My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1085: Miracle turn, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Even Wei Wuji, who himself was seriously injured, was now imprinted by Maha Jingye. So Wei Wuji was also miserable. As for Lan Tingyu, his treatment is naturally the same as everyone else.

In the silence, unexpected things happened suddenly. That was Lan Tingyu, who was supposed to be seriously injured and restrained, suddenly got up, and he also sacrificed the Nine Flames. The Nine Flames Divine Fire instantly turned into the Nine Flames Divine Dragon, he rode the Nine Flames Divine Dragon, and lightning rushed into the sky!

Hua Tianying and others were completely unexpected.

But at this time, Maha Jingye made a shot. As soon as he moved, he volleyed out his hand to grab the Lan Ting Yu's Nine Flame Dragon.

The big handprints of Maha Jingye were so fast that they immediately enveloped Lan Tingyu and the nine-flame dragon. But at this time, Maha Jingye was eclipsed.

Because after he caught it, he found it was empty!

In the night sky, the trace of Lan Tingyu has been lost.

Hua Tianying and Ling Yunfeng were taken aback. Chen Yang and the others also reacted at this time. When they opened their eyes, everything in the court was calm.

Never see Lan Tingyu again.

Chen Yang, Qiao Ning, and Wei Wuji were puzzled, and they didn't understand why Lan Tingyu was able to escape suddenly. Of course, this kind of time naturally cannot accuse Lan Tingyu of escaping alone. He ran away, and Chen Yang was a group of talented people alive. But how does Lan Tingyu do this?

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning secretly said in their hearts: "Is he a special technique, or is he really a strange treasure?"

At this moment, Maha Jingye's face was also quite ugly.

"Senior, what is going on?" Hua Tianying asked. Both he and Ling Yunfeng were dumbfounded, and Hua Tianying was also a little annoyed. Because these people were controlled by Maha Shizuye. Why did something go wrong so quickly?

Maha Jingye’s eyes were complicated. He said: “This young man is quite weird, and the poor monk doesn’t understand how he can relieve the poor monk’s spiritual imprint. Moreover, when the poor monk caught him, he seemed to use it. A wonderful magic weapon. The poor monk can't tell what it is."

Chen Yang was shocked.

"Magic weapon? Lan Tingyu really has a secret magic weapon." Chen Yang thought to himself: "But what kind of magic weapon is he dare not use it?" He could not consciously think of the Tathagata robes.

At this time, Chen Yang had even more doubts in his heart. But he also knew that it should not be a Tathagata. After all, the emperor had said that the Tathagata was not on Lan Tingyu's body.

Right now, Chen Yang forcibly suppressed the doubts in his heart.

Hua Tianying took a deep breath and said, "We are almost recovering, seniors, juniors, let's go back to the clan as soon as possible, so as not to have another incident."

Maha Jingye nodded and said, "Okay!"

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were extremely bitter in their hearts. After being caught this time, after Chen Yang entered the Yuntian School, it was difficult to fly. Even if the emperor agreed to some conditions to save him, it would be a shame for Chen Yang.

But Lan Tingyu escaped safely, so the emperor would take a look at Lan Tingyu more.

What's more, Chen Yang is also a traitor to Yuntianzong. I am afraid that when the time comes, Yun Tianzong will not exchange Chen Yang as a condition, but will let the Tianxing Division come to the trial. As for the outcome of the trial, it was naturally extremely painful. Yun Tianzong had a big suffocation during the last confrontation with the emperor, and now he must be looking for it back.

"This Chen Yang's Jie Sumi is a bit weird. You can breathe freely inside." Hua Tianying said: "Senior, why don't you put them in Jie Sumi?" Maha Jingye nodded and said, "Okay. !"

Hua Tianying took Chen Yang's Jie Xumi, and then he was about to arrest Chen Yang.

"Roar!" But at this moment, the accident happened again. A loud roar suddenly came from a distance.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning couldn't help being overjoyed when they heard this voice.

Because that was... Xiaolong's voice.

Maha Jingye and others frowned slightly. Maha Jingye said: "These two young people are the kings of destiny, and there really are too many branches."

Hua Tianying and the others looked into the distance, and saw in the night sky, a group of blazing flames were flying towards here quickly.

"It seems to be a dragon?" Ling Yunfeng said.

Hua Tianying smiled disdainfully and said: "A dragon, what can it do. It's just here to die."

At this moment, a huge thunder and lightning dragon appeared in front of everyone.

This dragon is not another dragon, it is a little dragon.

The dragon's body is huge and unmatched, and its scales are burning with red flames.

"What a big dragon!" Hua Tianying and Ling Yunfeng paled slightly.

Maha Jingye put his hands together and said Amitabha. He then said to the little dragon in the air: "What do you want to do?"

Xiaolong's eyes were cold, and he glanced at Chen Yang and Qiao Ning. Chen Yang and Qiao Ning looked eagerly, but Xiaolong ignored them. Xiaolong said to Maha Jingye: "Leave everything behind and you can get out."

"What a wicked animal!" Hua Tianying said with a sneer: "The tone is not small!"

A chill flashed in Xiaolong's eyes, and it suddenly spit out lightning and lightning at Hua Tianying's mouth!

