My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3002: Royal Electric Monster, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The **** emperor said: "I'm afraid I won't make it, but it is meaningless to take such a risk!"

Chen Tianya said: "This matter, you accompany me to do it. The rest, I accompany you to do it, it's that simple!"

The **** emperor said: "The things I took you to do are of great benefit to you. That is your great opportunity! It's a pity that Chen Ling is now addicted to Gentle Country, otherwise, he should have come. "

When Chen Tianya heard the divine emperor mention Chen Ling, his brow furrowed, and he said, "Every time I think of him, I feel that there is no reason for the bifurcation of life. Chief, you said that one day, you suddenly went back, The individual is also called the **** emperor, who takes over everything you have. Isn't this interesting?

The **** emperor said lightly: "I have nothing, what can he occupy me?"

Chen Tianya was startled slightly, and then said, "That's true."

He felt bitter, because he didn't have nothing at the beginning. He had a lover, sister, daughter, and everything. But after returning, he has become a monster in the eyes of his family...

It's already a thing of adulthood.

Chen Tianya didn't want to think about it.

He said: "Let's go in!"

The **** emperor nodded.

Now, Chen Tianya's cultivation is triple-layered!

The cultivation base of the **** emperor, the five levels of creation!

However, Chen Tianya's ability is perverted, and if he really fights against the **** emperor, the **** emperor may not be able to suppress Chen Tianya.

In a flash, the two entered the purple light lightning vortex.

Inside that vortex, there is a universe of space.

Thunderclouds are thousands of miles away, lightning flashes.

Looking at it, it looks like it's in a dense cloud cover.

There were thunderstorms in the upper and lower surroundings, and a vortex was formed, all pulling towards the center area.

Chen Tianya and the **** emperor entered the vortex, and immediately felt the violent Zi Yao's electric shock, and there was a tendency to tear their bodies apart, disassemble them, and finally get involved in the core area.

"Lightning, thunder and lightning, in fact, there are countless types." Chen Tianya said to the **** emperor while resisting the purple light from the outside: "There are more than three thousand kinds of lightning. Some lightning is directly powered by electricity. Ambush kills. Some lightning can form a ball, and it can also reach the state of hitting a cow. For example, the first layer is not damaged, the second layer is destroyed. The third layer is not damaged, and the fourth layer is damaged, and so on! In addition, there are lightning that can be particularly compatible with the human body. This kind of lightning is called black electricity! If an ordinary person is hit by a black electricity, the body will not suffer any harm, but many functions will be assimilated and tempered. Later, other lightning can be understood. So you can become a lightning man, the speed is with the light, and it can release lightning. But this kind of black electrode is rare, and there are precedents of being smashed on the earth. The chance is very small, and it is good to be able to smash one in a century."

Chen Tianya continued: "I have studied thunder and lightning for many years, so I am still very clear about these."

The **** emperor has sacrificed the magical power seed, and the magical power seed forms a protective film to protect him.

A lot of thunder and lightning blasted up, the supernatural power seed remained motionless, faintly, actually absorbing this purple light.

The **** emperor asked at the same time: "What do you think is the characteristic of this kind of Zi Yao electricity?"

Chen Tianya smiled and said: "Zi Yao electricity is pure and clean, and the current is extremely strong. But the main responsibility is not destruction, but rebirth! Passing through the place where Zi Yao electricity hits, it will expel all the toxins that have been destroyed and become vigorous. This kind of electricity , It’s very precious. This place is so rare that there are so many purple electricity. To me, purple electricity is a nutrient. After I absorb it, it will be of great benefit!"

The **** emperor's eyes dazzled and said: "It seems that there are really masters practicing here."

Chen Tianya nodded and said, "Today is a big danger!"

At this moment, the vortex thunder and lightning in front suddenly broke open, and a great road appeared.

Tongtian Avenue leads directly to the depths of the whirlpool, and the depths of the whirlpool are also distinct.

Chen Tianya and the **** emperor saw that there were six star stones in the depths, which were distributed according to the art of six yis in Vientiane.

The six star stones bloomed with brilliance.

Amidst that brilliance, a divine beast creeps!

Seeing that the beast looked the size of an ordinary black panther, its body was pitch black and its hair was soft.

It had a pair of eyes, but it was shimmering with an astonishing cold light.

Chen Tianya and the **** emperor looked at each other, and they soon came to the black panther-like beast.

"Who are you?" the beast said.

Its language is obscure, and I don’t know which language it is.

But Chen Tianya and God Emperor quickly resolved its language.

This method is one law, general rule, universal law!

Chen Tianya immediately said, "We are people on earth, and we are here for these six star stones."

The sacred beast said: "The star stone was collected by me so hard, do you want to take it by force?"

Chen Tianya said coldly: "Yes, so we should have nothing to talk about. Let's see the real chapter under our hands!"

The beast nodded and said: "Yes! But I have one more question to ask, how did you find it?"

Chen Tianya said lightly: "I learned a piece of news in the universe, and I know that there is a small world called Si Shen Realm! I spent some money in Si Shen Realm to find news about these six star stones. But I did not I don’t know, there is one of you!"

