My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2868: Cooperation, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

There is still darkness in the main hall of the Dark God.

The masters looked at the Throne of Eternal Night, but didn't know what happened inside. They are curious, but they are not worried about the safety of the Supreme Tibetan Nine. Because the Eternal Night Throne is the Supreme Dharma artifact, and within the Dharma artifact, the Supreme is the only one exalted by me.

Time is passing quietly!

Inside the Throne of Eternal Night, Zang Jiu continued to ask Chen Yang, "Then what are your plans?"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "The first of the gods of Fengshangren is really powerful, and he and Aqing's yin and yang can be integrated, which can be ever-changing. The more pressure we put on him, he will be able to create more impossible. So. , It is extremely difficult to kill him. I think at the moment that even if we join forces with the Supreme, we can only repel him, not kill him."

Zang Jiu said, "You have already said this."

Chen Yang said: "My plan is to surprise!"

"Surprise?" Zang Jiu was slightly startled.

Chen Yang said: "Yes, by surprise. Feng Shangren doesn't know that I have come here yet. I want to hide in your supreme mind. After you are defeated by him, he will definitely control your mind. At that time, I will use spells to confuse him and make him think you are restrained. In fact, you are not restrained. When he trusts you and can use you with confidence, you will give him A fatal blow."

"You enter my brain?" Zangjiu seemed to have heard a big joke, and he said: "How is this possible. The brain is the place where the deity lives and death, and it is the closest person, and cannot be opened to it. . You and I just met, and you actually proposed such a plan, which is ridiculous."

Even Bing Xuanxin and the ancestor Dapeng on the side felt that this plan was too unrealistic.

This is the main battlefield of Zangjiu. As a supreme, he has not reached the desperate situation, how can he let Chen Yang come into his brain?

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "I know this is difficult, but this is the only way I can think of.

Afterwards, Chen Yang said: "I won't be overwhelmed by others. If the Supreme is unwilling, I will assume that I have not mentioned it."

Zang Jiu sneered and said: "For these things, it's not that you say a few words, and the deity agrees with your blood. It is difficult to tell who is good and who is bad between you and Feng Shangren. Feng. Shangren wants to control the deity, and it’s still difficult. But don’t you want to control the deity? If the deity agrees, wouldn’t it be easy for you?"

Chen Yang said: "Supreme's concerns are indeed reasonable. In fact, I have another proposal."

"Huh?" Zang Jiu was surprised.

Chen Yang said: "You find someone you trust, and then you get into my mind first, which is considered to control me. Then, I enter your mind again. In this way, if I have an unruly mind, everyone Just die together, how?"

Zang Jiu's eyes lit up.

He thinks this is a fairer way.

"Are you really willing to let me find someone to get into your brain?" Zang Jiu asked.

Chen Yang said: "Absolutely take it seriously!"

Zang Jiu said, "You are not afraid, the deity killed you?"

Bing Xuanxin was also worried on the side, feeling that Chen Yang's move was too risky.

However, Bing Xuanxin knew Chen Yang after all, and knew that Chen Yang was still very measured and sure of doing things.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "Why did the supreme kill me? Kill me, and there will be two more enemies. Enemies like Xuanxin and Dapeng Patriarch are not pleasant. What's more, the wind is forbearance. Watching from outside."

Zang Jiu said, "Well, since you are so refreshing, the deity will believe you once."

Chen Yang said, "Thank you for your trust!"

After that, Zang Jiu shouted out Yong Ye.

He let Qi Ling Yongye enter Chen Yang's mind.

"Yongye is the spirit of this deity, the eternal night throne. Once eternal night energizes the power, it can instantly detonate all the power of the eternal night throne. From the inside out, if you are unruly, you have great abilities, too There is a dead end. Moreover, if Yong Ye has an accident, this seat can also know clearly." Zang Jiu said.

Chen Yang said: "I have no intention of killing the Supreme, so no matter how powerful Yong Ye is, it has nothing to do with me."

Yong Ye quickly got into Chen Yang's brain and controlled Chen Yang's brain.

All this is also under the control of Zang Jiu.

Zangjiu and Yongye are one.

After that, Zang Jiu let Chen Yang enter his mind.

This can be regarded as restraining each other.

After doing this, Chen Yang and Zangjiu could communicate much better.

Zangjiu asked Chen Yang: "Next, what do you want me to do?" The two communicated with their minds at this time, so Bing Xuanxin and Dapeng Patriarch couldn't hear what they were talking about.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "Just when we haven't appeared before, Feng Shangren won't stop there. When he appears again, you will do what you originally planned to do."

Zangjiu said, "Okay, the deity understands." He paused, and then said: "But you are hidden in the deity's brain. Once he wants to invade the deity's brain, can you really keep the deity? And not let him. Find?"

