My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3116: North Shrine, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang vaguely saw the Yuanshenzhu entering a palace whose name was Beishen Palace!

After that, everything disappeared!

Chen Yang couldn't help but lift up his spirits, he finally learned the secret of Yuanshenzhu.

Yuan Shenzhu is in the North Shrine!

Chen Yang was very happy, but the tragedy happened immediately.

Because the backlash has finally come.

Qingsi cut into the barrier, in that barrier, a surging, majestic force suddenly turned back, and all through the Qingsi...

Chen Yang couldn't help being surprised!

This is really hard!

Because this is not Chen Yang's ability to throw away Qingsi.

Because Qingsi is one with him.

Moreover, that force was like a sharp needle, and instantly entered the blue silk, passed through the blue silk, and attacked Chen Yang.

Very fast!

Chen Yang couldn't stop with Qingsi.

An unprecedented sense of crisis appeared in Chen Yang's mind, and Chen Yang quickly backed away...

But backing was useless, the sharp power had passed through the blue silk and shot towards the center of his eyebrows.

At this moment, Chen Yang finally realized the feeling of Ran Hongyu receiving the Tianpo Divine Needle.

In this case, even if he performed a large swallowing technique, the Xuanhuang Divine Valley Seed could not resist this instant piercing.

The only way is really the kind of choice of Ran Hongyu!

In the crisis, Chen Yang explored his palms.

A palm resisted, and the sharp power cut into Chen Yang's palm.

Chen Yang cut off his palm with lightning, and his whole body quickly flew thousands of miles away.

The whole process was smooth and flowing.

At the same time, Qingsi also flew back into his hands.

His severed hand immediately grew out and recovered as if it had never been broken.

But this does not mean that Chen Yang was not harmed.

At that moment, the sharp power shook his internal organs.

If it weren't for Chen Yang's quick response, he might be dying at this moment.

Despite this, Chen Yang is still seriously injured.

Chen Yang quickly flew towards the depths of the sky, and soon reached the void.

He flew fast in the void and found another Death Star.

Although this void is an overlapping space, all structures are imitating the stars of the universe, so there are also many dead stars.

This is like a parallel world.

Above the death star, Chen Yang entered the black hole spar.

Afterwards, Chen Yang began to examine his body.

He is like a third person who can see clearly inside and out of his own body.

That sharp power contained many of Chen Yang's own laws, profound meanings, and added holy power.

This sacred power neutralized other powers and was no longer pure.

Chen Yang felt that his internal organs were damaged at this time, and his whole body cells were hot.

He felt that his body was being burned by flames, and it was like a shadow, like a tarsal maggot, unable to get rid of it.

Chen Yang swallowed Ningxue Pill and repaired the internal organs.

He stayed on the Death Star for about ten days, but his injuries to his internal organs did not improve. To be precise, that holy power has been burning his cells and body. He has been resisting, even if his internal organs are healed. But the sacred power like a tarsal maggot burned again, leaving Chen Yang helpless.

During these ten days, Chen Yang has been suffering every moment and every minute.

Chen Yang felt that he seemed to be getting weaker and weaker.

Sometimes, his hands, feet, and hair would burn up inexplicably. He needs to forcefully move and consume more Ningxue Pill to extinguish this flame.

Chen Yang felt that his body was about to explode.

This kind of hot pain does not come from a man's desire, but a real pain. Chen Yang felt like he wanted to find the ice and fell into the ice.

But in fact, no cold ice can restrain this kind of holy power.

Chen Yang knew this very well.

This pain made Chen Yang unable to concentrate completely.

Ten days of pain in a row, this is an extraordinary torture, if it hadn't been for Chen Yang's heart as a rock, it would have long been unable to hold it.

Chen Yang couldn't help it.

He wants to restore the big fatalism, and then use the power of fatalism to suppress this holy fire.

But soon, the embarrassing thing was that he couldn't enter the deep level of selflessness, so he couldn't summon the big fatalism again.

He tried countless times in a row, each time without success.

To make matters worse, he devoured Ningxue Pill frantically, and Ningxue Pill was about to run out.

Ningxue Dan can only last for four days.

Four days later, when Ningxue Pill was completely consumed, Chen Yang felt that he would be burned by the Holy Power, and finally forgot!

That is the real dead scum left!

At this time, no double cultivation technique will work.

Because the other party couldn't bear this kind of holy power, and he couldn't calm down and enter the dual cultivation state.

Chen Yang didn't want to do double cultivation at all, let alone go to spiritual cultivation with anyone.

"I didn't expect to find the secret of the Yuanshenzhu at the cost of my life!" Chen Yang smiled bitterly in his heart.

"No, this will never be my fate!" Chen Yang never believed in this **** fate.

What he was looking for was a way to break the game.

"Broken the game? How to break the game? Four days' time?" Chen Yang's eyes suddenly brightened, and he said inwardly: "Within four days, if I find the Yuanshenzhu, then all of this can be easily understood. I really delayed too long. , I must set off immediately to find the Yuanshenzhu!"

