My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1696: The weirdness of Ninji, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Shen Mo Nong said: "You are poor, I don't believe you."

Chen Yang then took out a bouquet of roses like magic, and said: "Give it to my baby, it's hard work."

When Shen Mo Nong saw Rose, he was suddenly excited and joyful. In my impression, this is the first time Chen Yang has given her flowers. Chen Yang saw tears in Shen Mo's eyes, and immediately felt a little ashamed. Because he only bought roses for a while.

It seems that he has been only helping Mo Nong grow his cultivation base and giving pills. But in the relationship between husband and wife, the romance given to her is too little.

Shen Mo Nong handed Xiao Nianci to Liu Ma and Zhao Ma, and then took over Chen Yang's roses. She took a deep sniff, and then said: "It's so beautiful, I like it very much."

Chen Yang said: "Just like it."

Shen Mo Nong said, "But I want to throw it out."

"Ah? Why?" Chen Yang was puzzled.

Shen Mo-nong glanced at Chen Yang with an annoyed look, and said, "Silly, I don't understand this. Little babies are easily allergic to pollen."

Chen Yang suddenly realized, hurriedly said: "Yes, you have to throw it out."

Shen Mo gave Chen Yang a white look, and said, "It's not just about your son."

Chen Yang was taken aback, and then said: "Damn, you are all routines!"

Shen Mo narrowed his lips and smiled.

After that, the roses were placed outside the house, and they were not really discarded.

Chen Yang coaxed Xiao Nianci with toys, and Xiao Nianci was very happy. Little children, there is always no morals, whoever treats him well, he likes whom.

The family is happy.

"By the way, Chen Yang, after the last wedding, I found a strange thing." Shen Mo Nong said suddenly.

Chen Yang was playing with his son on the children's climbing mat, while Shen Mo Nong installed batteries for some toys, she said while installing.

"What?" Chen Yang didn't care, and then asked.

Shen Mo Nong said: "Sometimes Ninci is happy alone, as if someone is playing with him. Moreover, sometimes a mole appears on his forehead, and sometimes the mole disappears. ."

Chen Yang was shocked when he heard this. He said, "Could it be Chen Tianya's ghost?"

He immediately probed Xiao Nianci's situation with his spiritual mind.

After investigation, Chen Yang didn't find any abnormal situation.

"I have also checked it carefully." Shen Mo Nong said, "But Nian Ci's situation has always been very good, and no abnormalities have been found. I let Chief Yuan take a look, and after all, he said there was nothing wrong with it. "

"I don't know if I'm too worried," Shen Mo Nong said afterwards.

"Your cultivation level has long been able to see the slightest knowledge, it is impossible to have an illusion." Chen Yang was deeply disturbed, and said: "There must be a problem here. Last time, Chen Tianya suddenly appeared and left without accomplishing anything. I have always had doubts about this matter. He is a man who decides and then moves, and will not do useless work. He can't deal with me now. He must have set his sights on Nian Ci. No, I must find Chen Tianya, figure it out."

"Don't be so troublesome!"

At this moment, a cold voice came.

Then Ma Liu and Ma Zhao were shocked at the side.

Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong were even more bleak, because this voice was from Chen Tianya.

At this time, on Xiao Nianci's eyebrows, the mole appeared again.

"Chen Tianya, if you dare to move my son, I will never bypass you!" Chen Yang saw this, and his eyes were split.

But at this time, Xiao Nianci was ignorant and was playing.

Chen Yang wanted to use magic power to eliminate this mole.

"Don't do anything indiscriminately." Chen Tianya's voice came immediately. "This mole is connected to my little grandson. Once you move, you will endanger his life."

"You..." Chen Yang suddenly became anxious.

Shen Mo Nong was even more pale.

Xiao Nianci immediately started to cry when she saw Chen Yang so fierce.

"If you have anything to say, go outside Yanjing City," Chen Tianya said.

Then, the mole disappeared.

Chen Yang immediately said to Shen Mo Nong: "Take care of the child." He immediately flickered and disappeared in place.

Although Mother Liu and Mother Zhao had seen a lot of Chen Yang's supernatural powers, they were surprised when they saw Chen Yang displaying supernatural powers.

There is a forest beside a highway outside Yanjing City.

At this moment, Chen Tianya was standing on a branch in this mountain forest.

According to the breath given by Chen Tianya, Chen Yang arrived instantly.

Chen Tianya was still dressed in black, he was cold and cold.

"What do you want to do?" Chen Yang said with red eyes: "If you dare to hurt my son, I swear, I will make Chen Yihan pay a hundred times the price."

He couldn't calm down, and he couldn't help thinking.

Because Chen Tianya couldn't win him several times, it was obvious that he had moved his crooked brain to Xiao Nianci now.

Chen Tianya gave Chen Yang a cold look, and said, "You still don't know me too much. No one has ever dared to threaten you."

Chen Yang said: "I? You never admit that I am your son?"

