My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1090: Buddha, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang naturally did not know what was written in Chen Jiahong's four letters. But Chen Yang believes that when Chen Jiahong's relatives see such a letter, they will definitely be very pleased.

Chen Yang suddenly envied Chen Jiahong, because he has parents, master, and brothers, so many people love him. And what about Chen Yang?

The mother was killed by the father, and the father and brother hated themselves to the bone.

He sometimes wonders, could it really be that I did something wrong? Perhaps the only thing wrong is to cast the wrong baby and become Chen Tianya's son.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning stayed in West Kunlun for three hours, this is because Qiao Ning and Chen Yang are not small. Chen Yang also contributed a lot to this visit.

In order to thank Chen Yang and Qiao Ning for sending the letter, Ling Haoyu specially invited Chen Yang and Qiao Ning to eat. Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were actually in the mood to eat, but they couldn't bear Ling Haoyu's enthusiasm. So he reluctantly agreed.

The meal was prepared by Ling Haoyu alone for Chen Yang and Qiao Ning. When it was eaten, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning realized that the meal was precious.

Because whether it's rice, fruit, or soup, it's all fairy-level things.

Immortal grass, rice, fruits, etc. were planted in the back mountains of West Kunlun. These are all moisturized by Emperor Qingmu's rain under the Holy Emperor. After eating, Qiao Ning and Chen Yang only felt very comfortable.

Afterwards, the two worked cross-legged exercises and took the fruits after meals. After three hours, all his skills were restored.

After that, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning said goodbye to Ling Haoyu.

Ling Haoyu knew that they had important matters, so he stopped staying more.

Chen Yang decided to go to the undead first.

Although there are still many people and things he wants to see in this vast world, the situation is urgent right now, but there is no time for children to love him.

Qiao Ning expelled the soul, and the two flew all the way.

It's much easier to get out of the world of the shadow, but to get in, you must have coordinates and cross the yin and yang realms. Therefore, the procedures for entering the world of the shadow will be much more complicated. Chen Yang took Qiao Ning to the familiar Jiangbei City first, and then waited for the ghost bus at midnight.

The ghost bus is invisible to ordinary people, but Chen Yang and Qiao Ning can already see through the substance itself, so they can see the ghost bus directly.

Afterwards, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning got on the ghost bus. This time it was much more convenient. Chen Yang and Qiao Ning's supernatural powers directly suppressed the driver of the ghost bus. Faced with these two big brothers, those remnant ghosts didn't dare to let go.

All the way directly to the shadow world. After arriving in the shadow of the world, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning took the soul to fly to the Undead Mountain!

At dawn, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning reached the Undead Mountain.

After crossing the Undead Mountain, he entered the Undead Race smoothly.

Chen Yang also talked to Qiao Ning about the general situation here. He didn't mention Song Ning's stubbornness. If there was no such subtle affection between him and Qiao Ning, he would just say it. But now, if Chen Yang said it, Qiao Ning would only be even more unhappy.

Chen Yang is also very familiar with the undead.

He first went to the Ice Phoenix Palace to see Lin Bing.

When Lin Bing learned that Chen Yang had arrived, he naturally greeted him with joy. Lin Bing remained the same without much change. However, his cultivation base has soared all the way, reaching the stage of the Seventh Heaven of Taixu.

This is all the credit of the blue and purple clothes. Lan Ziyi deliberately handed over the undead to Lin Bing to manage, so he had always been very concerned about Lin Bing.

Later, Ye Ming heard that Chen Yang was here, and he also came to meet.

Lin Bing was quite surprised to see Qiao Ning, and Chen Yang also introduced Qiao Ning emphatically. Qiao Ning was not arrogant when facing Lin Bing, and said politely: "I heard Chen Yang often mentioned Ms. Lin early in the morning. I am lucky to meet today."

Lin Bing smiled slightly and said, "Can he say good about me?"

Chen Yang couldn't help laughing.

There was a relationship between him and Lin Bing somehow. However, the relationship between the two has returned to the past. Lin Bing never wanted anything between men and women, her Dao heart was very firm. What's more, she also felt that Chen Yang's relationship between men and women was chaotic, but she didn't want to get involved in that quagmire.

Ye Ming and Chen Yang are close friends of life and death. Seeing Chen Yang came, they were happy to say nothing. He then said: "Chen Yang, you can stay a few more days this time, let's get together!"

When Chen Yang heard the words, he said seriously: "I really can't stay longer this time." He went on to say: "I have business affairs, and this time, the situation is very urgent."

Lin Bing and Ye Ming looked at each other when they heard the words, and they asked, "What's the matter?"

Chen Yang asked first: "Where is the blue and purple clothes?"

Lin Bing said: "The King Huang has left since you left last time. She has never come back! Are you looking for King Phoenix?"

Chen Yang said: "It's a very important thing, life and death!"

"So serious?" Lin Bing and Ye Ming were taken aback.

Ye Ming said, "What the **** is it?"

Chen Yang said, "You should also know about the Tianzhou Project, right?"

Lin Bing and Ye Ming nodded.

