My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3094: Last chance, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang's whole body is like coke, but his inside is full of vitality.

At this time, Chen Yang was asleep.

Black-clothed Suzhen glanced at Chen Yang squinting. She couldn't help but feel like a knife when she saw Chen Yang's appearance. At the same time, she was terribly worried. She didn't want to talk to Chen Tianya, but at this moment she couldn't help asking, "How is he?"

Chen Tianya visited Chen Yang and then said to Suzhen Black, "He is fine, but he is currently in decline. The mana is disordered, and all the seals in the brain are gone, but the serious injuries once caused by the enemy are still there. He wants to raise it well, I'm afraid it will take a long time. If there is no opportunity, he may not be able to recover in a hundred years."

Hei Suzhen said, "This is not a problem. I can practice spiritually with him to help him correct the chaos."

Chen Tianya was slightly startled.

Suzhen Black has no time to avoid anything at this moment.

Chen Tianya was relieved afterwards.

My own son is really capable! Even women like Suzhen in black are enamored of him, life and death.

Most of his stinky boy's character and temperament are like that of Chen Ling.

But... isn't Chen Ling who he was at the beginning?

Chen Tianya took a deep breath, and then said: "You will help him heal, and I will take control of Streamer Tissot."

Black Suzhen was a little worried, and said: "Can you? Now they are all chasing."

Chen Tianya said: "What you can do, I can do it. What you can't do, I may not be able to do it."

Black Suzhen said: "Okay!"

She and Chen Tianya quickly handed over the power stick!

After that, Suzhen in black came to Chen Yang.

She stared at Chen Yang and looked at Chen Yang's decayed appearance, and her tears suddenly fell down like a broken bead.

Suzhen in black was unwilling to let Chen Tianya and Phantom discover her fragility, so she immediately wiped her tears away.

Subsequently, she helped Chen Yang put on a shirt.

He forced Chen Yang to sit cross-legged, and then, the two faced each other, her mana quickly penetrated into Chen Yang's body.

Chen Yang's body was like the remains of a volcano.

The residual heat is also fierce and abnormal!

But these were nothing to Suzhen Black.

Mana penetrated into Chen Yang's brain.

Chen Yang was in an extremely weak state.

Black Suzhen went deep into Chen Yang's brain and finally found his weak consciousness.

"Chen Yang!" Suzhen in black came to an ethereal, dark place. She yelled...

In that darkness, Chen Yang wandered around, unconscious, like a wandering ghost.

Suzhen in black stood in front of Chen Yang, unable to grasp anything, she could only shout loudly.

Chen Yang was taken aback. He finally woke up and looked at Suzhen in black.

"Susu, are you here?" Chen Yang said.

Black Suzhen nodded and said, "Of course I will come. I said I will definitely come."

Chen Yang was heartbroken and said, "You shouldn't have come to take risks. Everything I do is for myself and my children. What does this have to do with you? Why do I get into trouble again and again, and all of them will drag you into danger. Environment?"

Black Suzhen smiled slightly and said, "These are all my debts. You were so weak back then, didn't I also drag you into danger again and again?"

Chen Yang stayed slightly.

He stopped thinking about it, and then asked: "Where is he?"

"Your father?" Suzhen in black said.

Chen Yang nodded.

Hei Suzhen said: "We are not out of danger yet. He is controlling the streamer Tissot. The Empire Tianzhou dispatched a lot of masters to chase and kill. Once we are blocked, it is basically a dead end. So now, I need to You recover quickly, and there may be a glimmer of life when the two of us display yin and yang mana."

Chen Yang said: "Okay!"

Hei Suzhen thought for a while, and then said, "The previous grievances, nothing. Your father now looks like a father. For you, he has not frowned."

Chen Yang looked bitter and said, "If I and his father are kind and filial, how can I be worthy of Quanxia's mother?"

Hei Yi Suzhen is not a master who can persuade others, and directly said: "Let's get started!"

The mana of the two finally converged.

No matter how turbulent Chen Yang's mana is, Suzhen in black is like a perfect physician, all right to make things right.

In some places that are difficult to dissipate, yin and yang nurture all things to solve them out of nothing.

Chen Yang's outer scorched skin began to fade... and new skin appeared.

Chen Yang's condition is quickly improving.

But at this moment, boom...

Suddenly there was a mana attack in front, two figures, cut through the void, and lightning attacked!

These two figures are exactly Elder Bai Xian, Lord Shenpao.

Their fields and mixed caves instantly enveloped this streamer Tissot!

At the same time, the two masters shot together to violently kill Streamer Tissot.

Chen Tianya screamed in his heart, but the reaction was surprisingly quick. Immediately rushed out the streamer Tissot, and hid the streamer Tissot in the center of the eyebrows,

Lord Shenpao and Elder Bai Xian's mana surpassed the sky, and the two masters killed them together!

Elder Bai Xian's dilapidated temple directly cut out a dilapidated light!

The light is shrouded, everything is declining!

The magical tool of the master of the gods robe is the gold needle!

As soon as the gold needle of the grid material comes out, crack all the rules and laws, and kill the gods and evil spirits!

Chen Tianya couldn't escape the attacks of Lord God Robe and Elder Bai Xian. At that moment, he turned into a divine thunder and a divine fire, madly absorbing the surrounding power.