The beast said: "What is your name?"

Chen Tianya said: "Chen Tianya!"

God Emperor also said: "Lin Zhan!"

The beast looked at these two people warily.

Chen Tianya said, "Before the war, did you report your origins?"

The sacred beast said: "I am the Yudian sacred beast! My name is Yu!"

Chen Tianya and the **** emperor have already set their posture, ready to do it at any time.

These two people are strong in the world!

But what I didn't expect was that at this moment, the imperial electric beast suddenly said: "Six star stones, give it to you!"

After it finished speaking, it waved its hand and grabbed the six star stones.

Suddenly, all the brilliance was gathered away.

"But, I have a condition!" Yudian Divine Beast said.

Chen Tianya was overjoyed at first, he actually didn't see the cultivation base of the imperial electric beast, but he knew that this beast was extremely difficult to deal with. Unexpectedly, Yudian Divine Beast took the initiative to say that it could be handed over.

I thought I would avoid a big battle...

"What are the conditions?" Chen Tianya said with a darkened look.

Yudian Divine Beast said: "I have a hunch that my former enemy deliberately released this news to you. It wants to attack me while I am fighting with you."

"Huh?" Chen Tianya and God Emperor were both taken aback.

The Yudian Divine Beast said: "We will pretend to fight later, and then I will pretend to be seriously injured, and you will also be injured. When my old enemy appears, you and I will kill them together. After the matter is completed, the six star stones are all yours. ."

Chen Tianya sneered immediately after hearing this, and said: "I don't care if what you say is true or false, but you must first hand over the six star stones. Otherwise, we will definitely take action. Don't play tricks with me. You are too tender to play with these scorns in front of you."

The Yudian Divine Beast was silent for a moment, and then said: "To show my sincerity, I can give three first!"

"At least five!" Chen Tianya said, "There is no room for negotiation."

Yudian Divine Beast couldn't help being angry, and said: "Don't be too much, if I am not afraid of strong enemies, will I?"

Chen Tianya said lightly: "I care about you!"

The **** emperor said from the side: "If we don't want to, we should not force it, let's do it!"

A panic flashed in the eyes of the Yudian Divine Beast, and it gritted its teeth and said, "Okay!"

After that, five star stones shot out.

Chen Tianya is dignified, he is not a careless person. He first tested it with mana and made sure that there was no problem before grabbing the five star stones in his hand.

"Okay, no problem." Chen Tianya nodded and said, "We will help you. Now, let's start!"

Yudian Divine Beast also nodded.

The two sides immediately started a big battle, which looked fierce...

The purple light electric vortex surged wildly.

The outside world will never see the changes inside...


I don't know how long it took, all the Zi Yao electricity was exploded, after which the whirlpool disappeared.

In the void, the imperial electric beast turned into a black shadow and fled in a hurry!

The speed of the Royal Electric Beast is extremely fast.

Chen Tianya and the **** emperor immediately chased after him, but after a short while, they chased them directly.

Because the speed of Yudian Divine Beast is too fast.

Three days later, on top of a dead star, the imperial electric beast lay on it dying.

Its breath is scattered, and its internal power is violent. The lightning on my body keeps flickering...

At this moment, in the dark night, a pure white figure flashed!

Another imperial electric beast appeared!

This imperial electric beast was white all over, and it suddenly appeared, and before it was even close, it spewed fierce thunder and lightning at the black imperial!

The electric light is fierce, and the current is unimaginable!

"Boom!" At this moment, the black Yu suddenly burst into light in his eyes. It suddenly opened its mouth and spewed fierce electric current!


The two currents kill together...

At the same time, behind the white Yudian Divine Beast, Chen Tianya and Divine Emperor shot at the same time.

The supernatural power seeds have accumulated enough purple light!

Chen Tianya cut out the Taiyi Profound Golden Sword!


The three powerful blows all hit the white imperial electric beast.

In the next second, the white imperial electric beast exploded!

Powerful current spreads all over the world!

The death star also disappeared...

The intensity of this explosion is unimaginable.

The **** emperor and Chen Tianya had already made preparations and flew thousands of miles away in lightning.

After a long time, everything returned to calm!

"It's really simple!" Chen Tianya said lightly after Chen Tianya and God Emperor landed.

The **** emperor said: "You can kill without doing these tricks. Three days were wasted!"

Yu's expression was agitated. It trembled and said, "This guy is called Kuang, and he hates me for taking his wife. But in the end, that **** didn't end well, and it was eaten by Kuang as a retribution. I These years of painstaking practice are to resist madness. Our imperial electric beast clan has strengthened ourselves by devouring our kind."

Chen Tianya said: "That's a pity, it has been wiped out, but you haven't swallowed it."

Yu said: "It's too strong now, you can't kill it like this. But it doesn't matter, as long as it dies, I will feel at ease." After it said, "Thank you for your help, this last one. Star Stone, here you are."

After it finished speaking, it threw the star stone out.

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