My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1657: Meet with Ling Yunfeng, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

When Chen Yang was in ecstasy, he suddenly couldn't feel the vastness in the heavenly pen.

In the Daobi that day, there was a lake of stagnant water, not even a single ripple.

This is the original appearance of Tiandao Pen, as if the Dead Sea does not wave.

There is a self-contained space in Tiandao Pen. The lake is more than 300 square kilometers wide, and from a distance, it looks like a Dead Sea.

Chen Yang felt a little inexplicable, he regained his mana and dived in again.

But there is still a calm lake inside.

Chen Yang could also sense the remnants of the heavenly power in the lake. And Luo Tianqing drove these forces and used magic power to write ancient characters.

"This power is far from enough!" Chen Yang secretly said: "The snow mountain crystal wall I saw just now is definitely not an illusion, but what is going on?"

Chen Yang couldn't figure it out himself, so he thought of Monk Linghui.

At this time in this room, it is naturally inconvenient to call Monk Linghui out. Because Qiao Ning was still happy, Chen Yang got up and went into the courtyard.

A bright moon hung over the sky, and the silver-gray moonlight was showering in the courtyard.

In the silence, the sound of insects can be heard occasionally.

Chen Yang called out Monk Linghui. Monk Linghui stood on the stone table in the courtyard. It itself was a seed and soon grew into a sapling.

This sapling has a nose and eyes, which is quite cute.

Monk Linghui smiled and said, "Friends of Taoism, aren't you happy and happy right now? What do you want to call the poor monk?"

Chen Yang's face blushed, and then he said, "There's something serious."

Monk Linghui said with a serious face, "What's the matter?"

Chen Yang said about seeing the nine snow mountain crystal walls in the Tiandao pen.

Monk Linghui was taken aback when he heard this, and said, "Fellow Dao, have you really seen the nine snow-capped mountains?"

Chen Yang said: "This is still false. If I haven't seen it, I can tell you this situation. Why, what's the mystery in it?"

Monk Linghui said: "The prerequisite for Tiandao pen to recognize the master is to be able to see the nine snow mountain crystal walls inside. After so many years, all the big guys think that Tiandao pen has lost its spirit, so the nine snow mountain crystal walls are also Then it disappeared. It was concluded that the Heavenly Dao Pen was useless."

Chen Yang said, "I didn't know what was going on. I suddenly saw the nine snow mountain crystal walls. But after that, I couldn't feel anything. It was really strange and tight, and I couldn't think of a reason. So I called you out and asked to understand."

Monk Linghui said: "This... the poor monk can't figure it out. But fellow Taoist, you have also confirmed one thing, that is, although the Tiandao Pen loses its spirit, the true power of the Tiandao Pen is still there. Nine Snow Mountain Crystals The wall represents the nine-nine supreme, and also represents the nine-nine unity. Once you really drive these nine snow mountain crystal walls, and then write the ancient characters with the Tiandao pen, then the power is bound to be infinite. When you reach a certain state, Tiandao The characters written by the pen are to uphold the way of heaven and can be reordered."

Chen Yang was shocked. He said: "I have to study it carefully and be sure to find these nine snow-capped mountain crystal walls. However, I don't seem to be able to write this ancient text."

Monk Linghui said: "You can tell you a few words from the Poor Monk Association."

"I knew it, I should ask Luo Tianqing to ask those words clearly. Now that I have been stunned, I can't go to the Protoss." Chen Yang said.

Monk Linghui said: "The kid surnamed Luo has limited knowledge. He didn't write the essence of the ancient characters. It's not as good as the poor monk. The poor monk here has seven characters. You can learn these seven characters. It is already infinitely useful."

"Oh, those seven words?" Chen Yang asked quickly.

Monk Linghui said: "The poor monk communicated to the Taoist friends through the soul!" After he finished speaking, he reached out a small branch and pointed towards Chen Yang's temple.

Chen Yang did not dodge either.

Having said that, if Linghui really wants Chen Yang, he has a chance at this time. But Chen Yang's character is like that, he doesn't doubt whether he uses people, but he doesn't use them. He is willing to give this trust to Monk Linghui.

The seven ancient words were clearly transmitted to Chen Yang's brain.

They are life, death, demolition, banning, killing, escape, and hiding!

In ancient characters, every word is very different from today's fonts. Saying it is a word, it is a mysterious rune. In each stroke, there is a mystery hidden in it, and it communicates with the mysterious gate of heaven and earth.

Chen Yang remembered these words firmly in an instant.

Afterwards, Chen Yang asked Monk Linghui to return to the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley. He has been studying Tiandao pen in the courtyard since. At this time, no matter how he tried and explored, he could not find the nine snow peak crystal walls inside the Tiandao Pen.

"It's weird." Chen Yang couldn't help cursing secretly, he looked a little irritable.

However, it is useless to be irritable, where the Tiandao pen is still there, without any change.

Chen Yang had no choice but to return to the room to rest first.

The next day, Chen Yang went to see Emperor Xuan Zhenghao.

The two didn't talk too much about other things, and after some greetings, Chen Yang stood up and left.

