My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2754: Black hole river, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

"As for me!" Xuan Zhenghao said: "I should be considered a good person. You are not ashamed of losing to me!"

Chen Yang said: "It is indeed not ashamed to lose to you. But what is ashamed is that you did not use any magic weapon, but I exhausted my whole body. Moreover, I was unable to fight back. I have met for so many years. There are countless masters, but it is indeed the first time to be as embarrassed as it is today! Failure to beat Daochang Zhang, it can also be said that it is the age difference and the suppression of the realm. There is nothing to say if you lose to you. In this world, there are people outside the world, There is a sky outside the sky."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The Big Sky Eye Technique and the Big Swallow Technique are all passed on to me by you."

Chen Yang said: "This makes me even more ashamed. I have learned so many Three Thousand Ways, but none of them can carry forward."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Well, let's not talk about these meaningless things, let's get down to business."

Chen Yang said, "Please advise."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I broke your Xuanhuang Divine Valley seed, the time and space storm of the time spar. This is based on my use of the Big Sky Eye Technique as a guide. The Divine Light Golden Light in the Big Sky Eye Technique is integrated into my doctrine and mental strength. You swallow the golden light and condense it, so it becomes a seed. Almost no one can resist your swallowing. However, I have already achieved my meaning like the stars, and God's will is me. So, you are in a short time Inside, I can’t break my doctrine. Power and power can destroy a country and a family. But it is difficult to destroy a culture and inheritance. At least it will take a long time..."

"Civilization, destruction?" Chen Yang murmured.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "In the Confucian era, a hundred schools of thought were contended. Later, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty deposed a hundred schools and respected Confucianism. The culture of the hundred schools has declined... When you swallow my golden light, it is my willpower. I'm resisting with you. Unfortunately, your cultivation is not enough and you can't put it out in an instant. So, I released more doctrines on the periphery... This is called a single spark, which can start a prairie fire. At this time, you have greater power and general momentum. Once I go, I can't stop the prairie fire. The golden light is my civilization. The doctrine, I have reached the point where God’s will is me, and I can naturally suppress you. This is my strength!"

Chen Yang fell into contemplation again.

He then asked: "My origin copper coin, carrying the power of time and space, is mysterious. But how can you control it?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Your origin copper coin is incomparably pure, without any profound meaning in it, it is the purest existence. I directly deprived of the power of time and space inside, and let it completely disconnect from you. Very simple !"

Chen Yang said, "How can you cut off time and space and accurately find the origin copper coin?"

Xuan Zhenghao said, "The Origin Copper Coin is here to kill me, why should I look for it?"

At this moment, Chen Yang was speechless.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Everyone has everyone's Tao and culture. You don't have to seek my Tao and culture. You have to understand your Tao and culture... Only then can a hundred schools of thought contend."

Chen Yang murmured: "A hundred schools of thought contend? Tao and culture! One sword breaks ten thousand laws..."

"I think, I'm leaving first, and think about what my path is." Chen Yang said to Xuan Zhenghao after a long while.

"Good!" Xuan Zhenghao said.

Chen Yang then left Tianzhou. After communicating with Shen Mo Nong in the Great Thousand World, he then went to outer space.

Leaving from the Great Thousand World, he quickly sank into the dark void.

The universe is vast and boundless.

Chen Yang shuttled through the solar system at a very fast speed, and his soul chariot was also on display...The thunder pond urged the soul particles, the speed exceeded the limit, and instantly entered the hyperspace.

Among them, the shuttle wormhole is no problem.

After flying for about a day, Chen Yang was already far away from the earth.

There is loneliness and darkness all around!

Chen Yang found an unknown death star, and then fell.

The chariot of soul was taken into the ring Sumi.

The dead star was desolate, dark and icy.

Chen Yang sat cross-legged, surrounded by black hole spar, creating an absolutely secret enclosed space for him.

Chen Yang was in a trance all day.

In the morning, he was still smug.

But at this moment, he began to doubt himself. His confidence took an unparalleled blow.

Over the years, he has failed, lost, and succeeded. He has been painful and happy, but he has never doubted his ability.

He has been a confident person since he was a child.

"A sword comes from the east, soul quicksand, divine light shines, black hole **** seal, great universe thunder sword, great soul thunder sword... Great Devouring Technique, Great Sky Eye Technique, Great Flame Technique, Great Moving Technique, Great Reincarnation Technique, Great Transcendence Shu! Tiandao pen..."

"I have so many things, but does it really make sense?"

"The power of Yijiandonglai has surpassed all other moves. But Yijiandonglai has no advantage at all to face the emperor."

"Why, did I come to this point?" Chen Yang couldn't help asking his own heart.

This was Chen Yang's darkest moment, and he felt extremely painful.

He understands the burden and responsibility on himself, and he understands that he is the king of heaven chosen by heaven. But he felt that he was not qualified to be the King of Destiny. He felt that his ability could not keep up!

