevity fruit, the energy in it is extremely pure. A longevity fruit is comparable to 10 billion pure Yang pill.

In other words, one hundred longevity fruits are equivalent to one trillion pure Yang pill.

Chen Yang has ten million longevity fruits at this time, so he is equal to one hundred thousand trillion pure yang pills.

This concept is incredible, it is more than ten thousand times bigger than the River of Pure Yang of the Changsheng Great Emperor.

Moreover, so many longevity fruits are just a cloud of purple clouds in the gate of eternal life.

There are hundreds of millions of Ziyun, and Chen Yang took it like a scoop of water in the ocean.

Of course, although this longevity fruit is extraordinary, apart from Chen Yangneng who turned it into fruit energy, the others, the saints, came, and they were helpless.

Moreover, although the longevity fruit is good, it is not suitable for ordinary masters to practice.

Because once the longevity fruit takes a bite, the rest will be lost. To absorb all the energy, you need to swallow it in one bite. But how many masters can withstand tens of billions of pure Yang Pill effects at a time?

Even Chen Yang was struggling to swallow.

Let alone other people.

The best magical effect of the longevity fruit is to drive the formation.

In addition, a group of masters can be divided into dozens of parts instantly in a room, and then they can be taken separately by lightning.

When they came out of the wormhole, Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen had completely moved away from the gate of eternal life.

They appeared in a starry sky.

Then, Chen Yang looked at the wormhole behind him.

Strangely, they came out of the wormhole, but the wormhole was no longer visible.

The wormhole disappeared.

Chen Yang also thought about the opportunity to go to the Gate of Eternal Life in the future, but this wish seemed to be lost.

The starry sky was clean, but there was nothing left.

Suzhen in black also wanted to find a chance to return to the gate of eternal life. Seeing the wormhole disappeared, she felt a sense of loss in her heart.

At this time, Chen Yang felt around.

He felt that the place was still far away from the earth.

"Remote sensing is actually thirty light years away from the earth!" Chen Yang said.

Hei Suzhen and Chen Yang have separated. Hei Suzhen said: "I want to come here and there is no wormhole. Don't look at it for only 30 years. If there is no wormhole to shuttle and jump, I am afraid it will take a lot of time.

Chen Yang said: "Yes!"

"Hurry up and go back!" Suzhen in black sacrificed the Nine Dragons Agarwood, she said: "Hurry up, it should be too late."

Chen Yang nodded.

Inside the Nine Dragon Agarwood, Chen Yang summoned Chen Wuji out.

While waiting for Suzhen in black, Chen Yang also began to condense Chen Wuji.

But Chen Yang did not wake up Chen Wuji, nor did he dare to leave Chen Wuji in the gate of eternal life. He is always wary of Chen Wuji, fearing that he will get an opportunity in the gate of eternal life and cause irreparable disaster.

Chen Wuji sat cross-legged, he opened his eyes suddenly, and saw Chen Yang and Suzhen in black in front of him.

Chen Yang condensed a costume for him.

When Chen Wuji saw all this in front of him, he knew that Chen Yang had kept his promise.

"Sure enough!" He said.

Chen Yang said: "Chen Wuji, I don't keep you secret. Even now, I still have a lot of worry about you. So although we successfully entered the gate of eternal life, I didn't wake you up until we came out. Now, you are free again. I hope that you will never return to the earth, understand? If you must return to the earth, of course I will not stop you. It’s just that you don’t want to do harm to the earth or to harm the earth. My relatives. If this is the case, you should also know my methods."

Chen Wuji nodded and said, "The earth has nothing to do with me. I know that the earth is full of calamities now. I don't want to go back to the earth to find death. Therefore, I will walk away far away. You can rest assured of this. ."

Chen Yang said, "That's good!"

After that, Chen Wuji left.

His cultivation is also the fourth level of the creation realm. After that, after he breaks away from Chen Yang, he can break the shackles and reach a higher realm.

After Chen Wuji left, Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen returned to Earth with all their strength.

One light year is equivalent to the distance of light flying in one year!

Thirty light years, after there were no wormholes, it was extremely time-consuming to go there.

The speed of Nine Dragons Agarwood is fast enough.