Chen Yang said: "If there is no such confidence, am I here to deliberately end up with you, to die together?"

Zang Jiu was startled slightly, then smiled again, and said, "That's true too!"

Chen Yang followed and said: "I still have some understanding of Fengshangren. Before the Supreme, you didn't think I was different from Fengshangren? Then I can tell you now that there is still some difference between me and him. same."

Zangjiu said, "Really?"

Chen Yang said: "Feng Shangren will kill innocent people, but I won't! This is the essential difference between me and him. If I'm not wrong, he sees you hiding in this hall and can't find a chance to start. In the next step, he will use the lives of your tribe to threaten you. He will demand a fair fight with you. If you don’t go out, he will kill your tribe."

Hidden Jiu's body trembled.

He didn't expect this to come.

A cold sweat broke out from his back, he was the supreme of the Dark God Race, the **** of the Dark God Race.

If Fengshangren really did this, can he refrain from fighting when the time comes?

He couldn't help feeling fortunate at this time, fortunate that Chen Yang was here.

Otherwise, he felt that he had fallen into a dead end.

It's finally light up.

The dark gods are located in the dark, but in order to distinguish between day and night, they still use magical instruments to illuminate the square.

Moonlight shines between heaven and earth!

However, at this moment, the howls suddenly rose...

The people of the Dark God tribe scattered around are being captured by Feng Shangren Lightning...

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of people were all caught by Feng Shangren with supernatural powers.

In his big mudra, those tribesmen are like ants.

At the same time, Feng Shangren's loud shout spread in all directions, and even directly to the hall.

"Zang Jiu Zhizun, endure under the wind, have always admired your prestige for a long time. Coming today is to compete with you. Now, I have just arrested three hundred Dark God tribe people, this is just the beginning. Hope you Can come out to fight like a man, otherwise, I will slaughter all your people one by one!"

After he finished speaking, all the masters in the hall were shocked!

"Let's go and kill him!" A master suggested.

"But no!" someone immediately said: "We have already besieged and killed once before. Not only is he okay, he also injured the Great Dragon Palace Master. Now we are afraid that he will leave before we have passed."

The masters are worried.

They all looked at the supreme Zangjiu who was headed in the hall.

After the Tibetan Jiu meeting was completed, he came out.

The masters inquired, and the Tibetan nine said: "It is Xiao Xiaozhang who has been killed by the deity!"

The masters didn't believe it, but if the Supreme said so, they were helpless.

Zang Jiu took a deep breath and said, "It is impossible to besieged him. Since he wants to fight against the deity, then the deity will fight!"

The masters paled.

A Yue, the head of the Dark Moon Palace, said: "But supreme, this man has a strange background and a very high cultivation base..."

Zang Jiu said in a deep voice, "It's okay!"

Later, he said: "You are in this temple, don't act rashly!"

"We..." The masters were even more worried.

They don't know how to respond.

They instinctively felt that Supreme is not that person's opponent!

Zang Jiu ignored everyone, his figure flickered, and soon came to the surface of the sea.

The sea rises and the moon rises, and the horizon is at this time!

Over the sea, moonlight poured on Feng Shangren, he was like a white moonlight war god.

Supreme Zangjiu is a black robe with a crown on his head, like the king of the night.

The two stood opposite each other.

A sharp light flashed in Zang Jiu's eyes, and said, "Who is your Excellency, and why do you feel sorry for my Dark God Race?"

Feng Shangren stared at Zang Jiu, then he smiled slightly and said: "I was indeed a little surprised. I didn't expect you to come out for a fight. I originally thought that I had to kill a few more people before you would come out."

"Who are you? What is your purpose?" Zang Jiu looked a little excited.

Kazekami smiled and said, "If you want to know who I am, you can beat me first!"

Zang Jiu glanced at the clansmen in his hands, and immediately said, "Let go of my clansmen!"

Kazekami Shinobu said, "What's wrong with that!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand.

Suddenly those people fell down, and for a while, they exclaimed...

With a wave of Zangjiu's big hand, a soft force supported the people of the tribe, and then sent them back to the island.

Feng Shangren then shouted again: "Listen, everyone, today I and Zang Jiunai is a fair fight. If anyone wants to engage in a siege or sneak attack when I fight with him, I will immediately leave the battlefield. After that, I will not come out again. I will slaughter your people and hunt you one by one. I don't believe you will be together forever and never be separated!"

In that hall, the masters were still discussing to besiege Feng Shangren.

After they heard this, they were all dumbfounded and dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

Zang Jiu looked at Feng Shangren coldly.

Feng Shangren stretched out his hand and said very gentlemanly: "Sovereign, please!"

Zang Jiu stared at Feng Shangren and said, "You are not here to fight with me, you are not a Daoist! If you want me to fight with you, you will come out with integrity."

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