My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3161: Almighty, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang touched his nose, he also looked at Su Qian, and said, "I think what he said is reasonable. I have already forced Xian Xinghe. It seems that there is really no way to go up. Since this is the case, I I think I shouldn't stop Brother Shan from coming to kill you."

He paused, clasped his fist to Shan Zhongxin, and said, "Brother Shan, I am troubled. If you want to kill them, please do it!"

Shan Zhongxin nodded, he was the first to walk towards Su Qian.

Su Qian couldn't help backing up, her delicate body trembling.

This feeling of death makes people confused and terrified.

Chen Yang looked at it coldly.

He wanted to save Su Qian before because there was still hope.

Right now, it's not that Su Qian is not saved. Rather, if Shan Zhongxin wanted to kill her, she still couldn't say anything. That means that there is really no information from Su Qian.

If it is so, then why should he care about Su Qian's life?

Shan Zhongxin stretched out a slender white finger and pointed it at Su Qian's brow.

Su Qian's face was pale, she backed away step by step.

"Why retreat? It's good to keep yourself a little bit of backbone and dignity and die calmly?" Chen Yang said lightly.

Su Qian's figure halted, and Chen Yang's words beat her heart like a drum.

Her last trace of psychological defense was also completely defeated!

"Wait!" Su Qian said suddenly.

The eyes of Chen Yang and others lit up.

With a bitter chill in his eyes, Shan Zhongxin said, "Say!"

Su Qian took a deep breath and said, "When we were in the lower realm, the domain master gave an explanation. He said that if the rune in our hands is destroyed, we can go to another place. There are four almighty runes. That is Say, that rune is in your hand and can bring anyone into the upper realm."

"You lied!" Shan Feier said, "How can your domain master bring such runes to the lower realm? When did you bring it? Why have we never heard of it?"

Su Qian quickly said: "The Almighty Rune was laid out many years ago. It was the domain owner just in case. If you believe it, believe it, if you don't believe it, just kill me."

"Okay, I'll kill you!" Zen Shigeobu said.

Chen Yang and Black Suzhen were suddenly anxious.

Chen Yang immediately said, "Hold on!"

Su Qian immediately laughed, and she said: "Chen Yang, I know, whether it's true or not, you will never let this opportunity pass."

Shan Zhongxin glanced at Chen Yang and said, "She is definitely slandering us. If you believe in her, you will be fooled by her."

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said, "I know that she is lying almost all the time. But there is a 10% chance that she is telling the truth, so I can't give up this one-tenth chance. Please forgive me! "

Shan Chongxin looked at Chen Yang and said: "Four almighty charms are just enough for the four of us. This is a coincidence. Brother Chen Yang, I'm afraid you don’t even have a chance of one in ten. It’s just delaying time."

Su Qian immediately said: "Well said, if I really lied, why should I say four, I said five, six, wouldn't it make you believe it better? Because it's just such a coincidence. Besides, you guys. People, who are so powerful, what are they afraid of? If it turns out that I'm lying, you can make me worse than death!"

Chen Yang said, "Brother Shan, no matter what, I want to give it a try."

Shanzhongxin was helpless. He said, "I understand Brother Chen Yang's feelings. In fact, I am about to leave as much as you. I have been sleepy in this place for too long too long."

Black Suzhen asked Su Qian from the side, "Where is the Almighty Talisman you said?"

Everyone looked at Su Qian, Su Qian was about to speak...

But Shan Fei'er said: "Wait, I want to listen to what your subordinates say first. If what they say is the same as what you said, then it can prove that what you are saying is true."

Su Qian immediately said: "They don't know that place, only I know. Such secrets will naturally not be disclosed to them. If they can tell, then this Almighty Talisman is a lie."

"You..." Shan Feier couldn't help being angry.

Black Suzhen didn't bother to care about other things, and said: "You can tell, where is the almighty talisman?"

Su Qian said: "In the desert, in the center of the desert near Xianyang, there is an ancient city in the desert, which is not an old city. This ancient city has always been mysterious, and it has been sold in the desert. Only I can take you there. local."

Shan Zhongxin said, "You are a lie that is really clumsy. Such a coincidence, you are in this desert? And you have to lead the way?"

Su Qian said: "How is this a coincidence? Only I know the location, and of course only I can lead the way!"

Chen Yang said to Su Qian, "I know exactly what you are doing. But I still have to try it because I need hope. But you can rest assured that if you take us to the old city, I can assure you that you will live a miserable life. I have many human criminal laws, such as using delicate techniques to poke you blind, cut off your limbs, and then put you in a closed jar. I I’ll feed you every day and don’t let you die. For the rest of your life, you will really be worse off than life. Don’t lie to a group of desperate people, understand?"

