My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2716: Turn danger into peace, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The power of darkness is too powerful in this necropolis. Chen Yang's ice dragon power was almost to its extreme, but he still couldn't compete with the dark flames. The dark flame broke through the freezing force and burned towards Chen Yang again.

Chen Yang's current body is not an immortal body, if it is really under such burning, I'm afraid it will have to die on the spot. In desperation, Chen Yang immediately waved the Thunder Vortex.

The dark flame rushed into the thunder vortex, and was quickly beheaded to ashes by the thunder!

Chen Yang secretly said: "Although I know seven kinds of dragon auras, it seems that the most useful one is only the Thunder Dragon Qi. In that case, what else do you use?" He then drove the power of Thunder, and the lightning vortex flashed towards that. Kill the dead dragon.

The Thunder Vortex quickly covered the head of the Necromancer. Although the Necromancer did not seem to have an IQ, it was sensitive to danger. Suddenly, its front paws ripped towards the Thunder Maelstrom.


Between the flashes of lightning, the Thunder Vortex couldn't resist the power of its claws and was torn to pieces.

The sky is full of electric lights, but it can't hurt people at all.

The power of the Necro Dragon exceeded Chen Yang's expectations.

The necromancer spit out fierce dark flames at Chen Yang again.

The dark flame is like a volcanic eruption, coming towards Chen Yang. Chen Yang concentrated on the thunder vortex again.

This time, all his skills were poured.

The spirit of thunder trembled in his hand, and quickly gathered a larger and more violent thunder force.

The dark flame rushed in and was strangled to shatter again.

"Roar!" The dead dragon was also angry when he saw it. During the roar, his body moved forward and his claws came to catch Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's figure sprang up into the sky, and the dead dragon was faster, tearing Chen Yang's flying dragon to pieces with one claw.

Chen Yang kicked the flying dragon, and then the whole body rushed to the back of the dead dragon. He decided not to go head-on with the dead dragon.

In this world, there is no real mana. It was too hard to fight, so he had to come and take the circuitous route.

Xiaoyao Wang and others were not idle at this time, because Chen Yang had to deal with the dragon of the dead. Therefore, they also have to deal with other necromantic monsters on the attack.

On the side of King Xiaoyao, King Xiaoyao is the main force, and everyone has set up the formation. For a while, those necromancers still couldn't break through.

But in the distance, necromancers were already rushing.

That was the necromancer that rushed out before and began to return to defense.

In addition, blood bats returned in the air.

Chen Yang explored the surroundings with the dark dragon air, and felt that the densely packed necromancers and blood bats were starting to guard.

Once waiting for them all came back. Today's scene, I am afraid it will be the last memory.

Chen Yang couldn't help getting anxious in his heart, but although he was anxious, he still remained stable and calm in his heart. He condensed the Fire Dragon Divine Sword in his hand, and then slammed it towards the back of the dead dragon.

The undead dragon felt Chen Yang's existence, and his body swayed violently.

Its claws can't reach the back, but its head is OK, because its neck is long!

Chen Yang stabilized his figure, pierced the back of the dead dragon with great strength between the lightning and the fire.

Although the back of the Necromancer was extremely hard, the Fire Dragon Sword still pierced it.

However, the piercing did not actually hurt. Because Chen Yang immediately noticed that the body of the dead dragon was like a dark abyss, and such damage was of no use at all.

The dead dragon bit and bit, Chen Yang suddenly kicked his foot on its back. With the help of the flying dragon's energy, his figure flashed with lightning, and he actually entered the blood bowl of the dead dragon first. The dragon of the necromancer bite, but it bit empty. Chen Yang has reached the abdomen of the Necronomicon Dragon, his speed is too fast.

After entering the body of the Necromancer, Chen Yang defended his body with dark dragon aura. At the same time, he also thoroughly understood the physical condition of the Necromancer.

The internal bones of this Necro Dragon are still complete, but there are no internal organs. The body is full of dark power...

"I was resurrected with dark power infused with a dead dragon! Although it is alive, it has no soul, just like a machine." Chen Yang secretly said: "Nevertheless, this night king actually has this ability, it is really terrifying."

"It is not difficult to destroy it, let the dark power be released, so the dragon of the dead will naturally die!" Chen Yang's mind was settled, and suddenly, he sat cross-legged, letting the dark power corrode at him.

"Night King, although you are the master here. But this is just an undead you prepared. Do you think you can deal with me on this basis?"

Chen Yang was at ease, and then the fire dragon's air was released.

The flame burns.

Although Chen Yang was in the darkness, there was a sea of ​​fire dragon air in his divine consciousness.

The fire dragon gas surged wildly and burned wildly.

The body of this dead dragon is as bright as day...

The flames and dark forces are entwined, biting each other.

Chen Yang tried his best to drive the power of the fire dragon. At this time, he had no distractions, and he did not let the dark power gain the slightest advantage.

By the time it was almost burned, the temperature inside the entire Necro Dragon was extremely high.