Su Yanran also came to see Chen Yang once, and Su Yanran said that she had not contacted the Emperor Changsheng. Therefore, Chen Yang asked her to find the Emperor Changsheng to save Lan Ziyi, which probably couldn't be done.

This matter was expected by Chen Yang, and Chen Yang didn't say much.

After that, Su Yanran also left.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning stayed in Shaowei Mansion for three days, and then left.

Before leaving, Chen Yang gave Nie Meiniang a chaotic fruit and some pills. Apart from these, he didn't know what else he could do.

I don't know when I will see Nie Meiniang in the future.

Maybe there will be no meeting in this life.

Who can tell the future?

Chen Yang doesn't know how many years he can live. In this world, who can predict what will happen tomorrow?

As the saying goes, I don’t know what’s going to happen today. Tomorrow’s race will not last forever, wealth and full moon will not last long, and beauty is old in front of red candles.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning left the imperial city, and Chen Yang decided to attack Yun Tianzong first.

Yun Tianzong has Thief Heaven Ladder and Bengtian Blade in his hands.

Chen Yang felt that he should be thankful that he and Ling Yunfeng were good friends. In this matter, we have to start with Ling Yunfeng.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning flew in the clouds and mist, and they discussed countermeasures. "The positive side for us right now is that Yun Tianzong has not prepared yet. They don't know that I will suddenly win this Thieves Ladder, Bengtian Blade. The problem now is how can I meet Big Brother Ling Yunfeng. People of Tianzong Yun , Are very shrewd. If I suddenly appeared, and then Ling Yunfeng went to steal the Heavenly Ladder and Bengtian Blade, then it would definitely attract the attention of Tianzong Yun. Once they know that I am determined to win these two treasures, then they may speak loudly. . And after their lions open their mouths, the door of feathering may also get news. In this way, it will be extremely difficult for me to get these things."

Qiao Ning said: "Yes!"

Chen Yang said: "The old way is to wait outside Yuntianzong, catch a disciple to save the life, and then let him go to Ling Yunfeng, let him come out to meet."

Qiao Ning said, "I think that's the way to do it."

The two hit it off, and soon came outside of Yuntianzong's one hundred thousand mountains.

It was morning time, and the surrounding mountains of Yuntianzong were lush and verdant, and you couldn't see the edge at a glance.

The green sea undulates and the sun is picturesque.

It is an unimaginable beautiful scenery.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning sneaked in quietly, and soon came outside the palace guardian formation of Tianzong Yun.

"The plan has to change. Yuntianzong is no better than the holy city. People in the city can't help but go out and let the wind go. People in the mountains, it's hard to have this kind of thought to go out. I think it's hard for us to wait until someone comes out of the big array , It is better for us to sneak into the formation." Qiao Ning said.

Chen Yang was also aware of this problem, nodded, and said: "I will study this formation to see how I can get in without knowing it."

Qiao Ning said: "Okay!"

Chen Yang studied this cloud palace formation and found that the formation may not be fierce, but once someone sneaks in, it will alarm the formation. It’s not difficult to break through the formation, but how to get in without knowing it.

It takes a lot of time to find the loopholes in the operation of the Yungong Array. Chen Yang remembered the seeds of Xuanhuang Shengu. He simply ran the Qi of Chaos, and then quietly tore a hole. Then he and Qiao Ning shuttled into the cloud palace formation.

The chaotic air in the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley is the same blood type as everything else. At the beginning, Chen Yang relied on this thing to quietly open the treasure house of Yuhuamen. So it is not difficult to break in at this moment.

After entering the cloud palace formation, he was still in the mountains. Yuntianzong now has forty-five peaks.

Forty-five peaks stand majestically.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning quietly went to the bottom of Tiangu Peak where Ling Yunfeng was located. After a short time, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning waited for a disciple who had gone out from Tiangu Peak. Chen Yang forcibly intercepted the disciple from the air.

The disciple was going to the Cloud Palace on a dharma implement, and did not want to be intercepted by Chen Yang. Chen Yang also didn't want to talk nonsense, first. Then let it go and pass a message to Ling Yunfeng.

There are also magic circles on the top of Tiangu Peak, and it is difficult for outsiders to intrude without knowing it. Chen Yang was afraid of attracting the attention of others, so he spread the word like this.

Soon after the disciple left, he came to see Chen Yang. "Fellow Daoist, my master has temporarily closed the formation of Tiangufeng. Daoist friends can directly use their magical powers to reunite with Master."

Chen Yang nodded. He was not in a hurry to return this disciple to the vulgar, but he was also afraid that this disciple would go out to inform.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning flashed around, and then directly appeared in the quiet room where Ling Yunfeng was practicing.

Ling Yunfeng was dressed in white, meditating cross-legged.

After Chen Yang and Qiao Ning appeared, he opened his eyes and smiled. Subsequently, the outer circle was restored.

"Chen Yang, Miss Qiao, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon?" Ling Yunfeng smiled and said, "Isn't it because you want to plan my Yuntianzong's baby so sneaky?"

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