My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3121: Direct war, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Hua Zongyuan is quite demeanor. Although he has many questions and vigilance in his heart at this moment, he still maintains a polite and smile.

Hua Zongyuan smiled and said: "How can I meet the strangers? It is an honor for my entire Beishen Palace to come. It's just that I still have some doubts, and I hope that the distinguished guests can help me."

Bai Lan and Chen Yang didn't talk at all, so Ran Hongyu left the tricks and tricks.

Bai Lan is very taciturn.

Although Chen Yang is eloquent, but at this time, the flame is raging all over his body, so he is not in this mood either.

Ran Hongyu smiled back to Hua Zongyuan and said, "Palace Master, please."

Hua Zongyuan said: "We have never been able to enter from outsiders in the North Shrine, except for an accidental hitting in before. Now, the three of them have come in at the same time. I think this is not an accidental hitting. I don't know. How did the bit get in? After all, what went wrong with our enchantment?"

"Also, the three with such skills, presumably are not unknown in our Daze. If I am not mistaken, this girl should be the leader of the saints, the leader of Bai Lanbai, right?" Hua Zong When Yuan spoke, his eyes fell on Bai Lan.

Bai Lan was slightly startled, she didn't hide it at the moment, and said: "I am indeed Bai Lan, she is my wife, Ran Hongyu!"

Hua Zongyuan had long heard of Ran Hongyu's identity, so he was not surprised.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, but he somewhat understood the other party's intention.

Hua Zongyuan looked at Chen Yang again, and said, "This young man?"

Chen Yang immediately clasped his fists and said, "Under Chen Yang, this is a casual cultivator between heaven and earth. Today is also a meeting of fate, so I came here with Master Bai and Girl Ran."

Hua Zongyuan said: "So that's the case." He smiled slightly and said, "I am glad that the three distinguished guests came. However, I expected the three of them to come here. What is the reason? I don't know if it is me. What is wrong with Beishen Palace? Three people are offended, so please tell them."

He had long known that the saints had been looking for the legendary soul pearl. He secretly said in his heart that the other party came here, could it be the news of the Yuanshenzhu? Is the Primordial Pearl in my North Shrine? But why didn't I know?

When Hua Zongyuan had a lot of speculations, Chen Yang spoke first. He smiled bitterly and said: "I believe there must be a lot of speculations in the heart of the palace owner at this moment. Guess that we are here for the Yuan Shenzhu?"

Hua Zongyuan smiled and asked, "That, is it?"

Chen Yang naturally couldn't admit it, and said: "Of course not! Actually we are here..."

"Why nonsense!" Bai Lan suddenly cut off Chen Yang's words. She said directly to Hua Zongyuan: "I don't expect you to know the Primordial God Orb, otherwise, you should have swallowed the Primordial God Orb. We are here to trace the Primordial God Orb. We want to check your North Shrine. Some dossiers of the People’s Republic of China are used to find clues about the Yuanshenzhu. I wonder if you have any opinions?"

Bai Lan is really quick to talk.

She is fearless.

Chen Yang was speechless. Before he came in, he even told Bai Lan not to bring up the matter of the Yuanshenzhu, so as not to startle the snake.

Although Hua Zongyuan recognized Bai Lan, it was an accident. But Chen Yang naturally has a way to round up the lies!

But where did you know that Bai Lan was so direct and admitted directly.

If the other party dispels the doubts of the Primordial God Orb, it will be much easier for them to trace the clues of the Primordial God Orb. Now, it's hard to say.

After Bai Lan's direct showdown.

Hua Zongyuan remained silent.

The black-clothed old man beside Hua Zongyuan suddenly spoke.

The black-clothed old man smiled sorrowfully, glanced at the three Chen Yang, and said: "The three are so domineering. We don't know the whereabouts of the Yuan Shenzhu, but since the three are chasing, they must have some news. This is also true. Remind us...Originally, if the three of them spoke well, it would be okay for you to check the dossier. But if we still responded to the attitude of the three of them, wouldn't the whole Beishen Palace become pussies?"

Bai Lan got up and sneered again, and said: "Then do it!"

"Could it be that you are still afraid that you will not succeed?" The peace and kindness in Hua Zongyuan's eyes disappeared, replaced by fierceness.

Here, there is no way to be kind.

At the same time, Hua Zongyuan and the black-clothed old man pinched their handprints!

Their handprints are exactly the same!

Chen Yang felt bad, but the world in front of him suddenly changed.

The hall suddenly split, and space and time moved quickly.

Everything around is like a glimpse of light and shadows, moving quickly.

Then, Chen Yang appeared in a desert.

There is boundless yellow sand all around.

This scene is not strange.

It's just the law of space, but this law of space is extremely clever.

The space and the formation merged, and it reached fission in an instant.

Formed a dimensional change similar to eight masters.

Chen Yang didn't know where he was.

He wouldn't have been so easy to get caught, but the pain of burning all over his body made him unable to keep up with the speed of change when his space changed.

Chen Yang is concentrating!

He wants to crack the law of this space.

Chen Yang knew very well in his heart that the opponent used the law of space to separate them, and then defeated them one by one.

Maybe, Ran Hongyu and Bai Lan were also separated at this time.

That Hua Zongyuan and the old man in black must be besieging one of them.

Delaying time will definitely be detrimental to your side.

Chen Yanggang was concentrating...


The pain came over like a sea.

When you are not attentive, the pain can be scattered.

But with this concentration, you can taste the painful details one by one.

Chen Yang cursed secretly.

But there is no alternative.

At the same time, Bai Lan and Ran Hongyu were separated by space.

Bai Lan is above a boundless sea.

Ran Hongyu is among the mountains...

Ran Hongyu was between the mountains and saw the world in chaos. Although the surrounding area was boundless, the surrounding area was full of strong spatial power.

Then, attack and kill on both sides together!

That Hua Zongyuan and the old man in black appeared at the same time.

Hua Zongyuan displayed the magic weapon, Yuehua Gun!

The spear light shook the sky, forming a line in the air, slashing towards Ran Hongyu's throat.

At that moment, the spear light enveloped the world, forming absolute coercion.

This shot seems to penetrate the sky of the universe!

The magic weapon of the old man in black is the Sky Wheel!

The sky wheel looks like a silver moon.

The sky wheel absorbed a lot of mana in the air, and finally beheaded towards Ran Hongyu.

The sky wheel spins extremely fast, and if there are ten thousand swords, it will be killed together.

Ran Hongyu can be said to be an enemy.

Moreover, these two kinds of attacks are incomparably powerful.

In the midst of the crisis, Ran Hongyu sacrificed the Heavenly Soul needle with lightning.

She will turn the Tianpu divine needle towards that day!

The mana of the whole body converged with the Heavenly Soul Divine Needle, condensed into one point, and instantly stopped all the attacks and kills of that round, and defeated them.

Ran Hongyu pushed out with his left hand, his own domain expanded, and the power of infinite space and time became entangled.

Hua Zongyuan's Moonlight Spear flashed into the realm of space, quickly breaking through many obstacles!

Ran Hongyu's figure continued to change. That day, the Soul Needle retracted and fired again, colliding with Hua Zongyuan's Yuehua Spear Light!

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