My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2850: Battle of Purification, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

"What kind of alien?" everyone asked the ancestor Dapeng in unison.

The ancestor Dapeng said, "That alien is the Goddess of Ice Phoenix."

"Ice Phoenix?" Chen Yang was taken aback.

The ancestor of Dapeng looked at Chen Yang and said, "Have you heard of the Ice Phoenix?"

Chen Yang said: "I have a friend who is an immortal ice phoenix. But they are only passed down from generation to generation. What is the origin of the ice phoenix goddess you are talking about?"

The ancestor Dapeng said: "Immortal Ice Phoenix? This ancestor has never heard of it."

Chen Yang said: "You say yours."

The ancestor of Dapeng said: "In fact, the Ice Phoenix Goddess has never appeared. It's just that there is a very weak phoenix in our divine beast clan. She was bullied by others. But one day, I met a leftover from the Ice Phoenix Goddess. A magical artifact. That magical artifact is called the Phoenix Qin, and there is a trace of Phoenix power in the Phoenix Qin. The little Phoenix has inherited the power of the Phoenix since then, and actually became an existence that can surpass the dragons. Her cultivation level back then It is already comparable to the Sanjue Old Man and the Five Great Emperors. Therefore, we all say that this little Phoenix is ​​a different kind. The little Phoenix is ​​called Fang Xue. Later, Fang Xue also disappeared. Some people say that she has already been there. When she died, Phoenix Qin also fell. Some people said that she took the Phoenix Qin to find the Ice Phoenix Goddess."

"Ice Phoenix Goddess?" Chen Yang's scalp was numb.

How many peerless giants are there in this galaxy?

At this time, Ice Soul said: "Why has there been no legend of the Ice Phoenix Goddess?"

The ancestor of Dapeng said: "After the battle of purification, there were many faults in history. Most of you only know the first gods. The first gods left too many legends on our planet. It has never been seen before. Those secret things are rarely known. Therefore, it is normal for you not to know. The reason why this ancestor knows this is because our ancestors left some memories! This belongs to our golden wings. Dapeng's talent inheritance!"

When everyone heard the words, they suddenly realized.

Chen Yang fell into deep thought. He was thinking, what is the relationship between the Ice Phoenix Goddess and the blue and purple clothes?

He couldn't understand.

"If you can find Fang Xue, the little Phoenix, maybe you can know more." Chen Yang secretly said.

"Phoenix power, what power is it?" Bing Xuanxin asked suddenly.

Dapeng ancestor said: "The power of the Phoenix is ​​very mysterious. It is said that it comes from the energy in the primitive universe. When it reaches its extreme, it can manipulate everything in the universe and break all chaos. In short, that power is very terrifying. Xue has only learned the fur! The ancestors once speculated that even the first **** may not be the opponent of the Ice Phoenix goddess. But these are all speculations, and the strength of those ancestors is beyond our conjecture. We thought My own power is already omnipotent. In fact, compared to the real cosmic power, it is still very weak."

Bing Xuanxin said, "I agree with you."

After that, everyone walked away again.

Chen Yang came to the abyss alone. Intuitively, he felt that the armor of the gods was once hidden in this place.

If you want to defeat the wind, you must understand the armor of the gods.

Chen Yang immediately went deep into the abyss.

He also felt that simple things seemed to be getting more and more complicated. He originally came to save people, what is he doing now?

How about Feng Shangren, and what does it have to do with Chen Yang?

Perhaps it was wrong to find Bing Xuanxin at the beginning.

Perhaps it would be better to force Mingyou to release others directly. He has been against Mingyou, Mingyou definitely has a headache.

Chen Yang couldn't help smiling bitterly in his heart. It's really a wrong step, wrong step!

Before, I was thinking about coming to Bing Xuanxin's side to help Mingyou solve some immediate difficulties. It is the simplest and most peaceful way.

Now it was unexpected that the problems on Bing Xuanxin's side were getting harder and harder.

This is the end of the matter, and it is impossible for Chen Yang to leave. This is not his style of doing things!

Therefore, we can only go one way to the dark.

In this abyss, Chen Yang began to use big fatalism to decompose those mysteries, and captured the aura fragments of many thousands of ancient people.

Chen Yang gradually understood the armor of the gods.

Even Wan Gu's feelings, dependence, and obsessive love for the Dragon Girl, he knew a little bit.

Chen Yang also had an impression of Dragon Girl.

This kind of breath decomposition can't be done by mana.

This is possible only by using big fatalism to turn decay into magic.

Chen Yang continued to explore, he couldn't help running the big fatalism!

Unknowingly, it actually took 50,000 years of fate.

After fifty thousand years of fate, Chen Yang knew everything about Wan Gu's life. I also learned a lot about Dragon Girl, and I also learned a lot about some previous deeds.

Chen Yang found out that the cause of the purification battle was because the little Phoenix Fang Xue fell in love with Emperor Xingyun. Emperor Nebula had a strange disease, and he needed to get close to Sheng Yaoxing for treatment. At the same time, the interior of the Saint Yaoxing is too deep, so it needs a lot of **** armor. Including the **** armor left by the gods on the first day, etc...

