My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2844: Wangu Cave, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang lost more than 300,000 years of life, so they went to the Obsidian Tunnel first. Anyway, now, with the participation of Dapeng Patriarch, they are even more unscrupulous. However, in the past few times, they have never encountered Yan Nanfei in the obsidian tunnel.

After Chen Yang regained his life, he moved some obsidian stones and left.

After their lifespan was fully restored, they returned to the Earth Palace again.

Next, Bing Xuanxin settled down with Dapeng Patriarch.

After that, Bing Xuanxin and Chen Yang brought out Feng Taixuan.

In that Lengxing Palace, Bing Xuanxin and Chen Yang faced Feng Taixuan who was already immobile.

Everything around has been sealed, no one will know what is going on inside.

The light was bright, and in the bedroom, Feng Taixuan looked at Bing Xuanxin, his body was trembling slightly, and he said, "Anyway, Xiao Lie is my son. You want to be so cruel and kill me. In the future, he knew that his biological father was killed by you, how do you think he would think of you?"

Bing Xuanxin stared at Feng Taixuan, and she didn't say a word.

The look in her eyes made Feng Taixuan's heart flutter.

Afterwards, she smiled and said: "I know, you are now afraid, painful, hateful, and even more humiliating. In your eyes, Chen Yang and I are adulterers, right? And we will kill you!"

"But..." Bing Xuanxin said, "Things are far from being as dirty as you thought. Now that you have reached this point, I will give you the dignity and dignity you deserve. Tell you the truth, between me and Chen Yang. Innocent. He helped me because he wanted to save people in Mingyou's hands, and Mingyou also sent him to monitor me. Our relationship is complicated, but there is no affair between men and women, and nothing more. You believe it. Okay, don't believe it!"

Of course Feng Taixuan believed, because Bing Xuanxin really didn't need to lie at this time.

After that, Bing Xuanxin continued: "Feng Taixuan, you are indeed Xiaolie's biological father. Killing you is cruel to Xiaolie. But I won't kill you, okay? You did so many evil things. , You killed so many innocents. You think I am sorry for you, but have you asked me? Am I willing to be your concubine? Can't I resist? My resistance is like this. And that's all, Can I have another way? Can I lose my temper and fight with you? If I really fight with you, will you look at Xiaolie's face and spare me? Probably, you will kill me too It's like killing a trash? Will you feel guilty?"

Fear flashed in Feng Taixuan's eyes.

The more bitter Bing Xuanxin is, the more afraid he is.

How frank Bing Xuanxin is at this time, it just shows how strong her killing intent is!

"Don't kill me, you save my life." Feng Taixuan said in a deep voice, "Xuanxin, I know, I am sorry for you. In the past, you have resentment and resentment, but now it should be paid off. . You leave me a cruel life, at least you are worthy of Xiaolie. You kill me, no matter how much wrong you are, you are sorry for Xiaolie!"

Bing Xuanxin went silent.

Chen Yang didn't talk much on the side.

This is Bing Xuanxin's family affair, how to deal with Feng Taixuan, this is a big problem.

Asking himself, Chen Yang would definitely not be a mother who killed his own child. Even if this mother is full of abuse... because it is too cruel for the child.

What made Chen Yang more painful was that his mother was killed by his father.

So he can't let go of it now.

Want revenge, can't!

Want to give up, let alone!

"Xuanxin..." Chen Yang said, he thought for a while, and said: "I shouldn't have spoken, but what you don't know is that my mother was killed by my father. This matter let me It’s so painful that I still don’t know how to face my father. Even though my father saved me and saved my wife and children countless times, I still don’t know how to face him. So, maybe, you really should be a kid Seriously consider it."

Feng Taixuan's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said, "Yes, Xuanxin...I..."

At this moment, Bing Xuanxin suddenly made a move, and with a big handprint, it enveloped Feng Taixuan's head.

In the next instant, Feng Taixuan's head shattered, and his whole body shattered.

The blood mist rushed, and countless fragments floated away.

Bing Xuanxin directly condensed Mo Yan, burning it to ashes!

Feng Taixuan, the emperor of the Earth Star Clan, a generation of heroes and figures, once dominated the world, now died in Bing Xuanxin's hands.

Chen Yang was stunned.

He thought Bing Xuanxin would leave Feng Taixuan a life!

Unexpectedly, she killed Feng Taixuan so decisively!

Chen Yang also had to admit that when it came to courage and cruelty, he was indeed far inferior to Bing Xuanxin.

"He finally died!" Bing Xuanxin said with a sudden smile.

Under the light, her face is so beautiful, and her smile is so charming.

Charming enough to make Chen Yang shudder!

"Why, afraid of me?" Bing Xuanxin asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang looked at Bing Xuanxin and said, "I admire you. Your approach is extremely correct. But I can't do it instead."

Bing Xuanxin said, "Really? I still think I am not ruthless enough after all. I had thought countless times that I wanted him not to survive, but not to die. I wanted him to die in extremely painful way, but after all, I still let him It’s too easy to die. I could have told him nothing, just to make him think that I had something to do with you. That would make him more painful! I'm still too kind."

