My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3139: History of His Holiness, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

"You **** crazy!" Chen Yang scolded Tang Wan angrily.

He took it and came to the side of the King, eagerly paying attention to the holy Primordial Orb.

"Fei Xuan, Feixuan?" Chen Yang poked out his hand, his heart beating violently, his palms and forehead were sweaty.

How scared he was to lose Chen Feixuan. If so, how could he be worthy of the dead Chen Feirong!

His Holiness chanted the scriptures on the side, and the scriptures formed a soft golden light to envelop the Yuan Shenzhu.

Chen Yang's mana penetrated into the Yuan Shenzhu, and he was pleasantly surprised to find that Chen Feixuan's breath was still there.

However, she is very weak.

Chen Yang shouted again and again.

The light of the Buddhist scriptures seemed to have played a role, so Chen Feixuan heard Chen Yang's call.

Inside the Yuanshenzhu, Chen Feixuan has become that holy atmosphere.

"Chen Yang?" Chen Feixuan shouted strenuously.

"I'm here!" Chen Yang responded quickly.

Chen Feixuan cried and said, "Am I not going to be?"

Chen Yang suddenly felt distressed and said, "No, no. Now that the King and I are here, you can take a look at your injury, what is going on?"

Chen Feixuan said, "I think I am very sleepy and want to sleep."

However, Chen Yang didn't know how to help Chen Feixuan, he turned to the King for help.

His Holiness ignored anything, he just sat cross-legged and read the scriptures silently.

Chen Yang felt the light of the Buddhist scriptures merged into the primordial bead, and it nourished Chen Feixuan.

"What do you think now?" Chen Yang asked again.

Chen Feixuan struggled slightly and said, "I feel better."

Chen Yang was relieved.

Ting Xuefeng finally ushered in true tranquility.

Although Tang Wan was seriously injured, it was not fatal.

She brought the body of the elder Yuan, joined her disciples, and left.

Before leaving, she also solved the confusion for Chen Yang and the King.

They were originally from the line of the Holy Qilin. After the Primordial God Pearl was born, they were related to the Primordial God Pearl. Moreover, the holy Qilin in the Primordial Orb has left the last last words. That is, if the secret of the Yuan Shenzhu cannot be kept in the future, the Yuan Shenzhu will be destroyed!

In Tang Dynasty, they have always followed the teachings of their ancestors.

They closely guarded the secret of the Primordial God Orb, but they didn't expect that the secret of the Primordial God Orb would finally be revealed to the world, and everyone knew about it.

When they came this time, they were supposed to bring both the King of Fa and the Yuan Shenzhu back into the enchantment.

But the King refused.

Tang Wan and the others were worried that the Yuan Shenzhu would leak out, so they made a bad move. They sneaked into this barrier while Chen Yang was fighting the French King.

The enchantment of the King is only temporary, so it is not too difficult to break open. Especially since they still have some connection with Yuanshenzhu, it is easier to enter.

Yuanshen Zhu is extremely difficult to destroy.

But Tang Wan and the others had the secret of destruction left by the holy Qilin, so even if Chen Feixuan transformed into her original form and escaped into the Yuan Shenzhu, she did not escape the damage of Tang Wan and the Yuan elder.

Chen Yang did not kill Tang Wan because he felt that although Tang Wan acted extreme, he did not die. Besides, Chen Feixuan's life is still there.

It is not easy for Tang Wan to practice...

As for Ran Hongyu and his party, when Chen Yang came out again, they found that they had all left.

Chen Yang planned to let them go, so he didn't pursue them anymore. If he really wanted to let these people go, even in a hurry, he would easily grab them into the black hole spar.

Yuan Shenzhu was damaged, and Chen Feixuan was also injured.

The Dharma King used his Dharma therapy for three days and three nights. After this, Chen Feixuan was able to condense and form, but it was not stable yet.

Chen Yang also learned about Chen Feixuan's specific situation.

When the Yen Shenzhu fell into the Spring of Love, Chen Feixuan and Yuan Shenzhu had already merged into one.

Now it can be said that she is the Yuan Shenzhu, and the Yuan Shenzhu is her!

The two are inseparable.

Once Chen Feixuan died, Yuan Shenzhu would also wither.

The King told Chen Yang that he could not heal Chen Feixuan.

Chen Yang was taken aback, and asked the Karmapa quickly, "What does it mean that there is no cure?"

The Karmapa said: "The situation of the female donor is very special. She is now both physically and mentally injured. Fortunately, the Holy Power has been nourishing her, so it saved her life. But even so, the poor monk's Dharma can only help her. It’s impossible to condense it completely. The poor monk has no way to cure her..."

Chen Yang said: "If this continues, what will happen to her?"

The King said: "It is like a flower without roots, gradually withering!"

Chen Yang paled and said, "So serious?"

The king said in a deep voice: "Holy power is a very sacred and supreme power. The female donor is integrated with the holy power, but she cannot control the mystery of the holy power. Although she is a holy power, she is also like an ordinary person. I can’t control my body as I want!"

The meaning of the king is very mysterious!

Ordinary people could not understand, but Chen Yang did.

Although ordinary people can control their bodies, they can't do it to the smallest detail. For example, it is difficult to let the hairs stand upside down freely, also unable to isolate the nerve pain, let alone see one's body inwardly.

Human beings actually don't know much about their bodies.

Chen Yang understands Chen Feixuan's situation, and Chen Feixuan's cultivation is too weak, so although she is one with the holy power, the holy power seems to be her body. She can't display her sacred power...

Just like the brain cells of the human body, humans cannot develop them all by themselves.

Chen Yang understood, but he still didn't understand the meaning of the King.

"What does this have to do with her injury, please let me know!" Chen Yang said.

The Karmapa said: "Holy power is incomprehensible for poor monks, so poor monks cannot rule."

Chen Yang was worried, and said, "Although I have a trace of sacred power, but when it comes to understanding sacred power, I still can't do it."

The Dharma King said: "You don't have to worry too much about its implementation, and the poor monk already understands it. After all, the fate of this Yuanshenzhu is still outside of Daze."

Chen Yang was shocked again, he felt a little creepy at this moment.

The King said: "There is no cure here, but there is definitely a forensic cure outside of Daze. The poor monk now wants to come, and he should hand over the Yuan Shenzhu to the donor, and let the donor take it away. But at the time, the poor monk was deciding. When I took the Yuanshenzhu to listen to Xuefeng, I didn’t know the donor. I met later and couldn’t trust him. That’s why today’s calamity was caused! Over the past few days, I’ve heard the corpses on the Xuefeng, wanting to come. , It is all destined. The poor monk claims to be a sensible person, but he still took the butcher knife in a bewilderment and became the master!"

Chen Yang fell into silence.

Afterwards, he had to take away the Yuanshenzhu.

Because he must save Chen Feixuan.

Chen Yang already felt that the hand of fate in the dark was always pushing him forward.

He tried to change, but it had no effect.

Chen Yang finally thought of something. After receiving the Yuan Shenzhu, he asked the Karmapa before leaving: "His Majesty, who are you? Are you from Daze?"

The Dharma King folded his hands together and said: "Amitabha, the poor monk has been wandering in the void eight hundred years ago. Later, he received a call from the Dharma God Yuanjue, so he returned to the earth. After that, the Dharma God told the poor monk about Daze, hope The poor monk guarded the safety of the Yuan Shenzhu. He said that it was related to the survival of the earth, so the poor monk came to Daze. This Daze was originally a poor monk who could not enter. But Yuanjue Dharma gave the poor. The monk has a trace of sacred power, so that the poor monk can enter Daze."

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