My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1097: Summon the dragon, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

In the night, the dew was heavy. Chen Yang and Lan Ziyi walked across the street and came to the back of Shaowei Mansion. There is a river behind Shaowei Mansion with willows hanging down the river. It is now October, and it is still a little hot during the day, but at night, it is a little bit cold.

Although Lan Ziyi only wore a skirt, she didn't feel cold.

Chen Yang suddenly said seriously: "Thank you for coming!"

Lan Ziyi was startled slightly, then smiled again, and said, "Why do you want to thank me so seriously all of a sudden."

Chen Yang said, "Actually, I remember that you said that you would not help me for a short time. But I'm sorry, I'm still so useless, and I found you again." Lan Ziyi smiled and said, "Stupid boy, What do you think, I am not helping you this time! Besides, I said I didn’t help you, I wanted to experience you. But in this situation, even if the **** emperor comes, he may not be able to handle it. What's more you!"

When Chen Yang heard Lan Ziyi talk about the **** emperor, he said: "The cultivation level of the **** emperor is unfathomable. If the **** emperor is here this time, they would not dare to come. Last time the four supreme lords came, the **** emperor alone All are seriously injured. I think you still underestimate the **** emperor!"

Lan Ziyi said: "Perhaps, I have only heard of the **** emperor, but I have never seen it. In fact, the **** emperor belongs to the rising star. When I was in the undead clan, the grandfather of the **** emperor was still It’s for birth.” She continued with a smile, and said: “But this world is never considered great by age, and the ability of the **** emperor is indeed convincing. You said that the **** emperor alone can defeat the four great nobles, I I can probably imagine his situation."

Chen Yang said, "Oh, isn't it?"

"Ten Thousand Laws are unified!" Lan Ziyi said: "The cultivation base of the **** emperor should be the unity of all abilities.

Chen Yang gave a thumbs up and said, "Yes, it is indeed the unity of everything."

Lan Ziyi said: "In fact, the unity of ten thousand faculties is not truly invincible. Moreover, you should not think that the **** emperor can defeat the four supreme sages alone, and you think that the cultivation of the four sages is far from the **** emperor. In fact, this is not the case of."

Chen Yang immediately said curiously: "Oh, what is that?"

Lan Ziyi said: "The realm of the **** emperor is now the same as that of Moro, and no one finds weaknesses. Once a weakness is found, it is not impossible to defeat him. To hurt the **** emperor, he must first destroy his heavenly way. He has always been able to enjoy himself. It is because no one has destroyed his heavenly way. If Dakang is controlled by the gods and the Tianzhou plan is implemented all the way, the destiny will die. At this time, the harmony between the **** emperor and the sword of heaven will cause problems. Then, his The unity of all laws will not be so harmonious."

She paused and said, "Silly boy, an airline Boeing jet can carry 300 people into the sky. Whose soul do you think can do this. So, the power of an airliner is immense. . But... you just need to make a little hand and foot in it, such as throwing a small screw in its engine, and it may cause a huge disaster."

Lan Ziyi then summed up and said: "What I mean by telling you this is, don’t be fooled by powerful forces, find their weaknesses, and then attack. Moro is indeed very strong, and you let me deal with him. It’s hard to kill him. I can’t even think of a way to kill him, but when Yun Leier and I met him, we wouldn’t have a head-to-head confrontation with him. Using confusion, deconstruction with molecules, etc. If you want to kill him, you just want to trap him, fascinate him, or send him away."

Chen Yang said: "I understand what you mean, everything grows and restrains each other, and there is no truly invincible person. It's just that there is no right method, right?"

Lan Ziyi said: "Yes. Chen Tianya is a smart man. Obviously, he also knows the **** emperor very well. He took advantage of the **** emperor to go to the meteorite stream, and immediately set out to deal with Dakang and you. This is his cleverness. To control Dakang and kill the Destiny is to weaken the emperor!"

Chen Yang's eyes darkened, and he said: "People say that tiger poison does not eat children. He killed my mother and tried to kill me again and again. But I never thought of killing him in my heart, just want him to go to my mother. Admit his mistake before the grave. Why can he be so cruel to me?"

Lan Ziyi was stunned, a trace of pity flashed in her eyes, and she said, "But there are some things that you can't force. Chen Tianya is the Demon Emperor. Since he is called the Demon Emperor, he naturally has his devilish nature."

Chen Yang shook his head, then smiled, and said, "In fact, I shouldn't have such a weak emotion anymore. He is my father, and this is a fact that cannot be changed. Senior Ling, the emperor always values ​​me as him. That’s why it takes me so seriously. I know that I’m dealing with my father with outsiders. I know it, but I can’t resist and refuse. Because...Lan Ziyi, do you know? You know me What do you want to see most?"

"What?" Lan Ziyi said.

