My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2847: Wordless Tianbei, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Feng Shangren and Yan Nanfei were full of spirits and smiled at the demons.

Young talent, mother was killed, father's life and death unknown. Now the enemy has chased him up again, chasing after him. However, the young talents have already found adventures in the caves. Do they want to counterattack in their lives?

Chen Yang looked at everything in front of him and found it funny, thinking that Feng Shangren and Yan Nanfei were like the protagonists in the novel. And he is on the side of the villain...

What is positive? What is evil?

Chen Yang secretly said: "It turns out that only children can distinguish between good and evil. In the adult world, there are only pros and cons."

Bing Xuanxin coldly watched Feng Shangren and Yan Nanfei, and then she gave orders coldly! "kill!"

The crowd quickly moved out to surround Yan Nanfei and Feng Shangren.

Follow, make all of them!

Chen Yang didn't make a move immediately, he wanted to look at the reality of these two guys first. He didn't want to waste a bit of life.

The ancestor of Dapeng roared, his figure changed, and he suddenly turned into a beast of Dapeng!

He is covered in golden feathers, standing up like a mountain, with sharp sharp edges in his giant claws!

The ancestor of Dapeng himself was born of a sacred beast, and his bloodline has the shadow of the first god. He can be infinitely transformed into the body of a beast.

Because this is his ontology!

At that moment, the ancestor Dapeng shot with all his strength, the golden feathers on his body bloomed with infinite golden brilliance, and finally formed the golden sword of Fumo!

The golden sword flew out and shot towards the eyebrows of Yan Nanfei!

The sword light is fierce, cutting through the eternal sky!

The Dapeng ancestor's shot is absolutely extraordinary!

Moreover, this is just his appetizer!

While the Dapeng ancestor shot, the other masters also followed.

Mo You unfolded the Blood Cloud God Armor.

Long Xin also launched the Titan Battle Armor!

Ice Soul, Granny Lan, all shot together.

They issued the strongest blow, the intrepid flame sword light headed towards Yan Nanfei to kill.

This was arranged by Bing Xuanxin before, first to kill Yan Nanfei together.

As for Bing Xuanxin, Bing Xuanxin and Chen Yang came to deal with Feng Shangren and A Qing.

Bing Xuanxin's Mo Yan Divine Armor unfolded, and Mo Yan beam slashed towards Feng Shang Ren.

Feng Shangren didn't dare to underestimate it.

He immediately started with Ah Qing...

Yan Nanfei was the most troublesome, he did not expect that he became a target at this moment.

Many powerful swords light came to kill, he quickly activated the cold demon armor!

The Cold Demon Armor is of the cold attribute, he does not seek to kill the enemy at this time, only to protect himself!

Numerous obsidian rays surrounded him, inside and out, as if he was surrounded by black silkworm pupa.

A lot of sword power came from fierce beheading, no matter how outstanding Yan Nanfei's cultivation base was, he couldn't resist the siege of the masters!

The obsidian silkworm chrysalis began to burn, and Yan Nanfei couldn't resist it!

If it weren't for the power of the Shadow Clan to naturally restrain the Celestial Clan, Yan Nanfei would have vanished in an instant.

But even so, facing so many masters, it is difficult for him to resist!

Suddenly, Yan Nanfei presented a wordless monument!

The wordless sky stele is no longer in a state of wordlessness. It is full of Yan Nanfei's life and his spirit and spirit!

What's even stranger is that with the mana injected by Yan Nanfei, a lot of runes appeared on the Wordless Heaven Stele!

At that moment, Yan Nanfei hid inside the wordless sky stele!

There are about 36 million golden runes on the wordless sky stele!

At this time, the rune turned, forming a golden torrent vortex!

A lot of power instantly cut into the wordless sky stele!

Everyone immediately felt that their power was being absorbed by the wordless heavenly monument!

Chen Yang was taken aback when he saw it, only to feel that the power of this wordless heavenly stele was similar to his own Xuanhuang Divine Valley Seed, but there were differences. Because it absorbs power by itself and needs to digest it by itself, the body may be bursting at any time!

But the rune of the wordless sky stele can store infinite power!

All the masters tried their best to kill, but all their attack power was absorbed by the wordless sky monument.

This change came off guard!

Bing Xuanxin’s father, Bing Zhipu, recognized the wordless sky monument at first sight...

"God, what he was holding was the legendary monument of the wordless sky! It is rumored that this monument of wordlessness was built by the gods of the first day. There are 36 million runes on it, which can contain the heavens and the earth. Everything! We attack and kill like this, definitely difficult to break!" Ice Soul said loudly.

Yan Nanfei was actually not easy, too much power invaded, and he merged with the wordless sky stele, only feeling that the mana in his body was overwhelming.

Although the wordless monument is the world's best, it also has its flaws. That is, if the stele holders have insufficient cultivation, they cannot use all the absorbed power for their own use. It is even possible to go crazy!

Ice Soul and others immediately stopped attacking.

Yan Nanfei also breathed a sigh of relief. He felt the fierce power inside the monument. He immediately used his power, gradually resolved it, and then turned it into his own use.

"Suppression by the Tianbei!" At this moment, Yan Nanfei's eyes flashed, and suddenly he shouted again and began to counterattack.

The wordless heavenly monument quickly rose, and then pressed down like a Qingtian **** monument!

Everyone felt that the sky was covered by the sky above their heads, and a huge monument was suppressed!

Even Bing Xuanxin and Feng Shangren could not escape the suppression of this **** monument!

However, the rune changes in Yan Nanfei's rotation of the wordless sky stele immediately enveloped Fengshangren. Feng Shangren can directly enter the rune!

Bing Xuanxin is fighting with Feng Shang Ren, Feng Shang Ren is in the rune, but he does not forget to attack Bing Xuan Xin!

He and A Qing shot at the same time, the Thunder double kills!

Zhiyang Jinghuo and Bing Xuanxin's Moyan Divine Sword blasted together.

Following that, A Qing's Extreme Yin Bing Soul also killed Bing Xuanxin!

The double ice and fire, repeated strangulation, instantly caused Bing Xuanxin Sanhua to be in chaos and it was difficult to resist.

Moreover, this is just an appetizer for Feng Shangren and Qing.

Bing Xuanxin could no longer resist.

The wordless sky stele absorbed many forces and then suppressed it!

The masters felt the sky pressed against the top, and the pressure was so great that they immediately used their magic power to resist the wordless sky monument!

But the wordless sky stele absorbed their power and turned it into gravity downward suppression! It seems that the more they resist, the faster they will die!

This is really funny!

The masters came with full confidence, strangling these two younger generations, it should have been an easy task. But in an instant, it fell into an absolute disadvantage. Seeing to continue like this, all the masters may be wiped out.

"The rune absorbs power and kills the rune!" Chen Yang suddenly shouted.

The scene was chaotic, but his thinking was very clear.

"Don't attack and kill with mana indiscriminately, find the contact point of the runes in it, and perform precise kills! Although those runes change quickly, they are also traceable." Chen Yang continued to shout.

While he was speaking, he quickly shot, directly cut off some of the runes in the wordless sky stele, and shattered them.

But the rune cycle transformation seems to be endless, so it has not been greatly affected. However, the other masters were inspired, and immediately shot.

Countless runes were instantly wiped out, and the wordless heavenly stele really began to not absorb smoothly.

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