My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3045: Blue Silk Bodyguard, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang was extremely moved by the words of Phantom. But then the Phantom said: "Don't be too moved, I don't care. Basically, there are few dangers that will kill me!"

Chen Yang said: "Kegui Ruins are no better than other places."

The Phantom said: "I know it in my heart."

Chen Yang did need Phantom's help, so he didn't go on.

After entering Guixu, Chen Yang immediately felt the endless ocean.

Boundless and overwhelming.

The place less than two meters above the sea is where clouds and mists gather. The climate here makes people feel depressed and breathless at first glance.

Chen Yang is going to find Suzhen Black, although he and Suzhen Black have spiritual imprints on each other. But in this Guixu, it is completely useless. In the ruins, a huge vortex shattered everything. Even the dimensions have become chaotic, not to mention this small mark.

However, Chen Yang still has a reliance to find Suzhen in black.

That is... the puppet and the black hole spar.

Chen Yang relied on instinct and intuition to be able to find Suzhen in black.

Chen Yang didn't hesitate, and went straight into the sea. And dashed towards the depths of the ocean...

The surface of the ocean seemed calm, but the inside was surging. Countless substances are being drawn into the whirlpool.

Chen Yang looked at the whirlpool like a volcanic eruption under the sea, and then entered the center of the whirlpool.

After that, it was like jumping from the top of the waterfall and quickly rolling down.

high speed.

Chen Yang soon came to the calm layer of sea water and saw the primitive **** cave.

Intuition tells Chen Yang that Suzhen in black is in the primitive cave.

Chen Yang was anxious, and ignoring other things, he wanted to enter the primitive cave.

At this moment, the Phantom suddenly spoke.

"Do you really want to go in?" Phantom's voice was full of fear.

Chen Yang was startled, then said: "Of course!"

The Phantom said: "In the Primitive God Cave is a furnace. In that furnace, the elements are strangled and shattered. The dimension is almost gone. If I enter, even I will not survive."

Chen Yang pondered for a long while and said, "If this is the case, you will stay here. Then I will go in first. If the last thing cannot be done, I believe Daochang Zhang and the others will come to rescue you."

The Phantom said: "They can't perceive me, and it is difficult for me to find them. Since you must go in, I will go with you."

Chen Yang was puzzled and said, "If you come in with me, you should think that I will enter this primitive cave. Isn't it? But you didn't tell me that you are also very dangerous in the primitive cave. If I know, I Won't let you in."

The Phantom said: "I am instinctively afraid of the primitive cave. However, the emperor told me that if I want to change my body, I might have a chance to follow you. So, you don't have to ask so much. We do everything One thing, which one is not dangerous?"

Chen Yang was taken aback, and then understood the mood of the Phantom.

After taking a deep breath, he said, "You get into my mind, and I protect you with all my strength. Don't worry, as long as I have a breath, I won't let you have any trouble."

Phantom nodded.

After that, the Phantom entered Chen Yang's mind.

Chen Yang only felt that some ethereal energy bodies appeared in his brain, like countless crystal clear diamonds, which was really strange.

Chen Yang didn't have time to worry about the strangeness of the Phantom, he then escaped into the blue silk.

The green silk turned into a sharp sword and plunged directly into the original **** cave.


In the Primitive God Cave, the power of the melting pot of the first layer strangled Qingsi.

When Chen Yang entered the melting pot of all things, he saw the surrounding particles strangling, and every particle contained violent energy.


Endless particles strangled and bombarded the blue silk.

Chen Yang's heart jumped, and he felt the horror when he came in.

He then used his powerful mana directly into the blue silk.

Fireworks are everywhere, but the green silk stays still!

Chen Yang's mana is powerful, and in cooperation with Qingsi, it resists the strangulation of these particles.

But these particles are tireless.

Chen Yang felt the fierceness of the outside world from Qingsi, and knew in his heart that even if he put on the cold demon armor in the black hole spar, it would be difficult to resist this kind of particle strangulation.

Fortunately, the quality of Qingsi is excellent, which is intact!

Chen Yang was sure that Suzhen Hei was not in this furnace, so he quickly drilled towards the furnace below.

Phantom also explained to Chen Yang these furnaces and the illusion of returning to the ruins.

Regarding the Guixu, Xuan Zhenghao learned from the ancient scriptures, and then used the ancient scriptures as a reference from the One Yuan Zhou to find the real Guixu.

This is what Tianqingge did not expect.

But Tian Qingge must hand over the real ancient scriptures. Otherwise, Xuan Zhenghao would be able to detect that the ancient scriptures were false.

Xuan Zhenghao's understanding of Guixu was no longer under Tian Qingge.

This is how Xuan Zhenghao dared to send Suzhen in black as a pioneer.

However, Xuan Zhenghao did not explain Guixu in detail to Chen Yang, nor did he explain it in detail to Zhang Daoling and others.

Xuan Zhenghao wanted them to remain in awe and mystery of Guixu, and don't try it lightly.

But when they must go in, the Phantom will explain it.

Chen Yang continued to dive down and reached the second furnace.

The second-tier furnace, Tianxin furnace!

The power of magic sound and strangulation came over instantly.

Chen Yangru was in the blue ocean particles and was violent all around.

Qingsi resisted the strangulation from the outside world, but the magic sound array rushed directly into his brain.

Chen Yang was determined and unmoved. This magic sound can instantly make the master below the creation realm go crazy, but it can't shake Chen Yang's Tianxin consciousness.

After that, enter the third floor.

The third-tier furnace, the evil furnace!

Chen Yang relied on Qingsi, all the way down, and soon came to the tenth furnace.

Sure enough, Qingsi is a weapon of the gods, even though it has withstood the ten-layer furnace strangulation, it is still intact.

In the green silk, there is also the small world of Feng Cub.

In the small world of Feng Xiao, there is infinite ambiguity, and there are also eight golden pagodas for guidance.

If Chen Yang wants to use the power of Fengchu's small world, he must enter the Fengchu small world.

At this tenth-tier furnace, the furnace had already tempered the blue silk into a bright red state.

In this way, Chen Yang was a little worried that Qingsi might become ashes.

Once Qingsi disintegrates, the small world of the young phoenix inside, and so on, will disintegrate.

The power of this furnace is to melt everything. Even if the green silk is the thing of the Queen of Phoenix, it can be dissolved.

Chen Yang realized that it was not good, and he dared not try to do it anymore.

He immediately dived into the small world of Feng Chu.

In the small world of Feng Xiao, the infinite ambiguity and freshness permeated.

It is like a fairyland.

Chen Yang sat down accurately among the eight golden pagodas, and then urged the golden pagoda. The golden pagoda glowed, forming a gossip pattern under Chen Yang.

There are deep barriers in the small world of Fengchu, but Chen Yang has merged with the spirit of the **** queen. When he enters the barrier, a door will appear directly. Outsiders will definitely not enter this door.

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