My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3016: Wu Fei Xing, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

On the morning of the second day, Chen Yang, Zhang Daoling, Suzhen in black, Xuan Zhenghao, and Di Xuan formally met.

This matter did not allow too many people to witness.

Confidentiality should be appropriately higher!

Chen Yang gave the body of the puppet to Suzhen in black, and Suzhen in black also made a thought. Take thought as a spar. She herself was hidden in the black spar.

One flower one world, one thought one bodhi!

When Lei Jie doubled, there was a small world with one thought.

After reaching the Nine Thunder Tribulation, Suzhen's thoughts in black clothes became so powerful that it was boundless!

Therefore, one of her thoughts can actually load all of her other thoughts. This is a state where everything is me!

Therefore, in essence, people cannot lift themselves up.

But above the soul, it has reached this step. She can lift herself up!

There is no clear realm above Suzhen Black's Nine Thunder Tribulation. After that, it was all up to her to understand.

She was already able to turn thunder into water, shatter the void, and read the world.

Suzhen in black is stored in the puppet's brain and controls the puppet. At the same time, once the puppet is broken, if she wants to fight, she will store her real body in one of the secret thoughts. That idea will not participate in combat, and will be well protected by her.

The puppet itself has a strong power. Once the black-clothed Suzhen's divine power is added, the puppet is already strong enough to fight against the seven masters. If Suzhen Hei is more violent, it won't be a problem to turn over eightfold. He Kunou can also be invincible and even fight back!

But when it really reached the point of fighting eightfold and ninefold, Suzhen in black might not be able to use the puppet. The puppet was afraid that he could not withstand the powerful power of Suzhen in black.

Black Suzhen quickly took control of Chen Yang's puppet!

Chen Yang set many of his thinking modes in the puppet. So this puppet's behavior style is very similar to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was quite apologetic to Black Suzhen, and said to Black Suzhen privately: "These years, I seem to have been bothering you. Now I am trapped in this puppet again..."

Black clothed Suzhen snorted coldly, and said, "If you talk about these polite nonsense, I will really be annoyed."

Finally, she said: "Between you and me, life and death are just waiting for you. Then what trouble is there? If someone wants you to die, I can live..."

"I will never frown!" Chen Yang said.

He didn't hesitate to say it, just because, there is no need to hesitate.

Because Suzhen in black is his life!

And Suzhen Hei never doubted this.

"On the contrary, if I die, you can live. By that day, I won't have the slightest hesitation!" Hei Suzhen said.

Chen Yang was moved to the extreme.

The melancholy in his heart also swept away.

He thought, this would be fine too!

With so many emotions in the world, it may not be the best way to be together as a husband and wife.

After Black Suzhen successfully took control of the puppet, Xuan Zhenghao also gave Chen Yang three great changes.

Xuan Zhenghao controlled the big change technique in Three Thousand Avenue!

This is what he realized in the One Yuan Zhou.

The big change technique is wonderful and unparalleled.

But Xuan Zhenghao didn't practice it himself, because to truly practice the Great Transformation Technique, it was necessary to refine his body into steel.

The flesh must become flexible!

There are many restrictions!

It is better for people with a lower cultivation base to practice, but the higher the cultivation base, the more difficult it is to cultivate.

Finally, Xuan Zhenghao simply gave up.

This big change technique is like the change technique of a master of creation. It is extremely simple to turn a person with a low level of cultivation into a rabbit. To become those masters in the creation realm, you have to change the world in his body accordingly, which is extremely difficult!

After that, Xuan Zhenghao made the Great Change Talisman based on the Great Change Technique!

The big change talisman is very confusing, but it does not change the essence of the master.

However, it can only be discovered by someone very close.

"These three great change signs are different for each person." Xuan Zhenghao told Chen Yang. "Each talisman can only be used once."

Black Suzhen said, "Why don't you give more copies?"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled bitterly, and said: "A total of three photos were made, and the production of each one is extremely difficult."

Suzhen in black suddenly realized.

After finishing all these things, Chen Yang put away the three big change signs.

Later, he ran one of the big change symbols!

There are extremely complex runes on the Great Change Talisman, and once it is turned around, it immediately surrounds Chen Yang, and finally all turns into golden powder and soaks on the head, face, and even body!

Soon, Chen Yang's face changed.

After the transformation was complete, Zhang Daoling's eyes became weird.

Because Chen Yang became the leader of Luo channel!

Chen Yang also discovered this. He smiled bitterly and said, "It's actually Luo Channel Chief?"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled and said: "There are characters in the blueprint, and they are only realistic when they change. Many of your enemies know the length of Luo channel, but they don't understand the length of Luo channel. I think you still have to walk beside the white girl. The Luo channel length is very suitable."

"What about the other two?" Chen Yang asked.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "That's what some people I asked for changed, so that you can hide after you escape!"

