My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1013: Drive out of the imperial city, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

"Confused!" Lan Tianji scolded.

After that, Lan Tianji said: "Hope, you are the official of my house. In the future, if there are any rebels who dare to do anything wrong, I want your head."

Hope was taken aback, and immediately said, "Yes, sir!" He also understood that Lan Tianji was really angry this time.

"And your loyal uncle, you have been with me for so long, don't you know what to do and what not to do?" Lan Tianji said coldly.

"The old slave knew it was wrong." Uncle Zhong said hurriedly.

"Go out!" Lan Tianji waved his hand and said at the same time: "This rebellious son will drive out of the Hou Mansion and drive out of the imperial city from today. When will he be successful, let him come back."

Lan Tianji was extremely sad and disappointed with these sons. He knew that confinement alone was not enough to deter them. So Lan Tianji was cruel.

"Father, father!" Lan Zhong couldn't help but lose his face when he heard the words, he knelt down and begged for mercy. Suddenly, there were tears and noses, so sad.

"Pull away!" Lan Tianji shouted.

"Father, Haier knew it was wrong, Haier knew it was wrong!" Lan Zhong cried.

But at this time, Uncle Zhong had directly picked up Lan Zhong and brought out of the study.

Hope also retreated.

Only Lan Tianji and Lan Tingyu were left in the study.

"My father, that child has also left." Lan Tingyu said deeply.

Lan Tianji looked at Lan Tingyu and said, "You still have such a deep prejudice against being a father?"

Lan Tingyu said: "The child dare not!"

Lan Tianji is also an arrogant person. How can he show weakness in front of Lan Tingyu? He waved his hand and said, "Let's go!"

Lan Tingyu said: "Yes, my father!"

He turned around and left the study.

Lan Tingyu sneered in her heart when she left the study. "Lan Tianji, Lan Tianji, when I was bullied in every possible way, you didn't listen to it. Now you see me in my early days, I want to save it, it will never be possible!"

Lan Tianji then went to Si Guotang.

In the thinking room, Lan Jianyi was sitting cross-legged.

As soon as Lan Tianji came in, Lan Jianyi's eyes flashed with joy, he stood up, and respectfully shouted, "My Father!"

Lan Tianji said coldly: "Kneel down!"

Lan Jian was startled, but he didn't dare to disobey his father, so he knelt down obediently.

"You promised Nie Meiniang to the third child, and then let the third one torment Nie Meiniang?" Lan Tianji asked.

Lan Jianyi finally understood what was going on, he said, "Yes, my father."

Lan Tianji said: "Your third brother has been expelled from the Hou Mansion for his father, and he is not allowed to enter the imperial city again."

"Ah?" Lan Jian was shocked. He said: "My father, why are you? Is it that Chen Yang is arrogant, Nie Meiniang eats inside and out, and the child teaches them, is it wrong?"

"Wrong, so wrong!" Lan Tianji said coldly.

Lan Jian was stunned.

Lan Tianji said: "You do this, besides disgusting Chen Yang, is there any other use? If you treat him as your enemy, your opponent. Then all you have to do is to eliminate his hostility and please him. . If there is no absolute certainty that he will die, then you should never make a move. This is what an adult man should do."

Lan Jian was shocked, and he immediately said, "Father, the child knows it is wrong."

Lan Tianji said, "I originally expected you to be my father, but what you did has disappointed my father. If the three years of thinking and introspection will not let you grow, then you will be the same as your third brother. , Leave the imperial city. Such a useless son, don't worry!"

Later, Lan Tianji turned around and walked away.

In Shaowei Mansion, Nie Meiniang ate five Ningxue Pills in one go. These Ningxue pills are naturally Qiao Ning's.

Although Nie Meiniang was seriously injured, she was also a master of the Sixth Heavenly Layer of Taixu, so with the help of Ningxue Dan, her injury recovered very well. At a speed visible to the naked eye, the scars on her body began to heal.

After all, Ningxue Pill is not a common product!

One night later, Nie Meiniang's injuries healed, and the whip marks on her body disappeared completely. Her skin is better than before, and her cultivation level has jumped to the Seventh Heaven of Taixu.

All this is the credit of that Ningxue Pill.

Nie Meiniang went to take a shower and then put on a black skirt. She became radiant and charming again.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning also stayed up all night, and they both guarded Nie Meiniang. At this time, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

The morning light shone in the courtyard of Shaowei Mansion. In the pavilion in the courtyard, Chen Yang asked Biyue to prepare breakfast.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning waited for Nie Meiniang to come.

"Miss Qiao, thank you for your Ningxue Dan." Chen Yang said sincerely.

Qiao Ning smiled faintly and said, "Do we still need to be polite?"

Chen Yang said, "We don't need to be polite, but Ningxue Dan is for Mei Niang."

Qiao Ning said: "She is your friend and also my friend. Besides, Mei Niang is a good person."

