My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1650: Reincarnation, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

After eating breakfast, Chen Yang was ready to start an action with Qiao Ning. But at this time, Chen Yang's expression suddenly changed.

Qiao Ning was taken aback and said, "What's the matter, have we been discovered?"

Chen Yang looked weird and said, "No, but I seem to have forgotten someone."

"Who?" Qiao Ning said.

Chen Yang couldn't help smiling, and said, "He Hongguang!"

Qiao Ning also suddenly remembered, both of them couldn't help being funny. Busy with various things before, he trapped He Hongguang in the dark mandala. These days, the two have forgotten this guy completely.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning quickly entered the dark mandala.

Speaking of it, the current situation of Chen Yang and Qiao Ning is an extremely subtle interpretation of the rules of space. They are first in the universe, then the Milky Way is in the universe, the Solar System is in the Milky Way, and the Earth is in the Solar System. Tianzhou is in the earth. The hotel is in the heavenly continent, the Jisumi is in the hotel, and the dark mandala is in the Jisumi.

The overlapping spaces form this complex world.

And what is it outside of the universe? This is something that humans can never pursue. Even if Tianjun cultivated into a great movement technique, it was difficult to find out clearly.

The mystery of the world is that human beings have no ability to explore and understand.

In the dark mandala, a dark lotus representing mystery sits firmly in the center. Can be seen, but never touched. Once you can get in touch, that is, if you understand the mystery of the dark mandala, you can go out.

Around the dark lotus, there is endless darkness, just like time, space has been completely forbidden.

The mana of that red light was sealed, so he had no ability to break through the constraints of the dark mandala.

He Hongguang can be regarded as living like years in the past few days. At this time, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning appeared, as if they were seeing relatives.

"Two great immortals, you are finally here." He Hongguang ran up weeping, wishing to grab Chen Yang's trousers and cry.

Chen Yang was not polite, and said, "He Hongguang, I was saying to save your life. But you do a lot of evil, and I must abolish your mana. In the future, what your path will be depends on you. Good luck."

When He Hongguang heard this, he immediately burst into tears and said, "Daxian, I have done too much evil. If there is no magic power, after I go out, it will not be a dead end! Daxian, I will definitely change my mind and be a good person in the future. You give me A chance to redeem your sins."

Chen Yang glanced at He Hongguang, and then said: "It's not impossible to ask me to give you a chance."

He Hongguang was overjoyed when he heard this, and said, "Daxian, as long as you are willing to let me go and give me a way out. You can do anything you want me."

Chen Yang said, "I want you to accept my degree and convert to me from now on."

He Hongguang was taken aback for a moment.

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he sacrificed a golden talisman and said, "Do you understand this?"

He Hongguang's face suddenly changed, and he said, "The magic of the Buddha Realm?"

Chen Yang said: "Yes, are you willing to accept the degree of conversion? If you don't want to, let's stop talking nonsense, and I will directly abolish your cultivation."

"I am willing, yes!" He Hongguang said quickly.

"Well, let go of your heart and accept my golden light." Chen Yang said.

He Hongguang didn't dare to violate it.

At the moment, Chen Yang used great magic to drive the golden talisman. After a short while, He Hongguang was completely reduced.

He Hongguang's body was completely immersed in golden light. Chen Yang merged with the golden talisman, and he knew exactly how He Hongguang was converted.

At this time, He Hongguang stood up on the spot and became a Buddha standing on the ground, clasping his hands together, and said: "Amitabha, the poor monk used to have a lot of sins, but now he has been enlightened by fellow daoists and enlightened him. From now on, the poor monk will serve dao friends with all his heart. Come to wash away the sins of the poor monks in the past."

The magic of this golden talisman made Qiao Ning feel stunned again.

Chen Yang laughed, and then he lifted all the restrictions in He Hongguang's body. After that, He Hongguang also regained his freedom.

"Friends of Taoism, there are more than a hundred female monks who were imprisoned by the poor monks in the cycle of reincarnation. They have suffered and tortured. The poor monks are extremely ashamed and want to release them immediately."

"More than a hundred?" Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were taken aback.

"You are really cruel and shameless." Hatred flashed in Chen Yang's eyes. I wanted to slash the red light, but I thought that now this servant has been reduced, it is better to keep it if you kill it.

Chen Yang said: "You have a serious sin, and you should do more good deeds to wash away your sins."

He Hongguang said: "Poor monks must remember the teachings of Taoists."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, now hand over your reincarnation plate."

He Hongguang immediately said: "Yes, fellow Dao!" He respectfully took out the reincarnation plate, the reincarnation plate showed a bronze color with countless fine pattern array symbols on it.

Chen Yang sensed with one hand, and immediately felt that there were eighteen layers of reincarnation space in the samsara disk. Inside this small reincarnation disk, the space overlaps and overlaps, and the vastness is like a sea. At the deepest point, there is a palace. He Hongguang hid more than a hundred beautiful monks in the palace.

