My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2875: Kill all, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

This momentary change was really caught off guard!

Although Bing Xuanxin and Mingyou both knew the weakness of the Wordless Heaven Tablet, at this moment, they were eager to control Feng Shangren, so they actually launched an attack with all their strength, wanting to directly kill the Yan Sun Wheel.

This error is fatal!

That huge attacking energy entered the wordless heaven stele, and the Yanri wheel quickly urged the mana and the runes on the wordless heaven stele.

Thirty-six million runes burst into infinite golden light, and quickly absorbed Bing Xuanxin's last flame sword power and the sun sword of the sun **** sword. In the wordless sky stele, golden light fills the sky!

Yan Rilun laughed, and then, his figure flashed into the wordless sky monument!

"No word, no heaven and no earth, suppress the heavens!"

The wordless sky stele rose rapidly, followed by a storm of violent golden runes. The rune storm passed by like a locust, quickly enveloping Bingxuanxin and Mingyou!

Then, Fu Wenhua made a wordless monument and suppressed it!

Such as the weight of countless planets suppressed.

Bing Xuanxin and Mingyou have no choice but to resist the Wordless Heaven Monument with their own magic power!

They cannot attack and kill with power, because power will be absorbed by the wordless sky stele. Therefore, they can only resist.

As a result, this gave them no chance to stand up!

Moreover, the suppression of the wordless Tianbei was suppressed by space, time, and gravity. It's not that one of them can carry it, and the other can get away.

Bing Xuanxin immediately said to Mingyou: "Brother Mingyou, use your residual strength to find the rune connection point on the wordless sky tablet, cut the rune veins, and the power of the sky tablet will naturally be greatly reduced."

Nodded secretly and said: "Okay!"

36 million runes, each rune contains huge energy!

It takes time to cut it off completely and escape!

But Bing Xuanxin and Mingyou have no time now.

At this time, the others could not help Bing Xuanxin and Mingyou.

The masters on Kawakami Shinobu's side could not sneak attack.

Because in the periphery of the wordless sky stele, all golden rune storms have enveloped them.

No matter who it is, once inside the runestorm, it is also the object of suppression.

Feng Shangren ran away from the battlefield instantly.

He ignored everything on the battlefield.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of miles away, Feng Shangren sacrificed out of the Nine Nether Space.

He gave both the wordless sky stele and Jiuyou Space to Yanri Wheel. But before the war, he took the Jiuyou Space again.

In the Nine Nether Space, there was a dark darkness, as if there was no edge.

Chen Yang, Huantianyu, and Zangjiu were all in the armor of God that day.

Originally, Chen Yang was going to trouble A Qing.

Their location was originally a white land, but suddenly, clouds and mist surged in the white snow, and after that, a tunnel appeared in front of them!

The front of the tunnel is not clear.

But on both sides...

On one side is the sea of ​​sun!

On one side is the sea of ​​utter darkness!

The sea of ​​Zhiyang is full of primitive pure fire, and the primitive pure fire is endless, as if it were a vast ocean.

The difference is that the sea is full of flames!

The flame rolls!

Sometimes monstrous!

Moan sometimes!

The other side is full of yin and evil water!

Cold to the bones.

The three of Chen Yang seemed to have reached the end of the universe.

This scene is extremely weird.

At the same time, at the corridor ahead, Feng Shangren and A Qing appeared together.

A Qing is still so gentle, low eyebrows, like the little sister next door.

Feng Shangren held Qing's hand.

The two of them came together.

Chen Yang cried out in his heart, bad.

It was counted.

Feng Shangren stood 30 meters ahead, he smiled at Chen Yang and said, "Chen Yang, I think now, you must be surprised."

Chen Yang laughed and said: "It's really unexpected, but it's time for the villain to give a speech. If I don't let you say it, you will definitely be unhappy in your heart, just say it."

"Villain?" Feng Shangren quickly understood the vocabulary. He said, "Why, in your heart, do you think you represent justice, and I represent evil?"

Chen Yang said, "This is nothing to discuss. In your heart, I am evil. Similarly, in my heart, you are also evil. It's just that I really don't understand what happened to my plan. "

Feng Shangren said, "I won't fall twice in the same place at the same time. For the first time, you and Bing Xuanxin calculated me together. Since then, I have been paying attention to you. When Zang Jiu and I battled decisively , I already felt something was wrong, he came out too fast. Moreover, I defeated him too smoothly. Including controlling him, everything went smoothly to me. More importantly, you have never appeared. . So, I have already begun to suspect that Zang Jiu may not be under my control. Then, I will think for you, if Zang Jiu is yours. Then, how would you deal with me.”

Feng Shangren smiled when he said this, and said: "I thought for you for a long time, so I thought of a way. That is, let Zangjiu get injured, enter my armor of the gods, and then separate me and Aqing. This It's your only way. Sure enough, you really did it. So, I will do it! Until today, everything I have done is not for the secret, not for Bingxuanxin, but to kill you! As long as you die, they The rest are not to be afraid!"

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "Thank you so much for considering me so much."

Feng Shangren gave a cold smile and said, "Each one another!"

Chen Yang said, "Do you really think you can kill me?"

Fengshang Shinobu laughed and said, "Now, we don't have to do this fast. Let's do it!"

After he finished speaking, he and Ah Qing jumped into their respective oceans at the same time!

Feng Shangren entered the Sea of ​​Sunshine.

A Qing jumped into the Sea of ​​Darkest Yin.

This is unstoppable.

Here, it is the territory of others.

Chen Yang and Huantianyu, as well as Tibetan Jiu, looked at each other.

Zang Jiu was injured. He was originally acting, but he had to act realistically. So his combat effectiveness is discounted.

"How?" Huan Tianyu couldn't help asking Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said: "It's weird here. I can't sense anyone from the outside world. So it's impossible for Bing Xuanxin to build a transmission channel."

At this moment, a huge wave was set off in the sea of ​​darkness!

In the sea of ​​sun, the flames soared high.

Then, the two waves began to merge together.

The fusion of yin and yang is endless!

Outside the trio, flames and ice water lingered, forming a huge whirlpool storm.

The three were in the center of the storm.

After that, countless flames and ice water turned into swords of the sun and yin.

Moreover, the two sword powers were mixed, and finally formed Yin Yang Wu Ji Slash!

The dense yin and yang Wuji Slash formed, and finally slashed over.

Covering the sky and the sun is extremely terrifying.

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