My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1004: Thunder and Lightning, God of Light, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Ba Zhiwen couldn't help being taken aback. His sleeves were tempered with his own blood essence, and they were hard or soft, and flexible. Once the mana is instigated, it will be invincible. He didn't expect his sleeves to be burned in this way.

Chen Yang's Earth Sha sword was destroyed, and the scattered Earth Sha's essence quickly formed a large Earth Sha handprint!

The big handprint directly captured Ba Zhiwen!

Ba Zhiwen couldn't help being furious, and he immediately took back the Divine Light of Dongtian.

Ba Zhiwen swallowed a magic weapon and then cultivated it. Chen Yang quickly froze Ba Zhiwen with his big handprints, but Ba Zhiwen's powerful mana was shocked, and he directly scattered Chen Yang's big handprints.

Afterwards, the divine light of the cave slashed towards the head of the little dragon like a brilliant light. The dragon spewed out of thunder and lightning again.


The divine light of the cave sky smashed the thunder and lightning divine fire instantly.

"Dodge!" Chen Yang flashed with Xiaolong immediately before avoiding the divine light of Dongtian.

At this time, Qiao Ning lost Ba Zhiwen's attack. She played against Huang Prajna alone, relying on the unquenchable thunder talisman to gain the upper hand, suppressing Huang Prajna's rage again and again.

Qiao Ning's soul also turned around to deal with Ba Zhiwen.

So it became Chen Yang, Xiaolong, and Qiao Ning's Yuanshen trio to besiege Ba Zhiwen.

The divine light of the cave slashed through the sky with a single sword, and then divided into more than a hundred divine light to overwhelm the sky and slay it. The divine light of the cave contains a strong spiritual imprint. Once injured by this divine light, it is comparable to being killed by the Five Elements Sword.

Ba Zhiwen can have the status it is today because of his divine light that made him.

Chen Yang and Xiaolong immediately noticed the power of Dongtian's divine light. Dongtian Divine Light also attacked Qiao Ning's soul.

Chen Yang immediately said in the crisis: "Little Dragon, swallow it!"

At the same time, Chen Yang had already left Xiaolong's body as soon as he turned.

The dragon instantly turned into a huge torrent, and this torrent was an electric current.

This current completely blocked all the divine light of the cave. The Divine Light of Dongtian was completely cut into the electric current.

When Chen Yang turned around in the air, he rode behind Ba Zhiwen on the lotus throne formed by the earth evil. Qiao Ning's primordial spirit immediately displayed two lightning strikes to Ba Zhiwen.

Thunder and lightning rolled down, magnificent.

Ba Zhiwen's divine light of the cave was swallowed by the dragon, and he was taken aback. At this time, Qiao Ning's attack made him even more frightened.

Ba Zhiwen's continuous transfer of the tactics is to recall the Dongtian Divine Light. Originally, Ba Zhiwen felt that this little dragon's body was really dead, and he dared to swallow his divine light. As long as he has a certain mind, the divine light of the cave can burn the dragon.

But at this moment, Ba Zhiwen could not feel the divine light of the cave.

At this time, Ba Zhiwen was really panicked.

Facing the attack of Qiao Ning Yuanshen, Ba Zhiwen dodged.

However, Chen Yang was ready to go, and suddenly deceived him, and then smashed Xiang Ba Zhiwen's back with a single sword.

Chen Yang said silently this time, which can be called a lore. Ba Zhiwen suddenly stood up, and a piece of golden armor appeared on his body.

Chen Yang's earth evil sword stabbed on the golden armor. Chen Yang only felt the sword's strength. When he wanted to be lucky, Ba Zhiwen had already smashed it with a thunderbolt palm.

Powerful palm.

Chen Yang didn't dare to accept it, and immediately quit. But the palm print was chasing after him, and Chen Yang plummeted down. He couldn't fly because of the earth evil sword in his hand.

After all, the amount of the Essence of the Earth Shaman was not enough for him to fly and kill the enemy. Moreover, his mana is not so powerful!

Even if it is divided into two shares, that power is greatly reduced.

As soon as Chen Yang pointed it out, the essence of the earth evil immediately formed a vortex of ice in front of Chen Yang.

The strength of this vortex was so powerful that it quickly smashed the palm of Thunderbolt's palm to smash.

At this time, Chen Yang also officially landed.

The little dragon swallowed the divine light of Dongtian, and suddenly spit out a thunder and lightning fire at Ba Zhiwen again.

At this time, the Thunder and Lightning Shenhuo has changed again, a wonderful change. There was the spirit of the **** of light in the thunder and lightning.

Seeing this, Ba Zhiwen couldn't help being anxious and angry.

He didn't dare to accept Xiaolong's thunder and lightning, so he quickly moved away. "This Thunder Dragon can actually swallow my Divine Light of the Cave, I must catch it and go back to study." Ba Zhiwen sent a ruthless heart, he changed into a soul, and quickly flew behind Xiaolong.

The dragon's giant tail was thrown away, and Ba Zhiwen continuously punched the dragon's giant tail away.

At this time, Xiaolong's situation turned bad again. After all, it is not an opponent of such masters as Ba Zhiwen.

Chen Yang immediately flew up on the throne of Earth Shame, and attacked Ba Zhiwen with Qiao Ning's soul.

Ba Zhiwen is the trio of Chen Yang, but he can't get any advantage, and because he has lost the divine light of the cave, he is already losing ground at this time.

"No, I will die like this, no doubt!" Ba Zhiwen looked around the battlefield, seeing Huang Banruo also not working, he immediately flashed around, turned around to drive the soul and ran away.

Xiaolong's violent temper was about to chase him immediately.

Chen Yang is clever. He said: "Join to kill this guy." He was referring to Huang Boruo.

