My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3158: Pick the stars, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Palace Master Xie, Chen Yang and others naturally didn't care about this, they soon came to the second floor.

The door of the wing closed shut.

Xian Xinghe wanted to kick the door open, but Chen Yang stopped it and knocked gently.

After that, he motioned to everyone to wait outside.

"Come in!" The man's low voice came from the wing.

Chen Yang pushed the door in. After he entered, he closed the door again.

In that room, on a bed against the wall, a young man sat cross-legged, as if an old monk had entered meditation.

The man is wearing a coarse sweater!

Even so, he couldn't conceal the extravagance in him.

He is exactly the same as Chen Yangchang.

When Chen Yang saw him, he was two hundred percent sure that he was the puppet he had lost!

"You are finally here." The puppet opened his eyes, and he looked at Chen Yang, his eyes crystal clear. He seems to have been waiting for Chen Yang to arrive.

Chen Yang also looked at him, his mind was extremely complicated, and subconsciously said: "I'm here."

"You are here to kill me?" said the puppet.

Chen Yang said: "Not necessarily!"

The puppet smiled slightly and said, "I named myself Chen Wuji, what do you think?"

Chen Yang pulled a chair at the table and then sat down. He nodded and said, "Very good names. Wuji produces Tai Chi, Tai Chi produces Liang Yi, Liang Yi produces Four Elephants, Four Elephants produce Bagua, and Bagua produces everything! The truth is all in it."

Chen Wuji smiled faintly.

Chen Yang asked again: "How many memories do you have?"

Chen Wuji said: "I don't have much memory. I can guess that I was destroyed many times before. From my memory this time, that is, until you have been controlling my head and preventing it from having free will. I You are a veritable puppet. After I came into this world, I didn't even have clothes."

Chen Yang said: "Then, you should hate me very much. I think what he did is cruel to you."

Chen Wuji said: "If living beings are in the dark for a long time, they will not feel the darkness is terrible, nor the light and beautiful. I don’t feel much about the previous things. In the future, I want to be an individual and be a new individual. Maybe, I can also start my own family. I have tasted the beauty of freedom, so you want me to become a piece again and become a puppet. Sorry, I can't do it."

Chen Yang said: "Understandable." He then smiled slightly and said, "Actually, I was relieved."

Chen Wuji said, "Hmm, isn't it?"

Chen Yang said, "I was worried about you before, because it was not the first time that the copy appeared. I also made one before. He named himself Chen Qingyi. He wanted to kill me and then quickly wanted to replace me. But you are good, probably because you have little memory. Your mood, I understand. So, I hope you can be a good person. If you do evil, then no matter you go to the end of the world or the corner, I will find a way to kill about you."

Chen Wuji nodded and said, "In the beginning, human nature is good. You are not a bad person, believe me, neither am I!"

Chen Yang said, "I naturally believe in you."

"Well, I should go." Chen Yang said at last.

"Go?" Chen Wuji was shocked.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "If you don't leave, what are you left behind?"

Chen Wuji said, "Just let me go?"

"You are not a sinner. If you must say that you are wrong, it is also my fault. I made you a weapon!" Chen Yang said.

Chen Wuji said, "No, you gave me life. Everything about me comes from you!"

He followed: "I know you have a lot of troubles now, let me solve it with you. Maybe, I can help!"

Chen Yang said: "You should live your life well, don't get involved with all my things and burdens. This is the best result for you."

Chen Wuji said, "I understand what you mean. You are worried that if I leave with you in the future, it will cause a lot of chaos. After all, I am not a real person. You want me to stay here forever, right?"

Chen Yang was silent for a moment, and then said: "I really don't dare to let you into my life circle. It would be a catastrophe. Moreover, I estimate that you can have peace only if you are here."

"I never thought about leaving here." Chen Wuji said: "It's very good here, it suits me. I just want to help you and help you get out of here. In fact, I will feel more at ease if you leave."

"A reasonable idea!" Chen Yang was startled, then said.

Following that, Chen Yang said: "Well, let's be together!"

Chen Wuji got out of bed and got up and said: "You and I join hands. In this world, the odds of winning will be much greater."

Chen Yang then introduced Suzhen in black into the room.

Black-clothed Suzhen and the others could also hear the conversation in this room clearly.

Hei Suzhen first expressed his opposition.

Chen Yang squeezed the hand of Suzhen in black, and then said: "I understand, give him a chance."

He didn't really believe in Chen Wuji in his heart. Everything just now was a temptation and confrontation.

Right now, Chen Wuji wants to follow, and Chen Yang is still tentative.

Black Suzhen is a little worried, it's not that she doesn't understand Chen Yang's thinking. But she knew better that if Chen Wuji was not killed in advance, it would be difficult for them to deal with once Chen Wuji turned back.

After all, this is not a world of mana!

Mana is unlimited, but the body is limited.

