My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1685: Li Hentian, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

"Broken!" Bruner realized how powerful he was and roared. He moved true this time, and quickly condensed the strongest cosmic light!

This cosmic light flashed, and then slashed towards the thousand silk threads.

But at this time, those thousand silk threads are misty and misty, like the water of a big river, swept in endlessly.

Zhou Guang quickly submerged into the silk thread and entered the sea like a clay cow.

Subsequently, thousands of silk threads galloped across the sky, entwining Bruner in the middle.

"Universal black hole!" Bruner made another move and swallowed it with a black hole.

However, at this time, these threads are not controlled by the black hole, but instead entangle the black hole.

After a while, Bruner was entangled into a huge white silkworm egg.

The white silkworm egg fell into the sea.

After finishing all this, Monk Linghui collapsed immediately. He quickly escaped into the Xuanhuang Divine Valley Seeds, and said: "You can sleep for up to five minutes, hurry up."

"Okay!" Chen Yang didn't dare to delay, and immediately performed a big shifting technique.

After a few strokes, he was thousands of miles away.

Chen Yang descended into a desolate icy and snowy place. The barren mountain was covered with ice and snow, and there was no one inhabited.

After Chen Yang fell, he immediately began to communicate with Monk Linghui.

"There is something in Qiao Ning and I that will be tracked by the spirits all the time. If you don't solve this, your seal just now will be nothing."

"It's terrible!" Monk Linghui was extremely weak. He said: "As far as the poor monk knows, this mysterious yellow liquid can thoroughly wash people and forget all the old things. The poor monk estimates that it can also wash away some mysterious auras. No one has ever taken Xuanhuangye before, and I don’t know what will happen if you take it. How about you take a few drops and see what will happen to you? Now the poor monk can think of a dead horse as a living horse doctor."

Chen Yang said, "But even if the Xuanhuangye is useful, how about Qin Keqing and Qiao Ning? They will also have aura."

Monk Linghui said: "Throw them into the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds first, the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds can isolate everything."

"The space inside is not enough, right?" Chen Yang said.

Monk Linghui said: "Then there is so much trouble, can't you just drop a ring and come in?"

Chen Yang's eyes lit up.

It seems that I am not as smart as Monk Linghui!

He immediately threw Qiao Ning and Qin Keqing's Jie Xumi into Jie Xumi. If possible, Chen Yang also wanted to follow in to escape. But **** it, the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley and Chen Yang merged into one. How can he hide in his forehead himself!

Afterwards, Chen Yang frozen the Xuanhuangye into a peanut size.

He didn't hesitate, whether he was alive or dead, he swallowed it.

With one bite, he swallowed the Xuanhuangye.

For a long time, Chen Yang had never thought about swallowing this black yellow liquid. Because Chen Yang knew that Xuanhuangye could corrode all people's memories. Although Xuanhuangye was magical, Chen Yang always felt that it was a kind of poison.

And right now, the dead horse is a living horse doctor.

Xuanhuangye is produced in the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley, and the inner space of Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds is filled with perennial chaos. And under this kind of mist, the inner wall of the seed will have starting point drops of water. These drops of water converge and become Xuanhuangye.

The production speed of Xuanhuangye is very slow.

The chaotic air in the seeds of the Xuanhuang Divine Valley can fuse the air of all things and wash away all memories. The Xuanhuangye is more special. The original Tianzun didn't dare to use the Qi of Chaos, but used Xuanhuangye to fuse Chen Yang's soul.

To a certain extent, Tianzun has a way to wash and fuse in the Xuanhuangye without losing his memory. But Chen Yang did not understand this method, so when he washed Batu, Batu completely lost his memory. Fortunately, Batu was born not long ago, and he had no memory at all.

At this time, after Chen Yang swallowed the Xuanhuangye, he immediately felt dizzy and lethargic in front of him. It's like getting a strong anesthesia needle.

"Damn!" Chen Yang cursed secretly, then fell down.

Monk Linghui realized that Chen Yang had lost consciousness, and he was also taken aback. He doesn't show any breath, so he is not afraid to come out.

Monk Linghui thought for a while, and jumped out of the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley.

He took root in the same place, then quickly grew into dense green vines, and Chen Yang was firmly protected in the middle.

In fact, Monk Linghui was already exhausted at this time. He recovered a bit of vitality in the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds before he came to protect Chen Yang.

In this barren mountain, there are still some beasts.

Monk Linghui was worried that Chen Yang did not die in Bruner's hands, but died in the mouth of the beast. If this is the case, then this King of Destiny will be too sad.

Although Chen Yang is the impervious body of King Kong, when he is in a coma, the not bad of King Kong loses its effect. Because all the spirits and spirits are scattered.

