My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2788: Fuzuki, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The Earth Star tribe occupies most of the underground sea.

The Celestial Race is on the fertile land, and the Dark God Race is hidden in the Eternal Night.

The shadow clan is sparsely populated, and it is rare whether it is on land or underground.

Chen Yang soon arrived in the South, which is the land and the territory of the Celestial Race.

The sky above the head is irradiated by the sun through the magic circle, and the mana forms photosynthesis, and forms the ozone layer, atmosphere and so on.

There are three sects of the Celestial Clan, headed by the Yaotian Sect...

There are countless ordinary humans and kingdoms below.

Although the light star is divided into eternal night and day, the part of day is the territory where the Celestial and Earth tribes are located. So their magic circle will change at night, so there will be an artificial night.

The Yao Tianzong, the Light and Shadow Gate, and the Void Sect each occupy the land, which means that they are old and dead. Chen Yang went directly to the outside of Yaotian City, the city where Yao Tianzong was located. Following that, he controlled an ordinary citizen who was going to enter the city.

In this way, he will smoothly enter Yaotian City.

Yao Tianzong said it was a sect, but it has become a royal family by itself. There is a majestic Yaotian Palace...

The Yaotian Palace is protected by formations, and it is extremely difficult for outsiders to enter.

Chen Yang's luck was good, so he met a powerful kid who wanted to enter Yaotian Palace.

Chen Yang immediately attached himself to the entourage next to the powerful son and controlled it.

After that, Chen Yang successfully entered Yaotian Palace.

Inside the Yaotian Palace, there is a garden like a sea of ​​flowers, and the seasons are like spring, fragrant bursts!

In the back mountains, there are also craters. It is said that it was the place where the children of the palace practiced, and there was a vast space inside. And can directly absorb the real fire energy of the sun!

At the other end, there is a special refining hall and so on!

The powerful son Chen Yang followed was called Futian!

Within Yao Tianzong, the Ming family is the most powerful. The second is the Fu clan, the Ming clan and the Fu clan often have marriages.

Futian came in to see his aunt.

Aunt's Mansion Yue, as for Futian's uncle, is a nobleman in the Ming family, called Ming Wuji.

The Lord of Yaotian Palace is called Mingyou!

Mingyou is Promise's uncle.

The relationship among them is somewhat subtle.

Most of the noble children of the Ming family lived in the Yaotian Palace, which is a city within a city because it has a vast area.

In front of a mansion, Futian's carriage stopped. Afterwards, Futian brought two of his followers into the door. The rest waited to stay outside...

Chen Yang immediately became attached to the other entourage.

That Futian's cultivation base was a heavenly realm, so Chen Yang's existence was not discovered.

Chen Yang actually wanted to control Futian, but unfortunately, this big thunder sound Pudu method could only control the masters below the peak of the virtual fairy.

Futian led his entourage into the mansion, and the entrance was a beautiful courtyard.

It was already dusk, and in the pavilion in that courtyard, Aunty Mansion was tasting tea.

Futian approached and saluted immediately, smiling and calling his aunt.

Although Fuyue is Futian's aunt, she is also a person with a cultivation base, and the cultivation base is not low, she is already the first level of creation.

So she looks very beautiful, dressed in gorgeous palace costumes, and she looks only in her twenties.

Even if Futian and Fuyue were a pair, no one would believe it.

But Futian was very respectful in front of Fuyue.

"Auntie, you are very leisurely today, you didn't go out for shopping!" After Futian saluted, he sat down in front of Fuyue.

Fuyue asked the maid to pour tea for Futian. She smiled faintly and said, "It's rare for you to come to my aunt for nothing. What kind of wind is blowing today?"

Chen Yang and another entourage stood behind him.

Futian did not shy away from these two entourages. He smiled and said, "I just missed you, my aunt, so I came to see you. By the way, why didn't I see my uncle?"

Fu Yue pursed her mouth and said, "Are you going to see me or your uncle?"

This woman, between a frown and a smile, is full of amorous feelings, which makes her mind rippled.

Futian said hurriedly, "Oh, my aunt, I just asked casually."

Fuyue said: "Your uncle is retreating inside Yanvolcano, and will not come out for the time being."

Futian said: "In this way, uncle should be about to break through, right?"

Fuyue said: "I hope! The situation is not very optimistic now. The Feng Shangren of the Earth Star Royal Family still wants to curry favor with us. But now he is full of wings, we have to worry that the Light and Shadow Gate and the Void Sect will follow Forbearance cooperation."

Futian immediately said, "Auntie, I'm here to inquire about this. I heard that Cousin Jiaolong is back?"

Fuyue couldn't help but look at Futian more, then she smiled and said, "You are pretty well informed!"

Futian said: "Such a big thing, if I still don't know anything about it, then that's a problem."

Fuyue said: "Don't call any cousin, that is your highness, understand?"

Futian smiled and said: "When we were young, we played together."

Fuyue said with a serious face: "This time is different from the past."

Futian said with a serious face, "Okay, aunt, I remember your teachings."

