My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3137: Thunder Sword, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang glanced at Nan Xi coldly and said, "In your heart, maybe you think you and I agree on the same level. But in fact, your master is just my defeat. So, you have no right to chew here. "After he finished speaking, he faced everyone and said, "If you believe me or not, I don't need to explain it to anyone."

Anger flashed in Nan Xi's eyes, but she quickly suppressed it. Because she did see with her own eyes that the master was defeated by this person.

"You..." Nan Xi wanted to say something, but then forcibly swallowed it back, and finally just snorted coldly.

Tang Wan remained vigilant towards Chen Yang.

The elder Yuan looked like an old woman. She was dressed in blue clothes and crouched on her back, looking like she was already old-fashioned.

The elder Yuan stood out, and she came to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang looked at the elder Yuan.

Inside the muddy eyes of the elder Yuan, there was an imperceptible chill. She said coldly: "Young man, just now you said you defeated Tang Wan, didn't you?"

Chen Yang was slightly startled.

He glanced at Tang Wan and found that Tang Wan's face was cold.

He also knew that he had defeated her by saying in public that she was a little bit **** face after all.

But just now, he was indeed annoying Nanxi.

At the moment, it's useless to say more.

Chen Yang couldn't understand the tone of this elder Mianli hiding the needle, and immediately said: "Yes, if you want to ask for advice, I can also live with you!"

"Okay, okay, okay!" The elder Yuan nodded and said, "What a arrogant kid, take a palm!"

Suddenly, the old elder turned into a thunderstorm!

Her eyes shone sharply.

Her silver hair is full of anger, and her clothes are calm and self-defeating.

Then, a magic weapon appeared in her hand, Tyrant Ling!

Naha Sky Bell is like a small copper cauldron. The outside and inside of the Naha Sky Bell are engraved with complicated runes.

Tyrant Bell is in the hands of the elder Yuan.

Followed by a shock...

This shocking power of the elder Yuan is extremely fierce, and its energy can split the stars!

But under this shock, Ba Tianling made no sound.

Then, the elder Yuan shot it out with a palm.

The strength of her body's cultivation has exploded to the extreme.

All the sound kills in Tyrannical Bell were integrated into the palm. This palm was extremely terrifying and insidious, because it contained the power of sound kills.

Although the elder Yuan held his own status, he did not trust him. I also know that the kid in front of me has real abilities, so this palm uses her full strength!

Chen Yang didn't dare to underestimate this elder. Today he no longer wants to keep it, let alone do too much unnecessary fighting.

So at that moment, he just took a step back.

Then, Qingsi turned into a Qingfeng sword!

A cold light flashed in Chen Yang's eyes, and the whole body's mana riots, moments, spirit, will, and profound meaning all merged into the Qingsi sword.

This is the first time he has used Qingsi after integrating the Holy Power.

At this time, Chen Yang finally felt the difference.

He felt that the power inside Qingsi seemed to have undergone a qualitative change!

"No, it's not that Qingsi's power has changed, but because my level has changed. That's why I feel Qingsi's power has changed."

Chen Yang suddenly realized!

He waved it easily, and gathered the majestic chaotic power in the blue silk!

"Great Chaos Thunder Sword!"

Chen Yang slashed away suddenly.


The sword light flashed!

It seemed as if a lightning bolt flashed by, the fierce thunder light with the mighty power of chaos, trying to slay the sky and the sky!

Chen Yang's sword has surpassed the power that Suzhen Ping in black has displayed!


No matter how fierce, how terrifying, how weird the elder's palm is!

Chen Yang's Great Chaos Thunder Sword directly smashed it, and slashed towards the center of the eyebrows of the elder Yuan.

The elder Yuan couldn't help being shocked, and immediately drove the Decepticon to block it.

The Tyrannical Bell shook in an instant, but made no sound, forming a terrifying sound barrier!

The sound barrier was like water waves, quickly forming a world, directly trapping the Great Chaos Thunder Sword.

The sound barrier is ever-changing, like ten thousand giant pythons...

Later, it can be transformed into a forge...

It’s just that it’s too late...

The Great Chaos Thunder Sword directly shattered this sound barrier.

Then he killed the elder Yuan again.

A look of horror appeared in the eyes of the elder Yuan...

Seeing, the elder Yuan would be seriously injured if he died.

That Tang Wan and others wanted to save them, but it was too late.

Chen Yang also stayed for a while, he didn't expect his sword to be so fierce.

This sword was also his full strength.

But it doesn't mean that his strength is exhausted. Just like an ordinary person, he hits a punch with all his strength. After he finishes the punch, he can quickly hit a second punch.

Just at the moment of his death, the Dharma King chanted Amitabha!

After that, he flashed and appeared in front of the elder Yuan.

Then, the king shot it out with a palm.

There is a golden mixed hole in the palm!

The chaotic hole is like a black hole in the vast universe.

Every time Chen Yang displays the profound meaning of black holes, he can also play his own black holes.

But its lethality compared with this kind of real mixed hole is totally different.

The Great Chaos Thunder Sword plunged into the golden cave of the King of Light.

At this moment, Chen Yang felt that his Great Chaos Thunder Sword seemed to be in the real big cave of the universe.

The world in that little palm seems endless!

The Great Chaos Thunder Sword was strangled in the chaotic cave and ran for more than 100,000 miles before dissipating in the chaotic cave.

Looking at all of this, Tang Wan remembered that Chen Yang said that there was still a hole card that was not shown... She thought the other party was just bragging. At the moment, everything is true!

The elder Yuan is now the rest of her life. She looked at Chen Yang in horror, and at the same time bowed to the Lord of the Law, saying, "Thank you, Master, for your help!"

His face was calm, he first said to Tang Wan and the elder Yuan: "It's already up here, you can leave now."

The elder Yuan said: "But this son..."

The Karmapa said: "The donor does not have to worry about it."

Tang Wan said, "Bai Lan, what does the master plan to do with these people?"

The King said: "This is to listen to Xuefeng's affairs. Please don't interfere and leave as soon as possible!"

Tang Wan and Yuan elder glanced at each other, and the two of them exchanged their eyes and thoughts together.

Tang Wan said: "Listening to Xuefeng has become the target of all people. We feel that listening to Xuefeng is not safe. Therefore, we would like to ask the King to take the Yuan Shenzhu to our Qingyun Pavilion. At that time, we will help the King to protect the Yuan Shen. Beads!"

Chen Yang's heart trembled. He glanced at Tang Wan and suddenly felt that he couldn't figure out Tang Wan's thoughts.

The King said, "Thank you for your kindness. The poor monk will not go anywhere. By then, the poor monk will re-arrange the barriers of the North Shrine. The place here is already very safe, so I don’t need to bother with the pavilion. Up."

Tang Wan couldn't help feeling helpless, but when she wanted to say something more, the elder said from the side: "Since the master insists on doing this, we can only respect it. If so, we will leave."

After she finished speaking, she said to Tang Wan: "Let's go!"

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