What shocked Chen Yang even more was that the beautiful monks were all sore and feeble, and all of them were impenetrable. It's like countless white meat insects.

No beauty!

Chen Yang frowned slightly, he gave the reincarnation to Qiao Ning, and said, "You can deal with it."

Qiao Ning took the reincarnation disc, and she said, "I'll go in and have a look."

Chen Yang said: "Okay!"

After Qiao Ning entered, Chen Yang glanced at He Hongguang and said, "What magical powers do you have, and what other treasures, tell me about it."

He Hongguang said: "Yes, fellow Taoist. The poor monk is proficient in the art of collecting yin and replenishing yang, and the magical skill of the perineum demon's concubine. In addition, there are virtual palms and flame flags. There are more than one hundred divine pills and thousands of Yin-gathering pills. "

"Hand it over and show me." Chen Yang said honestly.

He Hongguang said: "Yes!"

Chen Yang checked them one by one and found that the Void God Palm and the Flame Banner were all good spells and magic weapons. But it can't be said to be exceptionally outstanding, and Chen Yang is not interested, so he just passed by. Chen Yang directly confiscated one hundred Shendan. Then the Yin Gathering Pill was a pleasant surprise. This Yin Gathering Pill was made by He Hongguang's primordial yin that He Hongguang didn't know was picking up many young cultivators. For men who get into trouble, Yang Huo Tai Sheng has a good effect. For women's cultivation, there are also magical effects that can double the result with half the effort.

Female monks should all like this kind of yin pill.

Chen Yang did not intend to take these yin-gathering pills as his own, because this kind of yin-gathering pills was to collect the yin from women, although the effect was good. But after all, there is cause and effect in it. This cause and effect did not appear at first, but in the end, it is harmful.

Chen Yang still has this ability to distinguish and self-control.

As for the magical skill of the Yin Devil Ji Ji, it is completely evil. It collects women's ghosts to practice and displays them. It makes people feel like they are trapped in a pink tent, and it is difficult to extricate themselves.

Chen Yang warned He Hongguang and said, "You are not allowed to harm people for the purpose of practicing this magical skill in the future, you know?"

He Hongguang said: "The teachings of the Taoist fellows, the poor monks keep in mind."

Chen Yang confiscated the Juyin Pill and God Pill, and left the rest alone.

Qiao Ning stayed inside for a long time, but when he came out, he brought three extremely beautiful female monks. And the cultivation base is in the Taixu Nine Heavens.

"Chen Yang, I've watched for a long time, and these three are the most beautiful among them. I gave them to you as a concubine." Qiao Ning said naturally. She is sincere, because in her eyes, Chen Yang and several women are also normal. That powerful monk does not have hundreds of wives. Qiao Ning refused Chen Yang before because Situ Linger was in a coma. She felt guilty that way.

In addition, she did not want to fall into this mundane world. But now that she is Chen Yang's woman, she feels that she must do her part well.

The three female monks are intricate, and the scenery on their bodies is breathtaking.

Chen Yang couldn't help but the old face blushed and said: "You are so busy, I let you deal with it, not let you pick a woman for me."

"Ah, don't you like it?" Qiao Ning was puzzled, and said, "You have such a strong desire. I will find a few more to satisfy you!"

Chen Yang couldn't wait to find a seam to drill in.

On one side, He Hongguang watched his nose and mind, not daring to look randomly.

The three female monks were helpless, and one of them said pitifully: "My son, the slave family must serve you well. I hope you have pity."

"Find three sets of clothes and put them on first." Chen Yang said to Qiao Ning.

Qiao Ning grinned and said, "You still like it, pretending to be something. What's wrong with me."

After she finished speaking, she found three sets of clothes. At the same time, Qiao Ning released the mana prohibition on them. The three women's primordial yin was absorbed too much, and even if the prohibition was lifted, they were extremely weak. But they walked, and it was no problem. So I got dressed soon.

Not to mention, after putting on the clothes, the beauty of these three women can really be regarded as the beauty of the sky. This red light is not the result of crooked melons and dates.

"The slave family pays respects to the son!" The three daughters were very acquainted with Yingying.

They saw that He Guang's face was full of hatred, but they were also people who knew the current affairs, knowing that they were still under the control of this young man.

So now they don't show anything.

Chen Yang didn't know what to say, he grabbed Qiao Ning and said viciously, "Come out with me."

In an instant, Chen Yang took Qiao Ning out of the dark mandala, which was in the treasure house of Jie Xumi.

"What's the matter?" Qiao Ning was somewhat inexplicable.

Chen Yang kissed Qiao Ning fiercely, and Qiao Ning was a little breathless. After dividing her lips, Qiao Ning's face was flushed and said, "You are too happy, are you thanking me?"

"Thank you for your ass!" Chen Yang said, "Are you really or not?"

Qiao Ning shook her head and said frankly: "I really don't understand!"

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