Xian Xinghe has no say on the side.

After a short rest in Xianyang, the next day, he set off for Weilongdu.

When I went back this time, I was not so anxious.

Go home on horseback!

In the evening, a group of people rode to a natural lake.

When everyone was tired, they came down to rest.

The horse also needs to eat grass to rest.

The lake is vast and boundless, and the sky is dyed by the remnant glow of the sky. It is really the same color in the water and the sky. The beauty of this scenery makes people linger.

Chen Yang asked Xian Xinghe to grab some game while he set up a fire to cook.

In this boring world of Gaowu, for Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen, food has a large proportion.

It seems that there is no other expectation, sometimes a full appetite can also bring short-term satisfaction.

Xian Xinghe also liked the contents of the barbecue that Chen Yang made, so he quickly grabbed it.

Chen Wuji went to find some branches and so on.

Suzhen in black accompanied Chen Yang and waited by the lake.

"I can feel your current anxiety, you have brought many dangerous factors with you, and you can't wait to tell the enemy directly that I am all loopholes now, you guys quickly do it, right?" Hei Suzhen said suddenly.

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said, "You can see this all."

Black Suzhen said: "I can see it, and I believe the enemy can see it too."

Chen Yang admitted, and said: "I am indeed very anxious. I can get the Tongtianqiankun website in time and go back quickly. It feels like it's too late."

Hei Suzhen said, "But you still didn't give up!"

Chen Yang said: "It is never possible to give up. You will not give up unless you see failure with your own eyes."

Suzhen Black didn't say much anymore.

How can she not understand Chen Yang?

At first, she only had a trace of remnant soul, didn't Chen Yang also give up?

It is precisely because of his unwillingness to give up that Bai Suzhen, the famous lady of Garan, is born today!

The sudden change occurred quickly, alarming countless birds on the lake.

It was originally calm and boundless, but panic spread quickly like a plague. In the woods, birds and beasts fled...

Following that, footsteps came quickly.

Then Chen Wuji quickly came to Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen's side.

Chen Wuji's expression changed, and he said, "There is an ambush!"

Black Suzhen snorted coldly, and said, "I still need you to say it!"

She and Chen Yang stand side by side.

At the same time, Suzhen in black had pulled out the Qingfeng sword and held it in her hand.

Chen Yang was excited and finally came.

If it is really forgotten by the other party, then that is the most terrifying thing he thinks.

In the woods, five people quickly came out.

One of them is Xian Xinghe.

The other four people are led by a woman.

The woman was wearing a flaming red dress with the appearance of sinking fish and geese on the end, all over the country.

It depends on the age, about twenty-two.

The person gives people an unparalleled leadership temperament.

Behind the woman are three sturdy men, exuding a terrifying aura of killing.

And that Xian Xinghe...

Xian Xinghe was carried like a chicken by one of the men.

It seems that the situation is not good.

The group quickly arrived in front of the three Chen Yang.

Xian Xinghe was thrown to the ground, his mouth sprayed with blood, his face was pale, and his injury was obviously serious.

"Xian Xinghe, you are fine!" The woman said in a cold voice, "The domain master sent you to kill Chen Yang and Bai Suzhen, but you became friends with them. Now, I will let you know that there will be betrayal of the domain master. What ends."

Chen Yang and others looked at it coldly.

Xian Xinghe's complexion changed drastically. He braced himself, knelt in front of the woman, and said, "The girl is on top, and the subordinates have never betrayed the domain master. However, the subordinates are not Chen Yang's opponents at all, everything is involuntary. . Please also... the girl observes!"

The woman snorted coldly and said, "I don't want to listen to these explanations. You are a trash and you are not worth staying. Kill him!"

"Yes!" The man behind the woman caught the starry sky and immediately took his command. The killing intent flashed in Zeng Xingkong's eyes, and he came to Xian Xinghe, with a cold dagger in his hand, and he was about to end Xian Xinghe at the moment.

Chen Yang looked at it coldly, and didn't mean to stop it.

Hei Suzhen's heart is much harder than Chen Yang, and he has no intention of saving Xian Xinghe at the moment.

Xian Xinghe couldn't help retreating, he suddenly turned his head and said to Chen Yang mournfully: "Help me...I have a way to get out of here!"

"If you really did, you would have already left by yourself and won't follow us until now." Chen Yang said coldly. He then said lightly: "The dog between you bites the dog, I am not interested at all."

Xian Xinghe suddenly fell into despair.

"Xian Xinghe, we have said before, you and I are already opposed. Any choice made between each other will not feel strange, nor will it blame each other, will it?" Chen Yang said afterwards.

"Stop!" At this moment, the woman stopped picking the stars.

Picking up the stars is very obedient and immediately stops.

The woman glanced at Chen Yang, and then said: "It seems that he really has not betrayed the domain master!"

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