Chen Yang said: "Now the big brothers of Tianzhou have united, and they are preparing to destroy the Dakang nation, which represents the plan to resist Tianzhou. Now, Qiao Ning and I are working for Emperor Dakang. If Dakang After being destroyed, the **** emperor’s godhead will also be affected. The next step, they will deal with the **** emperor and the Chinese emperor. If the **** emperor and the Chinese emperor are also destroyed, then the Tianzhou plan will be implemented immediately. At that time, No one can stop their Tianzhou plan!"

Lin Bing said, "So you want to ask King Phoenix to help?"

Chen Yang said, "That's right."

Ye Ming said: "But no matter how powerful the King Huang is, she can't deal with the many masters!"

Chen Yang said, "So I still need to find the Bodhisattva of Earth Store King, and I also need to find the ancestor Yun Leier from the Golden Blood Race."

Lin Bing said: "These people are all divine dragons who see their heads and ends, and it is difficult to find them."

Chen Yang said, "But I have to try."

Ye Ming said, "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is still in Bodhisattva City. Our news has always been isolated from the outside world."

Chen Yang said: "I'm going to Bodhisattva City first. If I can contact Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, maybe I can find the blue and purple clothes through Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!"

Lin Bing said, "I'll go with you."

Ye Ming said, "I will go too."

Chen Yang refused, saying: "No, if you can't find the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in Bodhisattva City, we will go directly to the Golden Blood Race first. If you have news about blue and purple clothes, you must notify as soon as possible. She, let her go to West Kunlun and wait for us."

When Lin Bing saw Chen Yang saying this, he stopped insisting. "Then Junior Brother, how careful you are."

Chen Yang nodded.

After that, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning left the undead.

Chen Yang is familiar with Bodhisattva City. There was no hindrance to flying all the way.

Four hours later, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning arrived at Bodhisattva City smoothly.

Bodhisattva City was originally guarded by Song Yu, the eldest son of Emperor Song, but after the return of Ksitigarbha. The Song family's forces withdrew from the Bodhisattva City.

Fortunately, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is compassionate and compassionate, and he doesn't care too much about everything. Bodhisattva City was taken over by the old officials of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. It is not known whether the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is still in the Bodhisattva temple.

Before the shadow world, there was daytime and sunshine. Since the return of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, there has been no sunlight. This is the restriction of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, although the sun is good. But the shadow world is not needed. Because here is always called the yin noodle!

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning first visited Chi Jia, the captain of the new city of Bodhisattva City!

When Yu Chijia was in her 50s, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning came directly to the city lord's mansion. Yuchijia couldn't even think about it. Chen Yang and Qiao Ning then briefly explained their intentions, that is, to meet the Ksitigarbha.

Yuchijia said that he would go to the Bodhisattva Temple to report, and he did not guarantee that the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva would still be there.

But no matter what, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning had to try.

Yu Chijia didn't know what Qiao Ning and Chen Yang had. But now Qiao Ning and Chen Yang's cultivation is enough to be proud of this shady world. As long as they don't meet the blue and purple clothes and the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, they don't need to have any fear.

This is also the place where Yuchijia should be afraid of these two people. Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were polite, so Yuchijia couldn't refuse.

After that, Qiao Ning directly led Yuchijia to the Bodhisattva Temple.

Chen Yang drove the throne of the evil spirits to fly away.

The Bodhisattva Temple is not magnificent, but it reveals a kind of peace and tranquility from the inside out.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning entered inside, and in the lobby, the sculpture of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was majestic and oppressive. Yu Chijia said to Chen Yang and Qiao Ning: "The Bodhisattva has never been seen, but sometimes believers can get a response from the Bodhisattva with their sincerity. Therefore, whether the two can see the Bodhisattva depends on the good fortune of the two. And good luck."

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning nodded.

Afterwards, Chen Yang knelt down on the futon. He raised his voice and said: "Chen Yang, come here to pay respect to the Bodhisattva. If there are important things in the next, please come out to see the Bodhisattva!"

He said three times in a row and knocked his head three times.

Qiao Ning didn't kneel aside, she looked at Chen Yang and looked at the sculpture from time to time.

After the three beeps, the temple was extremely quiet, but there was no response. Seeing this, the young novice monk in the temple said, "Donor Chen, it seems that the Bodhisattva is not here today. Please come back!"

Chen Yang and Qiao stared at each other. At this time, Chen Yang's heart was very heavy. If none of them can be found, then it will be quite difficult for Dakang to deal with Chen Tianya's attack.

However, Chen Yang really couldn't think of a good way.

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, as well as those in blue and purple clothes, wandered into the void at every turn, without knowing how to call them back.

Chen Yang was obviously unwilling. He repeated the words just now, and repeated this several times, the sculpture still did not respond.

Then Yu Chijia said, "Mr. Chen, it seems that the Bodhisattva is really absent. After all, not everyone can see the Bodhisattva. I also hope that the donor will not be too stubborn and disturb the Bodhisattva's clean cultivation!"

Chen Yang said: "I will stay in this Bodhisattva temple for a few days. What I want to report to the Bodhisattva is not my own business. This matter is closely related to everyone. Please forgive me, the city lord!"

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