My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3147: Spiritual realm, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang said: "This is my sin, but Ling'er really doesn't mind you and me. I know her, she can tolerate Qiao Ning and Mo Nong, and even more tolerate you. We really don't want to Using mortal rules to restrain us will only make us miserable!"

Hei Suzhen said: "I understand, I understand. But anyway, once I return to Earth, I will return you to them."

These words weren't like the words spoken by Suzhen Hei's character.

Chen Yang also knew in his heart that a woman she was so proud of had changed a lot for him.

"I really hope that we can have a child in common. In this way, you and me will never be separated from each other." Chen Yang said suddenly.

Suzhen in black was slightly startled, she also understood what Chen Yang meant.

I understand that Chen Yang has always been insecure in this relationship.

"Let’s talk about it later, at least it’s impossible now!" Hei Suzhen said: "Maybe one day, if I really have your child, I will walk far and far by myself, and you won’t find it. Because No matter how far I go, I will never feel alone again."

Chen Yang said: "No matter how far you go, you have to let me know where you are. Because no matter how far you go, I will go to you. If you don't let me know, I will keep searching and searching. The entire universe."

The days are calm and pleasant.

In such happiness, Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen sailed for another six months.

A full year has passed since the start.

The speed of Nine Dragons Agarwood is no slower than that of the Breathing Lightning Beast.

On the way, there are countless wormholes.

It can be said that the place right now is the farthest place Chen Yang has been to in his lifetime.

During the year, Chen Yang had not been anxious.

The time with Suzhen in black is so beautiful.

They have also been to some other planets and experienced different planetary customs.

Been to a planet full of oceans and jellyfish.

I have been to the Pearl Planet, which is rich in pearls, and the people there look like pearls and are known as the Pearl People.

I have also been to planets with extremely advanced technology. The aliens of that kind of planets look weird, but their brains are extraordinarily smart.

Those high-tech is something that neither Chen Yang nor Black Suzhen have seen.

However, these high-tech capabilities are still not comparable to Chen Yang and Black Suzhen.

They have also been to a primitive planet, where people still live a primitive life where the source of fire has just been invented, and the hair on their bodies has not faded. Moreover, it happened that they encountered a volcanic eruption, and Chen Yang smoothly suppressed the volcanic eruption and saved hundreds of thousands of primitive people in the area.

When Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen were leaving, the primitive people all knelt down and shouted words like Tianzun, a god.

Afterwards, Chen Yang smiled to Suzhen in black clothes and said: "After their civilization progresses in the future, will we become their supreme god? Just like the legend of the Nuwa Empress circulated in our civilization!"

Black Suzhen smiled and said, "It's not impossible that this is possible!"

It is five years before the Empire Tianzhou reaches the earth!

Chen Yang knew that at his current speed, even if everything went well, then this task would be considered a failure.

He became anxious.

Suzhen in black was not very anxious, but Chen Yang was anxious, she naturally wanted to follow suit.

For some things, it's not just rush.

Jiulong agarwood is galloping all the way!

The energy of the nine dragons has reached its limit.

Under such circumstances, the time is still gone, and another year has passed!

The spiritual realm is still far away.

Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen did not know how many star systems or wormholes they shuttled through.

The size of the galaxy is so desperate!

Although Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen are anxious, the days when they accompany each other are another kind of beauty.

And it is still four years before the Empire Tianzhou reaches the earth!

On this day, inside the Nine Dragon Agarwood, Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said to Suzhen Hei: "I once said that I wanted to explore the universe. This is a galaxy, and I don’t know how long and how long it will be. Besides, in the universe, the Milky Way is nothing but a grain of dust!"

Black Suzhen chuckled lightly and said, "When the earth is safe and time is sufficient, you have a thousand years, ten thousand years, then you can explore clearly. Right now, naturally, I don't think it is enough."

Along the way, there are already uncountable light-years from the earth.

At least two thousand light-years away.

From the earth to leaving the galaxy, it takes 130,000 light years!

Chen Yang and the others are only faster than light, but it takes 130,000 light years for light to leave the earth.

So the reason why Chen Yang was able to run 2,000 light-years in two years was because of the wormhole shuttle.

Chen Yang became increasingly anxious.

Time is getting less and less.

However, they never encountered the kind of wormhole that can directly cross the extremely long.

Even so, life is still going to pass.

Chen Yang's cultivation has not made much progress, and his mood cannot be calmed down.

Because no matter how strong he is in cultivation, if he fails this matter, everything is meaningless.

Fortunately, there is Suzhen in black.

The two will often linger in the river of love, do what they love to do, experience the joy between the soul and the flesh, and can forget many worries.

Sometimes, Chen Yang also felt like he had returned to the celestial sphere, unfettered, not afraid of any worldly gaze, and no unnecessary fetters.

Hei Suzhen said to Chen Yang: "Sometimes I also had very selfish thoughts. For example, the earth no longer exists, and this world is you and me, which is also very good. But, it is really wrong to think like this, I'm so sorry. It’s a son. Besides, there is still your son in there."

Chen Yang expressed his understanding. He said: "People are selfish, and they have extreme and selfish thoughts. This is normal."

Another year later, Chen Yang and Black Suzhen finally encountered a big wormhole.

At that moment, they traveled through the wormhole and quickly reached a place 10,000 light years away from the earth.

That is... near the spiritual realm!

At this time, there are still three years before the Empire Tianzhou reaches the earth!

Unless Chen Yang quickly finds immortality in a short period of time and returns directly, he may still be able to catch up with the battle of Lingzun. Maybe, I can't keep up!

Because the battle does not necessarily take long, perhaps without a long time, human beings have already collapsed.

Chen Yang couldn't help but worry.

Hei Suzhen comforted Chen Yang and said, "Don't be too anxious, we have done our best. When we go back, we are already familiar with the wormhole, so I will definitely be on the road soon. If you are lucky and find a big wormhole, it will be even worse. Hurry! Now, let’s go to the spiritual realm to find immortality first!"

Chen Yang also knew that the matter was over, it was useless to say more, and nodded now.

Suzhen in black took back the Nine Dragon Agarwood.

Chen Yang took the slender hand of Suzhen in black, and the two flew forward together.

After flying for about half an hour, the legendary spiritual realm finally appeared.

When Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen saw Spirit Realm, they were shocked.

Because the spiritual realm in front of them was a strange sight they had never seen before!

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