My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3179: ultimate, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang entered the purple cloud again, and piously talked about the way back to the earth.

He walked step by step, thinking it would be difficult, but in the end, he came to a wormhole.

He opened his eyes and looked at the wormhole.

There is a hunch in my heart that this wormhole can reach the earth at close range.

Chen Yang was relieved immediately.

It seems that this task can be completed after all. It was a bit difficult at first, but in the end it went smoothly unexpectedly.

Chen Yang then returned to the shore, waiting patiently for Suzhen in black to return.

In the purple clouds, there are many wormholes and black holes.

These holes are the ultimate secret of the gate of eternal life. But to figure out these things, it cannot be done in a short time.

Chen Yang didn't dare to take a step beyond the thunder pond at all.

He waited and waited here for a month and a half.

There is only one year left until the Empire Tianzhou reaches the earth.

Coincidentally, Wu Feier never came out.

Chen Yang was a little worried and anxious. After all, he could not do it and left like this.

As a result, his heart was crossed, Susu's name was silently recited in his heart, and then he walked towards Ziyun.

Chen Yang didn't know what Suzhen Black was looking for, he could only go after Suzhen Black.

After a long time, Chen Yang came to a black hole.

He stepped into the black hole without hesitation.

This black hole seemed to be the same as the one that Chen Yang had entered before.

After passing through this black hole, he came to a tunnel.

Entering the corridor, he came to the door smoothly.

Chen Yang pushed the door open and saw another world.

He took a deep breath and looked into the door.

Inside the door, there is still a vast starry sky.

In the starry sky, there are dense crystal spheres.

Those crystal spheres are shiny.

Chen Yang walked into it emptily and touched one of the crystal balls.

Immediately, he felt the power of time.

This crystal ball is equivalent to a time spar.

How can the time spar count as the five wonders of the universe?

"No!" Chen Yang quickly discovered something was wrong.

To be precise, it is the difference between this crystal ball and the time spar.

The time spar is the time of the entire universe.

And this crystal ball seems to be the river of time on a certain planet.

Chen Yang quickly shuttled through it, and he finally found Suzhen in black in the corner.

Suzhen in black is holding a crystal ball in her hand.

Sitting cross-legged, she has been rubbing the crystal ball with mana.

When Chen Yang arrived, Suzhen in black followed and opened his eyes.

"Look!" Black Suzhen handed the crystal ball to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang didn't have too many doubts. He understood Suzhen's mood and took the crystal ball right now.

Squeeze it this time, feel the power in it, and feel the difference.

The crystal ball he had mastered before felt that the time in the crystal ball was very pure and not complicated at all.

But right now, the time in this crystal ball is inextricably linked, billions of times larger than the previous crystal ball!

Chen Yang felt the timeline, and knew that this crystal ball represented the earth.

"I found it, well, what are you going to do now?" Chen Yang asked.

Hei Suzhen said in a deep voice: "I have been comprehending this crystal ball, but I can't stimulate it. It puts the earth from its birth to the present and the future in it. Our future is actually here. There is all inside. In another way, we and the earth are like a movie. From the beginning to the end, many are destined."

Chen Yang said, "So what?"

Hei Suzhen said: "Although our future is written in it, if we don’t follow the trajectory inside, we can change our own future. So, I’m thinking, if I go back to the past and change me Can some of the behaviors of my sister save my sister?"

Chen Yang was frightened.

He found that what Xuan Zhenghao said and worried about seemed to be coming true.

Chen Yang said: "Can we really see our future and the future of the earth? What is the future like?"

Hei Suzhen shook her head and said, "I just realized that some furs and inner things are inaccessible. It should be said that this crystal ball needs a power that represents a key to unlock. You must have this key to be able to completely Rotate the crystal ball to achieve the shuttle time and change the time."

Chen Yang remembered that the star master sent him back to the Southern Song Dynasty.

At this moment, Suzhen in black asked: "How did you find me in the first place?"

Chen Yang said: "The star master sent me when the tides of time and space weakened, but he also said that I am going to correct mistakes and cannot change history. Because I am the king of destiny, I can correct it. If others go, they won’t work and they will die."

Hei Suzhen said: "In this way, the star master can actually send you back again. I have always forgotten this. If you go back, don't save me? You can definitely do it."

"If I don’t save you, how did Ling'er survive? And, I believe that even if I don’t save you, other things will happen. You have to know that the ancient world was formed because your blood and tears were not caught. Changed time and space. I didn't show up the first time, but what about the final result?" Chen Yang said.

