My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3018: Block the way, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Tianfei's face is solemn!

She knew she was calculating after all.

Is this my own calamity?

At this time, Qing Ge that day smiled faintly, and said: "Tianfei, you don't need to be upset. We are here prepared. If we are not prepared, we will definitely not make a move. You still have a chance to survive now, that is to surrender We. Follow us back to the Imperial Sky Ark immediately. At that time, we can use the power of the Imperial Sky Ark to draw out your fate. This is your only way to survive!"

He paused and said, "Tianfei, you have lived for so long. Even in the fairy world, you are also a famous heavenly monarch. For such a long time, nothing should be more important than your life. This earth Do you really care about life and death? If you submit to us, you will get a very high position in our empire Tianzhou."

Concubine Tian's face became gloomy, she stared at Tian Qingge, smiled suddenly, and said, "You seem to think that you have already won?"

Tian Qingge laughed and said, "Heavenly Concubine, I will not fight you again. I am not your opponent, but now, I just need to wait. Wait slowly, and you will naturally decline. The more you do it, The faster you die!"

"Moreover, there is one thing you don't know." Tian Qingge whistled suddenly, and said, "Come out!"

When he fell silent, Nicangshui and Ouyang Yu came out of the dimension together and came to Tian Qingge's side. One person was caught in Ni Cangshui's big handprints!

That person is Wu Fei!

Seeing this, Tianfei couldn't help but lose her color!

Concubine Wu has been seriously injured, and she said to Tianfei with ashamed ashamed: "Master, the disciple is incompetent. Please leave the disciple alone!"

Infinite chill burst into Tianfei's eyes.

She was completely irritated.

Tian Qingge smiled slightly: "It seems you must be surprised, why did they meet together in different dimensions?

Tianfei gritted her teeth and said, "I'm really curious!"

Tian Qingge said: "We, come prepared!"

Tianfei took a deep breath and said, "Let go!"

Tian Qingge said lightly: "Impossible!"

Tianfei said: "I'm looking for death!"

She immediately turned the Hunyuan Mirror...

"Let's go!" At this moment, Tian Qingge took the Fengfeng young spar from Nicangshui's hand!

A light flashed on the phoenix young spar, and after that, several of them disappeared directly. Even the Hunyuan Mirror couldn't catch them.

Tian Qingge and others have been lost at the scene.

Heavenly Concubine was furious, her spiritual thoughts shot in all directions instantly, emptied hundreds of thousands of miles...

But there is still no trace.

The other three held her disciples, and at this moment they entered the sea like a mud cow, without any trace.

At the same time, Tianfei felt the world in the body, and the cells began to show weak signs of decay.

This feeling is like natural aging.

But in fact, Heavenly Concubine lived for more than 10,000 years, once also in the fairy world, and experienced the era of the war between gods and demons. She has never felt the passage of time!

Not to mention the decline of life!

She can live for at least millions of years!

This is the least.

But right now, Tianfei felt her body began to age faster.

The blood shadow lamp has been extinguished!

The fate of the blood shadow lamp was penetrated into her body. If she hadn't had deep skills and too strong laws, she would have died long ago.

But right now, she can barely resist this aging.

"One will lose and the other will grow!" Tianfei has experienced too much life and death.

At this moment, she didn't panic.

Her thoughts turned, and countless thoughts flashed through her mind.

"At this moment, if I chase these people, it will be difficult to find. Secondly, once the mana is over-activated, it will accelerate the aging. One way and the other, I am a dead end. There is no hope for Wu Fei! They come to catch Wu Fei , Obviously not to kill Wu Fei."

The concubine Tian secretly said, "The only place where I can find life is the earth."

"I must go to the earth and try to find a way to save Concubine Wu!"

Heavenly Concubine must have a heart, and immediately escaped into the Hunyuan mirror.

Hunyuan mirror shrouded the Quartet's secrets and left quickly.

"I will repay this grudge!"

The moment Tianfei was leaving, the hatred in her heart rose.

Since she became famous, she has never suffered such humiliation and suffered such a big loss.

In the void, above a dead star...

Tianqingge stands proudly.

Nicangshui and Ouyang Yu have already imprisoned Concubine Wu in the magic weapon.

The Tianqing singer still holds the phoenix young spar.

He has been calculating Tianfei!

But at this moment, he could no longer find the trace of Tianfei.

Originally, although Tianfei had a high level of cultivation, she had the fate of a blood shadow lamp in her body. Even if Tian Qingge doesn't need the phoenix young spar, he can still calculate the traces of Tianfei.

But now, it can't be calculated at all.

"It's still a miscalculation!" Tian Qingge said in a deep voice: "Unexpectedly, Tianfei's magic weapon is the Hunyuan mirror, which can cover many secrets!"

Ni Cangshui also said in a deep voice, "Could it be that Tianfei can survive?"

Tian Qingge said: "According to the truth, she will die in a month. But a month is full of too many variables. If I guess right, she should go to the earth now. There is only on earth. Her only life."

Ouyang Yu said: "Then let's stop her. If a master like her recovers, she will definitely be in serious trouble in the future!"