The dilapidated divine light and the golden needle of the object cut into his body, the ruined life was enveloped, and the spirit of the object changed his body.

The two powers of attack and kill are really too terrifying!

Chen Tianya's body was like a melting pot, instantly absorbing the divine fire and divine thunder from the ruined fate.

There is also the existence of thunder attribute in the gold needle of the grid, which is also absorbed by Chen Tianya.

As a result, these two ultimate moves were immediately flawed.

Primitive fire and thunder seeds are the general principles of fire and thunder in the world!

Around Chen Tianya, a thunderstorm quickly formed.

He also absorbed a lot of Tribulation Fire just now...

At this instant of lightning and stone fire, he slashed two fire needles with lightning!

These two fire needles are the concentrated power of Tribulation.

It has been burning in his body.

Only Chen Tianya could store these Tribulation Fires.

Two fire needles came thunderously, and Elder Bai Xian and Lord Shenpao sensed a hint of crisis.

They can't give way, and once they give way, the first opportunity they grabbed is gone.

They must stop Chen Tianya, so, as long as some time, the companions behind will chase and kill him.

So, Elder Bai Xian waved his hand and opened the dimension. I want to draw those two fire needles in by dimension to resolve it.

But as soon as that dimension came out, the fire needle pierced the dimension!

Chen Tianya is not a rookie now, but also a great owl of Creation Realm Eightfold.

Can he be embarrassed by a mere dimension?

That is impossible.

The Needle of Tribulation Fire contains a lot of Tribulation Fire.

Elder Baixian and Lord Shenpao had to be cautious at this time. They had already recognized the Needle of Tribulation Fire, and they knew that even if they had a monstrous cultivation base, once they were infected with Tribulation Fire, it would be a very troublesome thing.

So in an instant, Chen Tianya took the opportunity to escape.

Elder Baixian and Lord Shenpao shuttled through the dimension with lightning to avoid the needle of the fire.

For them, the fire of this robbery is like a poisonous needle. Once infected, it will be very uncomfortable.

After evading several times, they finally led them away with great magic power.

After avoiding, the needle of fire robbery exploded.

The turbulent tribulation fire burst into brilliant sparks in the dark night.

Chen Tianya once again controlled the streamer Tissot and fled with lightning.

From the rear, Tian Qingge and his party finally came, and they met with Lord Shenpao and Elder Bai Xian.

"See the first elder!" The masters saluted Bai first.

However, Long Weigong, the masters of Fengyun Pavilion, are not the first.

Xueluo is a hot temper. At first glance at the situation, he was displeased. He said coldly: "In this empire, you are the elders and the god-robed adults. How can you even keep the other side in front of you? Can't live?"

Elder Bai Xian was in a bad mood, his face was ugly, and he was even more furious when he heard that, and said: "Senior Blood Fall, if you think you look down on the old man's ability, then we can try!"

Xueluo didn't expect Baixian to be so rampant, and couldn't help but laugh in anger.

"Try it!"

Tian Qingge hurriedly said: "Two adults, this is not the time for infighting. If you delay it, it will be over. Hurry up and relocate again and start the wormhole shuttle again!"

Both Baixian and Xueluo were familiar people. The two looked at each other, then snorted each other, and then the masters chased them down again.

As Chen Tianya was fleeing quickly, he already felt that the trend of encircling the rear was gradually catching up.

Once they wait for their encirclement to be completed, there will be a dead end here!

The situation of Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen was not good either. When they were starting to heal their injuries, the foreign enemy attacked and shook them several times, causing harm to them.

You know, this time is not simply a fusion of Yin and Yang mana. But Suzhen in black is healing Chen Yang.

When the two are in good condition, they are naturally not afraid of any external forces.

But at this time, delicate healing and surgery are being completed!

Such a shock caused Chen Yang a second injury immediately.

Chen Yang was stunned on the ground, and his body was burning like fire, making him extremely uncomfortable.

Black Suzhen didn't dare to continue to heal Chen Yang anymore, because the enemy would chase and kill him at any time.

Suzhen in black left Chen Yang, and went to Chen Tianya's side. Her spiritual thoughts shot in all directions, she was a hot temper, and refused to be angry. She wanted to rush out to fight for 800 rounds right now, who was she afraid of Suzhen in black in her life!

But when she shot out her spirit, her little temper was immediately suppressed.

Nima, this is really impossible!

Chen Tianya asked Suzhen in black, "How is he?"

Hei Suzhen said: "I was healing just now and it has worked. But the shock from the outside actually hurt Chen Yang, and it is really not suitable to heal him right now."

Chen Tianya said: "Your dark elements can no longer work. They leave behind the breath of time based on the power of the world, no matter how we escape, we can't escape!"

Black Suzhen said: "If this goes on, we still have a dead end!"

Chen Tianya said: "Yes! Right now, only the last resort can be used."

Black Suzhen was startled slightly, and said, "The last way? What way?"

Chen Tianya smiled coldly and said, "You are here to control the streamer Tissot."

Black Suzhen immediately took over the streamer Tissot.

Chen Tianya turned around and came to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang paused on the ground, and when he saw Chen Tianya approaching, he raised his head weakly.

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