At this time, Chen Yang drove the power of the ice dragon.

The frost is coming, and the world is frozen!

As a result, the body of the Necromancer originally expanded, but at this time it began to shrink.

Its hard flesh began to bloom, shrinking inward...

In an instant, the body frame of the Necromancer was exposed, and the infinite dark air rushed outside.

The Necromancer struggled a few times, and finally fell to the ground, no longer living anymore.

Chen Yang was standing tall, relying on the air of the flying dragon to rush out from the gap in the skeleton of the dead dragon.

He fixed his eyes again and saw that the necromancers were densely packed around him. There are blood bats rushing over...

Seeing this crisis, Chen Yang immediately shouted at Xiaoyao Wang and the others: "Quickly enter the passage, I will guard!"

He roared again and again and drove eight Thunder Dragons to appear.

The Thunder Dragon moved continuously in the air, lightning and thunder, forming an encirclement for a while, protecting Xiaoyao King and others. Xiaoyao Wang and the others quickly joined forces to kill the necromancers that had rushed into the encirclement, and then rushed into the passage.

Chen Yang's power has been consumed too much, he has already felt exhausted, especially the sudden wave of so many Thunder Dragon in front of him. His body energy is rapidly consuming...

After everyone entered the passage, Chen Yang quickly collected the Thunder Dragon, his figure shook with lightning, and also entered the passage.

As soon as it dashed in, it was a free fall, with a height of more than 20 meters.

Chen Yang stabilized his body with the air of a flying dragon, and landed lightly.

At the same time, the crowd of necromancers also rushed to kill.

Chen Yang, Xiaoyao Wang and the others were taken aback. This was not enough. If you let them all in, doesn't it mean that your group of people got into the urn and waited to be killed by these necromantic monsters?

"You cloth ice dragon is blocking!" Xiaoyao Wang shouted.

Those masters who know the air of the ice dragon immediately drive the ice dragon to form layers of freezing power at the entrance of the passage.

As for the necromancers that fell in, Chen Yang immediately drove the essence of the Fire Dragon Sword to strike accurately. The Fire Dragon God Sword flashed with lightning, and in a few blinks of an eye, the Fire Dragon God Sword flickered like a meteor in the dark, and after that, all the dead spirits died.

Chen Yang gasped.

He used the Fire Dragon Divine Sword to consume extremely skill, and after performing these several times, he felt that his power was exhausted. He urgently needs to stop and rest, but now, how can he rest?

The necromantic monster above, the blood bat is frantically hitting the ice dragon wall.

They are not afraid of death and tireless.

But the masters used the ice dragon's energy to consume their power all the time, and they were also exhausted.

If this continues, the whole army will be wiped out waiting for everyone.

Chen Yang couldn't help having a headache. He felt that he had known this before, and he shouldn't have destroyed the mysterious iron cover with such violence.

However, even if the mysterious iron cover exists, it will be difficult to stop the necromancer.

Before the necromancer did not attack the mysterious iron cover because there was no foreign enemy invading, but now it is different.

"I can't go on like this!" Ye Chaoning said anxiously. She has been using the air of the ice dragon, and at this moment, the smooth forehead is already sweating.

Jade Raksha anxiously said: "These necromancers are not wise, Chen Jun, you have dark dragon energy, can you calm them with dark dragon energy?"

Chen Yang's eyes lit up, this is a way!

Sure enough, there are still more people, more power and more methods.

Chen Yang felt that the alliance was meaningless at first, but now he is fortunate to have so many companions to help. Otherwise, if he wants to enter this lair, it is simply a dream. Even if you barely enter, I'm afraid it will be a dead end.

He quickly drove the dark power out.

There is a dense dark ocean all around, and the dark dragon gas swims smoothly in it.

The strong dark dragon aura calmed the crazy necromancers, and gradually, the necromancers began to return to calm.

The pressure on the masters will also decrease.

After a while, those necromancers, blood bats began to stop striking.

The dark square also gradually restored calm, as if nothing had ever happened.

At this point, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "I will use the dark power and the ice power to temporarily seal the above and keep it for ten days. If the time comes, we can't find a way out, we will ban again!"

Everyone agreed.

Chen Yang used his power now, and a black ice cover was condensed in the sky.

This ice cover is full of dark power, and it should not cause the attacks of those necromancers.

After that, Chen Yang sat down and began to observe the surrounding environment.

The others also rested and took out food to eat separately.

Right now, the best thing is to do nothing first, and then make the next step after recovering the vitality.

Chen Yang drank a few bags of milk and ate some canned beef. Only then did he feel that he had recovered some strength.

Sure enough, there is a long corridor around it. This corridor is wide, as long as the Yangtze River.

Looking into the distance, it was full of dark mist.

This is all dark power.

The ground was damp and sticky, and so were the walls on both sides of the tunnel...Chen Yang took a closer look and found that the wall was a strangely hard rock, and it was so thick that it was impossible to penetrate it.

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