My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3034: Phantom, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Things change!

Hei Yi Suzhen did not expect things to develop to this point.

Tang Ling didn't think about it either.

Xuan Zhenghao didn't think of this either.

There will always be differences between the original plan and the actual plan.

Hei Suzhen originally wanted to go to the ruins of the ruins in peace, and knew that the guy in Tang Ling's brain was so impatient. Even if Suzhen Hei answered honestly, she would make the other party suspicious.

Hei Suzhen understands Chen Yang's stinky temper. It can stand being questioned by others like this.

The more she answered honestly, the more suspicious the other party.

At least now, the other party can't be sure whether Chen Yang in front of him is true or not.

Suzhen in black did not pay attention to Tang Ling again, she began to think about what to do next. Is it really turning around?

Really turn around, all plans will be disrupted.

Hei Yi Suzhen is not sure how many masters the other party has hidden. At this time, there are too many variables. And it's easy to make all of Xuan Zhenghao's plans fall short!

Do you wait until you return to the market?

For the area of ​​Guixu, Suzhen in black had a lot of understanding from Xuan Zhenghao. After entering the ruins, it can help her instead.

Although the other party certainly understands Guixu, there is greater uncertainty in Guixu.

Hei Suzhen gritted her teeth one last time and decided to watch the changes first.

She and Tang Ling tore their faces, and simply stopped talking, and simply found a room to rest.

Tianzhou, inside the boat of one yuan.

It has been a day since Suzhen Black and Tang Ling left. The distance of this day is incalculable. Too many things can happen in the distance of this day.

Xuan Zhenghao released Chen Yang, and Qing Si returned to Chen Yang.

Zhang Daoling and Tianfei also came.

Luo Datong, Qin Lin and Fu Qingzhu also came.

On the bridge of one yuan, Xuan Zhenghao attached great importance to it.

Chen Yang is also not childish, and now he also knows that he must be highly cooperative.

Xuan Zhenghao faced everyone with a serious expression. He said: "The white girl has gone, she is now completely exposed to danger. As for the consequences, I am not sure." He paused, and said: "Chen Yang, you don't have to be angry, I There is a sense of measure in doing things. In this matter, except for the white girl, I dare not let anyone else go. It is Daochang Zhang and Senior Tianfei who are in danger of falling together. But only the white girl. No, because she is an indestructible body with nine levels of thunder and tribulation, and has dark elements. Once she escapes into the darkness, it is difficult for the enemy to kill her.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "Emperor, you don't need to say more. I know your painstaking efforts. It's useless to say this now. We need to go as soon as possible."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Don't be in a hurry. Once the distance is too close, it will be easy for the other party to notice. All we want is their can't wait. This is a hunting, better than patience. They may be suspicious of the white girl, but leave you Chen. Yang is in front of them, no matter whether it is true or not, they will definitely give it a try."

"This time... logically speaking, Chen Yang, Qin Lin, Dao Commander, it's not very useful for you to go there. You won't be able to get involved in this level of battle. But after I thought about it, you should go. Maybe. , There will be unexpected effects."

Xuan Zhenghao finally said: "Phantom, I will continue to send you to Chen Yang. Your Qingsi can communicate with her well, it can have a miraculous effect!"

Chen Yang nodded.

"So, let's go." Xuan Zhenghao said finally.

Xuan Zhenghao didn't explain anything further.

Because the war started, outside, everything is changing rapidly. He couldn't say more.

Everyone immediately prepared to set off.

"Wait!" Xuan Zhenghao finally thought of something.

Everyone looked at Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan Zhenghao looked solemn and said, "You are not allowed to enter the Guixu, you can only wait outside the Guixu. No matter what you hear or see, do not enter the Guixu. This is the key to victory or defeat. Once you enter the Guixu, this The battle will be defeated. Not going back to the ruins is the only way to survive, understand? This battle is the key to the survival of the earth in the future. Especially Chen Yang, you make me most worried."

He then said to Tianfei and Zhang Daoling: "If Chen Yang must enter the ruins in the end and you can't stop it, then let him in. But you all don't enter. This bottom line must be held."

Zhang Daoling nodded and said, "Okay, the emperor, Pen Dao understands what you mean."

After that, Zhang Daoling unfolded the streamer Tissot, everyone entered the streamer Tissot, quickly went to the Great Thousand World, and then entered the void from the Great Thousand World.

There is no need to say more about the speed and speed along the way, desperately rushing.

In the streamer Tissot, Chen Yang frowned.

He was really worried about Suzhen in black.

It seems that all the pressure and all the dangers have been placed on Suzhen in black. He really hoped that he was beside Suzhen in black clothes at this moment, so that when the danger came, he could still help share it.

Inside Tissot, everyone gathered together.

Everyone is sitting cross-legged.

Qin Lin came to Chen Yang, comforted Chen Yang, and said, "Third brother, don't worry too much. We should believe in the emperor's arrangements and the white girl's ability. She will definitely be fine."

