My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3104: Master's wife, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

There seems to be an immeasurable world hidden in that fist seal, as if possessing supreme wisdom, as if it is a witness to the birth of heaven and earth!

With this punch, there is only one punch left between heaven and earth.

Yan Qing took a deep breath, and then his eyes burst out, he sacrificed the seven soul flags, his head changed, and nine snake heads grew instantly!

Every snake's head is huge, and its mouth opens!

Yan Qing hasn't revealed his true form for many years.

But at this moment, Chen Yang forced out his true shape with a light punch.

Nine snake heads spurred thunder, electricity, wind, clouds, ice, flames, and various elements such as gold, wood, and earth, respectively!

The elements converge, the mana rolls, forming a small world!

Seven souls burst out infinite black mist!

Majestic and heavy!

Many forces finally formed a punch!

This punch is exactly the big punch of Diablo Origin!

One punch coincides with the laws of the Daze world, the profound meaning and the law!

The world is shaking, and the infinite poisonous gas and power are all in it.

The big fist seal of the dark origin and Chen Yang's random punch and lightning strike together.


The clouds and mist around him exploded, and all the clouds and mist dissipated in a radius of thousands of miles.

Chen Yang felt the strength of the opponent's fist.

That dark origin big fist imprint is like a fierce dragon, accumulating the power of the entire Daze world, containing endless poisonous bombardment.

With every bombardment, the power is unimaginable!

And overlapped, pointing straight to the heart!

Chen Yang was surprised secretly, and said in his heart: "If I had not acquired the great wisdom of Prajna, I would really suffer a big loss with this punch at this moment!"

But right now, Chen Yang doesn't care much.

He just gave a cold snort, his fist turned slightly.

Suddenly, the power of the Wisdom of Prajna was overwhelming in the world, covering all the changes of the other party.

Yan Qing felt that his strength was like a brash man, no matter how much energy and change he exhausted. But the other party is like a master of Taoism, calm and gentle!

The two of them competed, and they had already seen each other!

Yan Qing was annoyed, but he was willing to stop there, and suddenly roared, nine snake heads entangled with the seven soul flags, and the poisonous mist was completely inhaled by him.

Immediately, the poison of ice!

Thunder poison!

Electric poison!

All the nine elements contained highly poisonous, and slayed them fiercely towards Chen Yang.

Chen Yang snorted and flicked his sleeves suddenly.

The sleeves rose, and a hurricane waved out.

The hurricane was originally mild, but it suddenly came out and suddenly turned into a catastrophe.

The storm contains infinite lightning particles, rumbling...

With this wave, the nine elements were so violently poisonous that they were violent and violent, but they were all shattered into ashes by the lightning hurricane.

With one punch, one palm, Yan Qing's all-out attack was resolved!

This is Chen Yang today.

Chen Yang was indeed bored, and he slapped Yan Qing into serious injuries.

The palm is like a thunder, and between the lightning, it turns into thousands of palm prints!

Thousands of palm prints merged into another palm in an instant, finally killing Xiang Yan Qing's chest and abdomen.

Yan Qing's nine snake heads quickly closed into a human form. He retreated quickly, and at the same time, using the Seven Soul Banner as a guide, he shot three palms in a row.

These three palms, one palm is stronger than one palm, and one palm is fierce than one palm.

Like ten thousand Buddha dynasties, like ten thousand swords into one!

The three palms finally turned into one palm, colliding with Chen Yang's palm strength.


Chen Yang's palm power destroys the dry and decayed, in the Prajna, all kinds of wisdom, including all things, seeing the rules and power of the gods to kill the gods instantly broke through Yan Qing's defenses.

Yan Qing's palm was shattered.

Chen Yang's palm smoothly hit Yan Qing's chest and abdomen, and Yan Qing flew out all over, and then spit out a mouthful of blood in the air.

Chen Yang was in charge of three to seven and twenty-one, and directly shot and captured Yan Qing.

His big handprints were about to catch Yan Qing.

However, at this moment, Yan Qing was still flying in the air, and a door of the void appeared behind Yan Qing.

A huge black handprint quickly appeared in the door of the void!

"Ah, Mrs. Master, save me!" Na Yan Qing couldn't help being surprised and delighted when he saw the huge handprint coming.

The huge handprint quickly blasted with Chen Yang's palm.

Chen Yang immediately noticed the difficulty of the opponent, he quickly activated his whole mana and smashed it fiercely.

That huge handprint and Chen Yang's palm force smashed together!


Two palms collide, the world is broken!

The aftermath shocked thousands of miles.

Chen Yang felt the strength of the opponent's palm, which could not help but contain the wisdom of Prajna, and...the power of Nirvana was born.

That palm power cycle was born, like a yin-yang cycle, terrible!

Chen Yang's palm power was directly resolved by the opponent, and the spiral force crawled into his body. Like a thousand scimitars strangling his flesh...

Chen Yang's body shook, his body's vitality and mana erupted like a mountain torrent, instantly dissolving this strangling power.

At the same time, Na Yan Qing was caught by the opponent into the gate of the void.

Then, the door of the void closed.

At the same time, a woman's voice came: "Your Excellency dare to oppose the Holy Race. The Holy Race has always had grudges and will avenge it. Your Excellency is ready to meet the anger of the Holy Race!"

