My Fury Will Burn The Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 41: Princess Yun Fei

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The main reason for Jiang Yi's stubbornness to participate in the blood sacrifice of Tianjun's tomb is that he wanted to improve the level of the students. Su Ruoxueming said that if he was not an elite student, Master Liao's hospital would be gone. He eagerly hoped to cure Jiang Xiaonu as soon as possible, and to go away with Jiang Yunhai to find a hidden retreat for a hidden flower source. This time, he did not want to give up.

Now that Jiang Niuliu knows his identity, he will send someone to do it sooner or later. It may not be safe in the college. Rather than waiting for death in the college, it is better to go out and try your luck. In the event of blood training, he is an ordinary student. Back at the college, he was challenging five elite colleges, so he could be directly promoted to elite students, and Master Liao was almost back in time.

of course--

There is another very important reason for him to participate in the blood cultivation, and that is the true meaning of the killing!

He had been enlightened for more than two months, and the killing really didn't get the slightest clue. He wanted to try his luck in Tianjun's tomb. Perhaps only in the battle could the killing intention be unintentionally released, and he could have a chance to master it.

Jiang Nianliu pressed on his head like a sharp sword. He urgently needed to improve his strength, but he didn't have much time and could only risk it.

As for life and death, he had already set aside a long time. When he was a child, Jiang Yunhai taught him a word that he had always remembered.

If a warrior is not fearless, he will never be a strong one. Without a strong heart, how can the world tremble under your feet?


Three days passed by.

It's not dawn yet, all the students who participated in the blood training got up early and gathered towards the square outside the south gate.

Jiang Yi also woke up very early, but when he finished grooming, he unexpectedly saw Qian Wanguan standing outside the door. He smiled, went out and patted Qian Wanguan's shoulder and said, "Old money, don't give it away, go back to sleep . "

"Hey, boss, I'm not here to send you!"

Qian Wanguan's face flickered with a chubby flesh and laughed: "I was so anxious in the college. Teacher Su and I took a vacation and were going back to the family to accompany you to the Tianjun Tomb."

"Tianjun's tomb is in the southwest, are the kings in the northwest?"

Jiang Yi blinked and blinked, and soon came to his senses. Qian Wanguan was uneasy about him, and was ready to send him to Tianjun's Tomb. With him on the road, Jiang Counterflow also had to weigh ...

Looking at Qian Wanguan's round face, his small nose and eyes were insignificant, Jiang Yi was very touched, patted Qian Wanguan's shoulder, and walked outside.

Some things, Jiang Yi is unwilling to hang on his lips, and is used to keeping in mind!

Regardless of Qian Wanguan's sincerity, or still treating him as a grotesque commodity, at this moment he is willing to treat Qian Wanguan as a brother, a lifetime brother.

The two had just stepped out of the yard, and two figures came in the distance. As soon as Qian Wanguan's eyes brightened, he shouted all the way: "Brother Wushuang, Miss Liner."

Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Liner came quickly, the latter still carried a black veil, a pair of pearl-like eyes staring at Jiang Yi, shouted kindly: "Brother Jiang Yi."

Jiang Yi nodded with a smile, the fat man was disregarded by Zhan Liner, Zhan Wushuang smiled and smiled: "Jiang Yi go, you go with me on the road, Qian Wanguan, did you not participate in blood training? Go back, Jiang Yi It's safe to follow me. "

Qian Wanguan smiled and said, "Hey, I've already taken time off. By the way, I can play with you, but I can only wait for you to return outside the tomb of Tianjun."


Zhan Wushuang gave Qian Wanguan an unexpected glance, and suddenly stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder: "Good boy, yes, good enough, go!"

Zhan Wanshuang's shooting made Qian Wanguan's heart full of energy. He always wanted to make war with Wushuang, but no progress. Now he has begun to accept him. Several people walked along this way, and it was difficult for him to fight with his ability and not want to recognize him as a friend ...

Jiang Yichao glanced at each other, pouting his lips inexplicably moved, but said nothing and walked silently towards the south courtyard. Soon the four arrived at the South Court. As soon as he was discharged from the gate, Jiang Yi saw many eyes locked on him. He swept over and saw many acquaintances.

Jiang hated the water, Liuhe, Ji Tingyu, Jiang Qilin, Long Sun Feihu, Jiang countercurrent ...

Moreover, this group of people stood in a group, and there were dozens of people around, apparently centered on Jiang Niuliu and a black robe boy next to him.

Jiang Yi ignored Jiang Yanshui and Liuhe's complex eyes. Ji Yanyu's face swept away, and she sighed slightly. Although she was alone with a woman, her expression was indifferent, and she seemed to be distinct from Jiang Niuliu and others. But she was standing near the group of Jiang Nianliu, apparently releasing a signal ...

Jiang Yi quickly retracted his eyes, Yaoyao and Jiang Nianli looked at each other, and they saw the killing in the eyes of each other. It was like the two Lion Kings met in a narrow way, raising their manes to each other, releasing a fierce atmosphere. .

"Jiang Yi?"

The grandson also looked at Jiang Yi with a distant glance. The gloomy eyes were all cold, but his attention was quickly attracted by the three people walking out of the South Yard. A faint smile immediately appeared on his face, and his face looked like Mu Chunfeng. .

"Princess Yunfei!"

Someone in the crowd exclaimed, Jiang Yi's subconscious retraction and unparalleled money and maneuvering looking behind him, all three eyes brightened.

The three women walked slowly, all three wearing very hot clothes, especially the middle lady was wearing a red leather short skirt, showing a slender thigh, wearing boots under her feet, and a red tight-fitting upper body. Leather armor fully exposed the proud bust, and exposed a smooth lower abdomen. The whole person was full of wild beauty, extremely.

"This is a terrible kitten!"

Jiang Yi secretly sighed that this man's complexion turned into a healthy wheat color, and his beautiful eyes were wild and unruly, and seemed to be teasing every man present.

"Good girl!"

Zhan Wushuang also sighed ~ ~ Zhan Liner next to him sneered: "Zhan Wushuang, aren't you so bullish? Go and take down this princess Yun Fei, and I will be convinced of you."

"Yes, that's it!" Qian Wanguan followed and coaxed: "Princess Yun Fei is only seventeen years old this year, and she has reached the sixth level of Zifu Realm! He also possesses the sorcery of Tianxuan Kingdom. Only such a character is worthy of Brother Wushuang. what."

Zhan Wushuang smiled arrogantly: "When a man is a murderer, he can accomplish nothing, what can be done for the love scene of every day? Jiang Yi, you go, this girl is suitable for you."


Zhan Wushuang's voice seemed to be a little loud, so that the three princesses Yun Fei not far away heard it, and also shocked Changsun Wuji and others. Numerous people swept over here, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of Princess Yun Fei's mouth, mockingly looking at Zhan Wushuang quietly and said: "Zhan Wushuang? A descendant of the God of War? How is the strength so low? It seems that the God of War is not legendary. Is it so strong? "

Zhan Lin'er's eyes flashed angrily, and she was about to open her invincible but waved to stop her, with a smile: "Princess Yun, shall we fight? If I lose to you as a slave for a year, if you lose me, then What about you, how about kissing me brother Jiang? "

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