Fu Qingzhu also said, "Yes, Chen Yang."

Zhang Daoling smiled and said: "Little friend Chen Yang, everything is predestined. You don't have to worry too much. The outcome of this matter is all due to the white girl. Her ability, although poor Tao has not been formally seen, she can imagine The land of returning to the ruins is a nightmare for all monks, but it is probably the blessed land of the white girl!"

Chen Yang looked up and said, "But I'm still a little worried. If they didn't enter the ruins, would they have done something to Susu?"

Tianfei said: "The white girl is proficient in the dark elements. It is not difficult for her to escape in the void of the universe!"

Zhang Daoling said: "The emperor's arrangement is quite reasonable."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "I understand, I understand!"

He didn't have much to say.

At this time, he thought of something and said, "By the way, everyone, I want to communicate with the Phantom now. She shouldn't like seeing people very much."

Zhang Daoling nodded and said, "We understand that there are still rooms over there. Go ahead!"

Chen Yang went to another room, and at the same time used magic power to seal the surroundings.

At this time, in the hall.

Zhang Daoling suddenly took out the Qingfeng sword, and he said to the channel leader Luo: "Luo Tong..."

Luo Tong immediately stepped forward respectfully and said: "The disciple is here!"

Zhang Daoling said: "That Dao Ling sword, the grade is not enough, you can return it to the poor Dao. I will polish it again by myself. This Qingfeng sword has been in the poor Dao for many years, and there are many principles and meanings in it. Use it!"

Luo Tong stayed for a while, then overjoyed.

But he felt uneasy again, and said, "Master, how can a disciple feel such a precious thing?"

Zhang Daoling laughed and said, "Stupid boy, this is because the enemy is now, so you have a little more ability to save your life. You can hold it!"

Luo Tong no longer tweaked, accepted and thanked him.

Chen Yang is in the room, which is simple, ordinary and dark.

No other decorations.

Chen Yang shouted: "The Phantom?"

no respond.

Chen Yang couldn't help feeling depressed, and said: "What's the situation? Did you not come in? Or did you forget the streamer Tissot?"

"I'm in front of you." Phantom's voice came.

Chen Yang stayed for a while.

That voice indeed came from before my eyes.

But Chen Yang saw nothing in front of him.

Chen Yang couldn't help but use the Big Sky Eye Technique, and Lihuo Jintong all cast out, but still can't see anything.

The voice of the Phantom is soft and very nice. But with a hint of indifference.

She said, "Don't waste your effort, you can't see me."

Chen Yang said, "I really want to see what you look like."

The Phantom was silent for a moment, and then said: "Do you want to soak me?"

Chen Yang was stunned for a while, then his face was weird, and he said, "Who did you learn from, you can say this kind of wit? I'm very curious. If you never see me, you will be curious to see if I am What it looks like."

The Phantom said, "I found that there are many people you like, Situ Ling'er, Shen Mo Nong, and Bai Suzhen. Didn't you still like Bing Xuanxin before? After coming back, I rarely see you mention it, thinking of you really There is no conscience."

Chen Yang's face flushed immediately, and he said, "Am I going to talk to Ling'er, and Mo Nong mentioned that I really want Bing Xuanxin?"

The Phantom was startled, and then said: "That's true too!"

Chen Yang said: "Well, can you show your true body, let me see what you look like?"

The Phantom replied simply: "No!"

Chen Yang felt depressed and said, "Well, I thought we had friendship between the two."

Phantom was a little frustrated, and said, "It's not that I don't let you see it, but I can't help it."

"You can't help it?" Chen Yang was surprised.

The Phantom said: "My body has been assimilated with particles, assimilated with dimensions. I want to pick up a stool, and I need to gather willpower and mana to do it. I am almost equivalent to not having a body. I have to fight this every day. The assimilation of all matter from the universe. The world that I see is different from the world you see. The world that I perceive is also different from the world you perceive. If it were not for the help of the emperor, it was not because I had the power in my body, I would have It has been assimilated to become a particle."

Chen Yang was shocked.

He had learned about Phantom’s situation from Xuan Zhenghao, but he didn't expect her situation to be so serious.

Chen Yang couldn't help asking: "Then are you in pain?"

The phantom was silent.

After a while, he said, "I'm used to it."

After she finished speaking, she said: "But if I can, I really hope I can enjoy the normal world, and the fragrance of birds and flowers. Or eat a meal of world cuisine! I ate it when I was a child, but then I never enjoyed it again. Arrived."

"Can I help you?" Chen Yang asked.

Phantom smiled, her laughter was like a silver bell. She said: "You are really a passionate seed. No need. There is no better way for the emperor, let alone you."

Chen Yang said: "There must be a way, don't worry, this matter is covered by me. I will definitely give you a way to get you back to normal and lead a normal life."

The Phantom said: "Don't promise lightly."

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