My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1645: The end of the world you don't know, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Shen Mo Nong was taken aback.

Chen Yang was also taken aback, and then felt a little funny again. Probably Mingyue Xianzun really didn't believe it, he could compete against the Devil Emperor.

"Um, Xianzun, it's me. I just fought with the Devil Emperor. He couldn't help me, and I couldn't help him, and then he left." Chen Yang said.

"How is this possible!" Mingyue Xianzun's face was extremely weird, and said: "That Chen Tianya is like a muddy loach that slips and does not leave his hands, and no spell can cause him damage. This seat fights him, really depressed. It's tight. But this guy's spells are incredibly lethal. How can you possibly accept his move?"

Chen Yang said: "Speaking of fate, it is also a destiny. I have been tempered in the thunder tribulation by chance. Therefore, his many spells can not cause harm to me, but my soul skills are for him. , There is still some suppression."

Mingyue Xianzun said: "Have you tempered in the thunder calamity?" She felt that she seemed to be listening to some fantasy.

However, Mingyue Xianzun believed that Chen Yang was real, and she no longer asked, because Chen Yang had already experienced many miracles.

Shen Mo Nong looked at Chen Yang's expression and heard Chen Yang's breath, and he knew whether it was true or not. She stepped forward holding Ninci, choked and said, "It's fine if it's all right, it's fine if it's all right!"

Mingyue Xianzun also left wisely.

Chen Yang hugged Shen Mo Nong and teased the Nian Ci in her arms again, who was sleeping soundly.

"After I left, was something strange, or what happened?" Chen Yang asked Shen Mo Nong.

Shen Mo Nong said: "After you left, Miss Qiao and Mr. Xuan came to guard me. Therefore, nothing happened. Later, Mingyue Xianzun also came."

Chen Yang suddenly fell into suspicion, and said secretly: "Is it because he retreated after knowing the difficulties? It's impossible, Chen Tianya wouldn't have missed this. With Xuan Zhenghao's ingenuity, this can be expected by Chen Tianya with his toes. It's a ghost. Then... Chen Tianya will not aimlessly. He must have a purpose in coming. What is the purpose?"

Chen Yang felt that this was a matter of extreme contemplation. He thought for a while, then gently shook Nian Ci to wake up, he wanted to see if something went wrong with his son.

Nian Ci was awakened in her deep sleep and burst into tears. Chen Yang observed Nian Ci's expression and knew that Nian Ci had nothing to do.

"Forget it, don't think about it. As long as Nian Ci is fine!" Chen Yang said inwardly.

After that, Chen Yang gave Nianci to Liu Ma and Zhao Ma to take care of her. He and Shen Mo Nong went to the front to socialize.

Chen Yang also checked Liu Ma and Zhao Ma and confirmed that there was nothing unusual about the two of them.

Shen Mo Nong went to socialize, and Chen Yang joined Xuan Zhenghao and Qiao Ning.

"The emperor!" Chen Yang said softly.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Let's talk aside."

Chen Yang nodded.

Qiao Ning naturally followed.

When he reached the secluded part of the garden, Xuan Zhenghao first said, "You don't have to worry about what Chen Tianya will do."

Chen Yang was startled slightly and said, "Why?"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled slightly and said: "Until the knot between you and Chen Tianya is solved, you can never look at Chen Tianya objectively. But I am an outsider, so I can see clearly."

"How do you say?" Chen Yang said.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Chen Tianya won't hurt your son. This is the fundamental reason why I said you don't have to worry about it."

"Not necessarily." Chen Yang said: "He is a demon, there is nothing he can't do."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "To defeat your opponent, you must first understand your opponent. Chen Tianya and the sect master were originally the same person. At that time, the sect master had a pure temperament. Although he was hostile, he was righteous. In the beginning, Chen Tianya was also a man of righteousness. He could sacrifice everything for his sister. He could also become a confidant. But later, things changed. He became Chen Tianya, all his relatives. All away from him, he suddenly became nothing. This is tantamount to the evil in his heart being completely aroused."

"Everyone has evil in their hearts!" Xuan Zhenghao said: "Actually, I have always understood Chen Tianya. The reason why Chen Tianya loves Evel so much is because in such an environment, Evel is the only one Someone who can hug him together to keep warm. Back then, he walked out of the tomb with nothing. Then he created a huge family business by himself. He destroyed the Shenmen and almost destroyed the Dachumen. He destroyed the Guangming Vatican. . You have to know that the three major forces in the country at that time were Da Chumen, Shenmen and Guangming Holy See. This man was very talented and very powerful. At that time, everyone said that silence was hard to deal with because he was ruthless and loveless. And then we I realized that once the sect master's evil is aroused, silence is far from enough in front of him."

Xuan Zhenghao said, "I'm telling you this to tell you. Chen Tianya is cruel to you, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't have love in his heart. As far as I know, he is extremely fond of his other son. And Xiao Mantou is his grandson, he will only love him before it is too late. He will never hurt him."