Chen Yang seized his mind, he understood that Yuanshenzhu was his only way of life.

At the moment, he forcibly resisted the pain in his body and set off.

Although the whole body is burned with holy power, it also needs mana to suppress it. But Chen Yang's overall strength has not been damaged too much...

Chen Yang quickly returned to Daze, and flew towards the northern icy and snowy land.

The mana is in the body, and the speed is extremely fast.

Within five minutes, Chen Yang arrived in the northern extreme cold place, and followed the trajectory of the Yuan Shenzhu into the depths of the sea.

Soon, Chen Yang came to the sea tens of thousands of meters deep.

According to memory, the place where he is now is the place where the Yuan Shenzhu passes through the barrier.

The tragedy is that Chen Yang did not find that level of barrier.

If he couldn't find the enchantment, he would not be able to enter the North Shrine even after thousands of years in the ocean.

Chen Yang fired and explored with magical thoughts. For several hours, there was no news at all.

This whole Daze made Chen Yang feel discouraged, and it was extremely difficult to find a ghost.

Chen Yang had a feeling that when he searched for it like this, ten percent of them couldn't find the barrier.

If it's really easy to find, I'm afraid the North Shrine will not be so secretive anymore.

"The Great Fate Technique can't be summoned." Chen Yang felt very frustrated, his whole body still aching. In the depths of the seabed, the sea pressure is very high and surrounded by deep cold air.

But Chen Yang didn't feel any lighter at all.

These cold air can not relieve the slightest pain in the body.

Chen Yang saw that his hands were on fire again.

He was extremely depressed, and quickly swallowed Ningxue Pill, then used his magic power to extinguish the fire forcibly.

If this goes on, Xiaoming is about to end.

Are you really going to find Tang Wan?

Now Chen Yang didn't care about the weak friendship, but he knew in his heart that Tang Wan would also be difficult to find. Even if I find it, with my injured body, I am afraid it will not be possible!

"Looking for Ran Hongyu?" Chen Yang thought again: "Although Ran Hongyu doesn't know the Yuanshenzhu, she is also a local aboriginal. Maybe she knows some clues about the Beishen Palace. However, once I tell her Beishen, this Yuanshenzhu I’m afraid it’s exposed."

"Also, does Ran Hongyu really treat Lao Tzu as a friend? Maybe as soon as she passes, she will have to attack me first!" Chen Yang thought this was a very possible thing.

After all, people's hearts are unpredictable!

Chen Yang felt very irritable, and his constant pain made his eyes fall into blood red.

At this moment, he suddenly felt how happy his usual healthy body was.

I have so many complaints from time to time, that really shouldn't be!

He is now like an ordinary person who is seriously ill and suffering.

I feel that as long as I can stop the pain, I am willing to pay any price. Those promises, oaths, etc., all seem to have become less important.

He just wanted to drive away the holy power in his body.

However, he couldn't leave!

Chen Yang couldn't find a clue here, he thought about it, and in desperation, he left.

Must find a partner.

I'm dying, and I still care about so many things.

Chen Yang quickly left the North Sea, left the North Pole, and came to the place where the holy race was.

The place where the holy race was located was also secret, but Ran Hongyu had told Chen Yang the location.

Ran Hongyu hoped that Chen Yang would come to her when she figured it out.

Chen Yang felt that this trip was also a tiger's lair in Longtan, and the cooperation with Ran Hongyu was also for the tiger's skin.

But Chen Yang didn't bother to think about these consequences. Because he only wanted to quickly get rid of the holy power from his body, when this pain was resolved, let's talk about other things.

The place where the holy race is is also deep in the swamp.

And there is barrier protection!

Chen Yang had just arrived and hadn't done much, nor had he found a barrier.

There was a wave in front of that.

Amidst the fluctuations of the swamp, a barrier gate appeared.

Chen Yang entered the barrier gate.

As soon as I entered, the world in front of me suddenly opened up.

The same beautiful scenery, on the whole, is somewhat the same as Qingyun Pavilion.

The difference is that this place is full of Dongfu, and no palace appears.

Surrounded by mountains, the sun is in the sky.

Chen Yang felt as if he had returned to a normal world.

He thought in his heart: "If you can really return to the normal world, it will be fine. At this time, you can also go to the emperor for help to see if you can get rid of the sacred power in your body. You can also go to Susu for help. I am familiar with her spiritual practice. , Even if my mental power is not concentrated, she can bring me into a spiritual state. The fusion of yin and yang may be able to destroy the power of this holy fire."

After all, these can only be beautiful imaginations.

Chen Yang still has to face reality.

I thought that looking for Saint Kylin would be the easiest trip. Now it has become the most painful suffering in his history.

Chen Yang landed on a mountain peak, and immediately there were figures moving around.

In an instant, three figures appeared.

The leader is Na Yan Qing, in addition to Alian and Fu Yingxiong.

When Yan Qing saw Chen Yang, he was really jealous when his enemies met. The three of them sneered together, and sternly said: "Smelly boy, you are so courageous, you dare to come here, today, here is your death date!"

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