Monk Linghui was even more worried that Bruna would chase him down at this time. He didn't know if Xuan Huangye could really remove the breath in Chen Yang's body.

If Bruna really came right now, then Monk Linghui would be helpless.

That also means that Chen Yang, the King of Destiny, has truly come to an end.


In the depths of the sea, all the sealed silkworm eggs were finally smashed to pieces by Bruner.

Bruner was furious, he dashed out of the sea, and then stood empty under the blue sky and white clouds.

Bruner looked around, and at the same time he sensed the mysterious light and the fire energy.

He has swallowed Qin Keqing's fire mother's energy, and Qin Keqing also has the fire mother's energy. According to reason, Bruner can find Qin Keqing.

But at this time, Bruner was not only unable to sense the location of Qin Keqing, but also the location of Chen Yang and others.

He completely lost the traces of Qin Keqing and Chen Yang.

Bruner's face was ugly.

Just before, he also said that the prime minister's spiritual master was a waste. Even Chen Yang, who had a low cultivation base, couldn't catch it many times.

I still need Lao Tzu to come out.

Bruner shot Chen Yang under such circumstances.

But what Bruna never expected was that he... actually missed it.

What a shame!

"Why does this kid have the breath of the Celestial Monarch? Is he the reincarnation of the Celestial Monarch?" Bruner thought.

"Among the immortal realms, talented people come forth in large numbers." Bruner secretly said: "The above arrangement is to enslave the earth first, and then map the immortal realm. Could it be that our affairs have alarmed the immortal realm? If the immortal realm also intervenes..."

Bruner secretly said: "This matter must be investigated."

Afterwards, Bruna returned to Li Heng Temple.

Lihen Tiangong dominates in the depths of the East China Sea, and there is a huge island in the depths of the East China Sea.

From a distance, the entire island is a series of mountains. And Liheng Tiangong is among those mountains.

At this moment, within the Lihen Temple, it was already another scene.

After the Spirit Venerable incident was revealed, the Spirit Venerables immediately summoned three Fang Tianzhou to cross the plane world.

The barriers of the Central World could stop Chen Yang, but could not stop the Fang Tianzhou of the spirits.

At the moment, within the Lihen Temple, all the spirits have already been controlled.

Many disciples of Lihentian Temple, both male and female, are reduced to pets or prisoners.

The methods used by the spirits to rule these human beings are extremely cruel.

However, the spirits never regard human women as bedclothes. Because in the eyes of the deities, human beings are ugly. Moreover, they can't accept this kind of interracial thing.

Just like people can't do things like dogs.

In the Lihen Temple, a huge cage has already been built, trapped in the cage are many unruly disciples.

And more disciples have succumbed, and those with a high cultivation base still have some status. Those with a low cultivation base are either slaves or dogs. Some more, simply become food.

Nalan Yuntian and his elders were given preferential treatment, but they were also under the control of the elders.

Today's Lihen Temple, the real control of people is the nine-fold king among the spirits.

The nine-fold king has been cultivating, and the main affairs have been handed over to Bruner to handle.

Bruner returned to the Temple of Lihen in the Heavenly Palace.

In the Temple of Lihen, several spiritual nobles have already moved in.

Bruner quickly summoned the prime minister in the Temple of Li Hen, and also summoned an old spiritual scientist. This old Lingzun scientist is called Yi Lie Fan.

In the world of Lingzun, their names are full of randomness. Some names are more similar to Westerners, and some names are more similar to Easterners. Some names are neither Chinese nor Western and nondescript. For example, this old scientist is called Yi Lifan.

Yifan's cultivation base is not very high, but he has devoted his life to the research of science, physics, quantum, magic and so on.

The Prime Minister and Yi Lefan arrived in the Temple of Li Hen, see Bruner.

Lihen Temple is located on the cliff of Qianzhang, surrounded by clouds and mist, the hall is magnificent and magnificent.

Sitting in a high position, Bruner saw the two spirits, and said, "No need to be polite."

His face is not pretty.

The prime minister was a smart guy, and when he saw Bruner's expression, he knew that he had failed to arrest. He felt a little gloating in his heart immediately, but he didn't show it.

"Prime Minister, I know you must be smiling now, right?" Bruner grinned coldly and said, "Because of my arrest, I also failed."

The prime minister was neither humble nor overbearing, and said: "Master Bruner, I didn't want to laugh. Because I know that Qilin'er is full of human quirks and weirdness. You are not embarrassed if you fail. Because that Qilin'er cannot be inferred by common sense, What worries me is that some of the mana masters are too tricky. It is too difficult for our spirits to regain control of the earth."

Bruner snorted coldly and said, "How many planets have we swallowed along the way? How many high-tech planets have also been enslaved? Are we at a loss for an earth?"

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