My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1667: bristle, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The entire passage is filled with blue particles, and each of these blue particles contains terrifying heat and extremely powerful lethality.

A single blue particle can burn an adult blue whale to ashes in an instant.

At this moment, the blue particles are hundreds of millions.

What a horror is this!

That's why the prime minister didn't care too much. No matter what invisibility technique you have, just melt it into ashes.

Chen Yang immediately felt that the magnetic field particles that had been turned into invisible characters had all turned into blue particles. These blue particles ran wildly around Chen Yang's periphery, but did not harm Chen Yang's body.

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, Chen Yang also felt that the consumption of mana was even more terrifying. He had to take out the Pure Yang Pill in advance to swallow it in order to restore his mana.

The furnace lasted for half an hour, and only stopped after half an hour. In the passage, everything returned to calm.

Chen Yang raised his head and glanced at the sky above. This passageway was several kilometers high, and the passage door had been closed. Chen Yang wanted to leave this passage, but it was impossible.

The door to the interior is also closed.

Chen Yang did not act rashly at this time, he knew that the other party must think that he had been refined into ashes. So at this time, he can't show up easily.

This is an advantage.

Chen Yang waited patiently. In such an unpredictable place, every step must be careful.

In this passage, Chen Yang waited for two hours.

His mana consumption is serious, but fortunately, Pure Yang Pill has been replenished.

Two hours later, the mysterious door finally opened.

After Chen Yang saw the door opened, two people came in. Chen Yang trembled suddenly when he saw the two people.

Not because Chen Yang knew the two, but the two who came in were naked and wearing nothing. Moreover, they wear iron rings around their necks. Something like a dog pen, there are some hidden devices on it to control these two people.

These are two adult men. They crawled in and started cleaning with a vacuum cleaner in their hands.

The two men seem...won't stand up and walk. They just crawled around and cleaned, and behaved very naturally.

"It's time to kill!" Chen Yang couldn't help but feel angry from his heart. Humans are the primates of all things. These animals dare to treat humans like this. At this moment, Chen Yang couldn't wait to frustrate these animals.

People always hurt others.

At this time, although Chen Yang was angry, he did not dare to act rashly. This kind of place, for Chen Yang, can be regarded as a devil's den.

He didn't dare to save these two human beings, for fear that it might cause some movement.

Chen Yang took advantage of the two people cleaning, while the door was not closed, he quickly slid out of the door and came out of the passage.

Outside the passage, there was a huge palace.

This palace is full of modernity. The ceramic tiles on the ground are polished and smoothed out of a certain kind of rock, and the lines are natural. This is more artistic than any ceramic tiles.

Above the dome, there are various murals, and the lighting of the dome is even more beautiful.

This made Chen Yang feel like he had come to the Hanjin White House in Europe.

The palace is very large, covering several thousand square meters with a swimming pool in the middle.

The palace was not on the first floor. Chen Yang looked up and saw something like an elevator. After a closer look, he discovered that there were dozens of floors in this palace.

This is a great modern palace!

Chen Yang secretly said: "Is it another existence similar to the world of Shennong?"

There are many monsters in the palace, and these monsters are dressed in different ways. They seem to be holding a dance party, with a lot of food on both sides. Including fruits, seafood, fine wine.

Among them, many monsters are brightly dressed, and it is obvious that they belong to female monsters.

"What are these monsters?" Chen Yang secretly asked.

These monsters are generally much taller than humans. In front of these monsters, humans are the size of pet dogs.

And, soon, Chen Yang saw a scene where his eyes were about to split.

Because there are indeed a few female monsters, which exist like noble ladies. Some of them took a human being, while others held a seven or eight year old child in their arms. Those children wore weird clothes, and then stretched out their tongues to lick the monster's hand, like a dog to please humans.

This is a real scene, but also an absurd scene.

This made Chen Yang feel angry, but began to doubt again.

Is all this true? Or a satirical dream?

Are you dreaming? Or human beings are pets, and they just have a beautiful dream. Maybe he wakes up and realizes that he is also the monster's pet.

And at this time, Chen Yang also saw the food on the table... One of the plates was grilled baby boy. A child who was only two years old was roasted golden and tender on the outside.

A monster stepped forward and cut with a knife and fork. Suddenly, the child's belly broke open, and rich soup came out of it.

The fragrance is overflowing.

"Roar!" Chen Yang couldn't bear it anymore, he was extremely angry.

At this moment, Chen Yang accepted the invisibility technique. He appeared in front of the monsters.

With his loud roar, the sound wave suddenly burst.