The **** armor at the time was of very good quality, but not many. Most of them are on the bodies of the Five Great Emperors and Sanjue Old Man.

So Fang Xue went to borrow Shen Jia.

But where the other great emperors are willing to give up, God Armor is their existence. Once the **** armor is lost, the strength will be greatly reduced.

If Fang Xue can't borrow it, he will grab it!

Finally, he accidentally killed the Great Emperor Sheng already!

After the incident, it caused great panic. The rest of the masters, the emperors began to strangle Fang Xue together. At first it was just a battle between a few great emperors. Fang Xue and Emperor Xingyun joined forces, and the Phoenix Qin's phoenix power became more powerful under the pressure.

Finally, with the power of the phoenix, all the emperors were killed!

After that, the Sanjue Old Man, Dark God Old Man, and Four Saints panicked.

They unite...

Fang Xue united many mythical beasts and monsters to join the battle.

The battle of purification has completely begun.

The battle was extremely tragic.

Emperor Nebula died in the battle, Fang Xue fleeed with Phoenix Qin.

Fang Xue is really amazing.

There was a deep shadow over the power of the Phoenix in everyone's hearts.

The living masters were afraid that Fang Xue would return for revenge and fled.

Wan Guren and Dragon Girl fell in love together due to adversity. Wan Guren made every effort to build a **** armor, hoping to fight Fang Xue in the future.

The dragon girl misunderstood the ancient people and left the ancient people.

The ancient people continue to build the armor of the gods...

This is what happened back then.

There are many images passing by in Chen Yang's heart, all of which are the shadow of Fang Xue, the little Phoenix.

The peerless beauty in a white dress was holding a phoenix piano, and the power of the phoenix shocked Yu inside and outside.

The wailing of the masters, the fire cloud ignited the entire sky...

The light star is on the verge of extinction...

In that battle, the entire planet suffered a devastating blow.

If it weren't for later, all the masters worked together to kill the Great Emperor Nebula, and Fang Xue was hurt by Fang Xue's sadness. Today, the light star no longer exists!

Guangyao Star itself also has a strong power of protection, but almost all of them will be broken by the power of Phoenix...

Chen Yang saw Fang Xue's anger, sadness, and despair...

He felt more fear!

Fang Xue just inherited a trace of the power of the phoenix, and was actually so powerful and terrifying to this point. If the ice phoenix goddess makes a move, what should it be?

Chen Yang once again felt that he was so small, how insignificant his strength was.

The crowd soon reunited again, and there was not much gain.

Chen Yang also didn't tell what he saw, and after a total of them, they left Wangu Cave.

It didn't destroy this eternal cave, because there was no need for it.

After returning to the Earth Star Palace, Chen Yang and Bing Xuanxin had a long conversation again.

It was in Lengxing Hall, Bing Xuanxin's bedroom.

Bing Xuanxin's father, Bing Zhipu, was very satisfied with Chen Yang, and it meant that some old father-in-law looked at his son-in-law. But he didn't say much, after all, his daughter is now a big deal.

In that palace, Bing Xuanxin apologized, and said, "It's getting trickier. I'm really sorry to involve you here."

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said: "None of us expected that things that were easy to solve would become so tricky. Now they might go back to the obsidian tunnel, if he puts a ban there and do something to me. I'm afraid we Somewhat bad!"

Bing Xuanxin said: "It is indeed necessary to pay attention. Once you have something wrong, our side will have no resistance. The strength of the **** of the wind is too terrifying, it has never been seen!"

Chen Yang said: "There are two powers in the armor of the gods, one is the sea of ​​yang and the other is the sea of ​​yin. These two powers are very powerful when they reach the extreme. What's more, they have one yin and the other. Yang, fusion with each other, nurtures all things, and it is even more terrifying. This is not simply one plus one equals two. In the path of yin and yang, it can turn decay into magic, even out of nothing. My big fatalism also has this ability, but my cultivation They are limited and their lifespan is limited. Therefore, one million years of lifespan can't beat them."

Bing Xuanxin said, "Could we have no choice?"

Chen Yang said: "I haven't thought of a way yet. Even if I understand the armor of the gods, I haven't found a way. After they merge, they can resolve all attacks and produce some strange, unseen power."

Bing Xuan smiled bitterly, and said, "Could it be that I have done too many evil things, and I can't do it?"

Chen Yang said, "Don't be discouraged. I think there will be a way. Right now, I have to think of a way to turn these obsidian essences into energy that can be absorbed by me. Always be prepared!"

Bing Xuanxin nodded and said, "Well, I won't bother you for now."

Chen Yang also nodded.

After that, Chen Yang left Bing Xuanxin and returned to his own bedroom to study.

Besides, Feng Shangren, Ah Qing, and Yan Nanfei returned directly to the shadow clan's nest.

Yan Nanfei went to inspect the Obsidian Tunnel for the first time. After the inspection, he found that the Obsidian Tunnel was much empty again. This made Yan Nanfei very angry, and he wanted to eat Chen Yang's flesh and blood.

"This beast, my Shadow Clan's thousands of years of savings are about to be ruined by him within a few days." Yan Nanfei cursed.

Feng Shangren was right beside Yan Nanfei. He smiled and said, "Big brother, don't be discouraged, that animal will pay the price."

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