After that, the sound disappeared.

The peace between heaven and earth was restored, as if the other party had never appeared before.

Chen Yang touched his nose, he was not afraid to meet the anger of any saint.

Today, he no longer fears the masters of the Seventh Layer of Creation Realm.

Back then, an Emperor Holy Heaven made him helpless, but now, he can directly kill God Holy Heaven with the power of Qingsi.

Chen Yang just felt a little helpless, he seemed to be involved in a big storm.

This seems to be a far cry from my original intention, I only hope that I can find the trace of the holy Qilin here in Qingyun Pavilion.

Chen Yang was still in a daze, and the girl and two young men behind them saluted Chen Yang and thanked him.

"Thank you seniors for helping me, the juniors are so grateful!" The girl's voice was sweet and crisp.

The two young men also saluted together.

Chen Yang turned to face the three of them, then smiled slightly, and said, "Easy to say, easy to say!"

The girl said: "Junior Zhou Ya!"

Two young people also signed up for taboo, one is called Wu Xie and the other is called Yun Zhen!

Chen Yang went straight to the point and said, "I don't know a few people, although I helped me, I also have my own selfishness."

Then Wu Xie was the senior of the three. He said, "Senior, this is not the place to talk. Why don't we talk in another place?"

Chen Yang was also afraid that the master of the holy race would come to make trouble. He was unwilling to entangle him for no reason. He agreed and said, "Good!"

The group left quickly.

The whole world of Daze is dark, mist, and swamp, which makes people very unhappy.

After that, the four came to a hidden mountain.

Wu Xie first said: "Senior's great grace, we have nothing to pay for it. I don't know how seniors are called?"

Chen Yang said, "I'm not from your Daze world. I came in from the outside world. I came here to find the holy unicorn..." He finally paused and said, "My name is Chen Yang!"

The rivers and lakes have always been sinister, and Chen Yang came up to explain his origin clearly, which is really a bit reckless.

However, this is not because Chen Yang has no experience in the arena, but that he now has enough strength!

In the galaxy, Chen Yang can be regarded as an absolute master.

In this earth, there are not many people who can kill Chen Yang.

"Holy Kylin?" Wu Xie, Zhou Ya, and Yun Zhen couldn't help being disappointed when they heard Chen Yang's words.

At the same time, vigilance and alertness appeared on their faces.

Chen Yang kept all this in his eyes, and said calmly, "Why, what's wrong?"

Then Yunzhen suddenly thought of something and said: "No one can enter our Daze world."

Wu Xie and Zhou Ya also looked at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also glanced at them and said, "It's really not easy to come in, but I really did come in. I don't think you look very right. It seems that this holy unicorn has any taboos?"

"Why do seniors look for Saint Qilin?" the girl Zhou Ya asked.

Chen Yang said: "Today there will be a catastrophe on the earth. According to rumors, the holy unicorn was the mount of the ancestor of the saint Hongjun. If the holy unicorn can be recognized and go out together, the heroes of the world will be convinced. Therefore, This is the purpose of my coming! I originally thought this Daze was the habitat of the Hell Hydra, but I didn’t expect that after I came in, I found another world. So right now, I’m not very familiar with this place... just now, I Seeing you fighting. Instinctively felt that Yan Qing had a sinister aura, so he turned to help you. This is how things went, whether you believe it or not!"

Zhou Ya's trio looked at each other immediately.

They make eye contact as well as their thoughts.

Chen Yang did not bother and stayed aside.

After a while, the three discussed a result. From that Zhou Ya stepped forward and said, "Senior is serious?"

Chen Yang was a little displeased and said, "Joke, do I have to lie to you?"

Zhou Ya suddenly panicked and said, "Senior, don't be annoyed, juniors are just asking to see you carefully."

Chen Yang said: "I have never acted far from forcing others, and I don't understand why you cover up, as if you have so many shameful secrets. You don't want to disclose it. If you leave, I will check it slowly. it is good."

Wu Xie and Yun Zhen also came.

Wu Xie said: "Senior, I have no ill will. It's just that what you are looking for is too sensitive, and I dare not make a decision lightly. This matter needs to be reported to the patron of my family before making a decision!"

Chen Yang said, "What is sensitive?" He felt a little inexplicable.

Zhou Ya said, "Do you really know nothing?"

Chen Yang said, "If you know, do you still have to ask?"

Zhou Ya smiled bitterly.

Afterwards, Zhou Ya said: "Well, senior, you stay here for a while, juniors and others will report to the pavilion master first, can you?"

Chen Yang was startled slightly, and then said, "Alright!"

Zhou Ya and the three of them looked at each other, then said goodbye to Chen Yang, and then left in a flash.

Chen Yang only felt that everything was inexplicable.

He is not afraid of the other party's conspiracy, in short, if the other party treats it with courtesy, he will return it with courtesy.

If the other party is arrogant, it would be better. He can directly torture a confession and force what he wants.

Right now, it's not too complicated.

At least from the expressions of the three Zhou Ya, it can be seen that Saint Qilin does exist.

Chen Yang suddenly thought of a strange thing.

That's the teacher's wife that Yan Qing called last to save me!

Isn't this leader Bai Lan? Isn't Bai Lan a woman?

Why is there another teacher's wife here? And listening to the voice, she is also a woman.

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