My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1040: Qianjun is afraid, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Huawen's cultivation base seems to be the pinnacle of the innate realm, and he is a well-known kendo master. This time, Li Wenzhao and others already knew that the lame masters were powerful, so they were very cautious in order to save the treasure map and the face of Shenglongmen. It's not that I am the Great Demon King, and I will sillyly send my men one by one to the knight to kill.

Li Wenzhao and the three masters came forward, just wanting to finish their work.

The internal strength of Chinese condensed into a line, and he was angry. The sword light of that Qingfengjian flashed, and it immediately pierced Chen Yang's eye. However, Chen Yang did not blink his eyes and was not disturbed at all.

At the same time, Hua Wen said hey, and the tip of his sword flicked, immediately like a pen and a snake.

The sword is erratic, but fast.

Ordinary masters who saw such a sword would definitely be flustered, wondering where the Chinese would stab. Moreover, Huawen poured internal force on the sword, and the sword sent a heat wave. The heat wave has actually formed a haze in the air, which makes people's vision even more blurred.

"Dragons and snakes dance!" In an instant, several swords light like dragons and snakes attacked Chen Yang.

But among these sword lights, only one is true. This is really Qingfeng Sword!

Chen Yang's eyes were harsh, he could accurately see the real sword in it, and his hand suddenly came out, like a ghost. Two fingers were placed on Qingfengjian's sword in an instant.

Huawen changed his skills faster, the sword body shook, and Chen Yang's fingers were immediately shaken away. Subsequently, the Chinese sword light flickered.

"Fei Liu went down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way fell for nine days!" In the heavy epee light, it really seemed that the Milky Way fell for nine days. At the same time, the Chinese sword burst out suddenly, biting Chen Yang's throat like a silver python.

This Chinese swordsmanship is really amazing!

Chen Yang's eyes flashed with appreciation, but he shot faster. He stretched out his hand to grab the point of the sword. Hua Wen couldn't help being surprised. This person grabbed the tip of his sword with his palm. Is he crazy?

Huawen naturally would not evade, he did not believe that the palm of this man was made of steel. Even if it is a body of steel, he has the confidence to penetrate it with a sword. The sharp sword was about to pierce Chen Yang's hand, and Chen Yang's wrist suddenly sank. Then, his sleeve smoothly rolled up the tip of the sword.

The power of Chen Yang's volume brought a spiral force, and Hua Wen was shocked immediately. Chen Yang shot faster, and then his fingers clamped Qingfengjian. Then with a click, the tip of the Qingfeng sword was broken.

Chen Yang casually ejected!

Hua Wen was immediately shot in the throat with the tip of the sword. The young man's eyes widened, then blood gurgled on his neck and died instantly.

This moment of fighting is almost to the extreme.

The changes in it are not obvious to outsiders who have poorer eyesight. As soon as the Chinese sword was drawn, Chen Yang broke the tip of his sword and then ejected the Chinese.

That monk had already shot at the same time.

A monk pointed at Chen Yang's ears with one trick and one point of Zen. Chen Yang's ears suddenly pressed against his face, just like Zhu Bajie's windy ears. At the same time, when he tilted his head and flicked his ears, he actually hit the finger of a monk.

A monk had failed in one move, but was about to change it. His strength just went away, and then Chen Yang's ears flicked. He only felt that Chen Yang's ears had a huge electric current, which actually made his fingers numb.

Chen Yang just killed Hua Wen at this time, and he quickly used his right hand to capture his hand.

A monk hurried back, but he was always a step slower. Chen Yang has captured his wrist.


Chen Yang split his muscles and bones like lightning, and when the monk kicked back, his left hand was considered useless.

A look of horror flashed in the eyes of a monk. It was the first time that he met such a powerful man in martial arts.

Li Wenzhao's two generals died and the other wounded in an instant. At this time, Li Wenzhao's face also changed. He was not in a hurry to shoot, but stepped back.

Li Wenzhao's eyes were fixed on Chen Yang, but he was talking to the old lady Lu Ying: "The old lady, today the King Garan comes from a weird background. I am afraid that you are needed to take action."

Lu Ying nodded.

Chen Yang squinted proudly. He took a step forward and said: "You are a thief if you are old and not die. Today, I am here to kill you, the old and immortal. Whoever has the ability, come and stop me." Go ahead.

"Li Wenzhao, you don't have to wait for me to kill this old man, and find trouble with my companion. I advise you not to do this, because then you will die miserably!" Chen Yang said suddenly.

Li Wenzhao couldn't help being taken aback. He did have this idea, but when Chen Yang said so, he really didn't dare to move rashly.

Although the monk had abandoned one of his hands, he still had this idea, but now Chen Yang warned that he didn't dare to move.

Chen Yang laughed suddenly, then his eyes changed.

At this moment, Chen Yang stretched his neck and stomped his feet on the ground. Suddenly, the ground of the entire king's account shook. At that moment, Chen Yang's body was raised by two centimeters, and the aura on his body was like an ancient tyrannosaurus.

Unmatched fighting spirit erupted from him.

After Chen Yang moved his body, he struck the head of Lu Ying like lightning.

