My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2872: Imaginary, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Mingyou also knows that the situation is serious, so just joking. Of course, there is a hint of temptation in the joke. He and Chen Yang are both the best among people.

After that, Mingyou also agreed to meet with Bing Xuanxin.

The three-party meeting was facilitated by Chen Yang, and it was very secretive.

The meeting place is outside of Guangyao.

That was the place where the sun was shining directly, and the sun was so fierce that Chen Yang couldn't adapt. But Mingyou and Bing Xuanxin enjoyed it very much. Of the two of them, one possesses the Sun God Armor, and the other possesses the End Flame God Armor. Fighting in this kind of place is twice the result with half the effort!

When the three met, Bing Xuan was very emotional. She clasped her fists and said: "My little sister has always wanted to meet and talk with Big Brother Mingyou. But I have never had the opportunity to meet today, my younger sister Sansheng is fortunate! "

Mingyou was also quite emotional, he hadn't liked Bing Xuanxin very much before. He always wanted to support Feng Shangren because he thought Feng Shangren would be better. But now it seems that this idea is very wrong.

Mingyou was still a little embarrassed at the same time. He smiled and said, "Sister Xuanxin, you are too polite."

Bing Xuanxin then said: "After everything is stable, I just want to hold the Earth Star Palace and have no ambitions outside. I also hope that Big Brother Mingyou will be able to raise his hands high and give me this weak woman a way to survive!"

Mingyou immediately laughed and said, "If Xuanxin sisters are weak women, men in the world, who else would dare to call themselves a man?"

Chen Yang gave a dry cough and said, "I think, let's get back to business."

Mingyou and Bing Xuanxin agreed.

Mingyou said: "I will use the Sun God Armor to place a gorgeous sun formation, let us hide in the light of this holy star." After he finished speaking, he cast the spell.

After all this was done, the three sat cross-legged.

Mingyou said: "Sister Xuanxin, what you just said, I know that you are testing my big brother. But don't worry, big brother, I have no ambitions. Over the years, our Yao Tianzong has been caught by the Void Sect and the Light Shadow Sect. Containment, this makes me very uncomfortable, it is simply internal and external troubles. At that time, all I want is the unification of the gods and the strong sect. As for dealing with you, this is completely impossible. In this world, when will be Occupied by one person? Even if there is, it is only temporary, and the end is not very good. After all, what we are after is the infinity! How big is this universe, we are fighting for life and death on this small planet, there is nothing at all significance."

Bing Xuanxin and Chen Yang were surprised when they heard this, but they didn't expect Mingyou to have such knowledge.

Afterwards, Bing Xuanxin said: "With your words, my younger sister is relieved."

Laughing secretly.

Then, he said: "I haven't been in contact with the current Feng Shangren. Therefore, he still hopes that you will talk to me in detail about how good he is."

Chen Yang immediately said all the glorious deeds of Fengshangren, and instantly killed a six-level master of the holy realm like Cang Xuetian, and in the Dark God Clan, he slaughtered, left unrestrainedly and so on!

After Mingyou finished listening, she couldn't help but frown.

Chen Yang said: "His power is the fusion of Yin and Yang, ever-changing, and omnipotent. If you want to kill him, it is best to sneak into his armor of the gods... As long as Na Qing is dead, Feng Shang Ren It's nothing at all."

"Sneak in?" Mingyou said, "It's not easy."

Chen Yang said: "If it were easy, he would have already died."

Bing Xuanxin looked at Chen Yang and said, "Then what can you do?"

Chen Yang groaned and said: "I thought about what Juejin would use to trap Fengshangren. But then I thought about it and it really didn't work. What if Juejin was trapped? We still have to go in and kill him. The stronger the force to kill him, the stronger his resistance. Maybe, we will be wiped out. Of course, there is a certain probability that we will kill him. But this probability is not more than 50%. So this plan doesn’t work. The most reliable thing is to sneak in and separate them, while controlling Ah Qing inside, while restraining the wind on the outside. In this way, great things can be accomplished!"

Mingyou said: "So the thing is back to the beginning, how do we sneak in? We are all people who have the **** armor, and we also know that it is almost impossible for the other party to enter our **** armor."

Chen Yang pondered and said, "I seem to have thought of a way."

Mingyou and Bing Xuanxin immediately brightened their eyes and looked at Chen Yang together.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "The supreme Zang Jiu of the Dark God Race is friends with us. At a critical time, if Zang Jiu loses and suffers serious injuries. Will Feng Shangren watch him die?"

"No!" Bing Xuanxin suddenly became excited, and she said: "Feng Shangren will save Zang Jiu, and will put Zang Jiu in his Celestial Armor for protection."

"That's right!" Chen Yang laughed. He said, "I will be a portal with Zangjiu. After he enters, we will bring me in through the seal."

"This is really a good way!" Mingyou said with a big smile.

So next, the trio finalized some details in detail.

After this, the party just dispersed.

Chen Yang and Bing Xuanxin left.

On the way back, Bing Xuanxin couldn't help asking Chen Yang: "We have told Mingyou everything now, is Mingyou reliable?"

