My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1691: Man in black, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang sent Qiao Ning back to Shaowei Mansion before leaving the imperial city.

There is now no Mei Niang in Shaowei's mansion, and Chen Yang feels that there is much less nostalgia for this place. He has been with Qiao Ning, so he doesn't need to stay warm for two days.

Time seems to be sufficient, but in fact, the least sufficient is always time.

After leaving the imperial city, Chen Yang went straight to Mingyue Palace overseas.

Performing the big move technique like this, his whereabouts are erratic. Yuhuamen wanted to find him, but it was not easy.

Chen Yang reached the sky above Mingyue Palace five minutes later. He entered the Mingyue Palace directly, and he had a pass order for the Mingyue Palace in his hand.

"My master has not returned from a trip, I don't know Chen Yang, you are looking for my master, but what's the matter?" After seeing Li Ruotian and Jian Hongchen. Li Tianruo said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang couldn't help frowning.

For such a big thing, he just wanted to find some seniors to analyze it. As a result, none of them were there. Is this God's will or is it testing me?

Chen Yang was very depressed, and then he still told about the Lingzun incident that he found in the Central World.

Li Tianruo and Jian Hongchen were also surprised after hearing this.

Chen Yang said: "I'm here also because the matter is big, I don't have any ideas, so I want to come to discuss with Xianzun."

"This matter is indeed very serious, but this matter is not a one-person matter." Li Tianruo said: "Chen Yang, you don't have to worry too much. The earth has existed for hundreds of millions of years, so naturally there is a reason for its existence. Those spirits It also comes from the earth."

Chen Yang said: "What I am worried about is not entirely that they will destroy the earth, but because the spirits want to enslave mankind. Because the earth is eternal, but the owner of the earth is not always human."

Li Tianruo said: "I know your worries, and when my master comes back, I will report it to master immediately."

Chen Yang said: "It's so hard work."

Li Tianruo and Jian Hongchen said at the same time: "This is what it should be."

Chen Yang thought for a while and said, "If this is the case, then I will leave."

"Leave so soon?" Jian Hongchen said: "Why don't you live here for a while, maybe my master will be back in the past few days."

Chen Yang said: "I have other things to do. You can help me to tell the immortal. As for the way forward, I haven't figured it out yet. But since I know this, I will You should do more about this. Always let yourself be less regretful."

Jian Hongchen said: "We will also take this matter seriously. Don't worry!"

"Thank you!" Chen Yang then left Mingyue Palace.

On the sea, Chen Yang rode on Jindan Kunpeng, swimming in the clouds.

He originally had Qiao Ning's mark on his hand. Through the mark, Chen Yang could find Qiao Ning no matter where Qiao Ning was. Moreover, you can also talk to Qiao Ning through the imprint.

At the same time, Qiao Ning could also find Chen Yang.

Chen Yang soon returned to Shaowei Mansion and reunited with Qiao Ning. Qiao Ning was very happy to see Chen Yang coming back.

After entering the mansion, it was only in the afternoon, and the setting sun was like fire. Qiao Ning asked Biyue to prepare a sumptuous dinner, as well as good food and wine.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning had a drink in the room.

"I'm back so fast?" Qiao Ning asked.

Chen Yang was a little depressed, and said, "I didn't see Mingyue Immortal Venerable. It is said that I just went out."

Qiao Ning was taken aback, and then said: "Then what are your plans next?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but sighed, and said, "Actually, what can I do? Although I have some abilities now. Compared with the strength of Lingzun, it is not worth mentioning. That Liheng Tiangong is a sect comparable to Yuhua Sect. It was not controlled by the spirits changing hands. But since I know about this matter, I can’t assume that I don’t know it. As the saying goes, the rise and fall of the country is the responsibility of everyone. The prosperity of humanity is even more of the responsibility of everyone."

Qiao Ning said: "I know, you can't just stand by. If I knew about this before, I wouldn't care about it."

"Huh?" Chen Yang said, "If Lingzun really captured the earth, you would be deeply involved."

Qiao Ning said: "But when the sky is falling, there is still a high support! Also, you should know that all human beings have bad roots. It is not that I refuse to sacrifice and give, but that everyone does not see the coffin. Tears. I don't want to go to death for nothing."

Chen Yang said: "I'm still unreliable about this matter. I have to pre-warn the star master. It's a pity that I can't see Senior Ling, Senior Ling has the world in mind. If he knows this, he will definitely work hard. It's a **** emperor, and I shouldn't stand by. But now, I can't contact any of them."

Qiao Ning said: "Don't be too anxious. It will not be overnight for the spirits to conquer the earth. Everyone does not feel the crisis now, so no matter what you say, they won't care too much."

Chen Yang said: "I'll finish this task quickly, and then go to explain this matter to the star owner." He paused, and said: "By the way, I can still discuss with the eldest brother and the second brother."

