My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3112: Tianpaku Needle, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Na Ran Hongyu didn't even know the situation in the river of black holes outside.

Ran Hongyu felt that Chen Yang was struggling to stop her Heavenly Soul Needle. In the long river of black holes, it was like a torrent of torrents, hard to pierce!

But Ran Hongyu only used the power of Nirvana to oscillate continuously, and then broke the river!

Afterwards, the Tianpo Shen Needle pierced Chen Yang's eyebrows.

Ran Hongyu was very familiar with this feeling of cutting into his brain.

Ran Hongyu sighed secretly: "It's a pity!"

She had no intention of killing Chen Yang, but when things had evolved to this point, it was impossible for her to keep her hands.

In the next instant, the power of the Tianpous Divine Needle burst out.

Ran Hongyu felt the opponent's brain and even body explode, and countless soul fragments drifted away.

Ran Hongyu was sure that the other party was dead, so he was about to take back the Heaven Soul Needle!

At this time, the power in the Heavenly Soul Needle has been exhausted.

At this moment, Chen Yang's stern laugh came from the long river of black hole.

"Want to go, it's not so easy!"

Ran Hongyu was shocked at once, at this moment, she was shocked to be fooled.

But everything is too late.

Because at this time, Chen Yang's Great Swallowing Technique and Xuanhuang Divine Valley Seed had reached the limit, directly inhaling the Soul Divine Needle into the center of Great Swallowing Technique.

The energy in the Celestial Needle is exhausted.

Ran Hongyu swiftly mobilized his mana and wanted to grab the Tianpu Divine Needle, but Chen Yang shot it out with a backhand.

Chen Yang's palm strength contains the skill of Yan Qing and others, and his palm is extremely powerful.


The power of the small world hidden in this palm is majestic and powerful!

With a palm out, Ran Hongyu was forced to resist.

She backed back in the air and resolved it with the power of Nirvana several times before finally blocking Chen Yang's palm.

And at this time, Chen Yang had absorbed all the marks and power of Ran Hongyu in the Tianpu Divine Needle.

That day the soul needle became extremely pure!

Chen Yang quickly injected his own spiritual imprint, trying to control the Tianpu Divine Needle.

"Damn it!" Ran Hongyu was shocked to realize that she had lost contact with Tianpo Divine Needle, and she was suddenly furious. Tianpo Shenzhen is her life magic weapon, but she is based on the dominance of the world.

So at this moment, how is she not anxious, how not angry!

Ran Hongyu saw that everyone couldn't attack Chen Yang, and shouted angrily: "What a bunch of trash!"

Afterwards, her figure flashed and rushed directly into the river of Chen Yang's black hole.

Ran Hongyu was really angry, and vowed to take back the Tianpo Divine Needle.

She entered the river of black holes, and the river of black holes collapsed at an accelerated rate.

Chen Yang felt the pressure doubled.

After Ran Hongyu entered the river of black holes, he continued to unleash the power of Nirvana.

Chen Yang absorbed a lot of Ran Hongyu's power, and at this moment those powers began to move around and wanted to re-operate. Chen Yang absorbed again and refined!

He is also trying his best to suppress!

Ran Hongyu rushed towards Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's magical power is boundless, and he fights on multiple sides at the same time.

The power of those three masters is simply the source of his power, so after taking control of the Heavenly Soul Needle, he directly shot the Heavenly Soul Needle.

There is the power of the sky in the **** needle!

What is Tianpu? It is the essence of the sky.

This power is strange and unique, like a prison like a sea.

After Chen Yang condensed, once shot out, it was unmatched!

Chen Yang took over and mobilized many powers, using the Tianpu Divine Needle to spur a sword to the east.


Weekly shock!

Ran Hongyu couldn't help being astonished. She noticed the crisis and withdrew from the black hole river in a flash.

But that day, the Soul Needle was unrelenting, even if she waved her palms continuously, and the force of Nirvana could not stop her.

The Heaven Soul needle pierced through all the void, and finally pierced Ran Hongyu's palm.

Ran Hongyu had no choice but to do so.

Otherwise, her injury would be more serious.

"All back!" Ran Hongyu finally realized something was wrong, and she ordered the others to retreat.

Alian, Fu Yingxiong, and Yan Qing also felt bored, and then all retreated to Ran Hongyu's.

The two sides played against each other, in fact, it was sparkling fire.

Although Alian and the others felt that something was not right, Ran Hongyu was attacking. As a siege, they naturally did not dare to slacken their efforts.

But the final result was a fierce operation, with a record of zero to five.

Chen Yang was satisfied. Although this battle caused the puppet to explode, he had to practice again, and lost the wordless sky monument. But he got this wonderful Heavenly Soul Needle!

This Tianpo Shenzhen plus his own sword to the east, it is simply unparalleled.

Ran Hongyu stared at her slender palm. Although the scar in that palm was quickly repaired, blood flowed out in a blink of an eye.

If she hadn't blocked the world in her palm before, it would be very difficult for her to die right now.

At this time, she was seriously injured.

