My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1018: Turn back, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Xing Dongfang first asked: "I ask you, what is the arrangement of Emperor Dakang this time, and what is there to follow?"

Wei Wuji said: "Emperor Dakang already knows the formation of your honor tomorrow. He plans to break through the Qianyuan Golden Light Array alone, and then contain you. He also ordered his subordinates to lead the other masters to kill Wendao. Tang Zhennan led the army to defeat the Dashun cavalry!"

Xing Dongfang was slightly surprised and said, "The Qianyuan Golden Light Array is top secret, how did he know it."

Wei Wuji said, "It seems that Emperor Dakang has already arranged eyeliner in Dashun. And it has been laid out more than ten years ago."

Xing Dongfang snorted coldly and said, "He is shrewd."

Wei Wuji said, "Sir, what will your subordinates do tomorrow?"

"That's not busy, let me ask you, does Emperor Dakang have any other successors? For example, is there any connection between him and the new four emperors of the Great Thousand World?" Xing Dongfang asked.

Wei Wuji said, "Honorable, this subordinate really doesn't know. Emperor Dakang has a magic book in his hands. It is not impossible for him to rely on the magic book to contact the four people. But these things are definitely not. Let us know."

Xing Dongfang said: "You are still sincere."

Wei Wuji said: "The lives of his subordinates are all given by the Supreme Master. How dare you deceive the Supreme?"

Xing Dongfang said: "Well, you will eat this pill." He suddenly popped a black pill. Wei Wuji reached out his hand to catch it, and he swallowed it without hesitation.

Xing Dongfang was very satisfied when he saw this. He smiled and said, "Do you know what this pill is?"

Wei Wuji said, "The subordinates don't know."

Xing Dongfang said: "I don't know if you dare to swallow it?"

Wei Wuji said: "The subordinates believe that as long as the subordinates are loyal and act for the superior, the superior will not embarrass the subordinates."

"Very good!" Xing Dongfang said: "Let me tell you the truth, this pill is my spiritual mark. My illusory soul has no power, so I can only bring this pill. After it's done, I Will take back my spiritual imprint. It's not that I don't believe you, but that this matter is of great importance. We must never allow any mistakes, do you understand?"

"Subordinates understand!" Wei Wuji said immediately.

In such a special environment, Xing Dongfang did not dare to control the soul. Once the Yuanshen came, he would be immediately noticed by Emperor Dakang. And the power of this illusory soul was too weak, so weak that it was no different from a magnetic field, so Emperor Dakang would not feel it.

Even in the imperial city, the emperor could hardly detect it. Unless the emperor was staring at Wei Wuji all day long, he could find out what was wrong.

But no matter how powerful the magic code and formations are, it is impossible for the emperor to stare at all the monitors!

A master of spiritual imprint control is a great way. Give the other party poison and the other party may resolve it. And I don't know if it was swallowed real or faked. But the spiritual imprint is different, which has a subtle connection with Xing Dongfang. This spiritual imprint must enter the core of the opponent's brain, so as to form the magical effect of a time bomb. Once the other party wants to dissolve this spiritual imprint, Xing Dongfang can detonate it.

There was an explosion in the brain, it was a death that Da Luo Jinxian could not escape!

After Xing Dongfang made sure that the spiritual imprint had completely controlled Wei Wuji, he was slightly relieved.

Later, Xing Dongfang said: "Tomorrow, after we trap the Emperor Dakang with the Qianyuan Golden Light Array, you will lead them to attack Wendao. After meeting with Wendao, they will kill all the masters with Wendao. Those little masters were not afraid, and after that, they killed Tang Zhennan for the first time. As long as these points were done, it was enough."

"Yes, your honor!" Wei Wuji said.

Subsequently, Xing Dong disappeared conveniently.

This is the weather in September. The southeast generation of Tianzhou is extremely hot. Tianyun City was also extremely hot here, and it was only seven o'clock in the morning when the sun was already shining, making people feel that it was hot from inside to outside.

The drums of war began to ring. The three armies have been assembled!

The emperor took the purple golden dragon and led the army to fight against the city. This was a day that attracted worldwide attention.

In such days, ordinary people should stay far away. Because of the fire at the gate of the city, the pond fish was hit!

But because of the appearance of the emperor, the people all felt that this was a cruel war. They didn't even think about it, what if it was lost?

The common people all went near the city wall and cheered for the friendly forces.

It's like a holiday.

Chen Yang and others followed the emperor on horseback. Wei Wuji's face was solemn, Xuan Zhenghao smiled at Wei Wuji, and said: "Wuji, today's victory or defeat, but it all depends on you, you have to behave for me."

Wei Wuji said: "The minister is determined to be the emperor's liver and brain, and he is dead!"

"Don't die!" the emperor said: "I want to celebrate the celebration with you, not drunk or returning, haha..."

The emperor’s laughter was so loud that it had even reached the Dashun army.

Hearing that, the group of people couldn't help frowning.

King Ashura couldn't help but snorted and said, "This strawbag emperor will not know it when he is about to die."

