My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1693: Glory of the Empire, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Tianya did not give Bruner a chance to breathe, and then, with a kick on his feet, he flashed behind Bruner. Afterwards, Chen Tianya stretched out his huge mountain palm and grabbed Bruner.

The top of Bruner's head went black, and the golden palm of the mountains pressed down.

Bruner immediately felt the power in the giant palm of the mountain.

"There are no rules, the pure sun is really fire!" Bruner saw through Chen Tianya's domineering palm.

"Huh!" Bruner snorted coldly, his figure flashed, and he was a hundred meters away in an instant.

Chen Tianya's palm was originally to completely cover Bruner, but with another person, he decided it was difficult to escape Chen Tianya's control. But Bruner fled out so lightly.

It should be said that Bruner is not fleeing either. He quickly sprinted upwards and reached the sky above Chen Tianya.

"The Law of Zhouguang!"

Bruner is also desperate.

The law of light came, immediately printing and dyeing the surroundings into a dark color.

In the darkness, stars are everywhere.

In all directions, a hundred miles in radius, all formed a vast picture of the universe.

Chen Tianya stepped forward, and then a sword light beheaded Bruner.

A star in front of Bruner moved horizontally and immediately blocked Chen Tianya's sword light. Chen Tianya's sword light slashed on the star, the star faltered for a moment, and then remained motionless.

Bruner was like the creator of the world at this time. He stood on a planet and looked down at Chen Tianya coldly.

This planet is naturally not a real planet, and a planet is just the size of a football. Densely dense planets are spread all over, the Big Dipper, many stars, all one by one.

Although the planets are not big, these planets are all grouped together, but they have great power.

"Chen Tianya!" Brunner said condescendingly, Sen Leng said, "Do you really think that you can cross the gaps of various realms with your special technique? You will never understand that when you reach my realm, so Understand, rely on what is it."

Chen Tianya sneered, he suddenly returned to his original shape and stood on a planet with one foot. "Bringing braggingly, bragging in front of me, you won't speak before you win."

"Okay, I will convince you today!" Bruner quickly activated his whole mana.

He quickly formed the seal in his hand.

As a result, changes began to occur in this entire universe map.

The stars flickered, and the stars moved.

During the fight, the world seemed to be turning upside down.

The Nalan Yuntian who was shrouded in this cosmic map, as well as the people of Cheng and the like felt the horror of the cosmic map. At this time, they not only felt that the world was fighting, but also their own blood, will, and mana were changing.

Nalan Yuntian forcibly stopped his figure and his thoughts. He was secretly shocked: "The rules of the universe are so terrifying. Fortunately, this Bruner is not targeting me at this moment. If I am at the center of his formation, I am afraid that I can't help it at this moment."

Chen Tianya's figure began to spin in the air. This is something he can't stop, because the whole world is turning.

Then, in front of Chen Tianya, black clouds were densely covered, and after a short while, the cosmic black hole was formed.

This black hole stretches for dozens of miles, with thunderclouds rolling inside.

Bruner waved, and the entire black hole enveloped Chen Tianya.

Soon, Chen Tianya was swallowed by the black hole of the universe.

Bruner accelerates the cosmic black hole.

He wants to completely refine Chen Tianya, no matter your special technique, in this black hole that represents the vastness of the universe, he will also let Chen Tianya's soul fly away.

Bruner has this confidence.

He knew too much about the vastness of the universe and the horror of black holes. This is the experience, rules, and spirit that he has gained through thousands of years of comprehending the universe.

The prime ministers and Nalan Yuntian didn't blink.

They can all feel the power of Bruner's cosmic black hole, but at the same time, they are also wondering whether Bruner's such a terrifying cosmic black hole can kill Chen Tianya's perversion?

At this moment, Nalan Yuntian's mind was complicated. He originally thought Chen Tianya was an outsider and hoped Bruner would win.

But now he suddenly thought, what if Bruner loses? Dead?

So? Can he regain the Temple of Lihen?

Nalan Yuntian's mood began to heat up.

The prime minister is both worried and expecting. Worried about Bruner's defeat, I look forward to Bruner's victory over Chen Tianya.

The prime minister felt in his heart that he had to admit that the two weirdest people he met in his life were the father and son Chen Tianya and Chen Yang. His mother is a ball, these two goods, the cultivation base seems to be not good, but it is just why they can't win them.

"Boom!" At this moment, an unprecedented bright light burst out of the entire universe map.

That is the light of the explosion of the solar galaxy.

At that moment, in the black hole of the entire universe, the golden light suddenly penetrated all the darkness.

The black hole was blown to ashes instantly!

Countless golden fragments burst out, blasting countless planets to pieces.

Suddenly, the entire universe map became a mess.

"You..." At this moment, Bruner suddenly withdrew the rules of the universe. But at the same time, he also vomited a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, Bruner's face was like golden paper, and he suffered extremely serious internal injuries.