Tian Qingge said: "The earth is so big, we are too close to the fortifications, I'm afraid it will alarm the masters in the earth first. But if it is far away, it can't be blocked at all. Well, let her go. There may not be anyone on the earth. Can save her. What we need now is to take Wu Fei back to the Heavenly Ark!"

Ouyang Yu said: "It's still wrong, sir. We have been seen by the Concubine Tian, ​​and the Phoenix Young Crystal also appeared. Concubine Tian used to explain a little bit, and with Xuan Zhenghao's wisdom, he could guess some of our intentions. We must kill Tianfei!"

Tian Qingge said: "What you said, I also considered it. But right now, there is no way to kill Tianfei! At this moment, it is not suitable for extravagance."

Tian Qingge left as he said, his character was very decisive, and he didn't procrastinate at all.

After that, the group returned to sail!

Let's talk about Concubine Wu, she is already hidden in the dimension, she should be foolproof.

But Tian Qingge had long known that there would be such a crop, and he had already gathered his soul. Let his Void Primordial Spirit help Ni Cangshui and use the energy of the Phoenix Young Spar to quietly open up the dimension.

The earth is still calm!

Chen Yang thought that the enemy's harassment and movement would be ushered in.

But everything seemed to be the worry of him and Xuan Zhenghao.

Since knowing that Ouyang Yu and Nicangshui have taken refuge in Lingzun, it has been a year and a half in this blink of an eye.

Chen Yang has been waiting for Ouyang Yu and others' moves!

But they did not move.

This made Chen Yang uneasy.

The other party is in the dark, and his side is in the light, which is not a good thing.

On this day, Chen Yang and Black Suzhen were dangling outside the earth. They did not return to the world of Shennong...

The two went to many places together. Sometimes, Chen Yang also feels uncomfortable. After all, Suzhen in black next to him is what he looks like. So, he went inside the black spar of Suzhen in black. The two meet and chat!

Suzhen in black is not very accustomed to Chen Yang's appearance.

After all, it was a bit awkward.

It's a pity that Chen Yang couldn't remove this big change sign at will.

Many times, Chen Yang wants to go to places where he is not familiar with Suzhen. It's like being in the celestial sphere, that is a very happy thing.

But sometimes, he also thinks of Ling'er.

Thinking of Mo Nong, thinking of children.

Think of Qiao Ning outside the solar system and so on!

There are too many ties in his heart.

Therefore, it is an extravagant idea to have a couple for a lifetime.

Hei Suzhen didn't talk about it at all, she didn't like to talk about it.

Chen Yang naturally didn't talk about it.

Sometimes, in the dead of night, Chen Yang would think of many things.

The people and things that have passed away.

Thinking of Chen Feirong...

As long as he thinks of that little elf, little girl, he feels sad. Even hate myself!

He hates himself and is about to forget her.

Those sacrifices and pains can really be washed away over time.

He felt that this was unfair to Chen Feirong.

He will also think of Luoning!

How many women have I lost in this life? How many women were killed?

Chen Yang often feels contradictory because he is an extremely emotional person. He couldn't help but love them, but he suffered because he couldn't give them wholehearted love.

"Huh?" Suzhen in black suddenly uttered in the void.

Chen Yang said: "What?"

Hei Suzhen said: "There is a master approaching the earth, and all the dark elements are within my perception in this emptiness. Moreover, this master wants to directly enter the earth."

Chen Yang was overjoyed and said, "Are they making the move?"

Hei Suzhen said, "Just go and see, maybe it's an earthling?"

The two immediately dashed away.

In the blink of an eye, Black Clothes Suzhen and Chen Yang stopped the person who was flying in the void.

The person here is...Tianfei!

"Get away!" Tianfei immediately shouted when she saw someone obstructing her, her eyes were cold.

She flew back for half a month.

Her beauty no longer exists, and she began to look like a fifty-year-old woman.

If this continues, she will really die of old age!

Suzhen in black is also a violent person. She sneered and said: "The tone is not small, dare to let Auntie..."

She relied on Chen Yang's puppet to speak.

The voice spoken is also the voice of Chen Yang.

But this grandma was almost exposed.

Fortunately, she reacted in time and said: "Dare to let me go away, uncle, you count that green onion?"

The languages ​​of both sides are also the languages ​​of the earth.

Suzhen in black could not see through Tianfei's cultivation.

Tianfei is weakened now, but the realm is there.

But Suzhen in black felt that this person was not strong!

Therefore, she is fearless at all.

However, in the eyes of the concubine, Suzhen and Chen Yang in black are just a little girl.

Both are four levels of creation, about five levels.

Even if she was seriously injured, killing these two people would be as simple as killing a chicken and a dog.

Tianfei was in a bad mood. Seeing Suzhen's language in black is rampant, she was secretly angry: "It's really a tiger falling in Pingyang being bullied by a dog, and now even this kind of little girl dares to be proud of me!"

Thinking of this, Tianfei's eyes flashed anger!

She slapped a hand casually, and she was going to teach Black Suzhen a lesson.

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