Chen Yang smiled slightly, took away many supernatural powers, and then rushed to Hongyu and said, "Sister Hongyu, are you okay?"

Ran Hongyu snorted coldly and said, "Don't be too happy."

Chen Yang said, "Really? But if I were you, I wouldn't talk like this now."

Ran Hongyu said: "What do you mean?"

Chen Yang said, "You should be polite to me, because if you make me unhappy, I might be ruined."

"Dare you!" Ran Hongyu said angrily.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "It's really funny, what I dare not. Tell you, brother, I dealt with you, and I haven't displayed my most powerful magic weapon. Just now I was playing with you..."

"Impossible!" Ran Hongyu didn't believe Chen Yang's words at all.

Chen Yang said, "Believe it or not!"

He paused, his expression straightened, and said: "It could have killed you all here, but I think it is not easy for you to practice. Therefore, as long as you answer a few questions about me, I can let you make a living!"

"Do you think you can kill us?" Fu Yingxiong said indignantly.

"What do you want to know?" Ran Hongyu suddenly figured it out, and she simply relented. She prevented Fu Yingxiong from continuing to speak and asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said: "There are too many people, it's not easy to talk. You let all your subordinates go, I will take you to a quiet place to talk."

"How is this possible!" Alian first disagreed.

"Don't think about it!" Yan Qing also shouted.

Ran Hongyu was arbitrarily determined by Qiankun, she said in a deep voice, "You all go!"

"How can it be!" A-Lian said, "We will advance and retreat together with you, Madam!"

Yan Qing also said: "We will never leave Madam you here alone."

Ran Hongyu said in a deep voice: "Okay, enough! Listen to my order and leave!"

Chen Yang said: "They don't go, let's go!"

Ran Hongyu nodded and said: "Okay!"

Chen Yang directly caught Ran Hongyu into the black hole spar. Ran Hongyu didn't struggle. After that, Chen Yang said to those people: "Don't follow, I didn't want to kill her, you forced me to be in a hurry, then I don't guarantee anything will happen."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Yan Qing, A-Lian, and Fu Yingxiong were left at the scene looking at each other.

They were not only loyal to Ran Hongyu, but also knew better in their hearts that once Ran Hongyu died, after they returned, they were afraid that life would not be easy.

Ran Hongyu, the wife of the leader is the heart of the leader!

But at this moment, A-Lian and the others have nothing to do.

Chen Yang followed and found a marshland and hid in its depths. In this way, the black hole spar is used again, and the gods can't be found.

In this great ze, there is its own special place.

Miasma and swamps can shield many things.

This is not available in other worlds.

After settled in the depths of the swamp, Chen Yang came to cook Ran Hongyu.

In the villa of the black hole spar.

In the living room, under the bright light...

Ran Hongyu looked around...

Chen Yang found some drinks and fruits from the refrigerator and put them on the coffee table.

Ran Hongyu sat down on the sofa.

Chen Yang sat down.

Ran Hongyu couldn't help but said: "The design of your place and the facilities inside do not seem to come from our Daze. Could it be that you came in from outside Daze?"

Chen Yang was startled when he heard the words, and then said: "I'm really stupid. It took a lot of trouble to prove to Tang Wan that I came in from the outside world. But I forgot to take her here to take a look. Just take a look, Many problems have already been explained."

Ran Hongyu paled in shock, and said, "Are you really coming in from outside?"

Chen Yang said: "Of course. But there is also a very tragic thing, that is, I can't get out."

Ran Hongyu said, "How is this possible? We have never seen outsiders come in for generations. To be precise, no one can come in since the holy Qilin has transformed the holy power on the barrier. How did you come in? ?Why can you come in but not get out?"

Chen Yang said: "When I talk about this, I am a little confused. When I come in, I can draw the Holy Force into the body. But when I want to go out, the Holy Force doesn't move."

Ran Hongyu said: "Then who are you and what do you want to do when you come in?"

Chen Yang said: "My identity is also very complicated. It's a long story. But then again, who are we two asking whom?"

Ran Hongyu was already very curious about Chen Yang. She suddenly smiled charmingly and said, "Why do you care who is asking who? Let's be honest and unfair. Isn't it good? And right here, we can go to bed and talk. Talk about it."

Chen Yang gave a dry cough and said, "Ahem, I am a gentleman."

When he saw the goblin in front of him say such provocative words, he was actually a little dry.

Ran Hongyu smiled and said, "Really, go to the bed, I will see if you are a real gentleman."

Chen Yang is a love veteran, and Ran Hongyu will successfully tease him there. He laughed and said, "You don't have to go to bed. I am timid, afraid that you will give me a knife when I am the fastest."

Ran Hongyu yelled: "Coward!"

Chen Yang said: "Well, if you say I am a coward, then I am a coward."

In fact, he really couldn't guess what horrible idea Ran Hongyu was making in her stomach.

Ran Hongyu did not expect that Chen Yang would not be irritated at all, and she was a little helpless. She immediately said, "Let’s make friends. You will return my Tianpaku needle to me. I can tell you anything you want to ask. , The words are endless. In the future, I will never trouble you again, how about it?"

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