It is easy to kill the master of the eighth heaven, but it is too difficult to kill the master of the nine heavens. Chen Yang felt that protecting the grain and grass was the first priority, and he had to cooperate with Qiao Ning to defeat Huang Boruo.

Once Huang Boruo is defeated, then the graphic road is not to be afraid.

Xiaolong naturally listened to Chen Yang, this guy quickly counter-attacked Huang Praruo, and when it opened its mouth, it spewed out of lightning and magic fire.

After this period of training, Xiaolong's mana has risen greatly, and he is not tired even if he continuously breathes out thunder and lightning.

The Thunder God fire attacked Huang Praruo, who was working with his soul to attack Qiao Ning.

At this time, Huang Praruo's primordial spirit was attacked by Xiaolong. Huang Praruo's Teng Snake Yuanshen immediately realized that the sacred fire was the nemesis of the Yuanshen, and immediately dodged.

Chen Yang turned over and reached Qiao Ning's body. The Dapeng Golden Wing Yuanshen knew it, and immediately flew towards Huang Prajna, and waited for the distance to get closer before launching a lightning attack.

This thunder and lightning attack is a false move, Huang Praruo counter-kills with a palm, transporting mana to destroy the lightning of the Dapeng Golden Wing. But at this time, Chen Yang suddenly shot. He kicked his foot on the Dapeng Golden Wing Yuanshen, and then ferociously appeared behind Huang Banruo.

The earth evil sword pierced Huang Praruo's neck with lightning.

Huang Banruo only felt a cold in his neck, and he was overwhelmed with a sense of crisis. Huang Banruo was shocked, his neck shrank immediately and he avoided Chen Yang's fatal blow. Chen Yang changed his skills faster, he immediately flipped his wrist and used his mana, and the earth evil sword immediately turned into a handprint and grabbed Huang Praruo's head.

Huang Banruo is a master in the middle of the Nine Heavens. How easy is it for him to face this heavy siege. At this time, he roared and suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a spit of zombies.

This sword of lightning and thunder struck Chen Yang's face. Chen Yang reacted more quickly, his neck shrank and he could not avoid it.

Qiao Ning's eyes were cold, and he trapped Huang Prajna with a thunder array with inextinguishable thunder talisman.

That thunder formation had already formed at this time, and a huge torrent of thunder and lightning was crushed down.

Huang Banruo was shocked, he formed a sword formation with the Meteorite Sword to resist the thunder formation.

As for Huang Prajna's Teng Snake Yuanshen and Xiaolong are fighting together at this time, Xiaolong will Teng Snake Yuanshen tortured miserably, after all, how could Xiaolong be afraid of any Yuanshen. Its core is thunder and lightning, and its flesh and thunder and lightning are the nemesis of the soul.

Xiaolong attacked several times, and finally entangled Teng Snake Yuanshen.

In an instant, Xiaolong's entire body turned into a thunder and lightning oven, and its body was like a flame-colored furnace.

At that moment, the dragon looked like a blazing fire dragon.

Teng Snake Yuanshen was burned to ashes instantly!

The little dragon instantly got into the Talisman of Indestructible Thunder again, and it rushed out of the Talisman of Indestructible Thunder, and then it spewed out of Thunder God Slash.

This time it was continuous, not just a simple one.

Anyway, in the Talisman of Indestructible Thunder, the dragon is rich in resources and can continuously convert the thunder and lightning in the thunder pond into its use.

Huang Banruo's Meteorite Sword could barely support it, but as soon as Xiaolong's thunder and lightning came out, the air immediately became extremely hot. Moreover, the Meteorite Sword also turned red, and it was actually starting to melt.

This is a very scary thing. You must know that the Meteorite Sword is an absolute divine weapon, and there is a spirit inside. Even if it was thrown into the volcano's magma, it was safe and sound.

The immortal Meteorite Sword was actually being refined by the Thunder God Fire...

This is something that Huang Praruo finds extremely terrifying, and he also knows how powerful this thunder and lightning is.

And at this time, Chen Yang was not idle either, he took the Dapeng Golden Wing Yuanshen and quickly attacked.

What's even worse...As long as Qiao Ning's Indestructible Lightning Talisman has a thunder formation, she can still free her hands to deal with Huang Boruo.

Qiao Ning and Huang Banruo were flying up in the air by relying on their souls, but later, their souls came out to kill the enemy. They stepped on the airflow and changed continuously, barely maintaining their body skills in the air.

Casting like this can only keep it from falling. But it won't last long, and it's impossible to fly.

So at this time, Qiao Ning was also standing on top of the Dapeng Golden Wing Yuanshen.

Huang Praruo's soul was destroyed, and he couldn't fly even more.

Huang Praruo was killed by these heavy attacks, and he would be killed in Jiuquan. At this time, Huang Praruo had infinite fear in his eyes. At this moment, he suddenly turned into a **** light and disappeared in the middle of the thunder array.

Chen Yang and others could not help but stay.

"What's the matter?" Chen Yang puzzled.

Qiao Ning said: "This is probably an escape method for the demon nobles. It should be above the Nine Heavens, so that they can burn their lives and leave." After she finished speaking, she looked for Lan Tingyu and the picture.

However, Lan Tingyu and Graphic Road had been lost in the field.

"No, Lan Tingyu is in danger." Qiao Ning became anxious.

Chen Yang was also taken aback. The battle just now was fierce. At this time, Chen Yang thought that he really shouldn't.

Because of Lan Tingyu's cultivation base to fight against the graphic Dao of Nine Heavens Peak, it was indeed too difficult. Why should I be the first to help Lan Tingyu!

But there is no way, there is indeed something else between closeness. Just now, Chen Yang only remembered Qiao Ning...

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