Fuyue said: "His Royal Highness is back, and the Lord has also released the news. Before, Feng Shangren came to ask for marriage, so now, we will not take the initiative to find Feng Shangren."

Futian said: "I understand this truth. However, I heard that His Royal Highness was unwilling to marry, so he would run away that year."

Fuyue snorted coldly and said, "Who is willing to marry this royal family? When I married your uncle, you were willing to treat me? Our marriage is for the family's service. Including you , You also have to be prepared for this!"

Futian smiled and said: "I don't care, anyway, I can take a concubine."

Fu Yue gave Fu Tian a white look, then sighed, and said, "Yes, in this matter, women are always weak. Even if we are powerful, we are still weak in front of you men."

Futian smiled. He paused, and then said, "Auntie, do you think it is possible for Feng Shangren to marry His Highness?"

Fuyue said: "Then I don't know, now this situation, who can figure it out. Feng Shangren has been in the limelight in recent years, and Guangyingmen and Wuwuzong have been trying to cooperate with him. He is in the middle...actually. He also knows that once he cooperates with Guangyingmen and Wuzong, we will definitely cooperate with Bing Xuanxin."

Futian said: "After we cooperate with Feng Shangren, I'm afraid Bing Xuanxin will completely fall to the Light and Shadow Gate and the Void Sect!"

"Huh!" Fuyue said: "You are still too tender. We are married to Feng Shangren... But if Bing Xuanxin and Guangyingmen really contact and cooperate with the Void School, then the Light and Shadow Gate and Void School are betrayal. No matter what. Anyway, our Yao Tianzong is still the strongest existence. At that point, they are planning to completely start the battle. I think everyone does not have the courage and confidence."

"Then Fengshangren and Guangyingmen cooperated with Wuwuzong, isn't it also a betrayal?" Futian said.

"There has been no actual progress. Feng Shangren is also afraid to offend us at this time. I estimate that the greatest possibility is still marriage." Fu Yue said.

When she said this, she felt a little strange, and said, "You came today, didn't you just ask these things?"

Futian was a little ashamed, and said, "Auntie, I have always admired Your Highness."

Fu Yue was slightly startled, and then she understood what Futian meant. She was not easy to dispel Futian's enthusiasm, and said: "Futian, you are an excellent child. But, my aunt doesn't want to pour cold water on you. You like your Highness, this highness is still too good. You should know that she was the first The cultivation of the second-order holy realm."

The Holy Land is the creation!

Futian lowered his head and said, "You are right in your lesson, it is my wishful thinking."

"Don't be discouraged!" Fuyue said: "My aunt told you that everything is imaginary. Only if your cultivation base is real, everything is possible if your cultivation base is up. If you work hard, your cultivation base will rise in the future. Now, what kind of woman would you not be worthy of? Even if it is your Highness, there may not be no chance in the future. Today's marriage is a success. Do you think her marriage with Feng Shangren can be long?"

Na Futian's eyes lit up suddenly.

Chen Yang listened in the sidelines, thinking this Futian was really infatuated! Even if Ming Jiaolong got married, he was willing. However, with Ming Jiaolong's ability and beauty, even if he was married, the threshold was very high.

However, this has nothing to do with Chen Yang. He wants to know the news about Lan Tingyu and them now!

But these two people didn't mention it at all.

Chen Yang is a bit difficult now.

He began to think of crooked methods, and it was useless to stay lurking in this place. It would be better to find a chance to control the woman in front of her. This is a great convenience!

Chen Yang already knew all the identities of Fuyue from the entourage.

However, it is not easy to control Fuyue. Da Lei Yin Pudu Golden Light does not matter...

You can first subdue, and then master Fuyue's life and death, not afraid that she will not cooperate.

The difficulty is how to master Fuyue without knowing it.

The cultivation base of this mansion moon is also in the creation realm!

Chen Yang knew that ordinary Creation Realm One Heavy couldn't beat any storms in his hands. But he has a faint jealousy about the people of this light star!

It's not a problem to win!

The problem is how to do it without disturbing anyone.

"Phantom? Phantom, are you there?" Chen Yang thought of the Phantom of the Assassin and couldn't help but shout.

He really didn't know where the phantom was, or if he was following him.

"The Phantom?"

I shouted several times in a row, but there was no response.

Chen Yang felt that he was simply communicating with the air.

Just when he was frustrated, a voice came from the depths of the black hole spar: "Hmm!"

It's the voice of a woman!

Chen Yang was overjoyed, he was sure that this guy was the Phantom.

"I know you are not sure you can't do anything. I will control this Fuyue later. Don't disturb anyone, and you don't want to kill her with a single sword. Can you help me?"

The Phantom was silent for a while, and then said: "Yeah!"

Really a person who cherishes words like gold!

Chen Yang doesn't mind either.

With the sweeping formation of the Phantom, Chen Yang's confidence has greatly increased.

He decided to wait for Futian to leave before he could do anything. This Futian was always a hindrance to him.

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