My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3154: Holy mountain, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang stepped forward again and used the magic weapon to break Xian Xinghe's hamstrings.

After doing this, Chen Yang just turned around to help Suzhen in black.

Chen Yang was able to quickly defeat Xian Xinghe because of his physical strength.

Xian Xinghe can defeat Hei Yaozun and Bai Jianshou with the power of his flesh, because he comes from the upper realm.

Xian Xinghe's power is also higher than that of Bai Jianshou and Hei Yaozun, so even though Xian Xinghe's fighting style is not as good as Bai Jianshou and Hei Yaozun, he can still win easily.

As for Suzhen in black, she relied on her physical strength and unparalleled weapons in her hands, and had already forced Hei Yaozun and Bai Jianshou into danger. Chen Yang joined in, quickly displayed the three overlaps of Yangguan, and directly knocked that Bai Jiansang out and fell to the ground.

Upon seeing this, Hei Yaozun turned around and wanted to run. Chen Yang stopped one step in advance, and hit Hei Yaozun with his shoulder.

The peerless masters in this world of martial arts were really vulnerable in front of Chen Yang and Black Suzhen.

After Chen Yang had done all this, he and Suzhen in black came to the front of Xian Xinghe.

Afterwards, Chen Yang mentioned Xian Xinghe, and then rushed with Suzhen in black, before leaving Xue Rui's mansion.

The night in Weilongdu was extremely silent.

There was a call from a distance, and there were patrol soldiers on the other side patrolling around.

Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen brought Xian Xinghe to a secluded lake.

It's so quiet here.

Subsequently, Chen Yang threw Xian Xinghe to the ground. Xian Xinghe was picked up all the way by Chen Yang just now. He felt that his dignity had been greatly insulted. At this moment, he angrily said to Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen: "You dare to humiliate me so much. I will definitely make you pay a lot. The price of it. I will make you better than death..."

Black Suzhen's eyes were cold, and said: "If you go on talking nonsense, I will let you die now."

Killing intent!

Na Xian Xinghe was shocked immediately, he shut up immediately, not daring to say more.

Chen Yang stood in front of Xian Xinghe. He said: "There are some questions, I want to know clearly. If you can't answer, I will kill you. Remember, this is not a joke. Because I killed you, you guys. The domain owner will send someone to come, and I can ask someone behind me to ask clearly."

"What do you want to ask?" Xian Xinghe asked with fear in his heart.

Chen Yang said: "How to get to the Upper Realm?" Xian Xinghe's eyes flashed with hesitation.

Chen Yang said: "Fate is yours."

Xian Xinghe gritted his teeth and said: "The upper realm is on the top of the holy mountain not far from here. Climb the holy mountain and hold a star rune to find the upper realm entrance."

"One-star rune? Give it to me!" Chen Yang said.

Xian Xinghe said: "The rune is useless for you. A one-star rune must be recorded by the master of the second world before entering it."

Chen Yang frowned and said, "What's the principle? Does his recording still work here? Isn't the spell restricted by the rules here?"

Xian Xinghe glanced at Chen Yang more and said, "It seems you know a lot."

Chen Yang said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense."

Xian Xinghe said: "The mana of the rune will indeed be lost when it reaches the lower realm, but when it reaches the enchantment, it will automatically resonate with the mana of the enchantment."

Chen Yang said: "Then if I touch the enchantment, will I be able to restore mana?"

Xian Xinghe said: "No, enchantment is the rule. You can enter the enchantment by holding the corresponding rune. Entering the enchantment is breaking the restrictions of the rules."

Chen Yang frowned and said, "Speaking of which, isn't it impossible for me to leave this world of martial arts?"

Xian Xinghe said: "It is absolutely impossible! Because you can't get the rune of the realm master!"

Chen Yang said: "If I hold your hand and walk through the barrier with you, wouldn't I be able to go in with you?"

Xian Xinghe said: "There is a weight limit, and the rune enchantment can only bear a weight of one hundred and sixty kilograms. If it exceeds, the rune will be destroyed. Those who can reach the sky ascent can control their weight."

Chen Yang said, "I can't believe your words!"

Xian Xinghe said, "If you don't believe me, you can take me to the holy mountain to try now."

Chen Yang did not feel desperate, he had encountered too many more desperate situations than this.

Black Suzhen glanced at Xian Xinghe coldly, and said, "So your domain master sent you here alone? He doesn't care too much about us. You know, he can't do anything with us even if he makes a shot himself. "

Xian Xinghe said: "All I know so far is that I am here alone."

Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen looked at each other.

Both felt that this was a little weird.

Things don't seem to be that simple.

Chen Yang asked again: "Why are you sure that we will definitely come to Weilongdu?"

Xian Xinghe replied immediately: "I didn't know that you would come. I heard the order from the upper realm, and then came. I got your portraits and information, and I wanted to use the powerful intelligence network of Shaoyang to find out. You guys. Well, I heard your news from Cannes first."

Chen Yang couldn't help feeling speechless, dare to love the door he took the initiative to offer.

"You can, have you let me go?" Xian Xinghe said afterwards.

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "What do you think?"

Xian Xinghe said, "Killing me will not do you any good."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "It doesn't hurt, does it?"

