My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2738: Always cold, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang said: "Well, if you feel that cursing a few words can be easier, then curse. You can call me, but you can't call her! Anyway, this is already the case, and we are not going to seek your brother's understanding. Forgive me. You can do whatever you like. If you are really upset, you can come and kill us. The premise is that you have that strength."

"You..." Ye Chaoning couldn't help being speechless.

Chen Yang said: "If there is nothing else, I will leave."

What else can Ye Chaoning say.

"I think you are really selfish and excessive." Ye Chaoning couldn't help saying after Chen Yang got out of the car.

"Excessive indeed!" Chen Yang took a few steps and turned around and said: "But what do you think of us? This world is realistic and cruel. If you are ruthless and strong enough, I dare not stand up today, even if I stand. I can’t go out even if I go out. Now I should be afraid of being chased by you, thinking about admitting my mistakes, and begging for your forgiveness. But now it’s us who are strong. This is the case with the weak and the strong. You expect I hope we will confess to your brother's mistakes and beg him for forgiveness. It is impossible."

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Not long after, Chen Yang received another call from Wu Lao.

Old Wu wants to meet Chen Yang.

Chen Yang did not refuse, he called Suzhen in black again. "I may come back later, that old Wu wants to see me. He must still be a little worried, he wants to get our personal promise. We have to walk around the world, if we want to be honest in the sun, then we can't offend them Otherwise, in many places, the documents are not convenient."

"It's okay, you're busy!" Suzhen in black said with a faint smile.

She is always so light and elegant.

Chen Yang said: "Okay, I'll be back as soon as possible!"

Half an hour later, Chen Yang took the flying dragon to Wu Lao's house.

At this meeting, only Mr. Wu and Mr. Huang were present.

"Xiao Chen, it's good if you come!" Old Wu and Old Huang were still very enthusiastic.

This is the manifestation of power.

If Chen Yang hadn't had this kind of cultivation base, Wu and Huang would definitely not tolerate what Chen Yang did today. But the power of Chen Yang and Suzhen in Black is now in the entire China and the world. So they can only find a way to comfort them as much as possible instead of turning their faces.

Chen Yang clasped his fist and said, "I am very sorry for today's behavior! However, Jingyao and I have shared weal and woe since childhood. I gave up my life and cannot give up her. Therefore, I hope to get the understanding of the two elders! As for why I have to come to this point to stand up, it is because of something that requires courage. I am very lucky that I stood up today."

This was regarded as an apology, and at the same time he was showing his attitude.

Elder Wu said, "Although you are still young, we certainly cannot treat you as children. Since it is your decision, we respect and understand it."

Chen Yang said: "After that, we will travel the world. But if the country needs it, we will come back as soon as possible."

Old Wu and Old Huang looked at each other and then smiled. Although Chen Tiannan has conveyed it, they still feel that they are more relieved to hear the promise in person.

At the same time, Mr. Wu said: "We have a small request."

Chen Yang said: "Please tell me!"

Wu Lao said: "Every year, we will give you a salary of 50 million yuan. But you have to accept our award, and we decided to give you two special military ranks. You will become the dragon guards of our country! Within our country, You can enjoy many privileges."

Chen Yang sighed, he didn't care about these things. He also knows that once he accepts it, he will be subject to certain restrictions on going abroad. But if he refused, then Mr. Wu and the others would definitely be worried.

"Thank you two chiefs!" Chen Yang said immediately.

Old Wu and Old Huang laughed.

After that, Chen Yang also left. Wu Laoyan said: "The Dragon Guardian Medal will be issued to you later, and you will be charged for the new card."

Huang Lao said: "Your bank card is frozen, that's what Lao Su meant. He is really nonsense and childish."

Chen Yang said: "The matter is that we didn't think about it well. Teacher Su was angry and it was reasonable."

The night is already deep!

Suzhen in black has changed her wedding dress. There are pajamas in the hotel, so she put on pajamas directly.

By the way, she opened the red wine in the room and tasted it slowly.

Such a day is very pleasant.

You can taste the seven emotions and six desires, so that there will be no more regrets and pain in the heart.

She once, even thought about ending her life.

And this world gave her too much ordinary joy.

Suddenly, footsteps came from outside.

Heiyi Suzhen didn't need to listen, knowing that Ye Feng was here.

The door of that room was kicked open by Ye Feng.

This handsome, Yushu man in the wind is now wearing a black tuxedo, but his eyes are blood red.

He was a handsome and suave noble son, but now, everything has changed.

Hei Suzhen was not surprised to see Ye Feng.

"Why?" Ye Feng came to Suzhen in black, staring at her, gritted his teeth and said: "Why do you do this to me?"

Suzhen in black looked at Ye Feng faintly, she said after a long while: "What do you want to kill me?"

