My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2801: Master, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The handover between An Daoshen and the other party went smoothly. Afterwards, the other party asked again: "Those followers, and Long Xin, Mo You?"

God An Tao said: "We will deal with those people, but you can rest assured that they will never appear outside the shadow clan."

The other party said: "Our master meant that it is best to kill, so as to avoid future troubles!"

An Daoshen smiled and said: "The previous mission did not include asking us to kill these men. Now, these men are our spoils. Your master has no right to interfere!"

The other party said: "At present, my master would never want to see things exposed. Feng Xinglie is a trump card, and my master will not use it lightly."

An Dao Shen said: "The deity said that they will not appear outside the shadow clan!"

The other party was helpless and said, "Well, I hope you can keep your promise!"

After that, the other party left.

The group of An Taoshen also left one after another.

Chen Yang has not dared to act rashly.

He also knew that the little prince Feng Xinglie had fallen into Feng Shangren's hands.

Although they did not mention the word Feng Shangren in their conversation. But the other party also said that in the future it will unify the entire Earth Star Clan. Then, this person definitely cannot be Bing Xuanxin. It wasn't Bing Xuanxin, but naturally it was the wind.

About an hour later, An Daoshen settled down.

Afterwards, Chen Yang felt that the essence of obsidian began to be absorbed.

Wen Ying and others successively thaw.

Na Mo You, Long Xin, Wen Ying and others were all arrested.

Chen Yang looked around through Wen Ying's eyes and found that the surrounding area seemed to be a huge cave.

The place where I am now is in a cave with no sky.

To be precise, this cave is similar to a hall. Obviously it has been transformed, but it is still full of wild atmosphere.

This cave is very large, and the dome above is also very high, about thirty meters high.

There is a throne at the top of the cave.

There was no one on the throne, but at this time there was the sound of footsteps, and then a figure flashed, and a person sat on the throne.

The man was shrouded in silver robe, with only one face exposed.

He is a man, about twenty years old.

There are white scales on his face, densely packed, and it looks terrible.

Chen Yang glanced at it, but couldn't see clearly the man's specific cultivation.

It means that the man's cultivation is above Chen Yang.

Chen Yang took a look like this and immediately caught the man's attention. An Daoshen and the others were about to salute, the man suddenly waved his hand and said, "Wait!"

He pointed at Wen Ying and said, "You come out!"

Chen Yang immediately received his spiritual consciousness and fell into a state of silence.

At the moment, Wen Ying stood up, he was honest and respectful, not even daring to lift his head.

"Master, does this person have a problem?" An Daoshen and the others knelt on one knee, and at the same time, An Daoshen asked.

The man said: "This person is a bit weird, with a low cultivation base, but the look in his eyes just now has a feeling of penetration."

An Daoshen and others were also taken aback.

Mo You, Long Xin was also surprised.

But they are more desperate, and they can all imagine what the tragic end of falling into such a magic cave will be.

"You, raise your head!" the man said to Wen Ying.

Wen Ying raised his head.

The man enveloped Wenying with his spiritual thoughts, but he found nothing wrong.

"It's really weird, this man is weird." The man suddenly reached out.

At that moment, his hand emitted a black ray like a thousand spiders. The black ray directly penetrated Wen Ying's forehead.

Poor Wenying didn't do anything, so he was killed inexplicably.

It is also Chen Yang's sin.

But having said that, even without Chen Yang, his fate was still made a puppet.

Chen Yang's heart jumped at this moment, knowing that the other party was investigating himself. Once discovered, such a Longtan Tiger's Lair, it is difficult for him to handle it.

The opponent's black rays instantly drenched Wenying's limbs and brain.

At this moment, Chen Yang went directly from the bottom of Wen Ying's feet to the ground.

"Sure enough, weird!" The man's eyes changed.

Chen Yang still miscalculated after all.

The man's cultivation base was not comparable to that of Fuyue. He ran away under the man's nose and was immediately discovered.

The man snorted coldly, then suddenly grabbed with his big hand...

Chen Yang immediately realized that this entire cave was very strange. He wanted to quickly escape from the ground, but the ground seemed to hide the essence of obsidian.

The surroundings suddenly became extremely strong, and the opponent's palm power descended from the sky, and instantly enveloped him in it.

The man wanted to force Chen Yang to be brought up.

"Tell you to be paralyzed!" Chen Yang cursed.

He hates others to mention him like this. At that moment, a powerful force came under pressure, and he immediately unfolded the river of black holes.

Under the pressure of the opponent's fierce ice and cold force, the river of black holes quickly collapsed.

Without saying a word, Chen Yang launched a big swallowing technique, black hole vortex, and mysterious yellow **** valley seed.

The power of the essence of obsidian is fierce and fierce, and there is also the unspeakable meaning of tenacity.

Even the sun is really hot.

Chen Yang swallowed repeatedly, but the essence of the obsidian turned into silk threads, but it was involved in the black hole whirlpool, which made Chen Yang very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the river of black holes is still there and it can be resisted for a while!

Chen Yang's Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds were forcibly purified, and blood blossoms bloomed in the bloodline, and the powerful suction finally played a role.

The black silk thread was also swallowed by Chen Yang and purified!

Chen Yang's energy skyrocketed!

The man still had the chance to win, and he responded easily. At this moment, I suddenly felt that I had caught an inexplicable vortex. Not to mention, there is actually power in the vortex that is forcibly pulling his power, not to mention the pulling, his power is still being swallowed by the other party.

At this time, the man paled.

Chen Yang cut out a sword...

The sword light flashed, and instantly broke the man's palm print.

Chen Yang opened the man's palm print with a sword, and at the same time absorbed the essence of obsidian around him. Those Obsidian Essences have lost the master's profound control, and although they are still tough, they can't resist the power of the Black Yellow Divine Valley Seeds.

As a result, Chen Yang's power was madly supplemented.

Along the way, Chen Yang's momentum was like a broken bamboo, and he broke through the formation support formed by the essence of obsidian, and then fled this area.

On the throne, the man also felt the opponent dive deep into the ground.

His face was gloomy and dripping.

A huge pit was formed on the ground of the stone cave, and the mark cut by the sword light made people frightened.

"Lord, I'm waiting to be guilty!" Only then did An Daoshen and the others realize that they had made a big mistake, and immediately knelt down and admitted.

Na Longxin, Mo You suddenly felt inexplicable.

Because they also noticed the existence of another master, and this master was still watching many masters, and fled under the eyes of these masters.

Mo You could feel that the master's cultivation base had reached a level that could rival the mistress. But even so, the master who possessed Wenying escaped...really, I can't imagine it!

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