Xian Xinghe couldn't help talking.

"Go to the holy mountain!" Suzhen in black made a decision quickly, and said.

Chen Yang also felt that he should first go to the holy mountain to understand the situation.

He still has one to rely on, and that is Qingsi.

Maybe Qingsi's power can cut through the barrier?

Let the barrier cut open, the mana leaks, the rules leak...

It seems unlikely.

But it's always going to be a try.

Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen took Xian Xinghe to the holy mountain.

The speed of the two was very fast, and Xian Xinghe was caught under Chen Yang's armpit, and he rushed with lightning.

After more than an hour, Chen Yang and Black Suzhen came to the bottom of the so-called holy mountain.

The night is dark and the wind is high.

The holy mountain is towering, towering into the sky.

At the foot of the sacred mountain, rubble is all over the ground.

There are verdant green hills around, and the night breeze is blowing over, which is refreshing.

Chen Yang found Shuteng, and then tied Xian Xinghe to his back.

After that, Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen began to climb the mountain.

This sacred mountain is extremely steep, three hundred meters high.

This is an insurmountable moat for ordinary people.

But for Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen, it is not a problem.

It took about an hour for the two of them to climb to the top of the holy mountain.

If it weren't for Chen Yang to carry Xian Xinghe, then their speed would be even faster.

On the top of the holy mountain, the mountain breeze howled.

Xian Xinghe took out a one-star rune.

This star rune, Chen Yang carefully checked before going up to the holy mountain.

The principle of runes is very simple. If Chen Yang's mana is still there, he can copy countless ones at will.

But without mana, I really can't draw the spirit of this rune.

In the middle area of ​​the sacred mountain, Xian Xinghe held a star rune and protruded with one palm.

In front of everyone, there was nothing.

But this palm came out, and immediately, there was a wall of airflow in front of him.

Hei Yi Suzhen didn't say a word, and stabbed her sword towards the airflow wall.


In an instant, sparks shot.

Numerous ripples appeared, but the blue silk couldn't get in after all.

On the contrary, Xian Xinghe, his arm had already entered the airflow wall, and he wanted to go inside. Chen Yang grabbed Xian Xinghe's shoulder and wanted to go in with him.

"Ah!" Xian Xinghe suddenly roared in pain.

Because the arm he leaned in was directly frozen by the airflow wall.

Xian Xinghe struggled hard, and the arm holding the one-star rune broke directly. At the broken arm, the granulation was visible, and the blood was flowing.

Xian Xinghe trembled violently all over, his lips were painfully white, and his eyes were blood red.

"I said earlier, it's impossible to get in!" Xian Xinghe was extremely angry.

Chen Yang let go of Xian Xinghe, and he said to Suzhen in black clothes: "It seems that he really didn't tell lies. This kind of barrier is not difficult at first. But we don't have magic power, and it's impossible to cross this barrier. ."

Black Suzhen said: "Is it possible that Wu Yongsheng just wants to trap us here forever?"

Chen Yang's heart sank.

If the immortal life really just wants to trap them in this martial world forever, then their situation will be very difficult.

Without magic power in the body, it is simply impossible to break the barrier barrier.

"Go, go to the palace, first take control of the emperor, and then talk about other things." Chen Yang then decided in his heart.

Hei Suzhen agreed.

So the two jumped off the holy mountain directly with Xian Xinghe.

At an altitude of 300 meters, jump directly down.

It is so confident and headstrong.

Although Xian Xinghe had a broken arm, his physical body was strong and he stopped bleeding soon.


Falling from a height of three hundred meters, Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen made a roll at the moment they landed, perfectly releasing some of their strength. As for the remaining power of the heavy blow, it was just Ming Jin, and they could easily absorb it with their bodies without harm.

As for Xian Xinghe, he was a bit miserable, falling to the ground hard, half dead.

Poor, he was injured and broke his arm again.

After such a fall, Qi Qiao bleeds and is unlovable.

The broken arm also spurted blood again.

Chen Yang and Suzhen in black did not feel sorry for Xian Xinghe. It took a long time for Xing Xinghe to recover and stop the bleeding.

Then, the three returned to Weilongdu.

When leaving Weilongdu, he directly knocked down the guards.

When he returned, Chen Yang expected that there must be soldiers at the gate of Weilongdu, and maybe a master was called in.

So, in order not to have more branches.

Chen Yang and Black Clothes Suzhen found a city wall, and when the guards on the wall were not paying attention, they came to the root of the wall.

Then, Suzhen in black drilled a hole with a green sword.

The city wall was originally extremely strong, but under the sword of Qingfeng, it was like soft tofu.

Smoothly and silently entered the city, and then went straight to the palace.

The same is true for entering the palace. Find a corner of the palace, punch a hole out, and then go in.

And it was silent.

The royal soldiers in the palace patrolled extremely closely.

Under the guidance of Xian Xinghe, Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen went to the Imperial Palace where the emperor rested.

The guards around the Yutian Palace are even tighter.

Chen Yang let go of Xian Xinghe and said to Suzhen in black, "You and him are waiting here, I will go in first."

Black Suzhen nodded and said, "Okay, be careful about everything."

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