"I can't kill you, I'm not your opponent!" Ye Fenghong said with eyes.

"Oh!" Suzhen in black said, "Is it trying to commit suicide in front of me and make me feel guilty?"

"Why? You can be so indifferent?" Ye Feng roared.

A security guard in the hotel noticed the situation here and hurried over.

But Ye Feng just waved his hand and laid out the bright maze!

So here, mortals can't get close.

Hei Suzhen said: "I am more indifferent than you think. It's just that you don't know enough. In my world, you can't imagine the people I kill and the masters I kill."

"Then you kill me!" Ye Feng said sharply.

Hei Yi Suzhen glanced at Ye Feng and said, "It's too naive for such a thing to die."

"Could it be that what he did is not naive?" Ye Feng roared.

Hei Suzhen said lightly: "No way, he is a very tolerant person. If it weren't for me to come to such a place, I wouldn't be able to force him out."

"So, I was used by you." Ye Feng said.

Hei Suzhen said, "Forget it, I didn't think about it. You just proposed to marry me, and I agree."

"What if he doesn't stand up?" Ye Feng said unwillingly.

Hei Suzhen said: "I can't really marry you. Even if the wedding is completed, you can't touch me. Maybe, just like that, I will leave. It's that simple!"

"I thought, I really moved you. I know you are indifferent, but I thought that for so long, I lived for you and died for you, I thought, even if it’s a stone, it’s time to cover the heat after so long. "Ye Feng said.

Black Suzhen said lightly: "I'm sorry to disappoint you."

Ye Feng gritted his teeth and said, "If I can, I really want to kill you, a ruthless and unrighteous woman."

Hei Suzhen’s emotions are always calm, and she said: "What you think does not matter to me. Our current dialogue is meaningless. If you want to kill me, just do it, just because you don’t have this. ability."

"Roar!" Ye Feng roared wildly, and he finally shot.

Bright sword power is condensed in the hand!

Amidst the flickering of the sword light, he furiously chopped off to the black-clothed Suzhen's brow.

In this shot, he didn't keep his hands.

Black Suzhen's eyes were indifferent, she just flicked her finger, and a thunder light popped out. Lei Guang smashed Ye Feng's bright sword power to shatters.

After that, Suzhen Black waved her hand again, and the space surged.

The Dark Dragon Qi appeared, and then, like a giant hand appeared, it caught Ye Feng's throat.

Ye Feng could not move immediately, and felt suffocated and uncomfortable.

Black Suzhen's pretty face was cold and cold, and said, "Ye Feng, I have never tolerated anyone in my life. If someone else is attacking me today, then now, you are a dead person. I will allow you this time. , But there is no next time. If you really want to die, think about it, I may not be able to fulfill you!"

After she finished speaking, she let go of Ye Feng.

Ye Feng gasped.

He looked at the indifferent woman in front of him, and then he really realized that this woman had never had a trace of himself in her heart.

He also felt a trace of fear at the same time.

Suddenly he felt so sad that he was looking for life and death for such a woman, which was too unworthy.

Later, Ye Feng left.

No one knows what Ye Feng was thinking when he left, but it was clear that there were many emotions and they were not calm.

However, after Ye Feng left, Black Suzhen didn't have any waves in her heart, as if nothing had happened.

Rarely, what can leave a mark in her heart.

The hotel security came afterwards, the door to the room was broken, and the hotel manager also ran over and so on.

This made Black Suzhen too lazy to deal with, she was always afraid of trouble.

"Tell him!" Black Suzhen dialed Chen Yang's cell phone and handed it to the hotel manager.

When Chen Yang received the call from the hotel manager, he felt a little inexplicable. The hotel manager didn't say it clearly, so Chen Yang still had a conversation with Suzhen Hei.

Black Suzhen simply said: "Ye Feng came here, the door was kicked badly, and I sent him away."

Chen Yang understood the process and said to the hotel manager: "Give her a clean and good room. I will pay for other losses."

After listening to the hotel manager, there were no problems immediately.

Chen Yang bought back everything that Suzhen in black wanted to eat, and then they were in a clean hotel room. The two of them ate while tasting red wine.

Chen Yang looked at Suzhen in black who was sitting opposite, she looked a little lazy and cold.

He still felt a little dazed, and felt as if they had never moved forward.

Because she was always so cold and never took the initiative.

Chen Yang scratched his head, and suddenly came to Suzhen Hei's side and took her wine glass.

Suzhen in black was taken aback, looked at him, and said, "What are you doing?"

Chen Yang deceived him, pressed against her, and then kissed her lips.

"What are you doing?" Suzhen in black felt a little inexplicable.

Chen Yang said: "I always feel untrue, so if I don't kiss you, I think it's the same as before."

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