But it took Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen back ten months.

You know, now Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen's cultivation base, even in the immortal world, they are also top-notch existences.

With the addition of Nine Dragons Agarwood, the speed is twice as fast as the masters of the same realm!

There is still one month left before the Empire Tianzhou reaches the earth!

On the road day and night, on the road day by day, always afraid of missing the important battle on the earth.

For this fierce battle, Chen Yang never had a trace of fear or escape in his heart.

He was afraid that he missed the fierce battle!

Since then, Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen spent six years.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the earth was safe and sound from a distance in space.

At the same time, a feeling of near-hometown timidity came to mind.

"Nian Ci has really grown up, twenty-two years old." Chen Yang secretly thought.

Then, Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen entered the earth.

They did not stay in the Great Thousand World, but directly entered the Heaven Continent.

The two first went to see Xuan Zhenghao in the boat of one yuan.

When passing through the Great Thousand World and entering the Heavenly Continent, Chen Yang's spiritual thoughts were already shooting in all directions.

He didn't notice that the earth was any different from before.

So he knew that it was not too late to come back.

After entering the boat of Yuan Yuan, Xuan Zhenghao immediately reacted.

In the crystal wall room, Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen sat cross-legged at the same time.

Xuan Zhenghao came and sat opposite them.

Xuan Zhenghao still looked the same, bright yellow silk gown, with unspeakable majesty in the luxurious.

This time, the feeling he gave Chen Yang and Black Suzhen was even more unfathomable.

Like Yuanyue, like the sea, like the universe of stars!

Chen Yang did not wait to speak, first took out the Tongtian Qiankun Net.

Xuan Zhenghao took it with one hand. He didn't speak, and countless rays of light immediately reflected in the crystal wall room.

The bright light will cover the universe of heaven and earth!

In the light, the power of space appeared.

After that, the Tiankun network instantly soared in the space, zooming in!

In the blink of an eye, each mesh wire turns into dragon tendons that are thousands of miles long, or even tens of thousands of miles.

A piece of mesh, like supporting a pillar, also appears like an ancient dragon.

"Really awesome!" Xuan Zhenghao couldn't help but praised, and said: "Once it is enveloped on the earth, it will be like thousands of ancient dragons protecting the earth."

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "With this Tiankun network, how much is the chance of winning the battle of the earth?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "At least it can increase by 10%!"

Chen Yang was slightly startled.

Suzhen Black was also a little dissatisfied, and said: "Just increase by 10%?"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled bitterly, and said: "Tongtian Qiankun Net can't stop them, but we can control the enemy in a certain direction. The earth is too wide, and it will be very dangerous for us to ignore our heads and tails by then. Use the Tiankun net to arrange the formation so that we can position them in the front."

Chen Yang said, "Where is the Empire Sky Boat now?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The star master has already gone to pick up the Empire Sky Ark."

"Accept?" Chen Yang was startled, and said, "What do you mean? Do you want to fight alone?"

Xuan Zhenghao said, "That's what I mean."

Black Suzhen was also puzzled by the side, but she didn't say much.

Chen Yang said, "Why don't you gather everyone together? Why do you want to go alone?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "We are too close, and the explosion and energy produced in it may directly destroy us and the earth. Therefore, he must go and respond."

Chen Yang said: "Then we should gather more masters too!"

Xuan Zhenghao said, "I understand what the star master meant. He went with the belief that he would never look back, that is, to die together. He knows that no matter how many people go, more people will sacrifice. He wants us Retain vitality to deal with the rest."

A tragic look flashed in Chen Yang's eyes, and his heart was full of respect for the star master.

Such a saint, for the sake of the safety of the earth, desperately went to sacrifice without hesitation!

Chen Yang said: "I used to misunderstand the star lord, but now I want to come, but I am superficial. He went to die alone, but we can do nothing."

Black Suzhen said: "Is the Empire Sky Ark really so terrible? Since the star master is already a saint, there are magic weapons such as the Hall of the Stars. If we gather together, even if the differences die out, can we not win?"

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice, "Miss Bai, I know you are very confident. But the star lord is a saint, he has the future lord of the magic weapon, and the future spar in his hands. He must have counted the result of this war ."

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