My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3099: Prajna Wisdom, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

In the immortal cemetery, Chen Yang wrote his father and younger brother Chen Yihan on the monument of immortality.

When Chen Yang wrote about his father's life, he thought for a long time, and later wrote: "The Devil Emperor has been upright and passionate in his life, but he walked out of the sky tomb and became an unnamed person. The yin and yang divide, kill innocent people, and plant The evil cause. Later, the original fire and thunder seeds were gathered in the Phoenix Realm, and their power surpassed the heavens. However, in the battle of the Imperial Sky Boat, he blew himself up to save his son, and his soul returned to bliss! Unfilial son, Chen Yangli!"

This is a simple epitaph. Below, Chen Yang integrates all his father's life into it.

It must be read by mana.

That was the magnificent life of my father!

After doing all this, Chen Yang just went to Shennong World.

In the attic of the Nagaran Temple, Chen Yang and Black Clothes Suzhen began spiritual practice.

The mana of the two blended, and Suzhen in black took Chen Yang to the entrance!

The five layers of creation is the power of all things!

This is Chen Yang's current state!

Vientiane is all-inclusive, and it also means that the power of the ancient idols burst out instantly!

Six layers of creation!

Promote many powers, profound meanings, and rules to wisdom!

Prajna wisdom!

Let a strong man become a strong man full of wisdom.

Prajna wisdom includes all the powers of the first five layers. Bring all the previous strength to baptism and upgrade.

This is a huge process!

This is a vast project!

The five-fold Vientiane has evolved into the world's Vientiane changes!

The Sixth Layer of Creation Realm also needs to integrate wisdom and understand the true meaning on the basis of understanding changes!

Once this state is understood and flexibly penetrated, then the magic and power of others can be fully understood and cracked.

Just like a wise man who has gone through the changes of the world, seeing the surging situation in front of him, he already knows everything.

Having seen the surging waves of the deep sea, you will no longer be afraid of the ripples of the pond!

From the fifth level of the creation to the sixth level, the hurdles in the middle are very difficult to cross.

Even with Chen Yang's wisdom and so many adventures, they have stayed on the fifth level of this creation for so long.

Black Suzhen is worried that Chen Yang will not be able to make a breakthrough, and it is justified!

Chen Yang's cultivation base is too high now, so he can't think of other ways to extend his lifespan.

The only thing is to break through the cultivation base and break all the shackles of the body, just like reincarnation!

Chen Yang is swimming in the endless ocean with constant knowledge and rules of calculation.

He was in the dark sea at the moment, trying to break through the sea.

The sea is full of various attacks and difficult equations.

All kinds of power constraints made it difficult for him to rush out.

It's like being overwhelmed, it is difficult for him to break through.

He actually tried many times to break through this level of difficulty, but all failed.

In the past few years, Chen Yang has even become discouraged.

Just like in the Great Thousand World, mortals encounter big bosses playing games, exhausting all the skills, mechanisms, hand speed, and equipment to the limit, but they still can't beat big bosses.

If it hadn't been for the fact that so many masters had already cultivated it, he would have doubted that such a threshold was simply unreasonable.

Fortunately, Black Suzhen has been helping Chen Yang.

Suzhen in black is pushing him like an invisible force!

Time passed by every minute.

Seven days passed...

One month passed...

Chen Yang has been attacking in the hallway, floating between failure and success.

For this month, Chen Yang and Black Suzhen have been cultivating in this attic.

Chen Yang has never broken through the final shackles.

Every time, he failed the impact, and Suzhen in black was behind him with great mana to support him.

Fortunately, Suzhen in Black is such an expert, she couldn't hold it long enough to change to another person.

But despite this, Suzhen Black also began to feel tired.

Chen Yang felt sorry, and said, "Why don't we stop and come back after a few days off."

Hei Suzhen said in a deep voice: "Then how can it be done? You have finally reached the present. If you rest now, it will be a failure. You don't have much time to waste. Right now it is not the biggest crisis, but it is often deadly. Not in the stormy sea, but in the undercurrent. We must now overcome this difficulty with the spirit of a lion and a rabbit. You don't care about me, I am nothing. When we entered the thunder pond together, we all entered. , What is it now?"

Chen Yang knew that Suzhen in black was telling the truth, so he took a deep breath and attacked again.

Many problems and inexplicable mysteries were solved under the guidance of Suzhen Hei.

Chen Yang is also a wise man, who knows everything well, and finally, another three days passed...

Three days later, Chen Yang finally mastered all the essentials, as if suddenly realized!

With the help of Suzhen Black, he rushed towards the top.

The many hardships and uprisings from the surroundings surrounded them, impervious to the wind!

But Chen Yang directly broke through and quickly resolved!


At the last moment, Chen Yang finally broke through the heavy barrier between the fifth and sixth layers of the creation realm.

At the moment of breaking through, Chen Yang felt the long-lost happiness.

It's like staying in a dark **** for a long time, suddenly coming out and seeing the fragrance of flowers and the dazzling sunshine.

The vitality between heaven and earth is different in Chen Yang's eyes.

Each level of promotion can absorb different vitality, see more elements, and enrich higher mana.

Like wealth!

As wealth rises by one level, the people and things you see, and your views on things will change accordingly.

Chen Yang greedily absorbed the vitality around him!

What ordinary people absorb is air. After absorbing for seven to eighty years, they will die naturally!

The magicians began to absorb the aura in the air! The body begins to transform!

Further up, the auras absorbed by Xuxian, Dongxian, and so on, are very different from the elements they see, and the magic power they use is very different.

The higher you go, the more different the elements of heaven and earth you control, and even later, you can rebirth from Nirvana, and you can master the cave!

Eventually become a generation of saints!

This is the ultimate practice!

The final ultimate, getting too much, just like the rich today, starting to feed back the society!

This is the only way to die!

Finally, it is transformed into mountains and rivers, heaven and earth, and universe.

Chen Yang's lifespan began to grow. It was a fierce growth. It began to grow from the source, and it only stopped after 300,000 years!

Chen Yang's whole person was finally reborn!

Everything around you, everything changes, is under control.

Prajna wisdom, Buddhism, Taoism, and many reforms are all in the heart.

The equation, the operation of the spell, etc., know it!

Spells, the movement of the elements, gather in an instant, and can accumulate fierce and mighty thunder in an instant!

But in a flash, the clouds are light and breezy!

Chen Yang finally reached the sixth stage of creation, the realm of Prajna!

At this time, the two finally separated their spiritual cultivation state.

And at the same time let out a long sigh of relief.

Chen Yang said: "Susu, the more I go up now, the more I feel that the gap between the realms is too big and the horror is too big!"

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