A shuddering expression flashed in Su Qian's eyes. She nodded and said, "I understand!"

Chen Yang also nodded and said, "That's good!"

"In addition, you are actually worse than Xian Xinghe." Chen Yang finally smiled contemptuously and said: "Before you looked down on Xian Xinghe, but he was at least more spine than you. At least, he was not as trembling as you, hahahaha ..."

Na Su Qian's face flushed immediately upon hearing this.

After that, everyone returned to Xianyang City.

Before returning to Xianyang City,

Na He Dongping, Xian Xinghe and Si Man, Shan Zhongxin's opinion was to kill them all.

Chen Yang said: "Xian Xinghe and I have known each other for a while, and I have some friendships, so don't kill them. As for the rest, Brother Shan will do whatever they want."

Shan Zhongxin directly hit their brows without saying a word.

The two people quickly closed their eyes and died suddenly on the spot.

Chen Yang and others left.

After returning to Xianyang City, Chen Yang and others contacted Palace Master Xie, and then moved into the Military Mansion.

The equipment, food and water needed to enter the desert are also arranged by Palace Master Xie.

That night, they lived in the military mansion.

Xian Xinghe was still grateful to Chen Yang, and he also made it clear that he really didn't know anything behind it. It is not clear that Su Qian and the others have already arrived.

As for the almighty talisman, he had never heard of it.

Therefore, he didn't know whether what Su Qian said was true or false.

Chen Yang asked Xian Xinghe again, saying: "Do you think the emperor and Su Qian have already been in contact? Su Qian and the others know my situation very well."

Xian Xinghe smiled bitterly, and said, "You should ask Su Qian about this question."

Chen Yang said, "That's true too!"

Su Qian was in Chen Yang's room, and Suzhen in black guarded her.

When Chen Yang was about to return to the room, he ran into Shan Feier in the courtyard.

Shan Feier is gentle and kind, giving people a sense of spring breeze.

She was standing in the corridor, obviously waiting for Chen Yang.

Chen Yang stepped forward and immediately smelled the fragrance on her body.

"My son, I have been waiting here for a long time." Shan Feier said with a slight smile.

Chen Yang also smiled.

He just came out of Xian Xinghe's room.

"It seems that Miss Feier has something to do with me?" Chen Yang said.

Shan Feier said: "There is indeed something, can we go out and talk?"

Chen Yang said: "If it's normal, it's okay. But right now, it's troublesome. I don't dare to leave, and I'm afraid that something will happen here."

Shan Feier was considerate and immediately said, "The son is right, but I am not thinking about it."

She speaks softly and her face is beautiful, which makes people always feel that she is tender and tender.

Chen Yang thought that her body was also weak and boneless. If such a woman was in bed, she would definitely make a man go crazy.

When Chen Yang thought about it this way, he felt a little blushing.

He felt that if he didn't think of these, he was sorry for Susu.

At the moment, his mind was taken up immediately.

Shan Feier said, "I wonder if the son is interested in listening to the story of my brother and me?"

Chen Yang was indeed curious, and said: "If Miss Feier is willing to say it, I would naturally also listen with respect."

Shan Feier said: "Then follow me!"

She turned around after speaking.

Chen Yang hesitated slightly and wanted to talk to Suzhen Black, but Shan Feier had already led the way.

In desperation, Chen Yang had to follow.

Shan Feier brought Chen Yang to her room.

There is a faint fragrance in the room.

Chen Yang hesitated, after all, the melon field is a lone man and a widow.

If it was the past, he didn't care.

But at the moment, Su Su is still here.

Shan Feier smiled slightly, looked at Chen Yang, and said, "Why didn't the son come in? Are you afraid that Feier will eat you?"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "How is it possible!"

He had to enter the room.

Shan Feier came to close the door.

Chen Yang simply didn't bother to think about the other mess, he sat down at the table.

The candlelight flickered.

Shan Feier took a seat opposite Chen Yang, and she said: "My brother and I have been here for more than 300 years. During this time, we also thought of many ways to get out of here. It's just that we didn't think of a way."

She paused, and then said: "Later, some information in the palace began to spread. We gradually tracked down and finally learned about you and the white girl. My brother and I were actually very happy, because the most feared thing was not change. It is the same level. We all hope that you are the ones who broke the game. But, son, you really don't be too optimistic. So what Su Qian said is probably false."

"I know!" Chen Yang said: "But being idle is also being idle. I'm afraid I will go crazy if I stay idle."

Shan Feier smiled bitterly and said, "I understand how you feel. Therefore, we are also willing to believe in Su Qian, and hope she can give us miracles. Back then, my brother and I were defeated by the domain lord, now we add you , Maybe we can really break the rules of this spiritual realm."

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