Hei Suzhen said: "At least we should work hard."

Chen Yang said: "I don't know how to work hard, and we don't have time now. The star owner is very strange. I think it is difficult for even a saint to break through the tides of time and space and resist the particles of time and space. But he is wrong. Nothing at all, there is something weird about him. Right now, let’s fight against the spirits together. If we win, the star master is willing to let me go back to the Southern Song Dynasty again. Once I am not afraid of death and change some things, the subsequent chain reaction is very Horrible. Maybe, we won't be able to win the battle of the spirits!"

Hei Suzhen said, "So, you absolutely refuse."

Chen Yang said: "Everyone in this world will die. She has been away for 800 years, and I don't understand why you just can't let it go!"

Suzhen in black fell silent.

Chen Yang said: "You are like this, and so is your eldest brother. I sometimes wonder whether I am abnormal or you are abnormal. I can accept the death of Fei Rong, Luoning, and even my father. Why can't you? Accept it? Is it because I am too unsympathetic?"

Black Suzhen smiled slightly and said, "Of course you are different from us. You can love many people, but our hearts are very small."

Chen Yang said, "I think so much that I can save my mother. It's impossible!"

"No, there must be a way. This is the gate of eternal life." Hei Suzhen is stubborn.

Chen Yang said: "Let go of this ball and let's go back to Earth."

Hei Suzhen said: "I have to stay a few more days, I have to figure out some things."

"You go to the shore and wait for me first!" Suzhen Black said afterwards.

Chen Yang said: "I am here to accompany you!"

Black Suzhen shook her head and said, "You go out first, okay?"

Chen Yang saw that she was very persistent, but he had no choice but to turn around and leave.

After Chen Yang got out of the black hole, he did not return to the shore.

He needs to figure out other issues.

That is, can you really change what has happened through the shuttle time?

There can indeed be changes in the future, because what has not happened will have variables.

But what has happened, can it change?

Chen Yang closed his eyes among the purple clouds and walked forward with this question.

Finally, he came to a black hole.

Chen Yang went into the black hole.

After a long time, he came to a corridor again.

There was a door at the end of the tunnel, and when you opened the door, you saw a big river rushing down.

The river has become a torrential flood, flowing down like thunder.

Chen Yang was in a daze, never expecting it to be this scene.

He grabbed some of the river water in his hand and sensed it with mana, but found that it was ordinary fresh water.

"What does this mean? Does it mean that time is like this river, going all the way forward. If someone tries to change, it can't be changed?"

Chen Yang didn't understand.

No one can give him the answer.

He stood in front of the door and looked at it blankly for a long time, but after all, he still got nothing.

After that, Chen Yang returned to the shore.

Wu Feier has also come to the shore.

When she saw Chen Yang, she smiled slightly and said, "I almost thought you were all gone."

Chen Yang was in a complicated mood, but at this time he also hid his emotions, smiled, and said, "No matter what, we should all talk together."

Wu Feier said, "Where is the white girl?"

Chen Yang said: "She is still inside."

Wu Feier said, "I'm leaving now."

Chen Yang said: "I will give it to you!"

Wu Feier smiled slightly and said, "No need!"

Between each other, they are very friendly.

Taking risks together is like old friends for many years.

Before leaving, Chen Yang asked again: "Have you got the water from the Forgotten River?"

Wu Feier said, "I got it."

Chen Yang said: "You have been there for a long time."

Wu Feier said, "I not only used the water of Wangchuan, but also verified some other doubts."

"Oh, can you share it?" Chen Yang said with a smile.

Wu Feier said: "I am trying to find the multiverse and understand the truth behind the multiverse."

Chen Yang said: "Understand?"

Wu Feier said: "It's very strange, I saw a person typing in front of a screen called a computer. This is what I saw when I searched for the multiverse."

Chen Yang was immediately puzzled and said, "What's the situation?"

Wu Feier said: "It's very weird. I tried to get close to that person, but then everything disappeared like a mirror. When I looked to the bottom, I saw a starry sky full of dust particles, chaos, and changes. There is no pattern. So I am confused now."

Chen Yang said: "So, no one can give an answer. It's like what is outside the universe, and what is outside? We can't give an exact answer to what we are.

Wu Feier said: "There is only the answer in front of us, but there is no ultimate answer. We can only see what we see in front of us."

The two chatted for a while, then waved goodbye.

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