Chen Yang touched his nose, but he didn't say anything.

Three feet of freezing is not a day's cold.

Bystanders, don't persuade others to be generous without understanding the suffering of others.

"Next, I will use big fatalism to find Yan Nanfei and Feng Shangren." Chen Yang said: "I guess they should not be in the shadow clan anymore."

Bing Xuanxin said, "There are still many secrets in Feng Shangren. It is indeed necessary to solve them as soon as possible. It is too late, and I am afraid that there will be changes in Dapeng."

Chen Yang said: "Then shall we start?"

Bing Xuanxin said, "Okay!"

Chen Yang said, "Get Feng Shangren's clothes."

Located in the southern hemisphere, a mysterious seabed in the underground sea.

The vastness of the underground sea in the southern hemisphere is unimaginable.

There are countless secrets in the ocean.

In this mysterious place, there is a hidden hole.

The mouth of the cave is at the bottom of the sea!

There is an enchantment at the entrance of the cave!

This place is too hidden, even a master can hardly detect it.

And this cave entrance is exactly the mantle cave that the ancient people left behind.

Yan Nanfei, Feng Shangren and A Qing came here two days ago.

In the Eternal Cave, the mystery is endless.

Fengshangren was able to come to Wangu Cave back then because he got a white jade bracelet left by the ancient people from outside. According to the information in the white jade bracelet, Feng Shangren searched for it.

Ah Qing was hatched from a dragon egg, and Feng Shangren helped Ah Qing transform from a dragon into a human.

A Qing's father is Wan Gu, and his mother is a dragon. Her mother also cultivated into a human form in order to be with Wan Gu.

Only later, a dragon egg was born.

The dragon egg slept for thousands of years. It was officially hatched a thousand years ago!

As for that Li Zhanfei, Li Zhanying was left by the ancient people to guard the cave and A Qing. A Qing had been absorbing nutrients from the dragon egg before and practicing. She has a high cultivation base, but she doesn't know the world.

Later, Ah Qing left the dragon egg, but still couldn't transform into a human form.

Ah Qing must transform into a human form, because to inherit her father's mantle, she must cultivate to become a human being.

Feng Shangren helped Ah Qing with all his strength.

A Qing has never seen the outside world, Feng Shangren is handsome and careful, so A Qing fell in love with Feng Shangren at first sight.

When they first entered the cave, Li Zhanfei and Li Zhanying were meant to kill the wind. But Ah Qing stopped!

Later, Feng Shangren and Ah Qing married in the cave and agreed to grow old.

Ah Qing provided a lot of help to Feng Shangren, and the two also practiced the Celestial Soul Armor together!

A Qing has never seen her father and mother, and she has never dared to face Wan Gu Ren as his father. I always feel strange, and I'm not used to calling him father.

Li Zhanfei and Li Zhanying were also sealed for a long time. It was after Ah Qing hatched that their seals were automated.

Li Zhanfei and Li Zhanying were not very clear about many things that year.

All I know is that thousands of ancient people were obsessed with the art of armouring!

After Ah Qing's mother, Dragon Girl, hatched Ah Qing, she knew that the Ten Thousand Ancients had combined with her just to cultivate the Celestial Soul Armor together.

Angrily, the dragon girl kept away from the ancient people.

The ancient people went around looking for the Dragon Girl, but they didn't find it.

Later, Wan Gu knew that he had fallen in love with Dragon Girl.

However, this predecessor's brain circuit is also relatively strange. Later, he was not satisfied with the Celestial Armor and wanted to build the Celestial Armor. He thinks that by creating a more powerful armor, he can restore the dragon girl.

But I didn't expect it, but later took my life!

The armor of the gods was extremely dangerous that day, and it was created to cultivate with the dragon girl.

When Wan Gu died, he named A Qing and arranged everything. After that, Wan Guren passed away into the abyss, and his soul dust guarded the armor of the gods.

Ah Qing lacks affection for his father and mother. She had stayed in this cave for too long, and she had seen a lot of imprints of Wan Gu people's past, and in her heart she felt that Wan Gu people had always been smart and brilliant. But it's not like his father. She has no idea about her mother!

After coming to this cave, Yan Nanfei was most happy.

This cave was left by the old predecessor of the Shadow Clan, Wan Guren!

He looked around and saw many files and imprints left by the ancient people.

Many shadow clan secrets can also be seen clearly here.

Yan Nanfei also saw some secrets. When he saw it, he was filled with righteous indignation. "Back then, people in the line of gods wanted to strangle our clan, not because our clan made a big mistake, but because our ability made them panic, ridiculous, and hateful. The messages left by the ancestors in the clan are also the same as those of the ancestors. Consistent! If one day, I will let the gods pay their debts!"

Yan Nanfei secretly said in his heart.

But on the face, he didn't show anything. Because Feng Shangren belongs to the Earth Star Clan, but it also belongs to the Celestial God Clan. Back then, when strangling the Shadow Clan, the Earth Star Clan made no little effort.

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