Chen Yang thought for a while, and said: "I'll find my second brother first. Fortunately, I have 33 days of treasure in my hand. I should be able to sense the treasures in my second brother's hands through the treasure."

Qiao Ning said: "Alright, you complete the task first, and then think about other things."

After eating, Chen Yang started to do business in the room.

Chen Yang took out a few treasures, and then used the treasures to sense other treasures.

This feeling is three days and three nights.

After three days and three nights, Chen Yang was already sweating.

Before, Chen Yang was easy to find a few treasures. This made him feel like a maze. He could easily solve the front one, and he felt that the latter was not difficult.

But at this moment, he was shocked in a cold sweat.

"What's the matter?" Qiao Ning has been guarding Chen Yang by her side. Seeing this, she couldn't help asking worriedly.

"Could it be that nothing can be sensed?" Qiao Ning asked worriedly.

Chen Yang said: "I can sense the last two treasures, the Huatian Armor, and the Sky Shaking Clock. But I can't sense the treasures on my second brother anyway. Where are the second and eldest brothers?"

Qiao Ning comforted Chen Yang and said, "Don't be too anxious. Luo Feng and Qin Lin must be fine. We first went to find Huatian Jia and Shaking Clock. Maybe after we find it back, your second and eldest brothers I just came back."

Chen Yang thought for a while and said, "No, I have to go to the Great Thousand World first. I will find my second wife and tell her. Let my second brother take my precious treasures to Shaowei Mansion. . In this case, there will be no mistakes."

Qiao Ning's beautiful eyes lit up and said, "This is fine. Maybe your second sister-in-law has a way to find your second brother?"

Chen Yang said: "Yeah!"

"By the way, this time I go to the Great Thousand World, I will go alone first. When the matter is over, I will come to you again." Chen Yang said afterwards.

Qiao Ning said, "I'll go with you. I know what you think. You have to see Mo Nong and Xiao Nianci?" She followed and smiled lightly, and said, "You are afraid that I will not follow. Convenient, isn't it? Actually, I don't care. I like Nianci, and I want to meet. If you have the ability, I don't care if you have me and Mo Nong with you at night."

"That... okay!" Chen Yang was always excited when he thought of the scene of sleeping together. I immediately agreed.

Qiao Ning looked at Chen Yang's change of expression, couldn't help but chuckle, and then said: "Look at you, sometimes you are serious, right now?"

Chen Yang gave a dry cough, and his old face couldn't help but flush.

At this moment, something is happening overseas in the Central World.

Liheng Tiangong dominates overseas, this is a party overlord. With the control of the spiritual lords now, Lihen Tiangong is even more extraordinary. It's just that for the palace lord Nalan Yuntian of the Li Hate Temple, everything is of little significance. In addition to the bitterness in his heart, it is still bitter.

At night, the bright moon shines on the sea and also on the island. Between heaven and earth, there is silence and darkness.

But in this whole piece of darkness, there was a bright light on the island where Lihengtian Palace was located. In the night, Liheng Tiangong was like a gem.

At this moment, a black shadow whizzed from the sky towards the Lihen Temple.

The sky above Liheng Temple is protected by a magic circle.

This black shadow didn't stop, and with a bang, it blasted out the magic circle. After that, the black shadow drove straight in and entered the Lihen Temple.

In front of Lihentian Temple in Lihentian Palace, there is a square covering a very wide area.

This square is called Lihentai.

It is usually the gathering place when Li Hentian holds large-scale events.

At this time, the dark shadow blatantly appeared on the stage of Li Hen.

The shadow stood still, so that people could see clearly.

I saw this man dressed in black and his face grim. He seems to be in his forties, but there is a sharp evil spirit between his brows.

His eyes were cold and cold.

"Whoever dares to break into the Temple of Hatred!" Immediately, a disciple yelled.

Afterwards, several figures flew out of the Temple of Li Hen.

There are a total of six Shou Gong disciples in the Temple of Li Hate, all of which are at the cultivation level of Taixu Nine Heaven and above.

Shougong disciple must be excellent. Otherwise, what palace to guard!

The guardian disciples, a total of twelve, are on duty in turn.

Among the six ghoulish disciples, the worst in the early stage of the Ninth Heaven, the highest is the cultivation base of the early stage of the Tenth Heaven.

"Who is the one coming?" The headed guard disciple He Feifan snapped at the man in black.

"The one who killed you!" The black-clothed man sneered and suddenly shot.

"Taiyi Xuanjin cut!" The man in black suddenly cut out a sword aura.

This sword energy suddenly cut through the sky, tearing the dark sky apart.

In this sword aura, there is the terrifying Taiyi Profound Golden Aura, which is the sun **** fire, and it also has the meaning of heavenly thunder!

This sword is extremely fierce.

He Feifan was taken aback and immediately sacrificed Wushuangjian.

Seeing the sword light flashed, the spirit and emotion he had accumulated throughout his body were killed.

The two sword lights clash instantly!

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