Chen Yang said: "My plan is indeed not working if I say it out. But I can't help but say it. If I don't say it, it will definitely be bad at that time. As for you, Mingyou is reliable? I think it is reliable. Yeah. Mingyou is not a fool. He knows the importance and disadvantages of this. Unless he wants to die, otherwise, he must be on our side."

Bing Xuanxin nodded and said, "Well, I believe your judgment."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Really believe me?"

Bing Xuan's face blushed slightly, and she said: "If you didn't insist on going to the Dark God Race first, I don't think I would even know how to die in the end. You are my savior!"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "Then how do you repay me as a lifesaver?"

Bing Xuan's heart was startled slightly, and then she suddenly became charming, and said, "Is it okay for me to show my body?" As she spoke, she suddenly took Chen Yang's arm.

The softness of the chest is also squeezed!

Chen Yang immediately seemed to be scalded, and quickly avoided, he slapped haha, and said, "Just kidding, kidding."

"Coward!" Bing Xuanxin couldn't help but screamed.

She felt a bit lost deep in her heart.

No man can resist her...

But Chen Yang has repeatedly rejected her as if she was fake, but she really gave in!

Time passed in a blink of an eye, and soon, the ten-day appointment had arrived.

Over the underground sea in the southern hemisphere, on a secluded island, the Dark God Clan Supreme Zangjiu brought his masters to meet Feng Shangren.

Zangjiu is a master of the sixth level of the Holy Realm, plus the Throne of Eternal Night, he is an absolute powerhouse!

He also has Pu Dalong under him, the five layers of the holy realm!

A Yue, the four layers of the Holy Land!

Blood Mist God King, Sixth Holy Land!

Canghai, the master of the Shadow Palace, is the four-fold Holy Realm!

Wu Yun among the inspecting elders, the four layers of the Holy Realm, also came.

The worst is the four levels of cultivation in the Holy Realm!

The four levels of the Holy Realm are all people who can walk sideways on the entire light star.

This time, the team led by Zangjiu is definitely a super master.

On the island, Feng Shangren and Yan Rilun met Zang Jiu.

Zangjiu respectfully saluted Feng Shangren.

Feng Shangren has reviewed the team of Zang Jiu, he was very satisfied, and said: "Okay, okay, Zang Jiu, you did a very good job. After the thing is done, I have a great reward!"

Zangjiu said, "Thank you, Your Highness!"

Feng Shangren said again: "When you do it, it will definitely be under the sun. There is a **** armor in the sky. I want you masters to use the power of the eternal night together so that they can't draw the power of the holy star."

Zang Jiu said: "This is our good point. When that happens, we will launch the Eternal Night Array, so that all the distances are long nights. Please don't worry about this!"

Feng Shangren laughed and said, "The main hall is naturally relieved."

Next, Feng Shangren took Yanri Wheel to Yao Tianzong.

In the main hall of Yaotian Palace, Mingyou met Feng Shangren.

Feng Shangren proposed to marry Ming Jiaolong.

This was the marriage that had been discussed before, and Mingyou had also agreed.

In the hall, Mingyou sat on his head.

Feng Shangren said in a deep voice: "Lord, I have always admired Princess Jiaolong. I wanted to marry before, and you have agreed. However, I encountered Bing Xuanxin's troubles, and the entire Earth Star Palace fell into the ice. The hand of Xuanxin. Today, I am also in trouble, please take me in and let me marry Princess Jiaolong. From now on, my men and I are willing to be loyal to you!"

Feng Shangren comes with a bargaining chip!

With the strength of him and Yan Sun Wheel, this can definitely make Mingyou's heart move.

Mingyou stared at Feng Shangren. He slowly said, "The Lord has indeed heard about the matter between Bing Xuanxin and you. The Lord has always been worried about your safety. Now that you are safe, the Lord will I feel relieved a lot. But, do you really want to marry my master's daughter? How did my master hear people say that you already have a wife?"

He said this deliberately, if he pretended not to know anything, it would be a bit of an insult to Feng Shangren's IQ.

Feng Shangren was slightly startled, he had already said something in his heart, and now he was just pretentious. Afterwards, he said: "It's definitely not the case, it's all intentional rumors. You have to believe me! Some people are afraid that I will marry Princess Jiaolong and join you. We definitely can't fall into the enemy's tricks!"

Mingyou said: "Really?"

Kazekami Shinobu said, "Absolutely not!"

Mingyou said: "Okay, I believe you are."

"Thank you, Lord!" Fengshang was grateful.

Mingyou said again: "It's just that you want to marry the Lord's daughter and you still need to do one thing."

Fengshang Shinobi said: "Please tell me, as long as the younger generation can do it, I will never refuse!"

Mingyou said: "The Void Sect, the Light and Shadow Gate has always been a major concern for this lord. If you can get the heads of the master of the Void Sect Mo Pengyu and the head of the Light and Shadow Gate Star Soul, then there is no problem!"

Feng Shangren's expression suddenly changed, and he said, "If the Lord wants to refuse, just refuse. Why do you have to embarrass the younger generation like this? Then Mo Pengyu and Xingshun have always been your heart problems, you still can't What about the younger generation?"

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