Chen Yang smiled.

Qiao Ning suddenly took a deep look at Chen Yang. She said, "If Lan Tianji didn't arrive in time yesterday, would you really have to kneel and drill your hips?"

Chen Yang was stunned. A bit of bitterness flashed in his eyes, and he said: "I can't really watch Mei Niang suffer such torture just for my own self-esteem, right?" He paused and said, "If it was before, I wouldn't Do this. I am a temperament who would rather die than surrender. Today you tortured Mei Niang, and I will always return it to you the other day. But after experiencing Luoning, I feel that nothing can compare to living. If Mei Niang is so When I die, how can I take revenge, what's the point?"

Qiao Ning said: "You have indeed changed a lot, but I don't know whether this change is good or bad. People say that cultivators are too immoral. But you and I are all sentient beings after all. Maybe we will come forever. Can't get out of the highest realm."

While the two were talking, Nie Meiniang came.

When she came, the fragrant wind blew her face.

The former Nie Meiniang was mature and charming, and also full of charm. But now Nie Meiniang seemed to have washed her lead.

"Meiniang, sit down!" Chen Yang and Qiao Ning stood up at the same time and greeted Nie Meiniang to take a seat.

Nie Meiniang sat down. She didn't say thank you to Chen Yang and Qiao Ning, but said, "What are you talking about?"

Qiao Ning smiled and said, "Nothing to talk about." She paused, and said, "Mei Niang, you will stay in Shaowei Mansion from now on. This time Lan Tianji has spoken, the gangsters of Hou Mansion Brother Gongzi must not dare to do it again."

Nie Meiniang felt yearning in her heart. She looked at Chen Yang and said, "Can you?"

Chen Yang said, "Of course, this Shaowei Mansion is our home, but it's not my home alone!"

Nie Meiniang smiled slightly.

Chen Yang said again: "But Mei Niang, do you still miss Lan Jianyi?"

Nie Meiniang said: "From the moment he gave me to Lan Zhongyi, the kindness between me and him has been completely cut off."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "Okay, that's great."

Qiao Ning thought of something, and said: "Now Dashun country is using troops against Dakang. Behind Dashun, there is Yun Tianzong who is helping us. Yun Tianzong is becoming more and more unable to tolerate us Dakang, and the court is also When hiring people. Chen Yang, we still have to recruit as many masters as possible to expand the Shaoweifu. If the emperor orders it, we will also have competent personnel to do it."

Chen Yang said, "Yes, but it is not easy to recruit decent masters!"

Qiao Ning said: "Take your time, I can also help you figure out a solution. We want Shaowei Mansion to truly gain a foothold in the imperial city."

Nie Meiniang said: "Unfortunately, my cultivation is low and I don't seem to be able to help."

Chen Yang said: "Who said, you can help us manage the house and take care of everything in the mansion."

Nie Meiniang smiled.

The three of them chatted happily. At the end, Qiao Ning said: "This time Mei Niang is saved, thanks to Lan Tingyu."

Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment.

Qiao Ning knew Chen Yang's thoughts, and she said: "Before you are uncertain, you have to let go of your prejudices? Don't you? You have to do whatever you want to do with the relationship between people. You can't let people say that our Shaowei Mansion doesn't understand etiquette."

Chen Yang said: "Well, I will choose a gift later, so I will take Mei Niang to Lan Tingyu's Zhenyuan Mansion to thank you."

Nie Meiniang was a little strange when she heard this, and said, "Prejudice? Chen Yang, what prejudice do you have with Lan Tingyu?"

Chen Yang said, "This is a long story, so let's talk to you again if you have a chance."

Nie Meiniang stopped questioning.

Chen Yang thought of something. He took out the black beads that Nie Meiniang had given him and said, "Meiniang, what exactly is this bead? We don't seem to know each other, and the people I showed to Tianchi Pavilion can't recognize them. "

Nie Meiniang said: "I don't know what this is. One time when I helped Lan Jianyi go to the frontier to handle a task, I saw an old man in a cave about to pass away. The old man didn't know what kind of work he was practicing. I got to the point where the oil ran out. He finally gave me the bead, saying that he wanted me to be his heir. Before I agreed, the old man was dead. So the bead stayed in my hand."

She paused, and continued: "The old man has no name and no surname, and there is no clue on him. I don't know who he is. At that time, after burying the old man, I left the frontier. Originally, I planned to leave this The beads were given to Lan Jianyi, but the ghosts and gods, I later stayed by myself. This time I saw you opening a mansion, I wanted to give you something. But I couldn’t think of anything to give, so I just gave the beads to about you."

Chen Yang observed the black beads and said, "It's really strange. It should have a lot of energy, but I can't feel anything."

Nie Meiniang said: "This bead has no chance with me, maybe you can play a miraculous effect then."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Anyway, I like this thing very much."

Nie Meiniang smiled sweetly.

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