My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3047: Happy to see a beautiful woman, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The fate of one hundred thousand years was almost exhausted, and the gray fate began to dissipate.

Chen Yang knew that the yin and yang furnace was so powerful...the power of destiny could not be consumed like this. But Qingsi couldn't bear such an attack.

When he saw Suzhen in black, Chen Yang had already thought about it.

He first asked Suzhen in black with concern, "How are you?"

Black Suzhen looked at Chen Yang. She thought she was going to die just now. But Chen Yang came like a god, and it was not the first time that he felt this way.

She still remembers that when she and Ye Feng were trapped in the sky, their lives were hanging by a thread. At that time, Chen Yang was so desperate and fell from the sky.

Although Suzhen Hei is headstrong and impulsive. But in terms of personal emotions, she was extremely restrained. At the moment Chen Yang appeared, there was a warm current surging deep in her heart, and tears almost came out of her eyes. She knew in her heart that no matter what she did for this man, it was worth it.

In the end, Suzhen in black smiled brightly and said to Chen Yang: "I'm fine."

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and then he felt guilty and said, "I'm sorry, I let you fall into such a dangerous situation again. Fortunately, you are fine, otherwise, I don't know how to go..." , His voice was choked, and he couldn't speak anymore.

Black Suzhen said: "Even if I die, don't be too sad, everyone will die. We are no exception."

Chen Yang shook his head. He had a lot to say, but Tang Ling was there, so it was not suitable to say. In addition, the situation is urgent now, and it is not suitable for mutual exchanges.

He loves Suzhen in black, love to the bone!

He himself felt that he was a big carrot, but he had an unforgettable love for Ling'er, Suzhen in black, Qiao Ning, and Shen Mo Nong. Among these women, especially Suzhen in black, his feelings are even more crazy.

It's probably because he has never really felt that he has black Suzhen.

No matter how high a person is, there are always similarities in emotion. Those who can't ask for it, but are always in front of them are always obsessed and crazy.

"I can't hold it for long, the only way I can try now is..." Chen Yang said to Suzhen in black.

Black Suzhen nodded and said, "Try it!"

Chen Yang hasn't said a way yet, Suzhen in black has already understood.

Tang Ling looked confused.

Chen Yang immediately communicated with the Phantom, letting the Phantom stay in the blue silk. He was afraid that during the spiritual cultivation of himself and Suzhen in black, the Lei Yuan of Suzhen in black would hurt the Phantom.

The Phantom did have a natural fear of Suzhen in black, so he obediently left Chen Yang's mind.

After that, Suzhen Black's figure turned into thunder.

After that, Suzhen in black slipped into Chen Yang's brain. Subsequently, the mana of the two began to merge.

This kind of mana fusion is extremely difficult.

But for Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen, it was like they were one. There is no difficulty in fusion.

There is no need to go through the process of seeing each other and understanding each other.

Moreover, Suzhen in black generally doesn't bother to look at Chen Yang's memory.

If you see Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong, and other women, it will be a barrier to her.

After successful spiritual practice, Chen Yang felt that his body was strong but extremely comfortable.

Yin and Yang blend in, like a spring breeze and drizzle to nourish the whole body.

At that moment, Chen Yang felt that he had embraced Suzhen in black.

He felt that he hugged her up and down. This is the feeling of having me in you and you in me.

Hei Suzhen knew all about his thoughts.

Suzhen Black also felt very happy.

She felt Chen Yang's fullness, that kind of love to the bones.

At this moment, it was as if he had returned to the celestial sphere, the kind of days he loved her endlessly.

Chen Yang could also feel Suzhen's intention in black clothes. There was love in her heart, but she was always suppressed.

Chen Yang knows that he can save everything.

He dared to let Shen Monong, Qiao Ning, and Ling'er know that he just loves Suzhen in black. But Suzhen Black would never accept this.

The mana of the two merged into one, and between the yin and yang nourishing, there was a miraculous gestation.

Chen Yang laughed, and then left Qingsi.

Tang Ling and Phantom Shadow were both in the blue silk.

Chen Yang turned the green silk into a tiny filament, and then swallowed it into his abdomen.

He was not afraid of Tang Ling playing a ghost in Qingsi, because he and Qingsi were closely connected, and once there was an abnormal movement in Qingsi. His powerful mana will control Qingsi and stop Tang Ling. At the same time, between lightning and thunder, Qing Si can also leave Chen Yang's body.

At this moment, Chen Yang appeared in the yin and yang furnace with a pure body.

The ice particles and the sacred fire particles immediately thunder and lightning, and hundreds of millions of madly attacked...

It is even more terrifying than Wanlei's slashing, yin and yang cycle, cyclically, endlessly, one attack can generate countless slashes.

But at this time, Chen Yang's body was shrouded by Lei Yuan, and the mana of the two became Yin and Yang mana, which is also the cycle of Yin and Yang, which goes back and forth, endlessly!

Although Suzhen Black is a strong woman, she really likes Chen Yang to protect her.

So at this time, Suzhen Hei did not make any suggestions, let alone think of countermeasures, but fully cooperated with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang used his mana and used the Great Devouring Technique!

The Great Swallowing technique combined with the power of Yin and Yang quickly tempered the inhaled Yin and Yang furnace into pure energy. Suzhen Black was seriously damaged, so she greedily absorbed it.

On the other hand, the yin and yang furnace strangled, and Chen Yang was also protected by the power of yin and yang.

The two sides were strangled together, but they soon became one.

In the end, Chen Yang was in it, as free as a fish in the water.

The power of the yin and yang furnace is like a spring breeze.

Soon, Suzhen Hei also returned to his heyday.

Chen Yang also found the tunnel entrance in the yin and yang furnace, which was the entrance to the eighteenth floor furnace, the furnace for refining gods.

Chen Yang did not hesitate and quickly penetrated into the furnace of refining gods.

In the furnace of refining gods, a blood red!

The blood red particles were frantically strangled, and quickly slashed towards Chen Yang.

In an instant, hundreds of millions of attacks!

It was a crazy attack, a suffocating attack.

Chen Yang's thunder yuan spread all over his body, forming a black thunder yuan **** armor.

In the thunder yuan, the yin and yang cycle, countless forces blasted over, and they were all resolved by the magical power produced in the fusion of yin and yang!

The blood red particles are not simple!

This eighteenth layer of furnace is the last layer, which can refine the existence of God!

The power in the blood red particles is highly poisonous and can be transformed into a micro world. It must go deep into the bones of people.

It is that the masters of the creation nine layers do not do protection, without special means, once they fall into this level of purgatory.

It only takes a moment to turn into bones.

Chen Yang's Thunder Spirit Armor resisted the blood red particles, but the blood red particles quickly turned into the bone marrow and entered the Thunder Spirit Armor.

If the Lei Yuan Divine Armor is an immortal tool, a divine tool, it has already turned into poison at this moment.

But inside the Thunder God Armor is the mana of Yin and Yang circulation...

Yin and Yang can nurture everything...

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