"You are looking for death!" Chen Yang roared.

He went to this moment deliberately, but at this moment, he could have been peacefully hidden, but he exploded with the strongest anger.

Because he is... alone!

About a hundred monsters at the scene were all taken aback, and they looked at Chen Yang in surprise.

"Is this a crazy unicorn from there?"

"Ah, it seems to be mad, will you get crazy unicorn disease if you are bitten!" There was a lady-like monster worried.

"Guard, where is the guard!" Immediately, the monster with the authority roared.

So immediately, more than 30 monsters rushed out from all directions, holding laser guns to surround Chen Yang.

"Knock it down!" the monster in power shouted.

Immediately, the laser gun ejected blue laser light.

"Huh?" Chen Yang immediately felt that this blue laser was a hundred times stronger than the laser in the world.

"The technology here is a hundred times higher than that of the Great World!" Chen Yang secretly said.

Chen Yang felt the power of the blue laser, but Chen Yang didn't care about these laser guns.

He neither dodges nor avoids, but the incorruptible body of King Kong is displayed.

Bang bang bang!

Those blue lasers shot and killed Chen Yang, and Chen Yang was unscathed.

"Stop!" the power monster shouted.

All monster guards stopped shooting.

Many monsters looked at Chen Yang curiously, obviously very strange, why is this unicorn so weird and powerful?

Many monsters began to whisper. "This unicorn is so strange that he wasn't hurt."

"Did this Qiliner secretly learn the spells of the elders?"

"This is a felony, you will die by skinning and cutting flesh."

Chen Yang laughed suddenly.

"Dead!" He cut out a sword instantly.

The big golden pill condenses into a fierce sword light. This sword light swept out, and instantly killed 30 monster guards.

Chen Yang felt the blood boil in his body, he was eager to kill, he wanted to kill all these monsters.


Those powerful monsters were shocked when they saw this scene of blood flowing into a river. Now they were really scared, so they turned around and ran away.

"Want to escape, can you escape?"

Chen Yang quickly shot, and his soul ocean was released instantly, covering all the monsters and humans on the first floor of the palace.

Among these monsters, there is no master.

Chen Yang's capture went smoothly. Except for the monsters' great strength and thick skin, the others were no different. It was completely different from the monsters that appeared before that.

Chen Yang quickly captured all the monsters and controlled them. Then use great mana to quickly reduce it all.

This group of monsters didn't have a cultivation base, and Chen Yang was able to transform without difficulty at all.

After that, Chen Yang threw all these monsters and even humans into the dark mandala.

Qiao Ning also followed. She felt Chen Yang's anger, but did not understand what was going on here.

"What's the matter?" Qiao Ning asked Chen Yang concerned.

Chen Yang pointed to the roasted baby boy and some ingredients.

Qiao Ning glanced, and her soul trembled. These ingredients may be delicious for the monsters, but for Chen Yang and Qiao Ning, it is **** on earth.

"It's weird here." Chen Yang said, "You will find something wrong in the future, you will immediately return to Jiesumiri, know?"

"Huh!" Qiao Ning said.

Chen Yang had been exposed at this time, and his spiritual thoughts instantly shot in all directions.

A lot of information gathered in Chen Yang's mind like a tide. This is in the deep sea, and this palace is actually a cosmic giant ship.

This is unmatched by any aircraft carrier.

In the palace, there are more than 10,000 monsters. There are more than 1,000 human pets, more than 1,000 human servants, and more than 10,000 human food.

Here is cannibalism, and people are a wonderful food.

Among the food in front of Chen Yang, there were human broth, human meat salad and so on.

In the eyes of monsters, this is a very common ingredient. But in Chen Yang's eyes, it was Shura hell, but it was an existence that made him mad and angry.

It was also at this time that the master cultivator among the monsters had insight into the changes on the first floor of the palace.

With a flash of figure in the front, a four-headed monster appeared.

The monster headed is the prime minister I've seen before.

"Are you not dead?" The prime minister also recognized Chen Yang. He had known before that Chen Yang had been caught in, and he thought that the furnace had turned Chen Yang into ashes.

Chen Yang looked at the prime minister coldly, he was not afraid of the prime minister now, because he already had a bargaining chip in his hand. Although the group of saved monsters are not masters, they seem to have some status.

"I'm not dead, I probably disappointed you." Chen Yang responded coldly.

"Let them go, the truth tells you to leave." The prime minister said lightly.

Chen Yang said, "What are you? Tell me."

This sentence is not a curse, but Chen Yang is really curious about everything here.

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