Infinite golden fragments are flying in the air. But soon, these golden fragments gathered together and finally formed Chen Tianya's ontology.

Chen Tianya put on a black coat again, and he came to Bruner in a flash. At this moment, his face was stern, he grabbed Bruner by the neckline, and then said grimly: "Miscellaneous, you lose."

"Let go of Lord Bruna!" Upon seeing this, the prime minister shouted sharply.

"You also want to die?" Chen Tianya glanced at the prime minister coldly.

The prime minister was immediately frightened.

The prime minister has always been a person who is not afraid of heaven and earth. But at this moment, in front of Chen Tianya, he was truly shuddered.

"Why? Why does such a person exist? Is he still a human being?" the prime minister murmured in his heart.

Afterwards, Chen Tianya took Bruner and landed on the stage of Li Hen.

Numerous disciples, as well as Nalan Yuntian, and the eternal spirits all returned to the stage of Li Hen.

At this time, Li Hentai has been illuminated by Baoguang.

In full view, Chen Tianya let go of Bruner, and he said coldly: "Miscellaneous, you have already lost. Let's fulfill your promise!"

"Your Excellency, you have won. Do you have to be aggressive?" The Prime Minister said in a deep voice, "If you really want to fight, our spirits are not afraid of a fight."

"Get out!" Chen Tianya didn't even look at the prime minister. He said to Bruner: "It doesn't matter to me whether you kneel or not. But since it's something you promised, I will see if you can do it. If you don't do it, it can only explain , Your race doesn't even have the least bones. I still kill you. Whether you kneel or not, you are a dead end today."

"I am kneeling!" Bruner said suddenly.

"Master Bruna!" the Prime Minister shouted in surprise.

Bruner looked at the prime minister and said: "Prime Minister, the honor of the empire cannot be tainted by me. From now on, from this moment on. I am Bruner self-expelled and will no longer be the prince of the empire."

"My lord!" The prime minister gritted his teeth and said, "I will immediately notify the King of Shattered."

"No!" Bruner said, "The King of Destruction is not his opponent either."

"Today, if you lose, you lose." After Bruner finished speaking, he banged his head at Chen Tianya three times.

The primordial spirits immediately burst into tears.

"Master Bruna, the Empire will never forget this shame." The Prime Minister said sharply from Chen Tianya: "Your Excellency insulted Lord Bruna. From now on, the Empire will never die with your Excellency!"

Chen Tianya didn't even look at the prime minister.

"Then you can go to death." Chen Tianya took a step forward and crushed Bruner's head with a palm.

Chen Tianya's palm contained the real fire of the sun, which directly burned Bruna into ashes.

Afterwards, Chen Tianya looked at the prime minister again. He smiled coldly and said: "I don't bother to care about your conspiracy and tricks. But you better not mess with me. Otherwise, I will make you regret why you are alive. , Lao Tzu does not change his name or sits without changing his surname. You are welcome to come to me for revenge!"

After speaking, he turned into a streamer and flew away directly.

The prime minister and his entourage stood there blankly.

Obviously, today Chen Tianya's blow to the spiritual veterans is absolutely heavy.

The appearance of Chen Tianya reminded the elders not to underestimate human beings.

In this world of monasticism, the victory or defeat of power is not always about the number of people.

Before the spirits took over the Temple of Lihen, there was no need for too many people. Bruner alone can crush Nalan Yuntian. Nalan Yuntian had to surrender.

And now, Bruner is dead.

Then Nalan Yuntian raised his eyebrows again.

He immediately ordered the disciples of the Temple of Li Hen to begin the purge operation, and Nalan Yuntian also suddenly attacked the Prime Minister. The prime minister was caught off guard and died tragically on the spot.

The spirits who had lost Bruner's support immediately became vulnerable.

Nalan Yuntian captured all three hundred spirits, whether they were old scientists or senior scholars, as long as they were spirits, Nalan Yuntian chopped off all of them, and then hung them on the stage of Liheng.

At this point, the Temple of Li Hen had returned to Nalan Yuntian's hands.

But the world is often very impermanent, on the third day after Nalan Yuntian took control of the Temple of Lihen.

A Spirit Venerable appeared on the stage of Lihen Temple.

This spiritual deity is called Tianburu, and is Bruna's master.

When Tian Bulu left, the Temple of Li Hen had all turned into ashes. Nalan Yuntian died tragically, and the disciples in the Temple of Li Heng were dead, wounded, and fleeing. Most of them were already dead in the hands of Tianbur.

Tianbur comes from the chalk world. In the chalk world, Tianbur saw Bruna's dying scene. After that, he traveled through the chalk world and came to the central world.

And in the next step, Tian Bulu is to find Chen Tianya, for his disciple blood feud.

In the world of Lingzun, because of their rare races, they value the glory of the empire very much... For more information about this book, please add the WeChat public account Tiandaomeng.

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