Chen Tianya waved his hand and said coldly: "Stop talking about these things with me. I asked you to come here to tell you, you don't have to worry about what I will do to Nianci. The grudge between you and me is between you and me. Things. But Nian Ci is my grandson of Chen Tianya. No one in this world dares to hurt him. The reason why I leave this mark is just to share my grandparents’ love with Nian Ci Xu. In the future, you and me, what should I do That's it."

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. Lao Tzu is gone!" Chen Tianya flashed afterwards and disappeared in place.

Chen Yang couldn't help being stunned.

Of course he believed Chen Tianya's words, because he knew that Chen Tianya absolutely disdain to lie.

What he said it must be.

It's just...Chen Yang secretly said: "Isn't he unfeeling and unsexual? How..."

With this doubt, Chen Yang returned to Yanjing's Manchester District.

After returning to the room, Shen Mo Nong asked Chen Yang worriedly, and said, "How's the talk?"

Chen Yang said, "You don't have to worry about Nian Ci, he is okay. Chen Tianya told me that he has his grandfather's affection for Nian Ci. He left his mark on Nian Ci. He wanted to narrate this affection. He had no other meaning."

"Is his words credible? I'm worried..." Shen Mo Nong said.

Chen Yang said: "You don't have to worry about that. Although he is unfeeling and unrestrained, he can do anything. But what he says is never false. If he says no, then it is not."

"But even so, with his character, I'm afraid I will teach Nianci badly." Shen Mo Nong said.

"He is Nian Ci's grandfather." Chen Yang said. "You don't have to think so bad."

"But he is still your father, he treats you..." Shen Mo Nong said.

"He also loves Chen Yihan. There were indeed many misunderstandings between me and my mother and him. However, the relationship between him and Nian Ci is pure." Chen Yang said.

Shen Mo Nong wanted to say something, Chen Yang said again: "What's more, you have been by your son's side all the time, there is nothing to worry about."

Shen Mo Nong thought about it, so he let go of his gripping heart.

"Then..." Shen Mo Nong said again: "How do you plan to deal with Chen Tianya's grievances in the future?"

Chen Yang said: "No matter how it changes, the matter of him killing my mother will never change. He is my father, and I can't kill my father. However, he must kowtow to my mother."

Shen Mo Nong sighed slightly and said, "Hey, it's harder to get someone like the Devil Emperor to lower his head than to kill him!"

Chen Yang said: "I know that maybe I will never do this. But as long as I live and I have to breathe, I must do it. Otherwise, how can I comfort my dead mother."

Shen Mo Nong said: "Maybe, your mother's wish is that you and your father can reconcile."

Chen Yang said: "I don't believe it. I don't believe that my mother has suffered so much and suffered such a crime. She doesn't want Chen Tianya to do anything for her."

Shen Mo Nong couldn't say more at the moment. She understands Chen Yang, what Chen Yang wants to do, she will definitely do it.

He is a man of firm conviction.

In the evening, Chen Yang and his party went to Hong Kong. He went by plane, and Chen Yang also likes to integrate into the lives of ordinary people, and accompany his son to do some things.

For example, traveling to the airport by car, and waiting in the terminal.

Many scenes are familiar and warm.

As for the Hong Kong and Macau Pass, this is not a problem at all for Shen Mo Nong.

At one o'clock in the morning, we arrived at Hong Kong International Airport.

After that, take a taxi to Guanlan Hotel.

Qiao Ning booked a presidential duplex suite in the Guanlan Hotel, with two floors and more than 300 square meters.

After arriving, Xiao Nianci was already asleep.

So Mother Liu and Mother Zhao took Xiao Nianci upstairs to sleep. Chen Yang, Qiao Ning and Shen Mo Nong were together.

Shen Mo Nong was still a little uncomfortable, but she had convinced herself many times. Therefore, she did not show any strangeness. At that moment, Chen Yang hugged the two beautiful women in his arms at the same time, with unspeakable satisfaction in his heart.

After that, it was in the bedroom.

There is a dining room and a bar in that bedroom.

The three of them took out the red wine in the hotel, opened them, and drank the red wine together.

Shen Mo Nong was also drunk and confused when his ears were hot.

She has been weaned to Nianci, so there is no avoidance in her diet.

Shen Mo Nong also knew Chen Yang's thoughts, so he did not restrain his drinking. Chen Yang hugged the two beauties to the bed, and then they were covered.

The air conditioner was turned on and the room was extremely cool.

Soon the three meat insects entangled.

This night, Chen Yang finally enjoyed the big sleep he had always dreamed of. Being happy with two beauties at the same time is the ultimate dream of a man!

This evening, Chen Yang continued to linger and fight. It was completely quiet until dawn. The two women were so limp by Chen Yang, they hugged each other without an inch and fell asleep.

The next day until eleven o'clock in the morning, the two women woke up when the sun was shining strongly.

When the two women opened their eyes and faced each other, the two women blushed like blood at that moment.

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