Suddenly, the lightning sacred fire, which was like a laser beam, shot out and shot towards Hua Tianying. Hua Tianying immediately felt the fierce thunder and lightning.

He quickly condensed the Frozen Soul Spirit and waved it out!

The ice palm flashed out, and the frost mist gathered to form a powerful ice palm print!


Almost without any struggle, the ice palm print was shattered by the Thunder and Lightning Fire.

Hua Tianying was suddenly shocked, he immediately turned around and put his hands out. In front of him, an iceberg suddenly formed.

The Thunder and Lightning Fire shot on the ice mountain and immediately melted it. The ice mountain melts at an extremely fast speed, and the thunder and lightning divine fire contains the evil spirit, the divine light of the cave, and the meaning of thunder and lightning.

This kind of power is unimaginable!

On Hua Tianying's forehead, there was a cold sweat, and his mana was being consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The ice mountain continued to melt, and Hua Tianying continued to gather new ice air with mana.

But the speed of ablation is too fast.

Hua Tianying is lonely and arrogant, and does not put the world's heroes in his eyes. But at this time, when I encountered a monster like Xiaolong, I knew that there were people outside the world, and there was a truth outside the sky. What's more terrifying is that Xiaolong's power is like endless.

Seeing that Hua Tianying was about to die in an unfavorable manner, Maha Jingye took the shot.

Maha Jingye caught it suddenly! The huge sand dust handprint quickly captured Xiaolong's body!

Xiaolong's body was originally as big as a hill, and the sand and dust handprints of Maha Jingye were even more surprisingly big.

The dust rolled, and quickly shot Xiaolong with lightning.

Xiaolong ignored the grasping of the sand and dust handprints, and instead spewed out thunder and lightning at Maha Jingye!


The sturdy thunder and lightning violently shot Maha Shizuha. Maha Jingye took another palm, and a dust storm quickly formed in the palm print!

The surrounding sand and dust gathered fiercely toward the palm prints, and the thunder and lightning quickly burned the dust!

After the big sand handprint caught the dragon, the fire in Xiaolong's body was blazing, and after a while, the big sand handprint exploded violently.

The dust flies!

Upon seeing this, Ling Yunfeng quickly grabbed Qiao Ning, Chen Yang and Wei Wuji, and quit after lightning. Otherwise, the dust was burned into a flame-colored state, and the speed of the dust would have to sieve Qiao Ning and others.

Hua Tianying faltered, his mana was quickly exhausted. At this time, a strong man can kill Hua Tianying.

Sweat ran down on Mahe Jingye's old face.

His face became paler and weaker. His mana was consumed very quickly, but the power of the dragon was getting stronger and stronger. The power of the dragon is like it will never be exhausted!


Maha Jingye finally couldn't hold it, and in an instant, he was shot and killed by the Thunder and Lightning Fire, and at the same time he was burned into a mass of ashes!

There is no bones left, not even scum left.

Xiaolong turned to look at Hua Tianying and Ling Yunfeng, it was about to kill Ling Yunfeng immediately.

"Don't Xiaolong!" Chen Yang stopped loudly.

Xiaolong was taken aback, then looked at Chen Yang.

"Don't kill him, he is my benefactor!" Chen Yang said.

Xiaolong snorted coldly, and then said to Ling Yunfeng: "Give them back everything and get out!"

Ling Yunfeng didn't dare to hesitate at this time, he knew that he was walking around the ghost gate again. At the moment, Ling Yunfeng returned all of Chen Yang and their belongings, and then turned around with Hua Tianying and left.

As for the prohibition of Chen Yang and Qiao Ning, the spiritual imprint disappeared with the death of Maha Jingye.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaolong condensed the flame on his body, and its figure became smaller.

At this time, the dragon scales of the dragon became that dragon steel. After it fell on the ground, it said to Chen Yang and the others: "Come on!"

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were overjoyed in their hearts. After all, Xiaolong turned his head.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning helped Wei Wuji onto Xiaolong's back. Later, the dragon flew into the sky.

Wei Wuji's injuries healed a lot, and without Maha Jingye's control, he recovered quickly. "This is the little dragon?" Wei Wuji said in surprise.

Chen Yang was quite proud and said: "Yes, Master Wei."

After hearing this, Xiaolong raised his head unconsciously.

Wei Wuji remembers that a few months ago, this little dragon was still a rookie. He could knead the little dragon at will, and he let the little dragon go without thinking. Unexpectedly, in just a few months, this little guy actually grew to such a point.

This is simply incredible.

Wei Wuji would never have imagined that for Xiaolong, these few months have experienced vicissitudes of life.

Chen Yang had a lot to say to Xiaolong, but because of Wei Wuji's presence, he was embarrassed to say it. Even Qiao Ning was here, and Chen Yang was embarrassed to say. After all, he wanted to be soft with Xiaolong.

Xiaolong's speed was very fast, carrying Chen Yang and his party, and flew towards Dakang territory.

At this moment, the wind is surging again.

There is also a master who covets the Emperor Sword, it is impossible for Chen Yang and his party to return to the territory of Dakang.

I saw a figure flickering in the sky, blocking the way. Right now, those who are blocking the way are all real masters, and they are here to be real oriole.

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