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Next, Chen Yang, you can show your flaws. At least you can't stay with me. You can go outside the earth to give the enemy a chance to make moves!" Xuan Zhenghao said.

Chen Yang felt very happy.

He can walk out safely and be with Suzhen in black.

This is indeed a happy thing.

Deep in the universe, in the Phoenix realm, Chen Tianya asked the **** emperor, "Boss, how did you die and reborn? Is it really based on wisdom? Wisdom is the most mysterious thing, but when a person falls Mountain cliffs, when in mid-air, wisdom is difficult to play a role. This is very mysterious, and I am very curious!"

The **** emperor did not hide Chen Tianya. He said: "I have always known the power of the phoenix, but the Phoenix realm has recently known it. The power after the unity of ten thousand laws is similar to the power of the phoenix. I didn't just fall into the air. Use wisdom, but come prepared. The power of the phoenix swallowed all of me, but it did not swallow my will. The only thing I retained was the will! Xuan Zhenghao could also do this. The will is mysterious and ethereal. Yes, but it does exist. Once the will is strong to a certain extent, I will become the master of the power of the phoenix. Of course, this only refers to the power of the phoenix given by the master."

"That is to say, this trace of the power of the phoenix swallowed your body and strength. But you have put your will above the power of the phoenix." Chen Tianya said.

The divine emperor said: "Because this phoenix power is pure and there is no will. If the master contains my own will in that phoenix power, I will be dead."

Chen Tianya said: "If the Queen of God just put her will in it, wouldn't you be a dead end leader?"

The **** emperor said: "Yes, but life needs a bet!"

Chen Tianya said, "Congratulations, you won the bet."

The **** emperor said: "No matter what, you and I have got what you want. In the future, with such power, we will definitely be able to grow to a certain height. For now, let's concentrate on cultivation!"

Chen Tianya nodded.

Another place in the universe is still a planet!

This is outside the solar system and inside the galaxy.

This belongs to the fierce galaxy!

At the edge of the fierce galaxy, the planet is full of life.

The planet is also covered with ice and snow.

There is little sunshine and the climate is cold.

But all the creatures on this planet are very adapted to this extreme cold.

This planet is called Wu Fei Star!

The level of civilization on Wu Fei is very low, and the food, clothing, housing and transportation of human beings are very simple. The cold also limits the development of civilization.

On a snow-capped mountain, there is a luxurious palace!

There are three hundred and sixty female envoys serving in the palace.

These female ambassadors all have cultivation bases, but the highest cultivation base is nothing but the heavenly realm.

The limited resources of this planet also greatly restricted the cultivation of these female envoys.

The female envoys occasionally walked around the world and were respected as fairy envoys by people, and left many myths and legends.

This Snow Mountain Palace is the Tianxing Palace!

The Tianxing Palace on Wufei Star is an eternal myth and legend!


In fact, the altitude here is extremely high, and there is an array barrier. Ordinary people will never reach it, even the birds will not fly in.

This is a very peaceful place.

At this time, in the palace that day, the beautiful Wu Fei was practicing in the back mountain.

After the mountain was exposed in the snow, Concubine Wu sat cross-legged, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth.

Concubine Wu has a long and beautiful figure, her black hair seems to fall to the ground.

She was wearing a purple gauze skirt, with indescribable tranquility and gentleness in her beauty.

Her figure is well proportioned, although her waist is very thin, but she is protruding forward and backward, and she has strong capital.

Wu Fei's lips were quite curled, although she didn't apply cream powder, she had a cherry-like color. It looks very attractive. When she closes her eyes, she is like a sleeping princess. Only when the prince kisses gently, she will wake up!

When Concubine Wu opened her eyes, the tranquility in her eyes was like a stream of autumn water.

Those jet-black eyes are like black pearls in the dark night.

Concubine Wu's cultivation has reached the five peak of the creation realm!

At this time, it was noon.

There is no daylight here all year round, and it is in the night and day.

But there is another gem in the sky to provide light and keep the transition from day to night.

At this time, the door of the void suddenly opened in front of Concubine Wu.

Concubine Wu immediately opened her eyes, surprised and delighted, and said, "Master, are you back?"

A woman soon walked in the door of the void.

She is also a woman who is extremely beautiful.

At this level of cultivation, even a sow can evolve into a peerless beauty.

The visitor is Wu Fei's master, Tianfei!

Tianfei has long silver hair, her face is beautiful, but her eyes are blood-red.

She was wearing a silver gauze dress, like a fairy walking from the clouds.

However, she has an extra layer of grace and luxury.

Concubine Wu got up and paid respect.

Concubine Tian's face was solemn, she waved her hand and said, "Don't be polite."

Concubine Wu said: "Master, you should inform the disciple in advance so that you can have a banquet to welcome you!"

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