Hearing the truth, he said, "Mr. Xing, Wei Wuji must have no problem, right?"

Xing Dongfang said in a deep voice: "My spiritual imprint is still in his brain core. I want him to die, but it is an instant matter. He shouldn't be afraid of death, right?"

Master monk, there is no one who is not afraid of death.

Think about it, a person grows out of nothing and cultivates great supernatural powers through hardships and dangers. At this point, who is so willing to die!

And these big people still understand the true meaning of life and death, so they will not die.

King Asura said: "That's so troublesome, I said Dongfang, you just killed Wei Wuji first. Where are the other dolls who are the opponents who hear the Tao?"

Xing Dongfang said: "That can't work. The other party has Tang Zhennan, and the Silver Shark King, plus that Lan Tingyu is very weird. Even the masters like Graphic and Taoist have been missing by him. We can't take it. This is a risk!" He paused, and then said: "Wen Shuai, in any case, you should be careful. If you find something you can't do, stick to it first. We are trying to catch the emperor early in the Qianyuan Golden Light Array."

Wendao said: "It seems that Emperor Dakang already knows something about the Qianyuan Golden Light Array. Should we change the array?"

Xing Dongfang said: "It is not advisable to change the formation temporarily. The Qianyuan Golden Light Formation is a dead formation, and it is impossible to break it. Things are done as planned."

"Good!" Hearing that Xing Dongfang said so, he couldn't say much.

The two sides faced off again.

The sun was scorching, and the soldiers on both sides were all in armor, and the court was solemn.

This is the steel warrior and the indomitable Great Wall.

The emperor drove the purple-gold dragon's chariot forward, and immediately drove his horse to greet him when he heard the message.

"I'm here to fight the battle, I heard that Xiaoer, you can set up the battle." The emperor shouted.

He smiled and said, "Okay, Emperor Dakang, you really have the courage!"

Subsequently, he took out a gossip compass. The gossip compass was thrown on the ground.

In the open space, the gossip compass began to emit a dazzling golden light.

The golden light was extremely magical, like countless vines growing.

After a while, these golden lights became a golden hall.

The gate of the golden hall opened.

Hearing the Tao, he said, "Emperor Dakang, please. As long as you can break through the Qianyuan Golden Light Array, this commander will immediately retreat."

The emperor said: "I said earlier that this battle has already started. Do you think you can solve it by closing your troops? I will break your rotten formation first, and then come to clean up you."

After that, the emperor received the purple golden dragon's chariot, and after a flash of figure, he had stepped into the golden palace.

As soon as the emperor entered, the gate of the golden palace was closed.

Under the scorching sun, the golden palace was surrounded by enveloping air. Outsiders can't see what's going on inside.

At this moment, Wei Wuji's expression changed and he shouted: "Wen Dao, the emperor has gone to break the battle. You will die!"

After he finished speaking, he shouted at Chen Yang, Lan Tingyu and Qiao Ning, "Let's go!"

"Yeah!" Chen Yang, Lan Tingyu and Qiao Ning responded.

Hearing that there are masters around him, the emperor certainly knows. The emperor broke the formation to contain the master, so that there was no master around Wen Dao who could contend. This is giving Wei Wuji a chance.

At this time, Wen Dao can only accept the move.

At this level of battle, if he let the officers and soldiers below join together, it would be a massacre for the officers and soldiers.

Hearing Dao laughed immediately, and said, "Okay, Wei Wuji, let this handsome see what you guys have."

After hearing the Tao, he flew into the sky on the immeasurable soul.

Wei Wuji also displayed the Prajna soul, and Qiao Ning also let Xiaolong drill out. She, Chen Yang and Lan Tingyu all rode on Xiaolong, and they all flew towards the sky.

The battle between the two sides is about to start.

At this moment, Wei Wuji suddenly frantically urged the Prajna soul!

Prajna soul has the ability to condense time and space rules.

At this moment, the Prajna spirit turned into a golden mist. Where the mist was filled, Chen Yang, Lan Tingyu, Qiao Ning and Xiaolong were all motionless.

They were so condensed in the air.

"What kind of plane is this?" Chen Yang couldn't help but said with his eyes rolling.

At the same time, an indescribable panic spread in their hearts.

To be honest, Wei Wuji's Prajna spirit is indeed extremely powerful. But if you are guarded against him, stay away from him and change faster. The golden mist could not freeze them. But at this time, they all regarded Wei Wuji as an allied army, so they were frozen at this moment, it was really hard to guard against!

"Wen Shuai!" Wei Wuji laughed and said, "Do you think my Prajna Yuanshen is okay?"

At this moment, Wei Wuji was in the air, and he stepped on the golden mist, as if walking in a leisurely courtyard.

He didn't dare to care about it. He looked at Wei Wuji and said, "Brother Wuji is really amazing. These people are not waiting for you, but you are controlled by you in an instant. However, why don't you just kill them a hundred? ?"

Obviously, he didn't dare to trust Wei Wuji 100% after hearing the news.

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