"No, right!" Chen Yang said: "Xiao Mantou is a natural spirit body. He wants to take away Xiao Mantou, he must want to steal Xiao Mantou's spiritual body power."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "No! He wants to practice, there are many ways, definitely will not use his own grandson to do such things, I know him. There is no reconciliation between him and you. This is because there are many There are many historical reasons, but there is no such thing between him and Xiao Mantou. Moreover, he wants to take Xiao Mantou. The big reason is that he wants to establish a good relationship with this grandson, so in the future, your son will also Oppose you to deal with him. Because he is your son's grandfather! He is choosing to break the evil calamity!"

Chen Yang thought about it.

Xuan Zhenghao then said: "Is there anything else I can't figure out?"

Chen Yang said: "Then what is the significance of his coming this time?"

Xuan Zhenghao said, "I want to take away Xiao Mantou! Didn't he express his meaning very clearly?"

Chen Yang said: "This..."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "He also unexpectedly, for example, he feels that with his strength, he can defeat the Mingyue Immortal Venerable. In fact, he can indeed defeat. Then, you are not within his scope. He originally It should continue to attack and attack like a broken bamboo. Once we deal with him, the person he arranged can start. But the fact is that you actually blocked him, so his follow-up will not be pushed forward."

Chen Yang suddenly realized when he heard the words.

This wedding was spent in such a lively and hustle and bustle.

In the evening, Mingyue Immortal Venerable was in high spirits and performed a magical technique of the Ten Thousand Dragons Refining World to the guests.

When ten thousand dragons are flying in the sky, it is like the most beautiful and splendid fireworks.

In this wedding, although an episode occurred, the curtain was finally closed perfectly.

The next morning, after breakfast, the guests returned. When Mingyue Xianzun was leaving, he returned the origin of Chen Yang's great flame technique. Chen Yang also distributed a seed of the Great Flame Technique to Mingyue Immortal Venerable.

Mingyue Xianzun did not refuse, but accepted it honestly.

Next, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning sent the Shen family and Shen Mo Nong back to Yanjing. Within Yanjing, Chen Yang did not have to worry about Chen Tianya coming. With Chen Tianya's cultivation skills, it is estimated that it is difficult to enter Yanjing.

Chen Yang knows the strength of the Ancestral Dragon, and Suzhen in black was also overbearing. But in the face of Ancestral Dragon's Qi, there is still no alternative.

Therefore, the devil emperor could not help the ancestral dragon. What's more, today's Ancestral Dragon Qi is much more domineering than that of Lin'an Mansion.

After Chen Yang sent Shen Mo Nong back, he returned to meet Lin Bing and the others.

As for Dorrens, Yoona, Baixue, and the princes, Xuan Zhenghao arranged for them to send them back. At the beginning, Chen Yang was desperate to leave the book Baixue, let him establish another blood emperor. Bai Xue and others have never established a blood emperor, but firmly believe that Chen Yang will return. Now that Chen Yang has returned unharmed, there is no need to mention the issue of the blood emperor's establishment.

Even Baixue never disclosed the letter to anyone else.

After this battle, the blood princes completely cut off some dishonest thoughts. Their first thought after returning was to immediately turn over the dividends that should be turned over to the blood family headquarters.

This wedding, for everyone in the Shen family, was like Nan Ke Yimeng, full of dreamlike unreality. But everything happened, and it was real. Now that they are now, they can finally understand why a proud woman like Shen Mo Nong is willing to give birth to a child when she is unmarried and pregnant first.

In the Shen family, Xiao Mantou is destined to become the proud son of heaven.

Chen Yang is satisfied to be able to do this.

All he did was that he wanted his son to be respected and cared for in the circle of the Shen family, instead of being pointed out by others.

Chen Yang personally gave Lin Bing and Lin Haoxuan.

Lin Haoxuan said that he could return it, but Chen Yang still felt that there was something to tell them. Because Lin Bing and Lin Haoxuan both asked Chen Yang before, where did the blue and purple clothes go?

Chen Yang did not answer at the time.

While flying in the blue sky, Chen Yang controlled Jindan Kunpeng.

He told Lin Bing and Lin Haoxuan about the recent situation of Lan Ziyi.

Lin Bing and Lin Haoxuan were extremely worried after hearing this. "I will try my best to rescue her." Chen Yang can only say that.

Lin Haoxuan said in a deep voice, "Miss Lan knew that she had this calamity. I hope she can be safe!"

Lin Bing remained silent.

This news made Lin Bing sad. In her life, she had two masters. One is Ning Tiandu, but Ning Tiandu has died tragically. And the other master is Lanziyi, and now Lanziyi...

After talking with Lin Bing and Lin Haoxuan for a while, Chen Yang said goodbye to them. Subsequently, Chen Yang returned to Yanjing.

There are still many things to be dealt with in the follow-up.

Qiao Ning did not return to Tianzhou with Xuan Zhenghao, and Chen Yang asked Qiao Ning to stay because afterwards, he would take Qiao Ning and Shen Mo Nong to worship at his mother's grave.

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