My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3097: Pain and pleasure, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The final signature of that letter was Chen Tianya's outstanding writing!

After Chen Yang finished reading the letter, he received it, and then looked forward blankly.

There is an endless sea ahead, and the sea is calm and calm.

There are seagulls flying across the sea in the distance...

There is only the sound of waves and wind in my ears, this world is so quiet.

Chen Yang suddenly thought of the passing away in his life.

From Chen Feirong to Luoning, to Linghui...

They never appeared in their lives again.

Father, really left.

Since then, there will be no Chen Tianya in this world!

It's impossible for him to even want to hear him yell a rebellious son.

At this moment, Chen Yang has no father and no mother.

Chen Yang never cried.

Since knowing that his father died, he has always been very calm.

It is not that he is not sad, but that he has always been unable to accept this fact.

He didn't want to think about it, nor dared to think about it.

But at this moment, he couldn't think of it.

He thought of the dream mentioned in his father's letter. In this half of his life, his father had never had the slightest joy after walking out of the tomb.

His happiest time was actually that dream.

He can imagine the loneliness of his father.

Suddenly, I can imagine the pain of my father losing his brother Chen Yihan.

But I never comforted him, and even added fuel to his fire.

Chen Yang thought of the depths...

He knew that he would never see his father again.

This loss is eternal!

Is disappearing forever and ever!

Suddenly Chen Yang couldn't restrain it anymore, and the emotions that had been for many days burst out at this moment.

He hugged his head and buried his knees, crying silently.

The tears were like breaking the embankment.

The cry of adults is never silent.

After night fell, Chen Yang returned to the Dakang Imperial City.

He walked towards the Hou Mansion.

In the Hou Mansion, the lights are bright.

When he returned to the mansion, he saw Shen Mo Nong, Chen Nianci, Mo Yu, and Qin Lin, Bao'er, Xiao Ai, Fu Qingzhu and Heiyi Suzhen at the gate of the Hou Mansion.

They are all waiting for Chen Yang to return!

That's home!

It's a warm place!

Chen Yang's tears almost came out again.

Before he could speak much, Chen Nianci was the first to rush over.

He came to Chen Yang, knelt down, slapped himself, and said with red eyes, "Dad, I was wrong. I killed Grandpa. You beat me, you call me!"

Chen Yang was startled slightly, the tenderness in his heart suddenly came to light, he squatted down quickly, grabbed Nian Ci's hand, and pulled him up. He looked at Nianci, and Nianci also looked at him with tears.

"Stupid boy, what does this have to do with you. Whether you quarrel with me or not, the Gu worm has already been in your mind." Chen Yang said, "So, you didn't do anything wrong."

"Is Grandpa never coming back?" Chen Nianci said.

Chen Yang felt sour, he forcibly held back his tears.

"Let's come in and talk!" Shen Mo Nong said.

Everyone entered the house.

Black Suzhen simply asked Chen Yang: "Are you okay?"

Chen Yang said: "I'm fine!"

Hei Suzhen said: "If you have a good rest, you will come to Shennong World to find me tomorrow. Your life span is not long. I want to help you break through the realm and extend your life quickly!"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Okay!"

Black Suzhen then said: "Then I'm leaving!"

She has never spoken much, and she will not express her concern.

After Black Suzhen left, Chen Yang also said to Shen Mo Nong and others that he was fine.

"I just need to be quiet for a while, everyone don't have to worry about me." Chen Yang smiled one last time and said, "Will I still do something stupid?"

That night, Shen Mo Nong and Chen Nianci had been with Chen Yang.

The next day, Chen Yang went to find Suzhen in black!

In the attic in the Garan Hall, there was heavy snow outside.

In the attic, Suzhen in black was wearing a black dress, floating in the dust.

Chen Yang sat down cross-legged in front of her.

Suzhen in black was silent for a moment, and said: "I am not good at comforting people, but I also hope you can come out soon."

Chen Yang smiled lightly and said, "I will."

Hei Suzhen said, "Can you tell me, what are you thinking?"

Chen Yang looked out the window, and the snow flew outside.

He smiled and said: "I'm thinking, being a man or a devil, is it up to us to decide? Why did my father die? Is it because he is waiting for this day? This is a destiny written for him long ago Plot. No matter how he jumps or struggles, he can’t get out of this ending in the end. I’m still alive because I still have an important mission to complete. And when one day, my mission is completed, I’m afraid, Nothing can protect me, right. My father's life is a tragedy. I now know that he has always been suffering, very bitter, and very bitter. To the extent that I can't compensate him for anything? When he was alive , I dare not treat him well, I dare not be kind to his father, because I would think of my mother. And my mother, was he really killed? I think it was the Emperor of the Universe, who killed it! It’s just under the guise of my father!"

Suzhen in black was stunned.

She did not expect Chen Yang to say such a thing.

"After that, what do you want to do?" Hei Suzhen asked.

Chen Yang said: "In fact, I have thought about staying away from the earth. I now understand more and more why the eldest brother will leave. Because he is also a hard-working man, he is extremely disappointed with the earth and the Universe. The Universe still keeps me. Family, doesn’t that make my heart too cold? I want to go too!"

Black Suzhen said: "If you want to go, I can walk with you!"

Chen Yang said, "It's that simple? I'm leaving, are they willing? There is Linger, who can't leave the boat of one yuan at all. The eldest brother can leave because he is alone, but I can't. How could the Emperor Universe be able to go? Give me a chance to go!"

Black Suzhen said, "That's true!"

Chen Yang said: "My father can't jump, so I can't jump now. Besides, I can't bear to see the earth destroyed. In addition, I still have the sacred tree of five grains and shrines. Once I really leave the earth, I'm afraid that even if you and I join forces, we can't resist external threats. Therefore, I have no way to go. My only way is on the earth. There will be the slightest mistake in the layout of the heavens."

Black Suzhen said: "Yes! It can't be wrong at all!"

She paused, turned to the topic, and said: "Are you ready now? I want to help you assault the Six-fold Prajna Realm of Creation! Your time is running out."

Chen Yang hesitated for a moment, and said: "To be honest, I don't have any mood."

Black Suzhen paled slightly, and said, "That's not good. If you are not prepared, we will force you to attack, it will only make you crazy. But you only have more than three months left now?"

Chen Yang said: "Yes!"

He smiled and said, "But I am not worried, because I know that I can't die!"

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