Chen Yang said, "I want to kill Chen Yihan with my own hands in front of him. I want him to watch his little son who cares the most about being killed by me." When he said this, a hideous color flashed on his face. .

Chen Yang was never a sage, and when facing Chen Tianya, he would also have his cruel and twisted revenge pleasure.

But the blue and purple clothes didn't have much to say.

She could only sigh slightly.

Afterwards, Chen Yang regained his mood and said, "If you shouldn't tell you this, your mood will be broken."

Lan Ziyi said, "It's okay, you just say it is more comfortable."

Chen Yang smiled bitterly, and said: "You said, you know me is a loss. I helped you once, but endlessly let you help me."

Lan Ziyi said: "But even if you don't talk about the friendship between you and me, even if it's about human relations, that's not the case. For the first time without your help, I don't know whether I can recover my true body smoothly. No one , Where can there be two three four five six seven behind."

Chen Yang said: "But you are strategizing, without me, you can actually go back smoothly."

Lan Ziyi said: "How is that possible, although I have arranged it. But at the time, the Yama of the Ten Temples also wanted to get my essence."

Chen Yang smiled, there is no point in arguing about this matter.

Lan Ziyi then said, "Chen Yang, do you remember what I said before?"

Chen Yang was startled slightly, and then said: "I remember!"

"Oh?" Lan Ziyi said.

Chen Yang said: "You hope to grow up quickly, because you will encounter trouble in the future and you will need my help then."

Lan Ziyi said, "I didn't expect you to remember it."

Chen Yang said: "Of course I remember! If one day you need me, even if my ability is inadequate, I will try my best to save you before I die."

Lan Ziyi was slightly moved in her heart, and she said, "It's no waste that I treat you so well."

Chen Yang smiled.

The two continued to talk a lot, and Chen Yang even said: "We have placed the battlefield in the Dakang Imperial City, but we are already passive. You said that if we take the initiative to attack, kill them by surprise?"

Lan Ziyi gave Chen Yang a white look, and said, "Do you think this is an ordinary offensive and defensive battle, do you still have to pay attention to sneak attacks? The imperial city has the emperor's deployment for many years, and here is the best battlefield. And in the Protoss, there are experts like clouds They will only bring some masters, but when we go, we will face all the masters of their Protoss, the true gods. Actively attack, that is the real abuse."

Chen Yang was immediately at ease.

After that, Chen Yang and Lan Ziyi returned to Shaowei Mansion.

On the way back to the mansion, Chen Yang talked about Xiaolong and dealt with the wonderful things in the wild land.

After hearing this, Lan Ziyi felt very strange, she said: "When you say that, I really want to see this little dragon."

Chen Yang said: "Don't you say that I almost forgot about it. If Xiaolong can come to the battle this time, there will be another chance of winning. It's just that I don't know how to contact it."

Before Xiaolong was able to rescue Chen Yang in time, it was because Xiaolong had been following Chen Yang and Qiao Ning. But now, where Xiaolong went, Chen Yang had no clues at all, and didn't know how to contact him.

Lan Ziyi heard the words and said: "It is your soul, and it has an inseparable connection with you. You will have the same MRI and signal transmission. You have to contact it, it is very simple and dedicated in your heart. Read it silently, think about it, so you can get in touch."

Chen Yang was overjoyed when he heard that, so he decided to go back and try.

After returning to Fuzhong, it was late.

Qiao Ning, Yun Leier and Moruo were all asleep. Chen Yang and Lan Ziyi said goodnight to each other, and after that, he returned to his room.

After returning to the room, Chen Yang sat cross-legged on the bed. After closing his eyes, he began to meditate on Xiaolong.

He also thought about Xiaolong in his head.

Chen Yang is dedicated and united!

Not long after, that kind of wonderful induction really appeared. Chen Yang saw a picture in his brain.

This picture is made up of brain waves, just like dreaming.

Chen Yang saw Xiaolong swimming in the magma!

It is practicing!

And at this time, Xiaolong also sensed Chen Yang. It burst out of magma suddenly.

This was actually in the depths of a volcano. It seems that after Xiaolong left Chen Yang, he really has been practicing hard, but he has not slackened.

Xiaolong hummed in Chen Yang's mind, meaning to ask Chen Yang Gansa.

Chen Yang said: "Come back quickly, I need your help."

Xiaolong snorted, then cut off contact with Chen Yang. After Chen Yang opened his eyes, he couldn't help but smile. He knew that Xiaolong couldn't hold his face all the time. He also knew that Xiaolong would definitely come back.

After that, Chen Yang fell asleep. After running for so many days, he was indeed tired.

The next day, it was just dawn.

Today's weather is a bit gloomy, and there is a north wind whistling outside the window.

But at this moment, there was a loud noise outside and the screaming of servants.

Chen Yang was taken aback and quickly put on his clothes and pants and ran out.

"The evil animal from nowhere, dare to run wild here!" However, it was Moro who rushed out first...

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