"Presumptuous!" The two old ladies next to Lu Ying shot immediately. When they activated the hidden weapon, it was Rainstorm Lihua's superior hidden weapon in an instant. The poisonous needles stained with poison hit Chen Yang's face and chest.

The needle tip of that poison array exudes a blue barking light!

This kind of poisonous needle, seeing the blood seal the throat, is extremely spicy!

As long as being shot, three seconds can be killed.

Chen Yang's figure flashed and changed his shape!

The poisonous needles all fell through immediately, and the two old women immediately prepared to send the needles again, and Chen Yang had already bullied them forward.

Chen Yang's body style is already unpredictable to them.

Then, Chen Yang swept across the arm, sweeping the army.

His arm swept over, containing a mighty force, as fast as thunder.


The two old women were swept away, swept out, and fell to death on the spot.

In front of Chen Yang, these famous masters were really like chickens and dogs.

Looking at the opportunity, the ghost suddenly struck Chen Yang with a punch in the chest. Uncle Gui's fist is as powerful as the Yellow River is flooding.

This punch was the result of Uncle Gui's whole body strength condensed into one point, and when this punch came out, Uncle Gui's whole body strength was exhausted.

Uncle Gui's cultivation base is already Hun Yuan Jin, and the power of his punch is extremely fierce, with a power of six or seven thousand catties.

Hun Yuan Jin itself does not have such a powerful force, but Uncle Gui is burning his life!

Chen Yang shouted, good!

He also immediately blasted a punch to meet Uncle Gui.


Uncle Gui flew out and fell to death on the spot.

Uncle Gui's punch that gathered all his strength was actually beaten to death by Chen Yang's understatement.

At this time, Lu Ying showed real fear in her eyes, but she was indeed a person. At this moment, still calm.

Lu Ying hid a golden sword behind her, and she secretly grasped the golden sword in her hand. At this moment, Lu Ying's clothes all over her body swelled without wind, her body swelled, and she aimed a sword at Chen Yang's throat. The sword is like a viper and meteor, tricky and accurate!

One hit!

Chen Yang tilted his head and suddenly bit the sword. Then, Chen Yang twisted his head and grabbed the sword.

Chen Yang grabbed the sword in his hand and shot towards Lu Ying's throat. Lu Ying's pupils were dilated, and she couldn't avoid this sword after all.


The golden sword penetrated Lu Ying's throat, her eyes widened and she died on the spot!

Everything in fact only happened in an instant.

At this time, Li Wenzhao and a monk quickly fled. Qiao Ning naturally couldn't stop them.

And the patriarch Zhuo Harin's body was already frightened and he collapsed on the chair, his upper and lower lips were fighting, and his eyes were blank!

Mother was killed, it should be hatred and anger. But Chen Yang's toughness made him feel only fear.

Everything that followed was a matter of course. Zhuojier didn't kill the patriarch. He felt that Lu Ying was dead and he was revenge. At that moment, Zhuojier and Zhuoma burst into tears.

Then, the group took horses and some gold and silver jewelry by the way. After that, he hit the road.

Kill, leave!

The whole process went smoothly and did not lose much time.

When I left, the sun was shining and the scenery was just right.

"Why didn't you kill both Li Wenzhao and the monk?" Qiao Ning asked Chen Yang while the horse was running.

Chen Yang said: "Why do we have to kill? Anyway, there is no way to hide things. It is impossible for us to kill all the people of the Kohl tribe?"

Qiao Ning said: "Li Wenzhao and a monk have a clear understanding of your strength, and they will be more prepared when they come again."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "What are you afraid of!"

Qiao Ning couldn't help but smiled and said, "Well, you are now number one in martial arts. You are not afraid of any calculations."

Chen Yang laughed.

Qiao Ning then asked, "But, what the **** is King Garan?"

Chen Yang was startled slightly, and then said about King Garan's stalk.

"It seems that you quite like this name." Qiao Ning said.

Chen Yang said: "That is, you are also the King of Silver Sharks, you all have names, why should I make my own name too!"

"You, sometimes it's like a naive ghost." Qiao Ning said with a smile.

Drogier had no regrets along the way. On the way, he also gave Chen Yang the treasure map. Chen Yang is not uncommon for a treasure map, but he still held it in his hand and looked at it for a while.

Mainly a little curious.

Qiao Ning said to Chen Yang privately: "The Dragon King is a master who used to fight against the **** Xuankong. I am afraid that his cultivation is the best in the world. Maybe there is something good in his treasure."

Chen Yang said, "Then I can't ask for Grandpa Zhuo's treasure map! Wouldn't I be too despicable?"

Qiao Ning said: "Stupid, I want you to take a closer look at this treasure map and follow some of the main points. Maybe, will it be useful in the future?"

Chen Yang thought about it, so when he looked at the treasure map, he took extra care.

The sheepskin treasure map is all marked with some routes.

Chen Yang's memory is superb, he can remember it completely, but he always feels that something is missing. "Is it really so clichéd, there is a mezzanine inside? Is it to be burned or soaked in medicine?"

As Chen Yang who has read martial arts novels, he is familiar with these routines!

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