"One sword breaks ten thousand laws? Why can one sword break ten thousand laws?"

"How many people can't catch my origin copper coin, can't stop my big devouring technique and the seeds of the mysterious yellow valley. Even if it is Yingzhen, Emperor Shengtian, they are no exception. But why in the hands of Zhang Daochang and the emperor, I have nothing Fight back. Where is the problem?"

"Huh? Yes, Di Shengtian, although they have a superb cultivation base, they are just excellent people! And Daochang Zhang and the emperor are outstanding people in the world, they are truly superb geniuses! I am still not superb genius The generation. So, why am I? Why did God choose me? I am not reconciled!"

"I don't need to think about who is a genius, who is a super genius! I only need to think about who I am and what I want to do."

"Life, can't be controlled! Death, can't be controlled! Between life and death, can be controlled!"

"Yes, the gap in realm is not something I can solve now. Zhang Daochang said that mana is like a game between big countries, but the spring breeze and drizzle, but the thunder is furious..."

Chen Yang thought hard for three days and three nights.

He seemed to see something.

But there is a slight difference.

"Why did I fail in a battle with the emperor? Because he has the way and doctrine, my strength is stronger than him, but I smashed into the hole like a fist. This is his cleverness, and he uses softness to overcome strength! The game between China can be vertical and horizontal, can be attacked by thunder, can be attacked as defense, can be drizzled in spring, moisten things silently..."

"I understand, I understand!" Chen Yang became excited.

He finally understood his way!

"The battle of great powers is nothing more than offense and defense! All moves and strengths are on offense and defense."

"When encountering a person with a realm too high, I must defend first, as long as I can hold the opponent's three axes, and then the spring breeze and drizzle, moistening things silently. I have the seeds of the mysterious yellow valley, and I can find the opportunity to counterattack. If I encounter the realm and me Quite, both offensive and defensive! If you encounter someone whose realm is weaker than mine, you should use offensive as your defensive. If the opponent is also defensive, look for another opportunity! Taoism, culture, art of war, profound and unfathomable!"

Chen Yang took a deep breath.

He then left the death star directly, and then began to search for the existence of the black hole. He quickly found a nice black hole.

After that, Chen Yang got into the black hole.

"You should accept yourself and everything you have, including luck! You must accept that life is a kind of passing, and the universe is also passing, and all existence is a process from birth to death!"

Three days later, Chen Yang returned to the world.

He went directly to Tianzhou from the Great Thousand World, and went in the boat of one yuan.

Chen Yang arrived at the Taoist Temple where Zhang Daoling was.

The Taoist temple is sunny and the spring breeze is warm.

Zhang Daoling sat on the futon.

Chen Yang calmly came to Zhang Daoling.

Zhang Daoling smiled slightly and said, "It seems that the little friend is already confident."

Chen Yang held a fist and said respectfully: "Please also ask the Taoist commander to give another sword!"

Zhang Daoling smiled and said, "Okay!"

Afterwards, all the Taoist temples around were dispersed, and the surroundings turned into darkness and void.

Zhang Daoling was even less wordy, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he cut out with one finger!

The sword behind that flew out in an instant, followed by beheading to Chen Yang.

One sword breaks ten thousand laws!

This sword is extremely fast, but it is not shocking...

However, even if it is a landslide and tsunami, the world is shattered in front of this sword, as if it were all pediatrics.

The origin copper coin of Chen Yang had already been returned by Xuan Zhenghao. His time spar instantly spurred, and the space-time storm formed...

However, that sword directly destroyed the time and space storm.

Zhang Daoling's sword directly killed the essence of time and space.

Chen Yang saw a black hole spar in front of him...

The black hole vortex formed, and that sword plunged into the black hole vortex...

The infinite black hole particles, the power of the soul forms all kinds of meaning, many truths, and so on!

This is the way!

Wherever Zhang Daoling's sword went, all power, black holes, and truths quickly collapsed.

so horrible!

Chen Yang couldn't even devour the power of this sword...

"The river of black holes!"

Chen Yang shouted!

So, at that moment, the black hole formed space, time, truth, particles...

It's like a long river running between heaven and earth.

Wherever the sword went, everything collapsed!

The length of the river of black holes is beyond measure!

Chen Yang's long river of black holes takes the way of life and death and the way of destruction.

This is his most helpless move!

That is, facing the pressure of a powerful enemy, his black hole river is for the enemy to destroy.

His only advantage is that he also possesses Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds. If the enemy's power is weakened to a certain level, he can begin to absorb the opponent's power.

However, Zhang Daoling's sword was too powerful, and the river of black holes collapsed too fast!

Chen Yang has never been able to absorb the power of this sword!


At that moment, the river of black holes finally collapsed.

Standing at the end of the long river, Chen Yang saw the sword shooting towards his eyebrows!

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